Reading 4 1st GP SY 2023 2024 Act Skill Sheet 3

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First Grading Period

SY 2023-2024 C.N.
Vocabulary Words 1.3 “The Will and the
English Elementary Department

Way”; Cause and Effect; Predicting

Outcomes and Possible Endings;
Drawing Conclusions; Making Inferences

Activity Skill Sheet #3

Name: ___________________________________ Four- ___ Date: __________

I. Vocabulary Words: Draw a straight line to match the vocabulary word to its meaning.

1. strife • • a loss
2. defeat • • a struggle
3. coward • • the determination to do something
4. prevail • • a person who becomes frightened easily
5. will • • to prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious

II. Box the cause and underline the effect.

6. Since I was up all-night studying for the coming exams, I was sleepy all day.

7. They finished the Mt. Everest trek because they had trained for three years climbing other mountains.

8. Driving a car releases a huge amount of carbon dioxide.

9. The community was given an early typhoon warning so many families evacuated early.

10. Since the refrigerator was empty, we had to go to the grocery and buy food for a week.

III. Choose the best outcome or ending. Write the letter of the best answer on the blank.

_______ 11. Margaret goes to the grocery store and buys some lettuce, a tomato, a cucumber, and
salad dressing. Margaret will do which of the following?
A. She will make a salad. C. She will eat fish for dinner.
B. She will bake a cake. D. She is going to build a cabinet.
_______ 12. Benjamin always had trouble getting up in the morning. His mother usually had to call
him at least twice. He'd already been late for school three times this week. Mom had
already called him once and now headed up to his room and knocked on the door. When
he didn't respond she walked in and found him fast asleep!
A. Benjamin will go to work. C. Benjamin will come to school early.
B. Benjamin will be late for school. D. Mother will go down and cook breakfast.
_______ 13. James was telling his friends a very funny story about his pet dog. What will happen next?
A. His friends will cry. C. His friends will laugh.
B. His friends will leave. D. His friends will get mad.
_______ 14. Michelle loves animals. She had 2 cats, a dog, a parakeet, and a goldfish. She'd
bringing home stray or wounded animals since she was 4 years old. She would nurse an
animal back to health and then find it a good home. Today she was walking home and
saw a puppy with a hurt paw. What will she do?
A. Michelle will leave the puppy on the sidewalk. C. Michelle will begin crying.
B. Michelle will take the puppy home. D. Michelle will call an ambulance.
_______ 15. Jonathan wanted to buy some candy at the store, but he forgot his money at home.
What will happen next?
A. Jonathan will go home and sleep. C. Jonathan will go back home to get some money.
B. Jonathan will buy ice cream instead. D. Jonathan will continue to walk towards the store.

IV. Making Inference: Choose the best answer from the choices below. Write the letter of your
answer on the blank.
Read the paragraph below to answer numbers 16-18.
The shelves were piled high with boxes of every size and shape. Each group of boxes had a
different pictures and different bright colors. There were so many people - men and women, mothers
with little children, as well as teenagers. Staff were putting more boxes on the shelves. Some of the
people were talking together as they chose the boxes and cans that they wanted. Mike was having a
hard time remembering which brand to buy. He wasn’t sure if it was Woof Woof Wafers, Bark Best,
or Canine Chews. He knew that Brownie wouldn’t be happy if he brought home the wrong
brand! He also knew that Brownie was probably getting very hungry!
_______ 16. Where was Mike? A. zoo B. park C. school D. supermarket
_______ 17. Who is Brownie?
A. Mike’s dog B. Mike’s friend C. Mike’s father D. Mike’s brother
_______ 18. What is Mike doing?
A. He is looking for Brownie. C. He is buying food for Brownie.
B. He is ordering food in a restaurant. D. He is trying to sell various goods to the people.
_______ 19. Andrew almost wished that he hadn't listened to the radio. He went to the closet and
grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny
morning. What did he hear on the radio?
A. According to the weather report, there is no chance of rain.
B. According to the weather report, it would be hot and sunny.
C. According to the weather report, there would be strong winds.
D. According to the weather report, there is a high chance of rain.
_______ 20. What creature is the following stanza talking about?
He's nothing much but fur
And two round eyes of blue,
He has a giant purr
And a midget mew.
A. chick B. lamb C. kitten D. puppy
There weren’t always oranges in _____21. From the paragraph you can tell that _____.
Europe. People from the Far East brought A. orange trees have blue flowers.
oranges to Europe during the Middle Ages. B. orange trees make fruit only in winter.
Later, sailors from Europe brought oranges C. the first oranges probably grew in the Far East.
to America. Now the United States grows a D. Oranges were easy to find during the Middle Ages
million tons of oranges each year.

Some people keep wild animals as _____22. Which is the best conclusion about the writer’s
pets. They enjoy raising squirrels, rabbits,
view about keeping the animals as pets?
and other animals in their homes. But is it
A. The writer wanted to keep animals as pets.
good for animals? If you have found an
animal that is sick or hurt, call the local Pet B. The writer wanted all the animals to be kept in zoos.
Society. The volunteers who work there are C. The writer wanted the animals to live in their natural
likely to urge you to return your new pet to its environment.
natural environment. D. The writer wanted to be a part of the local Humane

V. Complete the Mystery

For numbers 23-25, read the paragraphs below and decide what might happen next in the
story. Underline the words or phrases that give you clues about the ending.
Jillian’s bedroom was a terrible mess. Her pillows, usually on top of her neatly made bed, lay
on the carpet in a heap. Jillian had taken every coat out of her closet, turned the pockets inside out,
and tossed them into a pile. Her shoes, which she kept tucked under her bed in a neat row, were
strewn all around the floor. She had dumped the contents of her backpack out onto her bed and
turned all the pockets in the backpack inside out, too. The dresser drawers were open, clothes spilling
out of each one. Exasperated, Jillian plopped down on the rug and groaned.
Jillian’s mother appeared at her door. “What’s the matter,” she asked, “and why is it so messy
in here?”
“I can’t find my glasses anywhere,” Jillian complained. “I’ve looked everywhere I can possibly
think of, and still, no luck. I’m all out of ideas, Mom. Do you have any?”


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