sf5k8nslv - GEC 5 - Understanding Self Module 5

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GEC 5 – Understanding Self



DESCRIPTION : Understanding Self


TITLE: Unfolding the Emotional Self

This module focuses on them emotional dimension of the self. It broadly tackles the different
aspects of human emotions and reactions that are embedded in an individual’s different
emotional experiences. It also covers discussions on emotional intelligence and emotional

At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

• Describe and explain the emotional side of the self through the lens of emotional
intelligence models;
• Identify and explain the factors that influence one’s emotionality;
• Apply emotional intelligence to their daily lives;
• Describe and explain their emotional development as adolescents;
• Expound on the specific mechanisms of emotional expression and regulation; and
• Identify appropriate situations in which emotional regulation should be practiced.

Human Emotions and Emotional Intelligence
Human Emotions
An important aspect of
understanding the self is
acknowledging the presence of
emotions. Emotions serve as a
driving force in how one acts and
behaves. It plays a part in making
decisions, embracing certain
lifestyles, and relating to others.

Emotions are the lower level

responses occurring in the brain,
which create biochemical reactions in the body, and
consequently cause changes in one’s physical state (Hampton, 2015).
While emotion is a biological experience and response, feelings have been defined as the
mental portrayal of what is going on in your body when you have an emotion and is the by-
product of your brain perceiving and assigning meaning to the emotion (Hampton, 2015). In
other words, feelings are subjective experiences that frame the interpretation of emotion.
Emotions are physiological, feelings are subjective since they are based on personal beliefs
and experiences.
In managing emotions, one is actually managing his/her feelings because he or she is the one
“assigning” what emotion means to him/her. Despite this distinction, researchers have used
GEC 5 – Understanding Self

the term emotional intelligence to denote the interpretation and management of

emotional experiences.

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence or EI is the ability to understand and manage your own emotions, and
those of the people around you. People with a high degree of emotional intelligence know
what they're feeling, what their emotions mean, and how these emotions can affect other
Emotional intelligence has been defined by a number of theories.
For Bar-on (1997), it is “an array of non-cognitive (thinking, reasoning or remembering)
abilities, competencies, and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed in coping with
environmental demands and pressures.”
According to Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso (2004), “it is one’s ability to understand emotion
and for them to contribute in how one perceives the environment he or she is in.”
For Goleman (1998), it is the” capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those others, for
motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions effectively in ourselves and others.”

What do these definitions imply about emotions?

First, emotions exist alongside (together with) cognition. The brain produces the
physiological component of emotions and the mind interprets it. Cognition is used to be
aware of one’s feelings and of others too. Thus, the two are not and should not be studied
separately because one cannot exist without the other.

Difference between brain and mind:

The brain is an important organ in the human body whereas the mind is not like that. The
brain, which is the centre of the nervous system, coordinates the movements, thoughts and
feelings. The mind refers to a person's understanding of things and also his conscience. Mind
also refers to a person's thought process. (2)

Second, emotions can be managed and regulated and they can be identified so that they are
used within the right context. Managing emotions is an ability and an ability is something
that is learned.
Lastly, emotional intelligence is a requirement for one’s overall well-being and hence, can
translate to effective functioning in all aspects of one’s life.
Emotional intelligence with its specific components has been outlined by 3 models to explain
its importance.
The first model (Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, 2004) has outlined 4 branches:
1. Emotional Perception and Expression
2. Emotional Facilitation as aids to make sound judgment
3. Emotional Understanding and Analysis
4. Reflective Emotional Regulation

Goleman (2005) came up with his own clusters of emotional intelligence, namely:
1. Self-awareness
2. Self-management
3. Social awareness
4. Relationship management

Bar-On’s model (1997) is made up of 5 composites:

GEC 5 – Understanding Self

1. Self-perception
2. Self-expression
3. Interpersonal
4. Decision-making
5. Stress management

These 3 models seem to underlie 2 general aspects of emotional intelligence: Intrapersonal

and Interpersonal.
Emotional intelligence helps you build stronger relationships, succeed at school and work,
and achieve your career and personal goals. It can also help you to connect with your
feelings, turn intention into action, and make informed decisions about what matters most to
Research has supported the positive impact of emotional intelligence in a variety of settings.
It has been seen to have positive effects on thinking abilities during anxiety-provoking testing
conditions and enable students to obtain good scores.
In the workplace, emotional intelligence, EQ, is said to be more important than IQ.
Employees with high EQ achieve corporate success and exhibit flexibility skills in dealing with
superiors, colleagues, and subordinates.
The results of various research have highlighted the importance of emotional intelligence for
all individuals. The application of emotional intelligence can be seen in different aspects of
daily life. Emotional intelligence research has also produced a number of self-reports and
assessment tools to measure EQ levels in specific individuals.

Emotional Regulation
Managing and Regulating Emotions in Adolescence
Adolescence is considered a turbulent (stormy) time of development due to the biological,
psychological, and social changes that adolescents experience and encounter. It is important
that at this stage, adolescents begin to curb their impulsivity (the tendency to act without
thinking), develop emotional efficacy (effectiveness), and ultimately, acquire emotional
maturity. This will enable them to make viable future plans and long-term goals.

In order to establish emotional efficacy and emotional maturity, emotional regulation must be
Emotional regulation is defined as an attempt to influence emotion. This can be applied in
interacting with the self and with others.

According to Gross (1987), emotional regulation may take two forms:

1. Cognitive reappraisal. It involves the evaluation of the situation prior to making
personal, subjective valuations about it. This approach can be helpful because it allows
for the logical evaluation of the situation instead of letting emotions rule over rationality.
2. Suppression (prevent). It involves denial and masking of facial expressions to hide one’s
current emotional state. In certain situations where expressing feelings will not always
have positive outcomes, suppression may be the practical option.

Another approach in explaining emotional regulation is through the use of cognitive/covert

strategies and behavioral/overt strategies.
Cognitive/covert (secret) strategies include experiential avoidance (avoidance of thoughts
and feelings judged to be painful), rumination (repeated contemplation (inspect or observe)),
acceptance, and distraction.
The advantage of using these strategies is that they provide the ability to alter negative
impacts of unpleasant emotions.
GEC 5 – Understanding Self

Behavioral/overt (obvious) strategies entail engagement in observable activities, such as

behavioral avoidance (choice of not doing behaviors resulting in negative emotions),
substance abuse, exercise, eating, and getting involved in social activities.
An advantage of behavioral regulation is that its observable nature allows them to be
monitored directly.
Meta-analytic research has outlined ten (10) common strategies employed in emotional
regulation, namely:
1. Rumination (reflect, observe) 6. Experiential avoidance
2. Distraction 7. Expressive suppression
3. Acceptance 8. Reappraisal
4. Problem solving 9. Mindfulness
5. Behavioral avoidance 10. Worry

However, there are common characteristics shared by individuals who have achieved
emotional maturity and efficacy.

• Self-control. Managing disruptive impulses.

• Trustworthiness. Maintaining standards of honesty and integrity.
• Conscientiousness. Taking responsibility for one’s performance.
• Adaptability. Handling changes with flexibility.
• Innovation. Being open to new ideas.
• Empathy. Understanding other people and putting yourself in their shoes.

How are emotional regulation abilities developed?

Regulating emotions can be primarily learned through observational and social referencing,
particularly on the basis of the family. The emotional climate of homes, parenting styles of
parents, family communication and socialization practices, and mental health conditions of
family members converge toward the emotional development of adolescents.

Thus, it is important that students engage in learning opportunities, not only for the
acquisition of knowledge and information, but more so on the acquisition of emotional
regulation strategies that will empower them to become productive social citizens and
emphatic leaders in the future.

Exercise 1-A: Inside – Out

Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________________

Instructions: This exercise is designed to help you become aware of how emotions are dealt
with, on a personal level. For each emotion, write what you do when you experience the
emotion listed. Include both productive and destructive behavior. Write as many as you can.
You may use a separate sheet. 5 pts. Each behavior/60 pts. All)

Emotion Productive Behavior/s Destructive Behavior/s

GEC 5 – Understanding Self






Exercise 2: Inside-Out the Movie

Name: ______________________________ Date: ____________________

Instructions: Watch the movie Inside Out from Walt Disney Studios and Pixar Animation
Studios and do/answer the following:

• Write a reaction to the characters in the movie

o The emotions (how does each of those emotions affect the life of the child); (10
o The parents (What kind of parents are they? Are they doing the right thing for
the sake of their child?) (10 pts.)
o The child (How does the child respond to the nurturing of her parents and of the
environment?) (10 pts.)
• Can you relate to the moral lesson reflected in the story? In what way? Share it. (10
Click the link for you to be able to watch it in YouTube.


1. J. V. Macayan, J. N. J. Pinugu, J. C. D. Castillo: Understanding the Self – Outcome-Based
Module: C & E Publishing Inc., 2018
GEC 5 – Understanding Self

2. https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newLDR_45.htm#:~:text=Emotional%20intell
3. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-health/emotional-intelligence-

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