Business Analytics

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Business analytics relies on a variety of tools and practices to help companies extract meaningful insights

from their data. These include:

1. Predictive modeling: This technique is particularly valuable when companies are venturing into new
territories or launching products without much historical data. Predictive modeling and analytics can
preempt potential issues, such as predicting when a vehicle or tool might require maintenance, or
anticipating how changing demographics might affect product lines.

2. Data mining: This essential aspect of business analytics involves automated tools sifting through raw
data to uncover patterns and generate crucial insights. Given the increasing significance of big data,
efficient data mining (also known as knowledge discovery in data) is vital for modern businesses.
Companies may encounter challenges in scaling their data mining efforts as they seek to glean more

3. Data science: This discipline encompasses the study of how data leads to business insights, drawing
from fields like mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Given the proliferation of data sources
and the imperative to analyze them, data science has emerged as one of the most pivotal roles in the
corporate landscape. Organizations are relying on it to generate actionable insights that directly
influence business outcomes.

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