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SESSION: 2023-24


Answer the following questions in complete sentences write in points.

1.What is the composition of a block samiti? Who is a block development officer?

Ans- A block samiti has many gram panchayats under its supervision.

· The Pradhan’s and Panch’s of the Village Panchayats in a block choose their representatives
to the Block Samiti.
· Besides such representatives there are other members as well. The members elect a chair-
person and vice chairperson. The chairperson looks after every day’s work of the Block

A Block Development Officer (BDO) is a member of the Block Samiti. A block devel-
opment officer supervises the development of a block.
2.What are the functions of Zila Parishad?
Ans- Zila Parishad or zila panchayat prepares plans for the development of the district.
· It implements development or welfare programmes and ensures that all the gram pan-
chayats receive funds with the help of the Panchayat Samitis.
3. What is the role of a Gram Panchayat secretary?
Ans- The gram panchayat also had a secretary who is also the secretary of the Gram Sabha. He is not
elected by the people but appointed by the government.
· He serves as a link between the people and the government.
· The secretary is responsible for calling the meeting of the Gram Sabha and Gram Pan-
chayat and keeping a record of the proceedings.
4. Describe any four functions of the gram panchayat. (Students can write any other relevant point.)
Ans- Four functions of the gram panchayat are-
· To improve the condition of the village and people living in villages.
· To provide basic amenities like roads, school, and electricity.
· To handle construction and maintenance of roads.
· To provide clean drinking water and water for irrigation.

5. . Explain the structure of the Panchayati Raj System.

Ans. The Panchayati Raj is a three-tier system. It works at three levels–

· The Zilla Parishad at the district level.

· The Block Samiti at the block level and the
· The Gram Panchayat at the village level,

Q6. In what ways does the Panchayati Raj system uphold the democratic principles of our country?

Ans- The Panchayati Raj system upholds the democratic principle of our country, which implies that
it is run as a government by the people, for the people and of the people even at the lowest level.

· Elections are held regularly.

· It increases participation of women and voice of women in adminis-


· It gives the minorities a chance to represent in the government.


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