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WILL for predictions / decisions / promises / offers

1 Complete the sentences. Use will () or
won’t () and the verbs in the box.

arrive be fly rain see spend

I’ll be sixteen next year.

1 Richard will arrive late tonight. 

2 It will rain tomorrow. 
3 We won’t fly to Greece. 
4 I won’t see Alex tomorrow. 
5 We will spend lots of money. 

2 Write questions and short answers for the sentences in exercise 3.

Will you be sixteen next year?
Yes, I will.
1 Will Richard arrive late tonight?
Yes, he will.
2 Will it rain tomorrow?
Yes, it will.
3 Will we fly to Greece?
No, we won’t.
4 Will you see Alex tomorrow?
No, I won’t.
5 Will we spend lots of money?
Yes, we will.

3 Correct the mistakes. Change the bold words.

You’re move to a new school in September. You’ll
1 It will being sunny tomorrow. Be being
2 Will you always to love me? love
3 Adam probably will win the race. Will probably
4 You will go on holiday this year? Will you
5 We won’t probably see him. Probably won’t
4 Complete the sentences. Use will and a verb from the box. Are they decisions (D),
offers (O) or promises (P)?

buy have lend open share walk

I’m tired. I’ll have a rest before dinner. D

1 There isn’t enough room in the car for us all. I will walk.. D
2 Hang on! I will open the door for you. O
3 You must be cold. I will lend you my coat. D
4 I will buy you a bike for your birthday. O
5 I will share my chocolate with you. D

5 Complete the dialogue. Use will and appropriate verbs.

Dan Will you invite me to your birthday party?
Kay Yes, of course! It’s next Friday. You
(1) I will arrive a great time, I promise.
Dan (2) Will there a lot of food and a lot of people?
Kay Loads, but don’t worry, there
will enough food and drink!
Dan Great. I will come with you there, then.
Kay I promise I won’t be late!


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