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iHitlintr*, Jnai 9nU, ft*. Mitue ^uinuhlncL, Sin.
Our Oarcanet. Sanitary.
Tir-fT-TT I 1.1 H II1F W o u l d call your attention t o their iminwM* stock of 1 [ R9. J. DA VIES,
In to* *aa»* & w that w* over-rat* our
•elves, we shall underrate others; for in- BY LEOPOLD BUANDKIB, BBOOKXYM.
justice allow-j at home is not likely to be
corrected abroad.—AUeton.
There is a call upon mankind to honor
Disease and grim death stalk through
our fine dwelling-houses, disease and grim
No. 603 Broad Street,
Stylus now Ready.
House Furnishing Warerooms
Summer arrangement—From June 80.
Foot Barclay and Christopher Sta., N. T

and esteem those who set a moderate opin- death of our own making. With utter wWcb they are now selling at about half the asual l»te». OOUIO B U M ,
ion upoir their merits. neglect of the first principles of sanitary Felt Hats Cleaned and Altered. 404 BROAD STREET, NEWARK. l.vave MONTCLAIB A. M., 8 ML 7 90, 8 30,
-Great deeds cannot die:
science, we rear browu-stoue mansions and ELEGANT CHINCHILLAS, reduced to $7 00 *—,—.- (Near Morri* & Essex R. R. Depot,) 0 30; p. m , 10 60, 1 40, 8 ML 5 10, 6 55, 8 «
3 40.
entire blocks of costly houses. We boast
They with the sun and moon renew their of the architectural beauty of our streets STYLISH MELTONS marked down to . $10 00 TT7HO WOULDN'T LIKE TO BUT A The largest and best aasortcd Stock of Leavs illdgewood, a.m. 6 ML 7 35, 811
light 9 98, 10 63; p. u»., 1 48, 8 88, 5 18, 5 ML | ff
Forever, blessing those who look on them.
and squares; we surpass older nations in Superfine ESKIM O BEAVERS at the low price of - $12 00 Nil1- 1-KK8BNT FOB
Qooda in their line up town. 9 48.
the comforts, conveniences, and handy ar- Leave BLOOMVIBLP, a. m.. 6 S3, 7 97, 8 98,
The finest grades of imported FUR BEAVERS, at $20, to $25
The contented heart is like a tree in au- rangements for house-keeping. Our par- PABLOR SUITS in REPS. HAIR CLOTH 99 47. 90, 10 66; p. in., 1 47, S 87, 6 18, 8 01, 6 51,
tumn which secures its life when it has lost lors are furnished with elegant and costly
its leaves. carpets, with artistic furniture. Our walls
N o such stock of elegant garments can be found elsewhere, and our pii- ONE DOLLAR, Ac., WALNUT and ENAMELED Leave Wataesslng, a. in., 8 SB. 7 39, 8 »o,
9 29, 10 5% p. UJ.,1 t0, 8 40, 5 19, • 04, $54,
are decorated with beautiful frescoes and ce8 are fully 20 per ceut below the rates of small concern*. HAHNE A BLOCK, CHAMBER SETTS. 9 51.
At Wisdom's gate Suspicion sleeps, 041 A 843 (old No1* 184 & 185; Broad St.
And deems no ill where no ill seems.
fine paintings. Articles of virtu, flowers
and books add their charms to our happy
Miltt'k. homes. Large plate glass windows, vend
WATSON & CO. have added to their large stock ot EXTENSION and CENTRE TABLES,
Leave Roseville. a m. 8 48, 7 85, A 84, 984,
II 05; p. m., 1 55, 8 46, 5 36, 8 10, 7 00, • 68,
Lesre Newark, a. in., 0 60, 7 40, 8 40, 9 40-,
lators and high chimneys are there to pro- The One Price 'CLOTHIERS, 813 Broad Street, TOYS * FANCY GOODS LOUNGES, CHAIRS, CARPET8, It 10 ; p.m. 3 00, I SO S 80, 6 15, 7 08, 10 06,
Due at New York, a. m.. 7 )"6, 8 90, 9 30.
After Dinner. vide us with light and air. An ample sup- Directly opposite Mechanic Street. A OKR DOLLAR DSI'JUITKBNT. OIL CLOTHS, MAT8, DRUG- 18 30,11 60; Butt 9 40, 4 80,6 10, 8 00, 10 6$,
ply of good water furnishes us the facili- And on account of importing all their goods
ties for the cleanliness which is next to direct from Europe, they can afford to sell a GETS and RUGS. OOIMO W « B T .
A man went into a butcher's stall in Ful godliness. Ponderous looking stacks of BLUE FRONT. better article for the anue money than any New Leave New Tork, a. m. 7 50, 8 60, 10 60
ton market the other day, and finding tin- pipes through house and cellar appear York Dollar Store. They sell for Instance I p. m., 3 00. 8 40, 4 40, 5 90, 6 30, 8 SO.
Silver Plated Castors U>r$l. vaiued at....$3 00 French and Englith China, Silver Plated Leave Newark, a. m.. 6 50 7 S \ 8 80. 9 SO,
man's wife in attendance, in the absence of quite sufficient to carry off all waste water A Set of Silver Pl'td £i oous for $1, valued a 00 11 80 ;,9 40,4 9u 5 30, 6 05, 7 00, 9 10.
her husband, thought he would have a and refuse. A Set of Silver Hated Butter Coolers for $1. va- Ware (bett), Fine Table Cutlery, Ola*, Leave Roseville, a. in. 8 5r, 7 40, 8 88, 9 86,
The numerous wash stands,
joke at her expense, and said : " Mudatn, water closets, bath-tubs, sinks, etc., are all THE ORIGINAL ONE PRICE lued at * 50 Japanned, Tin, Wood and Willow 11 85, p. in., 8 45; 4 96, 5 95, 6 10, 7 08, 9 15.
can you supply me with a yard of pork I" connected with waste pipes of correspond Sliver Plated Tea Cans for $1, valued at - 4 00 Ware. Leave Wataesslng, a. m., 8 66, 7 48, 8 41,
"Yes sir," said she, and then turning to a ing diameter, and supplied with traps.
boy, she added, "James, give that gentle- And of these traps I propose to speak
CLOTHIERS, Silver Plated Milk Pitchers for $1. valued at 3 00
Silver Plated Spoon Holder* for $1 "x
Dressing Cases for St, valued at
3 50
- 8 50
9 43, U 41; u. m., 3 61, 4 31, 6 Si, 8 id, 7 IS,
9 81.1
Leave BLOOMFIBLD, a. m , 6 60, 7 49. 8 44,
— —
Gentlemen's Pocket Books for $1. valued, 13 60 Balance of CANTON MATTING, dosing 9 45, 11 44 ; p. m. 8 64, 4 84, 5 84, 6 IS, 7 16,
man three pig's feet." now, as they are a prolific source of danger 81© B R O A D S T R E E T . N E W A R K .
Ladies' Work Boxes for $1, valued • 8 00 out at very Low Pricea. 3 94.
It is reported that a young lady in Lan- in our present system of house drainage. Segaf StandB for$l valued, • - a 50 Leave Ridgewood, a. m.. 7 03, 7 53, S 47,
caster, Penn., has the letters Y. M. C. A. The respective technical names of these Hit; HI. Y IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC—In consequence of the present commercial Glove Boxes for $1 valued, • 8 00 Hair, Husk, Fiber and Straw 9 ML U 47; p. m., 8 67, 4 87, 5 87, 6 S3, 7 19,
engraved on one corner of her visiting traps, or the material of which they are crisis and the unsettled cooditlou of business, we have determined to conform to the wants Ladle"' Satchels for SI, valued, • 2 00 9 87.
cards, which she hjads to certain gentle manufactured, docs not affect their ac- of the people in the present emergency. In accordance with that demand a uniform roduc Silk Fans for 1, valued, - - - 4 80 MATTRASSE8. Arrive MOSTOLSIR, a. in., 7 05, 7 65, 8 60
men visitors. At first, they suppose that tual service and usefulness. In each and tlon has been made in every department of this popular establishment. Never in the history Writing Desks for $1, valued, • - 8 00 9 61,11 60 ; p. in., 8 00, 4 40. 6 40, 8 98, 7 SB
of the CloBbtus: Trade has there been such * tine opportunity presented. Checker Boards, with Checkers, Die* and 9 80.
she belongs to the Young Men's Christian every case the principle involved remains Attention Is called to the fact that all Goods have been marked down without regard to Boxes for $1, valued - - - 8 00 Feathers, Comforters, Window Shades and
Association, but it is not long before, they the same, as they are calculated to retain cost valuation or former prlees. Read our Price List: Parian Tases for $1, valued, - - 3 50 Fixtures.
rightly construe the letters to mean, "You a quantity of water in the lower part, act- Heavy Business Suits, complete, $10. Fine Plaid Caasimere Suits $15 and $.» English Bohemian Glass Vases tor $1, valued. - 8 00 T H E MONTCLAIH K A I L R O A D .
May Come Again." ing thereby as a cut-off for the poisonous Coatinirs-Double-breasted Coat and Vest (extrafinish),$i3. Blue Diagonal Double-broasteo Parian Figures for $ I, valued. - 4 00 All for Sale at the Lowest poasible prices. \ UOINO W R 8 T .
sewer gases. These traps are apt to be Coat and Vest, $13. Fine Black Divss Suits, $17 50. Heavy Business Pants, Lined, $!W. Meerschaum Pipes for $1, valued, - 4 50 Delivered free In Bloouineld and vicinity. Laava NEW YORK—9-49 a. m snd at 8-60,
-'Does your arm pain you?" asked a lady. choked, and to form a new source of danger All the best Styles of Cassimere Pants in the Market. $4, So and $7. Oxford Suk Mlxe«i Crying Dolls for $t. Valued, • - 3 00 OcU3m 4-40 aud 5 30 p m.—stopping st Montgomery
Pants, $3 Blue Chinchilla Pna-Jackets. woolen lined, $7. Alabaster Ointment* for **l, valued • 3 00 10-i5 a. in and at 4-85, 6 .'5 and 6-15 a. m At
of a gentleman who, at a party, had by accumulation of filth or by accidental OVERCOATS.—Chinchilla Overcoats, $8 to %\i. Brown, Olive, Blue and Drab Mel- Walking Canes for $1. valued, - - 9 00 Bloomtteld at 10-18 a in and 4-88, 6-38 and
thrown his arm across the back of her obstruction. Ashes and garbage, broken tons, $13. Black, Blue, Brown, Esquimaux, Beaver, $13 to $15. Fine Grades of Castor and Baskets for SI, valued, - - - 9 00 d:S|i. in At Montclalrat 10-88 a. in. and 4-50,
chair, so that it touched her shoulder.— glass and crockery,
"No, madam, it doesn't pain me; but why but too frequently found on examining a
rags, paper, etc., are Imported Fur Beavers, $18. $20 and f-5.
You will bear In mind we manufacture all our own Goods, and for 8tvs, Cut, Make ana
-„._.„ . _ _ i Ivory Cheasmen for $1, valued, -
Looking Glasaes for $1, valued, - -
3 50
3 50
$50,000! 5-30 and 6-30 p. m.
do you ask?" " O, I noticed that it was choked trap or drain. Finish equal to Custom-work—at on'--half the charges. Baby Chairs for $ I. valued, • 3 Q0
Thankful for the encouragement we are constantly receiving on all sides, we are deter- And a great many other Goods. At the same Leave MONTCLAIH—at 7-06, 7-461 nd 8^5 a.
out of place, air; that's all." The arm time many articles are sold there for 50c. and AT m. and at 8-35 p. m.—stopping at Bloomtteld at
was removed. The water, the supposed protector in the mined to spare no pains to make our store The Grand Centre of the Clothing Busi- 7-H, 7-53 and 9-03 a. m. and at 8-36 p. m. At
lower part of the trap against the baneful ness of Newark. ._ We. which cannot be purchased for less thaa a
$1 elsewhere. We have enlargee our *tore *nd Newark at 7-18, 7-59 and 8-09 a. m. and at 8-86 p.
To see how eagerly a human being will emanat ons from the drain, is frequently D U N H A M & CO., added four loft* more, so that now we have 7 9 7 B R O A D S T R E E T , in. Arriving at New York at 8, 8-40 and »-5e a.
catch at a straw it is not necessary to wit- syphoned out. The syphoning action WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALERS IN MEN'S BOYS & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. more room to show our goops to advantage. m. and at 4-35 p. m.
We invite a special examination of onr large and NEWARK, N. J.
ness a drowning. Just put one end of a usually takes place at nigh . (Established 1860.) complete stock of toys, from lc. to $35 apiece,
straw in a cobbler or a julep, and you will When we are soundly asleep, cradled in No. 815 BROAD STREET, (OPPOSITE! STATU BANK.) which we now keep all up-stairs. about Fifty Tbouaand Dollar* worth of Fine CALDWELL AND MOMXLAM STAGE LINfc
find enough who will eagerly grasp at the fancied security, the impalpable subtle Octl8Sm A thousand different kinds of toys. OOMMRCT1MO WITH MOARIS AMD R**RX M.
other end with their lips. enemy malaria, arises from the outlets For pretty girls and bouncing boy*. FUMiarusxA CHAIRS, MIRRORS, Summer Arrangement* from Aug. 4,
of the very utensils introduced for We call the attention of the puhlie to onr UOINO SAST
There is said to be a man in Columbu -, the preservation oftsur health, for the
Ohio, who is so fond of money that when prolongation of our lives, fanning us OVER COATS, $ 7 to $ 3 0 , Wholesale Department. A full lineotTors and
Fancy Goods. Faucy Baskets, and Willow ware, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, 4*± 8-20, 4-15 A.M. Leave CALDW«.L-6H5», 7-aO, 8-S9 P M., U - » ,

he pays a bill he always walks home wit b into deeper slumbers, like the wings of Bolwmlan Gla*a-ware In general. Also a com- VRKOKA-6-45, 7-40, 8-40 AM., 12-55, 9-40,
the man to whom he pays it, so as to be the vampire.
be near the money as long us possible
Our system, depressed
by fatigue and lassitude, is ill pre
JAS. MARSHALL & CO., plete assortment of Dolls, Doll-head* Birds, PIANO FORTES, CABINET ORCANS &C. 4-36 P. M.
Bird Cages, Ac. Fairs and Festivals supplied at
wholesale prices. Please give give a* * call and PIER sad MANTEL GLASS, CORNICES,
Arrive at MosTCLAIR—connecting with traiia,
for New Tork.
He doubtless, is first cousin to the man pared to resist the insidious attacks of
who always leaves his seat, whieh is hear the deadly malaria, and every respiration
T H E P E O P L E ' S CLOHIEES. judge for yourselves.
Leave MonUlalr—», 6-50, »-60 A. M., 8-06,
the pulpit, when the contribution box is fastens the poisonous fangs deeper into our Are now prepared to show the Largest stock of Ready-made Clothing ever offered at Retail I.
about to be passed round, and takes a seat blood. the 8tate Elegant Businets 8uit»—Coats cat double breasted. Prince Albert with Vest t.- C T A M P I N G On all onr stock now on hand, we will sell at 5-40 PM.
VRRORA-S-40, 9-30, 10-30 A. M , S-40- 5-SB
,. vaar LABOR RRDOCTIOMS from former prices
near the door, that he may have the use of match $10 to $30. Fine Cassimere Pants from $3 to $10- for CASH. >
6-80 P.M. «
his penny as long as possible. Leakage in cellars from back water arises, OUR BOY'S DEPARTMENT FOR BRAIDING A j i ) EMBROIDERY Arrive at CAXDWaiX-S-66, 10, 10-45 A.M.,
when the street sewer cannot carry off a Is separated from the Mens, occupying one entire floor, 30x100 feet, well-lighted and parent* will oct.2.V»-w. DOUGLAS, SONS A CO- 4, 5-40, 6-45 P.M.
A lecturer on optics, in explaining the sudden influx during heavy showers, or find every cor.venien< e while selecUng their Son's outfit. ALSO B H A I D I N O £ > N B TO O K O R R . N. B. Passengers west of Caldwell will take
mechanism of the organ of vision, remark- from the use of vitrified clay or cement BOY'S SUITS from S4 50 to $16 00 Misa m. J. OLSSEN, the 8 50 New York train, 9-30 at Newark, con-
ed, "Let any man gaze closely into his pipe in the cellar. Clay or cement pipes CHILDREN'S SUITS, 3 years and upwards,$2 50 to $14 00 a Suit. 518 Broad Street, Newark. Jf. J. (firoffrifs, &r. necting with Stage g for Pine Brook. Carriages
li by Applying to the driver
wife's eye, and he will see himself looking are in length of two feet; each piece is Having purchased largely daring the Panic for Cash, and manufacturing our own Goods, » - Miy34-Sm to let at CaldwellGEO. B HARRISON, Prop'r
so exceedingly small, that—" here the lec- provided with a hub into which the adjoin- are enabled to offer them at 20 per Ceut. below usual Retail rates. IJECKER'8
turer's voice was drowned by the shouts of ing length is fitted with cement. » y ALL GOODS[MARKED IM'PLATS'FIGUBKS, ONE PBJCE
laughter and applause which greeted his The material is thiek in body and quite O Y E I N C A CLEANSING
scientific remark. heavy, and if not well supported on the —«sv HARSHAIX, )
JAB. T . BALL. (
whole line will settle, break the joints, and
"-What do you live on here ?" askedT a new vent for the effluvia of the sewer is T H E LARGEST CI.OTHINU HOUSE IN T H E S T A T E . Dresses, Cloaks, ibawls. Curtains, Silks, Vel Or Wheatten Grits,
visitor to Florida, of a native, as he gazed ready. 809 and 811 I B R . O . A . D S T R E E T vets Laces, Coats. Pants, Vest-, Kid Qlovea, I'nequaled for producing and maintaining a
on the barrenness of the country. " Live opposite Newark Saving's Bank. NEWARK, N. J. Feathers, dec.-; A c , Dyed and Cleansed at the hrul'.bful active condition of the system. It
on," replied tlte native, " why, we live on The upright soil pipe is usually of iron. BARRETTS, PALMER <fc MEAL DYE WORKS. contains in a larger proportion than most other
To economize in space, recesses are formed Branch Office articles of food the Phosphates and Nitrogenous
fish and strangers." in the walls lor containing it. Hands and
A conscientious little boy, upon whom tools of the mechanic cannot reach to the
The Bryant, Stratton & Whitney 451 BROAD STREET, elements so necessary to the perfect development
of muscle, nerve aad brain; and la peculiarly
Near M A E. R. R. Depot Newark, N. 4. bent-octal to dyspeptics and persona of sedentary
his mother was inflicting personal chastise- sides of the pipe nearest to the wall, and
mesu, exclaimed ; " Give me two or throe as a natural consequence the cautking is B U S I N E S S COLLEGE, S. B.—Made np Garment* Dyed and Cleansed habits.
without ripping Feb. Si.—6m. FOR S A L E B T ALL GROCERS,
mote licks, mamma. I don't believe I can impertect, and escape of sewer gas takes 711 & 718 Broad 8treet, nearly opposite Centre Market and Military, Park,
behave well yet." place from a source entirely hidden from OR AT THR C U R E S
view. And our very measures to guard NEWARK. N. J., RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA,
" Is this carpet really Brussels?" asked an against the ravages of disease frequently Crorhcrt) O R O T O N M I L L S ,
unsophisticated lady of a clerk. " Yes, produce the opposite effect by false econo- Offers superior advantage* to young men and others for acquiring a -b= ju283m 803 Cherry S t , New To*k. I.JCAVUUi H E A D A C H E A.c.
madam," was the reply: "it is the genuine my, carelessness, and ignorance.
SOUND BUSINESS EDUCATION. DRAGAW A BATES, An tm#TTmI r-i-.i-• y, wtitofc «4wticetet tb« ran—
thing—made by old Brussels himself." No sanitary law cjm be too stringent, no
inspection too frequent and scrutinizing, Young men here get preparation for taking position* in
to turnish protection against the ravages of
., B•
Importer and Jobber in
Dealer* In
ot t n * - « tfifR'SM * ;r.:*m if>* «¥-<«m.
CurWutiy j r . • * v t from l h « >MlPtt>Mia «T 0%

Desultory. an enemy forever lurking in every corner, BANKS AND INSURANCE OFFICES, WHOLESALE, MERCANTILE AND
PtATEDWARE, CUTLERY. F i n e 3-rooeries HIND & M U R P H Y ,
escaping from every crack. MANUFACTURING HOUSES, Wholesale Druggists,
Lov«—At first it surprises one that love And the question of house drainage and 644 BROAD STREET. FINE TEAS AND COFFEES,
should be made the principle staple of a 11 of trapping is of snch vital importance and as BOOK KEEPERS in any branch of business. Crockery, Class and French China for the No. 81 Buvchn, St., N*w Tot*,
the best kinds of fiction;'and perhaps it \a that it should be intrusted only to men Whilst employment is scarce, young men should take tins opportunity to prepare themselves Spring tmde, at • • Morton's French Arcade, CANNED GOODS, TO* SAI.B B T
to be regretted that it is only one kind <>f well known for their experience and in- or better positions. Send for Circulars. 64* Broad Street, Newark, N. J.
This Is the only place in the state to bay PICKLES, JELLIES, «TC.,
love that is chiefly depicted in works of tegrity. —Sanitarian. Ncvl5-8m. W. C. WHITNEY, Principal the Cheapest and Best Goods, 25 per cent DBUOGISTS EVEBTWHE!^,
fiction. But that love ittelfie themott re- cheaper than »ny other house. We are con- 468 BROAD S T R E E T , ang16-ly
markable thing i s human life, there cannot be stantly securing New Goods from Europe by 8. E. Cor. Omng* St. Newark, N. 3.
the digMeet doubt. For tee what it will eoit.- Tax DBMAUD FOR HEALTHY WOMEN.
—Public opinion seems to be settling in aatA and SPkaeA. Vats (Caps OR) iurs. steamer.
# Per Set April 5—ly
qnerf It is not only that it prevails over sel-
fishness; but it hat the victory over wearinett, favor of strong and healthy girls. Pale Fine French China Tea 8ets 44 pieces 110.50
tiretomenett, and familiarity. When you art faces are not thought so interesting now-
with the perton loved, you have no tente of a days as they used to be. A sneer goes
Stone China Tea Sets 44 pieces
50 Dosen Crystal GobleU,
50 Doxen Crystal Tumblers,
00 » Dox.
being bored. This humble and trivial circum- round at the inefficiency of the feeble wo- field,
men who work for a living and ask for
If the Ladies. Misses and Children of Bloom-
Monte lair and viclnitv desire a comfortable Handsome Lamp* complete with Porcelain Flour. Feed A Groceries
stance is the great test, the only sure snd Shades ready for lighting, only ft.OO AUK), PURE RYE and

do not love, you are never supremely at of tynig themselves for life to the Bickly
and tasty shoe, they are invited to call and exam
abiding test, of \pre. With the person you good wages. Young men ridicule the idea Ine the stock of B. IRVIN, 779 Broad Street. C. F. 4 i f BURNETT, Glass Shades, 8tands of every sixe for W»x
Flowers, and ten thousand other goods »1- BARLEY COFFEE.
He keeps for sale the Shoes manufactured by Manufacturer* ef ways on hand. Hotels, Boarding Houses, 98 Barclay St.. near Hoboken Ferry,
your ease. You have some of the sensation girls who exhibit loads of expensive dry HAMILTON PRATT A CO., of New York Restaurants fitted out chraper than in New NEW YORK.
of walking upon stilt?. In conversation goods upon their persons along the side- and which are now all the rage in Newark, New LADIES FINE FURS York. Remember a single article at whole- Jomf H. BoacHBB. Crua. TV BORCRBK.
with them, however much you admire them walks, and they begin to praise openly rosy York, Philadelphia, Boston and the chief cities sale price. Call One Call AH, at B. MORTON'S march29—IT
cheeks and stout figures. Indeed, it seems in the United States and Canadas. French Arcade, 645 Broad St, Newest and Itn.
and are interested in them the horrid idea STOCK OF FURS LARGE AND COMPLETE. eat style*, wit'
will cross your mind of " What shall I say as though the pale and weak young ladies EIGHT DIFFERENT WIDTHS.
Seal Cloak* a Specialty.
Feb. 32-ly .
Jrish Oat M al all their attach
next?". Converse with them is not perfect who, if they were of no practical use in IRVIN has enlarged his Store to accommodate We manufacture every article on our own meat*, as oana!,
association. But with thote you love,the tatit- the world, were at least admired and his increasing trade, and invites a call. A specialty. Imported by
premises, and guarantee perfeet satisfaction as at the old ataaJ,
faetion in their pretence it not unlike that of praised as interesting on account of their £§ r 'Rernember the number—779 Broa<' to quality, fit snd price.
the heavenly bodiet to one another which in pallor and languor, were going to have a Street, Newark, Ornamental Hair Work of every description. P ROTECT VOURSELVES AGAINST
their tdent revolution!, loie none of their at- pretty hard time of it now. We had bet- march 1-ly, Hair Jewelry a specialty. Hair Dressing In Whitney's Improved Burglar Alarm, NEW YORK.
tractive power. The sun does not talk to ter not raise any more girls of that kind. the Latest style*. AVAKH SILVER MftAt Af WAVtsff IT.T- IA||. Near Merris A 1 *
the world; but it attracts it.—ArthurHelpt. We would not advocate any heathen prac T>OOTS AlfD 4HOES. 10 & 17 ACADEMY 8TREET, Sure protection, rings npun the opening of FOR SALE BY *ex Depot.
tice of putting feeble infants to death, but anyd »>r or window In the house. Coats 25 per
NEWARK. cent. te*s than any other alarm. Requires no at- PHILIP 1. OREMUS, ROBT PEELS,
we would strongly urge that more care be THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST. tention. Telegraph lines constructed. Signal-
exercised to prevent our making feeble ing appan.'ua, etc, M. B.MAXWELL, Stat*
THR Sr/rFBKiNGS or MRMPRTS.—The list
of the sufferings of Memphis during the women of healthy infants. This subji-ct ^xpaisitioo MvlvtrttlU. N.m. WHITNET,
_ olograph Engineer.
W. L. D0REMU8 d bRO.,
just closed year is very saddening. First, demands the immediate attention of pa- Cor. Broad A Market-st., under 1st National MONTCLAIR
commerce by river was impossible on ac- rents. Something must be done to save
' PARIS, i86>.
A . MERRITT, Bank Office hoars, 9 to 10 A. st S. WILDE, BLOOMFIELD.
count of ice for two months. Next, a • our daughters from unhappy lives, and N. ulUm ». B.~~Greet Bargain* la Seeo>d-rIa*a
soon a* the river was navigable the epi- from becoming acknowleged burdens to
zootic prevailed to such an extent that society. HATTER ANO FURRIER,
ealaea, from $5 upwards. •Jr
there were no horses to haul freight to the
steamers—a fact whieh absolutely para-

lyzed trade and industry- The third < a Agricultural. UNION STEAM awo
lamity was the smallpox which so fright-
ened people in other cities that Memphis
was left in want not only of necessary aid
TREIS.—The following is a Michigan law N."
The best
and Simplest Steam neater In use. T'HB O S T T

FOR AI.I, CuasR* ov Brir.ntwos

Mid attention bnt of food. Fourth camo relative to planting trees in the highway: CARRIAGES A N D WAGONS
Granite Works in Newark
toe " indigenous" cholera, whose ravage-i Any person or persons o vning or occu- SILVER MEDAL AWARDED. CHURCH k WIUJAM.'
built to order. Also ANGRLLA ATWATER,
among an already disheartened population pying land adjoining any highway, not 706 Broadway N r. City.
were as severe as those of the small pox. less than three rods wide, may plant or set E. 6 . B U R T S F I N E S H O E S , NEWARK
The cholera had not fairly run its course out trees or shrubs on each side of said roB CARRIAGE PAINTING.
when the yellow fever made its appearance highway contiguous to his land which LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, We can refer with confidence to teveral gen- GRANT7E WORJkM,
aa the fifth scourge within ten month.-. trees or shrubs shall be set in regular rows tlemen In Blnomfleld and Montclalr, whose
are well known to be TRnnans AWD GaKKRAi, BLAcKanrrHma. house* are fnrnla ied with onr apparatus,
Then, as the sixth cause of suffering, MUM at a distance not less than six feet from THE BEST 11 \^ 41S BROAD STBBBT,
the financial panic These calamities cer- each other, and within eight feet of the PERFECT SATISFACTION SECURED.
tainly entitle Memphis to the largest margin of the highway, provided that in t3kf ALL w»RR*WTKTi J B J
measure of aid and sympathy, for nothing incorporated village* or cities the>Common A fall line of those Goods sold In NRWAKK, by Repairing of all kinds attended to with neat- Mr. Ww. P. LTOR, editor of the OAIT.RTTR, win
i^argc Stock of Stylish Hat*, snd Cap* con- ness and dispatch. permit the one In his homestead to be Inspected.
except a Lisbon earthquake or a Chicago Council of such cities or villages may fix C OARBABRANT, - stantly on hand. House Haatlng Is our specialty. Dealer* IB
fire cdtild cause greater suffering t h m or determine the distance that such trees The Popular Shoe Dealer, 885 BROAD t FURS a specialty. ALL the leading style* Bloomfleld avenne, BLOOMF1ELD, N. i. ANGBLL A JTWATER, | American and Seotefi
that known to the people of Memphis shall be set from the margin of the high- of Furs for
febaa. ly. NawARK. febWlv. 706 Broadway. N. T. Granite.
daring this year. ways therein. LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN, Feb. 23-ly | Monnmental, Bnlldli t
And any such person owning or occupy-
ing land contiguous to any highway, and
Lnr* P R e n i n * * — E v e r y full-grown who is assessed to any highway or poll-
G° CAVFLET * S T R Y K E R ' g , •
in large variety,
rtms RsFAnrav AMO MAO* TO ORBRS,
BfjnqitfU ano fldnrri. and Cemetery Work
ef every deserlp-
adnlt person throws out by respiration tax, may cause to be paid of such a tax a
about four-and-a-half gallons of deleterious sum not exceeding twenty flye per cent, Store,
Next door to A. Grant, Jr.. A Co's Dry Good
BA W 8KWS, bought and sold at
WATCHES, & c . J.' H A R V E Y A CO., Plans fnmUhad on applleatlon. Jsa3l1w
and examlns their large stock of Boots Cor. Broad and Orange 8t*.,
gas and watery vapor per hour ; and ih<- for any year, by planting trees or shrubs in and Shoes, suited to the Spring trade, from the
children of school age average each OK- the margin of the highway, which sum, finest to the cheapest. AH styles snd qoaJlUe* March 20. ly, Newark, W. NEWARK FLORAL 3 E P 0 T , J_J A O E L L ' S
about three gallons per hour. Suspended when so paid, shall be credited upon his c£eap as the cheapest. 530 BROAD ST., NEWARK, N. J .
Opposite centre of Waahinfton Park.
in this deleterious respired air and vapor, highway or poll tax for that year.
there is in every 1,000 gallons, 8 gallons of
dead, ieeempotina anvmal matter I In hos- And any overseer of the highway may April 19.—8m
cause a portion not exceeding ten per cent,
8io» or TKR Bio BOOT.
485 BROAD STREET (Masonic Hall Building),
Bounneta and Cnt flowers, Floral Designs
and Decoration* for Parties and Wed
logs. Emblematic Form* for
B A Z A A R.
pitals and bedrooms, other evaporations
add to the mass. And in ferryboat cabins of the highway tax, in his road distriet to
/ C
Awwrde* the First
all com-
ead city railroad ears, aa ordinarily con- be expended in setting out trees or shrubs petitors, at tli* New York State Fair, 1878 This Is now ready with a I*rge assortment of the Is
NRWAR*, N. J. Funeral purposes, filled snd
nlahi to order.
furnished 6?7 Bro*4 [St., VBWARK, N\ J,
daeted, saliva and tobacco smoke add in a space not exceeding eight feet in test FALL style*
work Is saperior to Burt's, and sold at much CAPSof the best quality st price* that esnnot In Stiff snd Soft HATS snd
Ornamental PHnU. as as wwll
wwfl ias those adapted
fifty per cent. Now, If one person throws width from the margin of the highway. less prices A fall line of these celebrated ironds for the Ornamentation of Dwelling* will be
0«t four and a-half gallons of poisonous sold In Newark, by (J. A Pinkerton, So|C Agent fall to.plesse. Tbc BroadwsySilk Hat a spe- found at the Conterratory attached to
In the city. He also keeps on hand s good as- cialty Constantly on hand and made to order
air every hour, how long will it take 1000 A green errand bov being told one morn- sortment of Ladies' Gents and Misses' wear, of Pyone who understand* hi* bnshje**. Also, the Store.
persona to All a church full f 00 children ing that his employer's store was burned his o w n T>ICHA*D LEWTY. Lawn and Street Trees, Evergreen Declduon*, RICH' HOLIDAY PRESENTS,
to. til a school-room full? 4u persons a car down, exclaimed with much surprise, " I Custom work and Repairing promptly attend- In stock UMBRELLAS AND GLOVES. Fruits, Vines, Seeds and Bulb*.
,% Thirty years a practical watch and clock maker, Orders for Faneral Decorations forwarded
fall, or M0 p i n a ferryboat cabin full, don't see how that can be; I have the kev £ f l rJ? *>. h
.~, i** ( ? »*—••—r ——M- *k- - - 1 _ » - - -
»"*'«• •P«'<»>ty. N B. Silk Hats remodelled. A large assort- etecnta* repairs with neatness and dispatch. by Telqrmph Will be promptly attended to. A r.«o A
plus the tobeeco—soke and saliva f aafe in my pocket." Central Family Shoe store, 57V Biosd Stn ment of Ladle* and Children'* Far* in Established eighteen year* In Bloomfleld Rail-
.ovis-am. UEORGE A. PINKERTON, *Ug8S-6m Greenhouse*. No 3 Waverly PUMM, Ellsa
road Avtsrae. F*bS9-iy both, N, t.


Untitled Document

Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York

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