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Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE By Toprerkars ANSWER KEY & EXPLANATIONS LEGALEDGE TEST SERIES Part of the Most Comprehensive & Consistently Successful Study Material & Test Series Module, spanning across both Offline and Online Programs in the entire Country. As a result LegalEdge was able to engineer Clean-Stveep- Landslide figures of a handsome 64 Selections & 65 Selections in Top 100 (including AIR 1, 2 & 3 from Classroom Contact Programs in 2022) & a whopping 273 selections & 327 selections in Top 500, in CLAT 2021 & CLAT 2022, respectively. With AILET being no different, a total of 34 of our students found their way into NLU, Delhi in 2021 & 35 in 2022. In a nutshell, every second admit in a Top National Law School in 2021 & 2022 came from the LegalEdge Preparation Ecosystem. ISECTIO? fh (b) Refer to the first paragraph= @ © MOCK COMMON LAW ADMISSION TEST 2024 & LEGALEDGE By Topronkers MOCK CLAT - 09 SNE “Therefore, the policy ‘objective must be to find ways of ensuring that the Jockdown ends early without compromising on public health.” Referring to the quoted text, we can infer that the statement given in option (b) is correct in context of the given question, The paragraph does not discuss about reducing sufferings of migrant labourers or shifteing of burden onto various sections of the society. It just means that the manufacturing and trading of medical supplies can balance the GDP loss to some extent. Hence, option (b) is the most suitable answer choice Refer to the second paragraph- "The government should fully subsidise these costs. The second precondition is the substantial ramping up of manufacturing capacities for medical grade masks, gloves, gowns, ventilators, testing labs, etc. This ‘ought to be on a scale large enough for domestic use and, if possible, for exports for costs to be low.” “The economic cost of combating COVID-19 can be reduced by combining aggressive testing and isolation, a strategy proposed by economist Paul Romer for the U.S. For it t9 work, people must be tested in large numbers. Those who test positive must be isolated.” Referring to the quoted text, we ‘can infer that only the statement (a) does not any reference in the quoted text. Hence, option (a) is the most suitable answer choice. Refer tothe third paragraph... because liquid ‘nd cash released by monetary and fiscal policies ‘cannot get transmitted to the real sector during an ©. (a) © ‘economic shutdown unless they are funneled into the sector that is stil active, which is healthcare. Options (a) and (b) are not in tandem to what is being inferred from the paragraph. Referring to the ‘quoted text, we can infer that the statement given in ‘option (c) is correct in context ofthe given question. Hence, option (c) is the most suitable answer choice. Statement I is not mentioned anywhere in the paragraph, Statement 2is a vague inference from the paragraph, Refer to the first paragraph: . reduced by combining aggressive testing and isolation, a strategy proposed by economist Paul Romer for the U.S. For it to work, people must be tested in large numbers." Referring to the quoted text, we can infer thatthe statement given in option (c)iscomectin context ofthe given question. Hence, option (c) isthe most suitable answer choice. Refer to the second paragraph- “The strategy calls for fully operational hospitals to be constructed in ‘every district of the country in a matter of weeks." Referring to the quoted text, we can infer that the statement given in option (d) is correct in context of the given question. Retesting of authenticity has no mention in the paragraph which makes option (a) incorrect. Keeping a sharp focus on test track and treat policy is not required. Also, rising of average daily tests cannot be a prerequisite. Hence, options (b) and (©) are incorrect too. Hence, option (4) isthe most suitable answer choice. Refer to the thied paragraph "... the public health versus economic health trade-off can be resolved, ‘The spread of COVID-I9 will slow down. The economic pain of combating the virus will be EE and For balan Howse, Soh Fenn Te Pn Code OOH TOON] HS A Pareto Te Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE reduced. There will be jobs, including for low- skilled construction labourers.” Referring to. the ‘quoted text, we can infer that only the statement (c) does not find any reference in the quoted text Hence, option (c) i the most suitable answer choice. (@) Option dis the correct answer. The last 2 lines of the third paragraph of the passage renders it clear that the complex. psychological problems in ‘Triveni's stories was a favorite amongst the laymen, Option a is incorrect as the passage does not state whether the language used by Triveni in her works was comprehensive and nor does the passage imply that the language of Triveni’s works was an attraction for the common people. ‘Option b is incorrect as the passage does not mention anything about the plot employed by ‘Triveni in her stories and thus, this option is redundant ‘Option c is incorrect because the passage does not state whether there was any appeal of Triveni's ‘works to the common people due to the cultural relevance of the plots of her stories. (a) ‘The correct answer to this question is option (a). The second paragraph of the passage makes it clear that the author which this passage discusses is Triveni ‘and it were her works that were extremely popular ‘among the common people and her grandmother. ‘Option bis incorrect asthe following passage makes no mention about any sister or sibling ofthe author tn discussion, Option ¢ is incorrect as the author's ‘grandmother finds a mention in the passage, hhowever, nothing in the passage suggests that the name of the author's grandmother is Triveni, Option dis incorrect as there is no mention of the author's friend in the passage stated hereabove. (a) ‘The correct answer to the question is option (a) as it is clearly mentioned in the second paragraph of the ‘passage thatthe God that was worshipped and whom the old lady wanted to pay tibutes to in Kashi was Lord Vishweshwara, whose ultimate blessing was sought by the old lady. The other options are incorrect as the author had not been mentioned in any ofthese terms in the story. (a) The correct answer to this question is option (a). All ‘of the following words inthe option are synonymous to “touched, but in the context of the passage, the word “moved” is the correct answer. The reference is with respect to the story which touches one's ‘emotional chord. Itis the story of an old lady and her ‘earnest desire to go to Kashi or Banares or Varanasi, where she wished to worship Lord Vishweshwara to attain th ultimate blessings. But finally, the old lady sacrifices all her savings for the marriage ofa young, ‘poor git, who falls in love but there was no money forher wedding. So, she gave the girl all he savings. Options (b) and (c) are ruled out for they do not present the emotion in the right context. Option (d) is out of the context in the given sense. Gratified (content, pleased) is unsuited inthe context 1. 2, 1B. 14, 15, 16. 1. 18. & LEGALEDGE" —— Dy Ths cared answer fo te question is opon pargrph mentored tha sins he eanspet em tol ay soo aio ays Gey tad fae momingaowspope oa hs enon an el wecly ngune wouldcome nada te Option fae tales sai ue tay eran Option ih insect a oven ough the har hve oon fam thule behead the panage materi very cle they ere sie Mods newspaper tad agains Option @ i inconet a iteracy according to the pssge had muting to ie nde espapn (0) Brea ececnd prayer gpor isunderale esas na gener poy as ar dor aks seest gaa). Mea mater omen dong undevae wre We eon fo the ao (@) From ie Saag selene of the tid para “Sg labour ihe eatoson nd polos ach oe et oe csered rou te pons) and (0) ts cone! wl option) eetial ERTS psp. Soe sect answer is (d). (e) Fromibesenences, Among major economies. nly South Kore fared worse a i: wit gop Si pec end ois ad sang ic weet ev Sie epER GE oe caning mor ta ran sna obn withthe gar chewing 30 perc we can ne at the wage cop Ins Sow and iin South Kore is 37% So the wage ee Gn tat ok naa 8s 2 ei EE ere essiayipacse ve cy tuphaas he wage coer ands. GO% of fone paidare women wheel [9 of Wo hEy paare omen Soho const aan) ney aay toed oes ogee Singapore asthe lowes nage za. sctence lowes, a3 pe ecm” Hote he comet answer a (al Eee Se tw pees ne oe gupetdiiepemag tots sincere ries eattmaf on cel pceeagh cfs IITs Tncorect ate last seve of eat nd ico Asa sateen ato wads sual ian lease Be Sm (a) Hore inven the given pssge means ener (a ‘Trespassing’ would be an appropriate synonym of the piven word, a neant tw o'er EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN PauezaT Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 20, 21 2. 23, 24, @ © @ © & © without permission. Hence (a) is the right answer Rest of the words are antonyms of the given word in ‘one context or the other. ‘The first paragraph of the passage talks about work- life balance and clearly states the imbalance in author's life as he/she work for 48 hours a week on ‘an average, So it can be saidinferred that working less than 48 hours a week on an average might result in a work-life balance. Hence, (d) is the right ‘answer. Working one week -one weekend with the following week cannot indicate work-life balance. Working 12 days straight cannot be an example of work life balance too. Hence, options a and b are incorrect. Option cis also not what the author means by work-life balance, “The blank requires an adjective to qualify the noun ‘shift. Technology’, technique’ nouns ‘technologically’ adverb; technological’ adjective ‘nd fits inthe sentence grammatically and ‘contextually Hence (b) isthe right answer, Author would agree with option d) as mentioned in the 4 sentence ofthe last paragraph: author would ‘agree with option) as mentioned inthe second last sentence ofthe last paragraph, Option b) is outof the scope of the passage: hence, author cannot agree or disagree with it, The fifth sentence of the last paragraph says "the ethos changed in 2008/09"; clearly, author won't agree with what is mentioned in option a) Hence, (a) isthe right answer. ‘The answer to the question is mentioned in the second-last sentence of the second paragraph of the given passage which states phones and emails cenabling bosses to pester staff at all hours as the reason for making a statement like ‘a working day is never done’. Hence, (c is the right answer. ‘The second-last sentence of the passage says, “But in reality, i's not ike that: nowadays I never turn my phone off and I'm always checking my emails and texts just in case get commissioned to do a piece of work", which is stated in option (b). it can’t be inferenced from the paragraph that the author is a workaholic person or someone who finds people crazy for not checking thei texts and emails. Thus, ‘options a and care incorrect. There is no mention of the author's disbelief in the concept of work-life balance too. Hence, (b) isthe right answer. ‘As an employer, the author seems not to take advantage of the shift in mentality because of insecurity of unemployment. Thus, a is in correct ‘option. Neither, does the author intends to invade the privacy or cause anxiety 0 the employees as an ‘employer. This makes option b incorrect. Option d is also incorrect as the mention of Stalin in the Paragraph has nothing to do with the author’s choice ‘of contacting the employees after working hours, “The last sentence of the passage states the author's point of view and conveys his regret regarding missing out on paid work if he would switch off his 26. 2. 28, 29, 30, (a © (b) (o) @ b) Phone and dont check emails ouside working hours Which makes option (c) as the right answer. ‘The correct answer is D. The passage discusses all of the options mentioned. A is incorrect as he discusses the relationship between humans and horses in both the present and historical contexts. B is incorreet as throughout the passage, the author discusses how humans can communicate neutally with horses. C is incorrect as horses are also ‘considered to be prey animals inthe passage. ‘The cortect answer is C. The passage mentions that humans and horses were enemies in the past, but now they are friends. Therefore. it must be true that humans and horses haven't always had a cordial relationship. Because the horse's status as prey animal has not been linked with killing by humans, a and d ate both incorrect. Bs also incorrect. There has been no discussion of horses being dangerous to humans ofthe factors that make horses dangerous to humans, ‘The correct answer is B. Since horses have a prey ‘brain and humans have a predator bran, the author finds it ironic that they see humans as friends, Because both a and c have been explicitly stated as implications of horses being prey animals, they are ‘The correct answer is B. () is incorrect because the author clearly states that saddles are not necessary in horse race competitions. i) is correct because it has ‘been stated that humans can communicate neurally with horses. It is correct to imply (il) because the passage’s last paragraph focuses on body language ‘communication between horses and humBody language communication has been possible due to horses’ neural brains, ‘The correct answer is A. As the following sentence mentions, horses and humans communicate naturally. Therefore, “hobbled” isthe best option for filling in the blank (1), The phrase ‘by contrast” at the beginning of the succeeding sentence makes it ‘lear that humans are not able to communicate with dogs or apes. Therefore, it would work best to describe them as hobbled. The correct answer is B. "Where" represents an adverb of place, which is ‘motor cortex’. Motor ‘cortex is an area in the brain where instant evasion is carried out when there isa command directly from the perception of environmental danger to it. “When’ denotes time, which is irrelevant in the context Hence, option B isthe correct answer. B. ‘Hardwired’ is correctly used. Since it presents a ‘condition that is inbuilt in the horse's brains. C. The helping verb ‘is’ is suited in the context, for ‘it agrees with the singular subject ‘invasion’. EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Passa Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 31 32. 33, 34, 35 36. 31, 38, 39, 40. ) @ © © © @ © @ @ © ToT TN ORIN ‘The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a petition challenging change to the right to free speech and expression made by the first amendment to the Constitution in 1951, with the petitioner claiming that the amendment violates the basic structure doctsine ‘The provisions for creating new states and altering the boundaries ofthe state ae given in Antcle 2-4 ‘of the Indian Constitution. A simple majority of the Parliament is required for the creation of a new To date, there are 105 amendments made by the Patliament 0 the original 395 articles of the Constitution In the 1981 SP Gupta case, also called the “first Judges’ case", the judges suggested that the ‘executive must have the biggest say in judicial appointinents, 12 years later, in 1993, a nine-judge bench in the "second judges’ case” said that the CJL must be given priority in. such appointments. This was reiterated inthe "third judges” case” in 1998, Since then, the judges have been appointed by the collegium system. But it was struck down by the Supreme Court in 2015, continuing the current Collegium system of Judicial appointments. A five-judge bench ruled ‘against NJAC with a fourto-one split. It said the NIAC was against the basie structure of the Constitution. ‘The composition of the NJAC includes as the Chiet Justice of India, the two senior most judges of the Supreme Court, the Law Minister and two “eminent persons”. A sub-committee was further constituted to appoint the “eminent persons” ‘Minerva Mills case (1980) In this case, the Court added two features tothe list fof basic structure features. They were: judicial review and balance between Fundamental Rights ‘and DPSP. The judges ruled that a limited amending power itself is a basi feature ofthe Constitution. ‘The Supreme Court collegium has recommended nine names to the Centre for appointment as judges in the court Justice BY Nagarathna, who is among three women recommended forthe post. sin line to become the first woman Chief Justice of India ‘This is the fourth iteration of a data protection law in India, The first draft of the law — the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2018, was proposed by the Justice Srikrishna Committee set up by the Ministry ‘of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) ‘with the mandate of setting outa data protection law for India “The answer is Germany. Well, Germany was a“door ‘opener” not only in nation-wide data. protection regulation, but also in data protection law in general, 4l 42, 43, 44, 43, 46. 41. 48, 49, 50, si. (a @ @ (a ©, (a) (a) © (by @ @ as its land of Hesse adopted the first ever law with regard to the protection of personal data in 1970. Ashwini Vaishnaw is an Indian politician and former IAS officer currently serving asthe Minister of Railways, Communications and Electronics & Information Technology in Government of India, since § July 2021. He is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Unar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath recently inaugurated Yotta D1 — India’s second and North India’s frst hyper-scale data centre — in Greater Noida, ‘Chelameswar and RF, Nariman ruled in Shreya Singhal v. Union of India declared Section 66A unconstitutional for “being violative of Antcle 19(1(@) and not saved under Article 19(2) Section 79 ofthe Information Technology Act 2000 introduced the safe harbour immunity clause that protected an intermediary from being held liable for third-party content on its platform - provided thatthe intermediary observed ‘due diligence’ as prescribed by the Central Government, NSO Group Technologies (NSO standing for Niv, Shalev and Omri, the names of the company’s founders) is an Israeli technology firm primarily ‘known for its proprietary spyware Pegasus, which is capable of remote zero-click surveillance of smartphones. It employed almost 500 people as of 2017. ‘The data was accessed by a Paris-based non-profit called Forbidden Stories and Amnesty International, who then shared it with 17 international media ‘organizations across the world as part of the Pegasus Project, including The Guardian, The Washington Post and, in India, The Wire. In April 2021, the General Assembly confirmed his appointment to a second four-year term beginning in June 2021. Mr, Steiner is also the Vice-Chair of the UN Sustainable Development Group, which unites 40 entities of the UN system that work to support sustainable development. India’s rank on the Human Development Index has slipped from 130 in 2020 to 132 in 2021, inline with a global fall in HDI scores in the wake of the Covid: 19 pandemic, shows the Human Development Report 2021-22 released Thursday. According to the repor, released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), India's HDI value stood at 0.633 during 2021, which was lower than the world average of 0.732. In 2020, too, India recorded a decline in its HDI value (0.642) in ‘comparison to the pre-Covid level of 2019 (0.685). For the first time in the 32 years that UNDP have been calculating it, the Human Development Index, whieh measures a nation’s health, education, and standard of living, has declined elobally for two years in a row. Human development has fallen back to its 2016 levels, reversing much of the progress towards the EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Paseo Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 52. 53, 55. 56. 58, 59, 60, 61 02, 63, ) @ © © © @ © © @ © @ © Sustainable Development Goals. The reversal is nearly universal as over 90 percent of countries registered a decline in their HDI score in either 2020 ‘6r 2021 and more than 40 percent declined in both ‘years, signaling thatthe crisis is still deepening for many, Kerala stands first in Human Development Index ‘among the states in India ‘The SLS has both these characteristic features as mentioned in options a and b. ‘Change 3's, launched on 2 December 2013 aboard ‘a Long March 3B rocket, landed on the Moon on 14 December 2013, SpacelL successfully launched its Beresheet lander ‘on 22 February 2019 at 01:45 UTC, Indian Space Programme began at Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) Jocated at Thumba near Thiruvanathapuram. In 1984, Rakesh Sharma became the first Indian citizen to enter space when he flew aboard the Soviet rocket Soyuz T-I1 launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic on 3 April 1984, Apollo 11 was the first mission to land and walk on the Moon, The three astronauts on Apollo 1 were ‘Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, and Michael! Collins ‘The International Space Station is the largest modular space station currently in low Earth orbit. It ‘was launched in 1998, Its main construction was completed between 1998 and 2011, although the station continually evolves to include new missions ‘and experiments, Ithas been continuously occupied since Nov. 2, 2000. It is a multinational collaborative project involving five participating space agencies: NASA, Roscosmos, JAXA, ESA, and CSA, ‘The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand, with the signing of the ASEAN Declaration (Bangkok Declaration) Brunei Darussalam joined ASEAN on 7 January 1984, followed by Viet Nam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia ‘on 30 April 1999, making up what is today the ten Member States of ASEAN. ‘Smt, Anupriya Patel, Minister of State for Commerce and Industry along with H.E. Pan Sorasak, Minister of Commerce, Kingdom of Cambodia co-chaired the 19" ASEAN-India Economic Ministers meeting held on 16" September 2022 in Siem Reap City, Cambodia The Agreement on Trade in Goods Under the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Republic of India (AITIGA) on 13 August 2009 in Bangkok, ‘Thailand. 64. 65 (@) India began formal engagement with ASEAN in 1992 as a “Sectoral Dialogue Partner” in 1992. (@) There are 10 members in the ASEAN. The names are as follows; Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Myanmar, ‘Cambodia, Laos and Brunei SECTION — C: LEGAL REASONING] 66. 61, 68. 6. 7. (b) The right response is B since, according to the passage, neither the client nor the company's representative is in a position to renegotiate the contract's standard terms. The answer is. given straight at the end of the passage, so option A is incorrect. Since itis addressed immediately at the beginning ofthe passage, option Cis incorrect. D is incorrect because it is the same as what is stated in the passage’s final sentence. (b) The right answer is B since, according to the passage, a standard kind of contract is one between two partes that forbids negotiation. The rent sum was negotiated by G, therefore it is no longer a standard contract. Dis incorrect because of the same factor. Since there was no mandate on him, option A is incorrect. Since it offers flawed logic, option Cis incomect. The property owner is certainly authorized for choosing the rent amount. (a) The correct answer is A because, according to the passage, itis the deliverer's primary responsibility to properly notify the offeree of the printed terms and conditions. H cannot bring a lawsuit against the railways because the instructions were stated clearly inthe ticket. Bis not the correct answer for the same reason. H should have read the ticket. Considering that it offers flawed logie, option Cis incorrect. The need for a notice to be given is of utmost importance. Due to its inconsistency with the information provided in the passage, D is not the right answer. (b) The right answer is B since, according to the passage, a contract should be made after a reasonable notice of the terms is given. A later notice would constitute a modification of the original agreement, and it would not be enforceable agains the other party unless he had consented to it V was informed of the reat's duration after the contract was signed and therefore, it does not form part ofthe contract until V consent to it. Similarly, the answer A is incorrect. Given that V was not ally properly informed of the terms and ‘conditions, option C is inconret. D is the incorrect option as it provides extra knowledge. (b) The right answer is B since, according to the passage, neither the client nor the company’s representative is in a position to renegotiate the contract's standard terms, The sales staff is the ‘company’s representative, so they are not permitted to alter the usual terms and conditions in any way. For the same reason, option A and C are not the right answer. D is not the right answer since it offers a EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Paes Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 71 n. na 14, 15 16. © O) © @ Oo) @ ‘ery poor justification that is not consistent with the passage. According to the passage, the correct answer is C because there is no statutory establishment ‘governing the acceptance or revocation of an offer in email contracts, A is not the correct answer because the message is considered sent when the ‘offeror connects to the internet and clicks the icon, B is incorrect because an offer can be withdrawn at ‘any point before acceptance. D is not the correct fangwer because the offer must be accepted in ‘accordance with the postal rue, ‘The right answer is B since, according to the passage, an offer can be withdrawn or cancelled at ‘any point before itis accepted, Because T cancelled the offer after L accepted it, the revocation is invalid. Ais also not the correct answer for the same reason, Cis not the correct answer because T does not have ‘the authority to rescind the offer at any time. Dis the incorrect answer since it provides inappropriate reasoning that is not discussed in the passage. ‘The correct answer is B since according to the passage, unless the offeror expressly states in the Conditions of the offer that acceptance must be twansmitted by other means, the offer shall be ‘accepted in accordance with the postal norm. Since Y sated his preferred way of acceptance in the present mater, K is obligated to accept the offer in the same manner, For the same reason, A is not the ccomrect answer. C is not the correct answer because the offeree cannot choose the form of acceptance on his own. Dis incotreet because it provides incorrect logic. The acceptance must be notified in the manner specified. ‘The correct answer is D, because the passage states that unless the offeror expressly states in the conditions of the offer that acceptance must be communicated by other means, the offer must be ‘accepted in accordance withthe postal ule, Pis not required to observe the guideline in this circumstance because he did not communicate his ‘acceptance but rather his denial. For the same reason, A is not the correct answer. B is not the ccomrect answer since when an offer is accepted, ‘communication must take place solely inthe manner specified. C is not the right answer because ‘whatever is stated init s not mandatory. ‘The correct answer is B since the passage states that ‘when sending emails, the message is regarded to have been sent when the offeror signs in and touches the icon, A is incorrect because of the same reason, Cis not the right answer because it provides a vague Justification. D is not the right answer because it provides the justification that isnot mentioned inthe passage, When determining the answers, such Suppositions should be avoided. ‘The correct answer is (a). Coparcenary property is the one which is inherited by a Hindu from his father, grandfather, or great grandfather. Therefore, n. 78. (a © in the present case Kirti can only claim the share from property inherited by her brother and not what he had made himself. Option (b) is incorrect because even though Kirti has a tight to claim half of the property inherited by ‘Anu, but she cannot claim any share in the property that he has made or earned himself Option (©) is incomect because it presents an argument based on the living standards of Kirti Which is absurd and not relevant to decide if she should get a share inthe property o not. Option (a) is incorrect because even though Anuj made all the property duc to the one that he inherited from his father, but still it would not amount to ‘coparcener property and so Kirti would not be entitled to it ‘The correct answer is (d). Section 6(4) makes ‘daughter liable in the same manner as that of a son, Inthe present case the liability to pay the rest ofthe Joan is legally imposed on both the wards of Deval and therefore both are equally liable to pay it off. (Option (a) is incorrect because as per Section 6(4) a daughter is equally liable in the same manner as that ‘of a son to discharge any debt. It is not relevant if Apurva has inherited the property or not, because she was legally entitled to do so and so isto pay off the debts of her father. ‘Option (b) is incorrect because Section 6(4) makes a daughter liable inthe same manner as that of a son and both are equally bound to follow the pious ‘obligation under the Hindu Law to discharge any such debt of thei father. Option (¢) is incorrect because it is also Apurva’s legal responsiblity to pay off the loans taken by her father as per section 6 (4) of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, ‘The correct answer is (c). The 2005 amendment in the Hindu Succession Act has a retroactive effect. A reuoactive statute is the one that does not operate retrospectively. It operates in future. However, its ‘operation is hased upon the character or status that atose earlier. So in the present case, the case was filed only after the amendment and it was only the status that arose earlier. Option (a) is incorrect because the 2005 amendment in the Hindu Succession Act has a retroactive effect and not retrospective effect. Option (b) is incorrect because it presents an argument which does not have any legal basis, Further, Simran is also legally entitled to inherit the property as per the 2005 amendment in the Hindu Succession Act. Option (4) is incorrect because even though the act does not have a retrospective effect but it has a retroactive effec. It operates in future. However, its ‘operation ig based upon the character or status that arose earlier. Simran has filed the ease after the 2005 amendment and so the cause of action arises then only. EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Paseo Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 79, 80, 81 (a) ‘The correct answer is (a). Even surviving child of pre deceased daughter or son are given the same share, which they would inherit had they been alive atthe time of the deemed partition. Likely, in the present case Mihika would be entitled to the same share which Mamta would have heen entitled to at the time of partition Even if Mibika’s mother “Mamta is dead, she at the time of her grandfather's ‘death is entitled to er legal share in the property ‘Option (b) is incorrectas inthe light of given facts she was alive when her grandfather died, and since the date of such deaths ate not mentioned in the passage the retrospective application of the ‘amendment is not relevant tothe present facts. ‘Option (c) is incorrect as itis evidently false in the light of the said justification above, that even in absence of both ihe given people, Mihika is still ‘entitled to the share in the property. Option (A) is incorrect as while it might not be false but veracity ‘of the same cannot be judged from the information ‘given in the passage, further (a) more precisely summarizes the law applicable on the present facts. (@) The correct answer is (a). The amendment is a retroactive statute that does not operate retrospectively. It operates in future. However, its ‘operation is based upon the character or status that ‘arose earlier. So it may apply to the claims that have arisen before the amendment but not t0 the cases regarding such claims that have been initiated before the said amendment was passed. ‘Option (b) is incorrect because the amendment has retroactive effect, i. itoperats in future and so the claims initiated before the amendment does not fall within its ambit, Option (c) is incorrect because the amendment does not have prospective effect but a retroactive effect. ‘Option () is incorrect because even though she had ‘an equal right as her brother to inherit the property ‘of her father but the cause of action here arose before ‘the amendment and as the amendment does not have a retrospective effect, the court cannot grant her the claimed share in the property. (©) ‘The correct answer is (c). R is evidently correct as perthe passage. A is incorrect a the passage is silent ‘on the property being bequeathed to one of the children, moreover, it rigidly says that the amendment protects the right of the daughter in the ‘ancestral property which fairly indicates towards such share not being bequeathable to anyone. (@ The correct answer is (4). The Supreme court in Puttaswamy case held and recognized privacy as fundamental right, since biometrics are critical personal information, it violates privacy if law make Aadhaar mandatory for govt schemes and other ‘welfare activities. Option A is not correct as the passage do nowhere states that welfare of people is ‘more important than privacy. Option B is not correct a the given statement is suggestive, moreover, it ‘cannot be inferred from the passage that Right to 83, 84, 85. 86, 8. © @ © @ ) , ) ) ) privacy doesn’t apply to government schemes. Option C is negated for similar reasons. Therefore option A.B and Care not valid as privacy is athigher pedestal than other contentions given, ‘The correct answer is (b). An order of surveillance can be passed only when strictly necessary and if, there is no other alternative. The hacking of mobile device in the present case is necessary, and itis valid as said by supreme court in two judgments in 1997 and 2017 that in case necessity it is valid. Arguments in option A & C are not rationally valid and inconsistent with the passage. Option D is not ‘correct as the given statement in general donot provide that whether the hacking done is valid or invalid. Thus, not considered. ‘The correct answer is (a). In the present case the government is not authorized to do or direct such hacking because, there is no clear necessity and itis done only to those who are critical about ‘government, this also violates the right to privacy of individuals who ate being hacked. options b is not sound argument because question asks to assume that govt has done that hacking , option C& D are not valid as the action of the government is in clear violation of right to privacy ofthe victim, ‘The correct answer is (b. all the other scenarios are legitimate expect option b to take down content. In all other options A.C & D the scenarios explain that new rules are having positive effects, i.c., curbing fake news expect option B which explains the uproar of the group. ‘The media house approached the SC for two reasons mainly, intemet shutdown and cautioning media ‘houses to restrict any provocative content which can incite the public to commit violence. The said move of the government is valid as section 69A of IT Act read as The Central Government can issue a Content Removal Request under S. 69A if it feels that the locking of a website, or any information on a website, 8 necessary in “the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India, defence of India, the security of the state, friendly relations with foreign states or for preventing incitement to ‘commit violence.” Thus, option D is correct and Both government actions are lawful since they are done in ight of the country's current situation and to avoid incitement to commit violence. Option C is not correct as the action of the government is not arbitrary but in the interest of general public and for preventing incitement to commit violence. Option B is correct but it only takes into consideration the situation of intemet ban however, option D determines for both. Thus, not considered. Option A is not comrect as the statement do not give any reasoning for invalidating the government action under section 69A, therefore cannot be considered Section 69A of the IT Act provides for direction by the central government to any agency of the EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Panera Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 88, 89, 90, 91 © © © @ ‘government or an intermediary to block public ‘access to any information generated, transmitted, received, stored, orhostedin any computer resource. Section 79 will not be referred t here since i allows for penalty if the alleged cited content is not ‘withdrawn from the source within 24 hours of such request being made, which is not the situation here because the allegations are made against the provision of the MT Act wrt to violation of right to privacy of the parties if the information is made public. As a result, option B is right. Option A and C are eliminated because they make the aforementioned section subject to Section 79 of the TT Act. Section 69A specifically provides for the “Central Government” to give directions and here office of ‘governor made the request. Thus, option Bis correct 4 the notice was issued by a state government rather than the Central government, hence it is not maintainable, Option A is incorrect because, fitst ‘and foremost, the Notice in question made by the ‘office of governor of kerala is not maintainable ‘under Section 69A, and whether oF not the content fits within the scope of Section 69A is immaterial in this as the request itself is not maintainable in the first place. Option D is also incorrect for the same reason, Option Cis incorrect since defamation is not mentioned in the paragraphs Context under Section 9A, In the present set of facts the email only condemned the contents of the article and that no request for removal of the content has been made. Thus, opti B is comrect and that option A and option C is climinated as there was no request made for removal ‘of such content. Option D is not correct as the facts in particular condemns the content based on an ‘email sent, thus, preferred answer will be B and not D as there was no request for removal and hence the ‘content will not be removed, ‘The passage states thatthe powers under S. 69 are available to the ‘Central Government’, since the question asks to determine for the state ‘government’s power to remove the content, the ‘answer will he no and option C is eorrect. Option A is not correct as the factual question is not based on the content but the authority who ean remove such ‘content, Thus, not correct. Option D is therefore incorrect as state government has no authority to ‘order for removal of content under section 694, (Option B is not conect for similar reason, ‘The correct answer is option D. As per the Employee Compensation Act, various requirements are to be satisfied to claim compensation which ate personal injury, caused by an accident and occurring in the ‘course of employment. The word injury has been interpreted in the above passage as caused by an ‘unenforceable event, and must have an element of uunexpectediness on the part of the employee. In the present case, Henry was aware of the health hazard 92. 93, (o) @ that the colors posed and willfully flouted the safety norms such as wearing gears, which caused the lung infection. Since, the injury is not caused by an aceidemt and was foreseeable and expected on the part of Henry, there is no valid claim for ‘compensation. Option A is incorrect as the extent of ‘employer's liability depends upon the validity of the ‘claim, which as stated above is invalid. Option B is incorrect as the passage is silent on the employer's liability when safety gears are provided, and therefore the essentials of the claim are to be resorted to, 10 determine if compensation is to be awarded which i given better in option D. Option C is incorrect as it is false, the passage does not say that any injury caused in the course of employment ate to be unconditionally compensated, there are other essentials such as accident as in the present ‘The correct answer is option B. It is one of the requisites of the Employee Compensation Act that the injury occurred shall be a result of accident in the course of employment. This means that a ‘causation ink or nexus to be established between the ‘employment and the accident so caused. In the present case, the accident occurred when the workers were in the boat which was provided by the ‘employer fo reach the industry premises. Moreover, it was not a general route preferred by the workers but one which was provided by the employer without any available alternative. The workers this in pursuit of their employment were in the boat. Therefore, the boat service provided by the ‘employer tothe industry premises does form part of the course of employment. Option A is incomect as ‘whether the accident took place inside or outside the industry premises is irrelevant and only whether took place in the course of employment is relevant. Option Cis incorrect as accident being a direct result Of the job is not a legal essential for validity of a claim for compensation. Option D is incorrect as negligence on the part of the employer would be a different legal question, which is not relevant for the Purpose of compensation in the present mater. ‘The correct answer is option A. The requisites of a valid claim are personal injury, by an accident that took place in the course of business. In the present ‘ease, Bhola sustained an injury in the course of ‘employment. Furthermore, it was a result of the aceident, as it was completely unexpected. In the present case there is no such patent flouting of safety orm, which happened knowing the end results of such actions. Option B is incorrect as there was training to put their safety first, but there is no express mention of switching Off the machine, further, the option is incorrect not because there was ro express taining to switch off the machine but because in absence of the same there is no evidence that the injury was at all expected. Since, the injury is not expected it is the result of an accident and EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Passa Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 95 96, @ @ ) raises a valid claim. Option C is incomect as machine's malfunction iiself eannot be reason to make a valid claim: itis satisfaction of all the legal essentials as per the aforementioned act. Option D is marked incorrect forthe same reason as option A is correct and it has been explained above how the injury was unexpected, ‘The correct answer is option A. To make a valid claim a personal injury is required which has happened by accident in the course of employment. Even though mental injuries are not expressly included in the aet, but the passage contends that it ‘would form a part in the form of an internal injury where the work has ia any way contributed to, ‘accentuated, or hastened the injury. In the present case, the mental issues identified with Vishal are a direct result of his work environment and the work which is strenuous, thus resulting in the course of ‘employment without any such expectations. Option B is incorrect for the reasons stated above, that mental injuries are included in the form of internal injuries in extension ofthe ruling in Param Pal Singh ‘case, Option C is incorrectas deficiency in earning ‘capacity isnot really a sole legal ground to make a valid claim for compensation against the employer. ‘Option Dis incorrectas it isan assumption and there is no fact to conclusively establish that the injury was not accidental. ‘The correct answer is option D. An injury caused shall be accidental, which means itis unexpected, ‘and in course of employment. In the present case, it is difficult to deduce that whether what qualifies as injury and whether the mental toll in the present ease does. However, it is easily deducible that that a compensation is not owed to Kukku, because the alleged mental illness is a result of the normal ‘employment and not any accident that has taken place in the course of employment. The job description mentioned that it is arduous and physically demanding, despite Kukku volunteered to enroll im forthe job. Thus, there was no accident ‘and as a result no valid claim: Option A is incorrect for the reasons stated above that the legal essentials ‘of a valid claim are not satisfied in the present case. ‘Option B is incorrect as already stated above that «ven information is insuficient to deduce if there is @ personal injury or whether it warrants ‘compensation. Option C is incorrect as again the ‘whether the job is inhumane or aot is factual question which cannot be determined. ‘The correct answer is option (b). Right to life includes the right to live with human dignity. Non payment of minimum wages by such a large margin will prevent Aakash and his friends from having a fulfilling existence with human dignity and thus, it violates the right to life. Hence, option (d) is incorrect. Options (a) and (c) are incorrect because the passage does not discuss unfaimess, discrimination or the concept of equal pay for equal 91, 98, 99, 100. 101 102. ©. © @) (@) b) © work. Thus, these answers are beyond the scope of the passage. ‘The correct answer is option (c). Right to life does rot connote mere animal existence or continued drudgery through life. It has a much wider, including, including the right to health. The question clearly states that nom-access to free vaccinations ‘can be fatal so itis necessary for ensuring the right to health, Hence, option (b) is incorrect. Option (a) is incorrect because we have not been given any information in the passage or the question about the financial capacity of the state so there is insufficient information to come to this conclusion. Option (d) is incorrect because vaccinations are more closely and directly related to health than human dignity. ‘The correct answer is option (c). The right to life includes the right to live with human dignity is available to every person, citizen oF alien. So, ‘options (a) and (b) are incorrect. There isa violation of human dignity because X is being Kept in inhumane conditions and also being subject to physical brutality. Option (d) is true but it is incorrect because it dovs not tellus if and why X's right to life is being violated. ‘The correct answer is option (a). Right to life includes right to live with human dignity which includes right to health and livelihood. Lack of adequate safeguards prevent Sohini from living a healthy and dignified life. Thus, options (c) and (a) are incorrect because right to life is very wide and ‘not just restricted 10 these situations. Option (b) is incorrect because it provides fact based answer. ‘The correct answer is option (a). The right to life is fundamental to our very existence, without which ‘we cannot live as human beings and includes all those aspects of life, which make a man’s lie ‘meaningful, complete, and worth living. thus, option (©) is incomect "because non-access to accommodation, livelihood etc. directly affects dignity. Options (b) and (d) are incorrect because they are beyond the scape of the given information since neither the passage nor the question deals with Section 377, ‘The correct answer is option (b). Mohit caused assault because he intended to create a reasonable apprehension of harm in Shobhit’s mind which is why he pointed the gun at him in such a manner. He did not actually intend to harm Shobhit but only prank him by making him seared, thus option (a) is incorrect. Options (c) and (d) incorrect because even if his intention was to pull a prank, the pointing of the gun created a fear in Shobhit's mind that he would be harmed, which is why he raised his hands. Even if Mohit started laughing, tll that point Shobhit was evidently afraid. Thus, elements of assault are complete ‘The correct answer is option (c). Preeti and Pankaj are playing a game and Pankaj is using a toy gun which has no possibilty of causing any actual harm, EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Passa Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 103. 104. 10s. 106. TION - D : LOC ‘Therefore, there is no possiblity of causing actual hharm or even apprehension of harm, which is a necessary ingredient to constitute assault. Thus ‘options (a) and (b) are incorrect. Option (A) is incorrect because it provides incorrect statement ‘which states that intention isnot absent, (@) ‘The correct answer is option (a). X's various acts of stalking created a reasonable fear in Y's mind that he will harm her and this caused her mental distress Which shows that she was afraid. Thus, option () is Incorrect. Option (c) is incorrect because there is no requirement that harm must be physical 10 prove assault. Option (b) is not untrue but it is incorrect because it is subsumed in option (a). Option (a) covers the causation of harm, apprehension of fear a6 well as response to that imminent harm so all ‘three ingredients of assault are included, but option (b) does not cover response to imminent harm. (b) The correct answer is option (b). Majnu Bhai ‘constituted assault by his words and actions because Ghungroo Seth would reasonably think that something nasty would happen to him if he dida't Teave the shop. Thus, option () is incorreet. Options (a) and (©) ate incorrect because there is no act on the part of Ghungroo Seth that would lead Maja ‘Bhai to be afraid of assault and hence, the question is not concerned with the aetions of Ghungroo Seth tall (b) The correct answer is option (b). The element of assault is intention to cause harm. Presently, there ‘was no intention on the part of Pinky to hurt Bejesh, Further, there was no apprehension in the mind of Brijesh'and therefore, the requirements of assault have not been fulfilled. Thus, option c) is incorrect. ‘Option (d) is incorrect because ofthe qualifier ‘yes: Option (a) is incorrect as it provides a factual AL REASONIN( (b) Statement Tis incorrect. The line “Africa is young in ‘democracy and its political institutions are not well established” only shows that Africa is @ young democracy. It cannot be assumed that mature democracy will solve the issues of the young population. Hence, this assumption is not correct ‘Statement II is the correct Assumption, The author ‘through his arguments has stressed that the youth of ‘Africa needs to participate in politics, which will hhamess a sense of participation in bringing positive changes in their community and will also instil a sense of law and order. The author also mentions ‘that without the fundamentals of consttutionalism ‘embodied in elections, institutions, and the rule of Jaw, citizens — particularly groups who are ‘marginalized and excluded from politics - will look beyond democracy for solutions to pressing public problems, which is tuming to violence. Therefore, 107. 108. 109. (a @ c} statement ITs the basis of the arguments presented by the author in the passage Statement I isan incorrect assumption. None ofthe arguments presented by the author in the passage relies on the assumption that Violence is the ONLY way available to young ones to get attention, ‘The entre passage revolves around the marginalised ‘economic and political state of the African youths ‘despite their population expanding at an alarming rate. This leads to violence because the youth is unemployed and wasted by the country when they ‘can make lasting changes in their community if they are politically and economically empowered, This is the most critical message that the author makes, Which is reflected in option D. Option (a) is incorrect. The lines “Afriea is young in ‘democracy and its political institutions are not well established; youth are excluded from important decision-making processes". This reflets that youth i not politically empowered. So, establishing strong political institutions can be a valid implication, but it is not the most critical message that the author wants to present ‘Option () is incorrect. The lines “Indeed, the young population in Africa is growing at an alarming rate™ ‘This statement merely staes the fact of the growing population, but the challenges of youth cannot be atwibuted to it, Therefore, it is not the correct message of the passage. Option (c) is incorrect. According to the passage, “Affica is young in democracy, and its political Institutions are not well established”, This states the fact that Africa is « young democracy, but there is no mention of mature democracies and their linkage to strong established politcal institutions. Hence, it is not the best crux ofthe passage. Itis stated in the passage thatthe youth population in Africa is increasing at an alarming rate. Africa is hot able to provide these people with suitable in decision-making. Africa should and bring it under control, as the youth is being wasted when they resort to violence. This presents an alarming situation. Hence Option (a) is the correct answer. Conceming means troubling or upsetting Nothing in the passage suggests thatthe situation is dangerous. The author does not indicate the condition of youth having reached precarious levels. ‘The situation is neither infructuous (pointless) nor benign (non-threatening) in Africa Option (a) is not correct. It is not suggested in the passage. Option (b) is also incorrectas it misunderstand the author's intention in demanding economic and social markers for the youth of the continent Whereas option (c) relates correctly to the demand of the youth who want employment opportunities to lift their economic status, EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Pasa Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 110. nL 113. @ © @ ‘Option (d) isa bizarre statement and too far-fetched to solve the problem. It isnot about the total power in the hands of youth but the proper representation ‘of youth in power, ‘So, option (c) can be marked as the correct answer. ‘The writer of the passage has given an unbiased and mature description of the condition in the African ‘countries that are failing onthe expectations of their ‘young populace. He then looks atthe futility ofthe ‘constitution if the youth does not participate in Political matters. He seems to be observing all the ‘events and monitoring the situation asan observer to ‘write this text. His maturity in writing a balanced passage shows that he is nota student but an expert. He cannot be a leader of the ruling political party as most of the ruling party politicians will not give readers true account of the situation, The passage does not indicate @ reporting of an event or an incident to conclude that the author isa reporter. Based on this discussion, only option (a) is the ccontect option (Option bis the correet answer. ‘% Incorrect. This option is incorrect as although Imran Khan has been threatening to come back to ‘power, itis just the introductory line of the passage Which’ cannot be called the main idea; also, the passage does not state that Imran Khan plans to return to power with the help of the military. The passage indicates otherwise, b- CORRECT. This option is correct as it covers ‘almost everything in the passage. Right from the start, the author is saying that Pakistan's economy is in a dismal state. The author provides three factors for its dire economic state and concludes that the present economic state of Pakistan will continue ‘unless its dysfunctional state isnot resolved, cc Incorrect. The difference between option band ‘option cis that B specifies what the turmoil is and hat needs to be done, which is not stated in option ; therefore, option C is not the correct answer. Incorrect. This option is incorrect as while it may ‘be tue in parts, it still does not constitute the main point of the author. (Option A isthe correct answer. I Correct. One can conclude that ‘again’ implies Pakistan has been in a similar situation at least once before. Therefore, itis a correct conclusion. - Incorrect. The option is contrary to the main statement “Again’ means that the situation has ‘happened before. Il- Incorrect. One eannot conclude whether it is a recurring problem. ‘Recurring means periodic or ‘repetitive. That is a far-fetched conclusion; hence, it ‘Option D is the correct answer. ‘A> Incorrect. First of all, the word “EXPORTS” is itself wrong. Pakistan will pay for the IMPORTS ‘and not for the exports, so this is first of all factually Incorrect. 14, 1s. (a @ BB Incorrect. We don’t know the past pereentages of inflation in the history of Pakistan so whether itis at an ALL-TIME HIGH is something which we cannot infer, 0 this cannot strengthen too C- Incorrect. There is no mention of Pakistan's relationship with the United States in the passage: therefore the option is beyond the scope. Also, in isolation, the argument in the option neither strengthens nor weakens the claims made in the passage. D- CORRECT. This option is correct as it is aligned with the crux of the passage. The passage discusses the reasons for Pakistan's economy being in shambles. And the option points to various factors that are in alignment with the factors stated by the author; hence, the option strengthens the claims made by the author in the passage Option D is the correct answer. Refer to the lines, ‘Second, the gross interference of the military leadership in the country’s political processes has led toa serious political crisis. which threatens the path to economic recovery.’ The author maintains in the passage that the Pakistan military interferes in the country’ political processes thereby disbalancing the economy, but if the public ‘considers the military as the eventual saviour and tha it is apolitical in its approach, which means it ‘only comes to the fore when the country isin some threat internally or externally, then it weakens the ‘author's claims, Hence, option D weakens the arguments given inthe passage. a- Incorrect, Option A is incorrect as even though there are various countries which might be better placed than Pakistan, are we able 10 weaken any argument adopted in the passage through this argument? The answer is no. There realy is nothing which can weaken this passage in this option mentioned here and therefore it is incorrect. 'b- Inconect. Option B is incorrect as this in fact strengthens the passage; instead of repairing the ‘economy, Imran is threatening to come to power again, which is only adding to the turmoil cc Incorrect. Option C is incorrect as again this is Strengthening the passage and not weakening it From the third paragraph of the passage itself, we ‘can see that Military interference is there im the ‘country’s polities and this fs what this option also states; therefore, itis correct. Option A is the correct answer. a+ CORRECT. This option is correct as If an Army chief has ousted the former PM from power, then ‘obviously an assumption arises that Army would have held some control over the political process otherwise, this could not have happened so easil there wasn't any interference. Thus, this option is ‘correct. be Incorrect. This option although looks correct is incorrect and is confusing. Fitst of all, we don’t know about the Constitution of Pakistan, and even EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Poe aT Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 116. 17. 118. 119. 120. © © @ O) @ ‘the author hasn't even hinted at once at the Constitution. We are at this moment unaware Whether the army exercises such power and that to0 with the constitution. Thus, this is ambiguous and hence, cannot be the assumption of the author. ‘The passage revolves around the endeavors of ‘winners to perform better again and again which ultimately leads them on the path of success and differentiates them from the losers. The core idea is ‘captured best in option 3 “The entire focus here is on winning and the topic of losing has not been touched upon, Hence, option 1 is eliminated. Inthe passage, the process of winning is the primary focus and not the benefits of winning. Thus, option 2 would be incorrect. ‘The scope of the passage Joes not go beyond the process involved in winning and thus “winning isn’t everything” isnot the core idea behind the passage ‘Thus option 4 is eliminated, Hence, the correct answer is option 3 ‘The passage states that everyone is born to win, but fone has to make winning a habit, This is contradicted by statement A which weakens the main argument, ‘The passage talks extensively about various qualities that separate winners from the rest ‘Statement Bis incorrect as luck has not been mentioned as a factor to differentiate winners from losers. Thus, statement B is weakening “Hence, the correct answer is option 3. Statement A talks about Edison’s persistence despite repeated failures. This is directly in line with the passage, which says “a quier never wins, a winner never quits” and “winning means you are doing better than you have done before”, Thus, statement Ais strengthening the argument in the passage. ‘The passage states that everyone is born to win, but ‘one has to make winning a habit, which means that ‘winning is an acquired trait; whereas, statement I defies it by stating that winning runs in the genes: hence, it weakens the author's claims, Hence, the comrect answer is option | ‘The passage states with examples that high pressure ‘and the burden of expectations is @ mater of choice ‘and indicates that itmay bea kind of ‘necessary evil ‘and not something one should be complaining about, ‘Thus, option (b) is the answer. Option (a) states contrary to what the author claims in the passage. Option (c) is eliminated because the author does not state anything about young entrepreneurs ALWAYS, procrastinating. ‘The passage does not really state anything about the potential of seasoned or young entrepreneurs, Thus, ‘option (d) is eliminated, Hence, the correct answer is option (b). In the paragraph, “Is all this too much... cricket in ‘your backyard?”, the author raises questions that ri. 122, 123. 124, (a (@) (by (a ‘appear to send across a message that the pressure ‘experienced by the young entrepreneurs is brought on by themselves due to the choices they made in order to win, Therefore, it can be said that it is not our expectations but their responsibilities that put pressure on them. Thus, the given statement can be said to be probably false as our understanding of the matter is inferential. Hence, the correct answer is option (d). Option (a) and (b) are ruled out, for they go against the claims made by the author. Option (c) may appear to be true, buta careful reading of the last paragraph, with certain questions put forth by the author for the reader, makes a probability, depending on the perception of ‘pressure’; hence, option (d) is better choice over option (0). ‘The correct answer is D. Considering how important the Census is to good policy making and other reasons, this passage urges stakeholders to not delay it any further, Even though A is inferable, it cannot ‘be said that it isthe central argument. It is one of the authors arguments, but not the main argument, We cannot determine whether B is true from just the passage, and C is incorrect since no such argument ‘has been presented inthe passage. To hold elections ‘during the Covid times was a point that the author makes in elation to the delay ofthe census. ‘The correct answer is A. This is clearly inferable. In the first paragraph, the author discusses how the ‘census has not been completed despite elections, but inthe last paragraph, he offers reasons for resuming the census. Therefore, there are arguments for resuming the Census inespective of whether the ‘lections are held or not, A is correct. B cannot be inferred since it is clearly in contrast to A. C cannot bee inferred from the passage. External information is required to conclusively infer C, which isn't allowed. The passage does not mention D either and this makes this incorrect as well. There is talk of “accountability” fom author's side ‘The correct answer is B. Statement 1 is incorrect - the author does not advocate for improvement in both quality and quantity ofthe data, Statement Ils ‘correct - The first sentence of the last paragraph mentions that policy-making does rely on good data, Statement IIL is correct - China’s use of its data as mentioned in the last sentence of the penultimate paragraph has been shown to answer some useful questions. Therefore, the correct answer is B. ‘The correct answer is D. This statement confirms option A, “Unlike China but like India, the census findings came not only with social and economic but also clear political import as they are the basis for redrawing congressional boundaries.” Refer to the lines, “For the first time in history, the US census was completed in 2020, when online and phone-in options were made available, and by August 2021, itreleased population data by race, ethnicity, gender, EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Paseo Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE & LEGALEDGE" or 12s. 126. 127. 128. 129. ‘age, state, county, city, town, and other smaller areas.” Since the autor has mentioned that online ‘options were made available forthe first time in the USA, B is true, C cannot be determined from the ‘examples of either country. Therefore, both A and B are correct. (@) ‘The correct answer is A. The author mentions that forthe frst time, less than 60% of the US population is white. It claims, however, that the Census there counts Hispanics as a separate group, despite the fact that they make up 30% of the total population ‘and are more than 50% white, According to this information, over 15% of whites are not counted Hence, it weakens the author's claim. (b) The correct answer is B, The author welcomed the finding that the overall number of maternal deaths hnas decreased. However, he is equally concerned about the regional variations in the findings. This is clear since he mentions the disparities from the second paragraph, Ais incorrect - the decline in MMR has not been stated as ‘unusual’ by the author. C is incorrect - the passage does not mention any problem that the decline in MMR has created, D is incorrect - Even though the author has labeled this as a concern, this option is unclear as to what the disparities in states are. Option B provides a more comprehensive central idea. (©) The comrect answers C. The author inthis statement hhas defined the meaning of MMR. It is quite clear ‘that the definition is to help the readers understand ‘what he is talking about, Therefore, the correct answeris C ‘Ais incorrect - the statement does not restrict the claim of the passage in any way. Bis incorrect ~ the author defines MMR in the statement, itis not against the author's claim. Dis incorrect - this statement can't be said to infer information from the passage. It is a factual statement in itself (@) The comect answer is D. Statement [4] has mentioned that women from poor social of financial backgrounds contribute disproportionately towards MMR due to lack of resources and information ‘Therefore, it is only valid to infer that lack of resources have a role to play in inereasing the MMR. Ais incorrect the passage does not mention that India is a leading contributor towards maternal mortality. B is incorrect - The reason for excluding states with high MMR from next year is unclear and this makes C is incorrect - This is a far-fetched claim which requires a far-fetched assumption and external piece ‘of information to infer it We can’t use external information, (b) ‘The correct answer is B. 130. 131 132, 133, © (a) © ‘Statement| ~ This has not been labeled implicitly or cexpliily as a reason for disparity in MMR. Iisa mere fac. Statement ii - This has been mentioned in this statement, “these inequities reflect gaps in the health systems responsiveness tothe situation.” Statement ii - The implementation of government Schemes are done cautiously this will not refer to Aisparity presente in the passage by the author. Statement iv has been mentioned in this statement, “It speaks of inadequacies in the implementation of schemes like the Pradhan Mantsi Surakshit Matrtva Abhiyan ‘Therefore, the corset answer is B ‘The correct answer is C. Statements (a), (b) and (A) are claims made by the author as they contain elements of persuasion. Use of ‘need to be pushed’ ‘effort is required ‘pints 10’, respectively make them claims. Statement] (©) is piece of evidence without any elements of petsuasion and used to strengthen the claim made in the preceding statement. Therefore, the comect answer is C. Other options automatically get climinated. Buddhist culture ses reflection of one's work in is character. Refer to the line ~ “Buddhist sees the essence of civilisation not in a multiplication of wants bot in the purification of human character. ‘Character, atthe same time, is formed primarily by ‘4 man’s work, Option (a) is the correct answer ‘Option ¢bisincorrect. Buddhist theory of work says that a common work takes away a man fom the exo ‘enteredaess, But it i not said that work shall be such that it ereates ego ina person. Option (c) contradicts the passage. ‘Option (a) is incorsect for the expression ‘basics ‘vague in the given content. Hence, only option (a) isthe corect answer. JC Keuppa puts the value of work tat is appreciate and loved by a doer. His views are not for any type of work. Inthe statement given in the last part of the passage, he compares work with food. The Statement says that as food is requited for physical development to develop the higher faculties work that interests its doe is essential. Hence, option (A) isthe correct answer. Option (@) i not about the higher faculties as highlighted in the statement. Option (bis wot related to JC Krupa Option (cis inconectas itis incomplete; the mind is but a narrow aspect ofthe hiaher faculties. Italso includes ones” elevated senses ans_ perception leading to an overall development The views of KC Kruppa and Buddhist culture have same vibes about the importance of work. They both hold “importance of work’ in high grades in hfe of person, They might have different words to express itbut they look to emanate from the same origin. So, option () is the correct answer. EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Paes Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE 134, 138, ) @ ‘The views are not contradictory, Option (a) is the ‘Option (b) is incorrectas their philosophies are not analytical of each other. Itis beyond the scope of the passage. ‘Option (@) is incorrect as Running parallel means having two different view that are going on at the same time without converging. Refer tothe Lines, “Equally to strive for leisure as an alternative to work would be considered a complete misunderstanding of one of the basic truths of human existence, namely that work and leisure are ‘complementary parts ofthe same living process and ‘cannot be separated without destroying the joy of ‘work and the bliss of leisure." It means that work and balance balance each other out in the same li process, which means that they are not incompatible. It says that work and leisure are complementary to each other. The author presents Buddhist views and also views of J C Kruppa to strengthen his argument, From the options, option (b) seems to be nearest aligned with the argument of the author. AAs the author has not declared work as worship or discussed money or goals; other options are not ‘totaly in agreement with the author. Based on this logic, discard (a), (€) and (d). ‘There is only one statement about the Buddhist ‘economics in the passage. It_ says “Buddhist ‘economics’ must be very different from the economics of moder materialism, since the Buddhist sees the essence of civilisation not in a multiplication of wants but in the purification of ‘human character. From this statement, it can be understood that Buddhist economies is not capitalistic. Eliminate option (©) Option (b) does not find relevance as ‘giving’ is not linked with economics in the passage. Option (a) is correct in finding. ‘simplicity’ of character in economies but concept of non-violence Tooks alien to the passage. Option (@) is the correct answer. Buddhist ‘economics isnot about “wants and ther satisfaction’ Dut doing work with dignity and freedom blesses the product and the producer. Refer to the lines, uddhist economics must be very different from the economics of modem materialism, since the Buddhist sees the essence of civilisation not in a multiplication of wants but in the purification of human character. Character, at the same time, is formed primarily by a man’s work. And work, properly conducted in conditions of human digai ‘and freedom, blesses those who do it and equally their products.” The work is not for gratification of wants but overcoming the puzzle of meeting ends through any means. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. i. 12, 143, 144, (a) © @) @ (a (b) © © (a 2AM. damaged Monaco packet Total Monaeo = 120 x = 500 Frome. (D, we get, Bounvta'3 500 = 1500 Frome. , we get Bourbon = 2» S00 = 1000 Damaged Monaco packs = 120 ‘The oof damaged pockets of Bourbon, Monaco tnd Bouin 10603 ‘Therefore, Damaged packets of bourbon = 200 Tndamaged packets Bournvita 1400 “Monaco 380 300 = 860 Required answe Required ratio 18. Hint (140-141 Let, the number of pens, erasers and rulers be p.€ and r respectively. p>e>randp> 10,e2 10, r>10 ptetr=35 10, there are two possibittes, p = 14, € 1B + cannot take a value greater than or equal to 11, since if r= 11, p-+e= 24, whieh when split would violate atleast one ci the two condition, r=10 Minimum amount spent = 13 x20-+ 12 «5+ 10 x2 = 340 ‘Total number of non DLP studer 20= 150 Number of non DLP students having 1-5 years of work experience = 20 + 15 +30-+ 12=77 Required percentage Option 3 ‘Total number of on-campus male students: =88 Number of on-campus male than 5 years of work experience = 8 Required proportion = 28/88 = 7/22 Option 3 ‘Total number of inexperienced students 45 38442450 8 +50 dents having more +202 28 104 28= EE tnd Hor Baan Howse, South Fenn Te Ps Code OOH TOON] HN Pee TeaT Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle_LE . & LEGALEDGE By Topo ne of ele wis dig ay ew Ts oon Core evening MBA program = 148. (b) Required percentage = # x 100% = 120% Reguied fraction = 2045 = 49 Roma Hence, option Bis con o 145. (@ the percentage of experienced male students in the | 149. (@) Number of vistors visited Pin 2019 = 7 x 100 = regular program = 22 x 100 = 31.2% 360 the perentage of experienced male dens in the Taal nage of iors vied al six paces in DLP program = $2 x 100 = 20% a aD era 3 lence, option Dis correct, Diffresce = 112% as 150. (@) Number of vistors visited S 146, (4) ‘The number of visitors visited § = 22 x 25 = 675 Number of visitors Hence, option A is corect, Raguited svete 147. (@) Required ratio of the visitors = 24% : 20% = 6:5 Hence, option C is correct. and For farang owas South ena New DE in Coe 9" TORT MS Fae aT Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE Telegram: @Legal_Eagle_LE & LEGALEDGE ae Notes:- and Fr farang Hons Soth eon New DS in Oo Fase Telegram: @Legal_Eagle LE

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