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1) A lot of intensive research on viruses have led to development of vaccine for an increasing

number of virüs disease. Striking results have been achieved to prevent the polio by using
various vaccines. The first one of them was Salk vaccine. Mostly, more appropriate vaccines
are used such as sabin which is given by mouth. Several vaccines have been developed for
influenza which is caused by many different strains of virus. Measles and vhooping cough
vaccines are being very effective.
2) The thing that we think as sense of touch is actually several senses: pressure, temperature,
cold, and pain. All the other senses related to tactile occur from these four’s some kind of
combination. Mostly, tranmissions that come from these four senses are combined, however;
it is possible to separate them and detect the areas of the skin that most strongly reacts to
each sense. Generally, there is an area which the skin reacts to painthe most; this followed by
the areas that record the pressure. The areas that sensitive to cold and temperature are the
least numerous.
3) Magnet is a substance that attracts the other materials. A substance that attracted by magnet
can be turn into a magnet itself. To speak generally, there are three substances that attracted
by magnet; iron, cobalt and nickel. The substances attracted by magnet known as magnetic
substances, those that are not called non-magnetic substances. Iron, cobalt and nickel are
magnetic substances. They are attracted by magnet and they can be magnetized. Mixtures of
metals or alloys containing magnetic substances also have magnetic features. Some alloys
that do not contain any of the substances above substances are magnetic too. Some alloys
that contain manganese, aliminium and copper enter this cluster; even though they do not
contain any metal are magnetic itself.

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