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101123, 10:44 AM _2spiration link AWsis/QuestionPaperjsp?aSelID-ShO}KOqTAbO%AD Countdown Mock 11 (CLAT) 2024 English Language Directions for questions 1 to 24: Each set of questions in this section is based on a single passage. Please answer each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the corresponding passage. In some instances, more than one option may be the answer to the question; in such a case, please choose the option that most accurately and comprehensively answers the question ref Legal_Edge_Maal_2024 Yet another crucial global market has gone from glut to shortage at breakneck speed. Last September in Europe it cost €119 ($139) to buy enough gas to heat the average home for a year and the continent's gas-storage facilities were brimming. Today it costs €738 and stocks are scarce. Even ‘America, which has an abundance of shale gas, has seen prices more than double-albeit from a much lower level-and could see further increases if its winter is a cold one. The shortage has many causes. A cold European spring and a hot Asian summer boosted energy demand. Rebounding industrial production has lifted the global appetite for liquefied natural gas (LNG). Russia has been piping less gas into European stockpiles. Hawks suspect it of trying to spook the market and ensure its new Nord Stream 2 pipeline is approved. But it has also faced disruptions, including a fire at a processing plant in Siberia. Gas has been plugging gaps in power production from other sources. The wind did not blow much in Europe this summer, while droughts interfered with hydropower output. The rising price of the permits needed to emit carbon in the EU has made coal expensive. So there is litle altemative to burning gas for electricity as well as for heating homes. ‘Whereas the world economy's other bottlenecks-for container ships and microchips-have unleashed a capital-expenditure boom, investment in fossil fuels is in long-term decline. American shale can help only so much, because gas markets are imperfectly linked via LNG. High prices, when they strike, will serve mainly to ration limited supply. But it takes big price movements to curb demand. If the coming months are chilly, Europe's energy may have to become extremely expensive to persuade firms and households to use less Sorting this out requires accurately diagnosing what has gone wrong. Governments have not made enough allowance for the intermittency of renewable energy. The world has too little nuclear power-a low-carbon energy source that is always on. Interventions and subsidies for gas will only make things worse. Expensive energy angers voters and hurts the poor. But subsidising energy in a squeeze, as tps lw aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSeD=ShO}KOqTDO%SO 18. Scanned with CamScanner 11129, 1048 AM pation Ini ANsis/QuestonPaperep?aSetD-ShOMOqTSbO%20 Italy is doing, or capping prices, as Britain does, will exacerbate shortages and make politicians’ commitment to greenery look empty. Governments should use the welfare system to support household incomes if they must, while helping energy markets work efficiently. The long-term challenge is to smooth out volatility as the switch to renewables continues. Eventually cheap battery storage might solve the intermittency problem; right now, more gas storage would help too. In the meantime tweaks to the market could improve things. Dirty sources of energy should be expensive. But without reliable alternatives, price increases boost inflation, lower living standards and make environmentalism unpopular. If governments do not manage the energy transition more carefully, then today's crisis will be the first of many that threaten the vital move to a stable climate. Q 1. 30405650 All of the following can be inferred from the passage Except a) Power generated by renewable sources is variable and unpredictable b) Energy is used for heating homes and offices in Europe and cooling them in Asia ) Significant investments in Nuclear power should be made urgently 4) High energy prices may reduce the support for environment friendly policies Q 2, 30405650 Which of the following would explain why investments in fossil fuels are in long term decline despite high prices? a) Increased awareness of environmental concems has led to push away from fossil fuels b) Costs of Renewable energy are deciining with better technologies attracting long term investments ¢) Fossil fue! markets are volatile and subject to geopolitical pressures which affects supply and prices ) All the above Q 3. 30405650 Which of the following can alleviate the problem of intermittency of renewable energy? a) Natural Gas is stored and used whenever there is a shortage of renewable energy b) Electricity generated from renewable energy is stored in batteries and sued when needed ©) Reduce the price of coal permits and use coal for heating homes & offices d) Approve the Nord stream 2 pipeline from Russia to increase gas supplies Q 4. 30405650 Why does the author believe that energy prices might have to become extremely expensive to persuade homes and firms to use less? a) Citizens in Europe expect government to ensure lower prices by subsidizing them ) Since heating is essential need, citizens have no alternative but to use energy even at high prices ©) Citizens in Europe have high incomes and are willing to pay for higher prices without complaint. hntps:twur aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShOKOGTEDO%SO 248 Scanned with CamScanner 1011723, 10-44 AM _2spiration link AWsis/QuestionPaperjsp?qSelID-ShO}KOqTAbO%’D 4) Citizens are environmentally aware and are willing to pay higher prices for clean energy Q 5. 30405650 Which of the following would be an appropriate title for the given passage? a) The Gas Crisis: A Catastrophic Energy Shortage" b) "Fossil Fuels vs. Renewables: The Battle for Energy Dominance" ©) Rising gas prices and challenges of renewable energy transition 4) "Renewable Energy Failure: Inadequate Solutions to intermittency" Directions for questions 1 to 24: Each set of questions in this section is based on a single passage. Please answer each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the corresponding passage. In some instances, more than one option may be the answer to the question; in such a case, please choose the option that most accurately and comprehensively answers the question jtegal_Edge_Maal_2024 A wise proverb suggests not putting all your eggs in one basket. Over recent decades, however, physicists have failed to follow that wisdom. The 20th century-and, indeed, the 19th before itwere periods of triumph for them. They transformed understanding of the material universe and thus people's ability to manipulate the world around them. Modernity could not exist without the knowiedge won by physicists over those two centuries. In exchange, the world has given them expensive toys to play with. The most recent of these, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which occupies a 27km-circumference tunnel near Geneva and cost $6bn, opened for business in 2008. It quickly found a long-predicted elementary particle, the Higgs boson, that was a hangover from calculations done in the 1960s. It then embarked on its real purpose, to search for a phenomenon called Supersymmetry. This theory, devised in the 1970s and known as Susy for short, is the all-containing basket into which Particle physics’ eggs have until recently been placed. Of itself, it would eliminate many arbitrary mathematical assumptions needed for the proper working of what is known as the Standard Model of Particle physics. But it is also the vanguard of a deeper hypothesis, string theory, which is intended to synthesise the Standard Model with Einstein's general theory of relativity. Einstein's theory explains gravity. The Standard Model explains the other three fundamental forces-electromagnetism and the weak and strong nuclear forces-and their associated particles. Both describe their particular provinces of reality well. But they do not connect together. String theory would connect them, and thus provide a so-called "theory of everything”. String theory proposes that the universe is composed of minuscule objects which vibrate in the manner of the strings of a musical instrument. Like such strings, they have resonant frequencies and harmonics. These various vibrational modes, string theorists contend, correspond to various hntps:slwun aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShO}KOqTEDO%SO 3148 Scanned with CamScanner sov129, 1048 AM span lini Aisi QuestonPperisp?aSelD-ShOMOaTEBO%IO fundamental particles. Such particles include all of those already observed as part of the Standard Model, the further particles predicted by Susy, which posits that the Standard Model's mathematical fragility will go away if each of that mode'’s particles has a heavier “supersymmetric” partner particle, or “sparticie", and also particles called gravitons, which are needed to tie the force of gravity into any unified theory, but are not predicted by relativity. But, no Susy, no string theory. And, 13 years after the LHC opened, no S particles have shown up. Even two as-yet-unexplained results announced earlier this year (one from the LHC and one from a smaller machine) offer no evidence directly supporting Susy. Many physicists thus worry they have been on a wild-goose chase. 6. 30405650 Why does the author fee! that Physicists have placed all their eggs in one basket? a) They have spent large funds on expensive toys like the Large Hadron Collider b) They have focussed most of their efforts on proving Supersymmetry ¢) Physicists in the 21st century are less successful than their 19 & 20th century counterparts d) The standard model though intuitive is mathematically fragile Q7. 30405650 Which of the following explains the meaning of the term ‘Wild Goose chase"? a) Extravagant and wasteful use of funds 5) logical and fanciful theories ) Futile pursuit of unlikely goals 4) Reckless and dangerous endeavours Q 8. 30405650 Which of the following best explains the motivation of Physicists behind the search for ‘sparticles'? a) To justify the use of $6 Bn investment in the Large Hadron Collider b) To strengthen the Standard Model and connect it with theory of relativity €) To find elementary particles like Higgs Boson and Gravitons 4) To transform our understanding of the universe and particle physics Q 9. 30405650 Which of the following best expresses the central theme of the passage? a) Physicists have focussed on finding evidence of Supersymmetry which could connect Relativity and the Standard Model but in vain b) The lack of evidence of Supersymmetry raises the question as to whether string theory is scientifically sound c) The inherent inconsistencies between theory of Einstein's theory of relativity and the String theory may be irreconcilable hntps two aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShO}KOGTEDO%SO 4186 Scanned with CamScanner 101129, 1041 aM spain Ind Aisi QuesbonPaperisp?aSelD-ShOMOaTERO%IO dq) The lack of evidence of Supersymmetry so far raises doubts about the validity of the mathematical assumptions underlying Standard theory Q 10. 30405650 Each of the following can be inferred from the passage except? a) The Large Hadron Collider is a too! for research into particle physics b) The existence of Supersymmetry is critical for validating String Theory ¢) Connecting general relativity with string theory can lead to theory of everything 4) Einstein's explanation of gravity requires proof of existence of gravitons Directions for questions 1 to 24: Each set of questions in this section is based on a single passage. Please answer each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the corresponding passage. In some instances, more than one option may be the answer to the question; in such a case, please choose the option that most accurately and comprehensively answers the question Passage - 3 As a quick stroll on social media reveals, most people love showing that they are good. Whether by expressing compassion for disaster victims, sharing a post to support a social movement, or denouncing a celebrity's racist comment, many people are eager to broadcast their high moral standing. Critics sometimes dismiss these acts as mere ‘virtue signalling’. ‘Virtue signallers enjoy the privilege of feeling better about themselves by doing very litle. Unlike the kind of helping where you have to do something - help an old lady cross the street, volunteer to give meals to the dispossessed, go door-to- door to fundraise for a cause - virtue signalling often consists of completely costless actions, such as changing your profile picture or saying you don't like a politician's stance on immigration. ‘Why do we scold virtue signallers for having it easy? The urge to dismiss someone's actions because they took no effort is powerful. But does it not make more sense to focus on what that action actually achieves? Why do we often focus on the costs people pay rather than how effective they are at making the world better? A few decades ago, economists struggled with similar questions. Why do employers care that you put yourself hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt to get an Ivy League degree in sociology with no obvious relevance to the job? In the 1970s, the zoologist Amotz Zahavi and the economist Michael Spence offered a provocative answer. They argued that the cost paid by the college graduate is the whole point. Their argument is a bit subtle, so it is worth carefully looking at how it works. Communication is difficult because hntps two aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShO}KOGTBDO%SO 546 Scanned with CamScanner 101128, 10:44 AM aspiration link AWsis/QuestionPaperjsp?qSelID-ShO}KOGTAbO%SD individuals have incentives to lie. Employers are looking for certain qualities (intelligence, conscientiousness, ambition) in their employees. They could ask the people they interview if they are intelligent and conscientious, but why wouldn't the job candidates simply lie? Instead, employers select their employees on the basis of signals that are diff ke, such as university degrees. In general, having the qualities that employers value m ier to get a degree. People who do not have the right mix of intelligence, conscientiousndgs abd ambition will find college more difficult, and either drop out or spend much more time cor studies. People who anticipate that getting a degree would be too costly for them will opt xg So, in principle, even if nothing you had learnt was relevant to the job you weft, completing the degree still sends a valuable signal to potential employers: you are th€skind of person for whom this high- effort achievement is easy enough. Because it sends a valuab] “itis in your interest to get a degree, and in the employer's interest to hire you on its basis. Costly signals - signals that are honest because of the’ R., are costly - are ubiquitous. Why do people give flowers to their romantic interests, of to overpriced restaurants? Q 11, 30405650 Which of the following best answers the, question in the last line of the passage? a) They signal that the person is affluent and c esiyAttors such expenses b) Flowers and expensive restaurants are a, &@ person's commitment to the relationship ¢) People are expected to offer costly g| tions set by Social Media examples d) They are relatively low-cost actions: fo signal romantic desirability Q 12, 30405650 Which of the foi 3t explains the sentence ‘Because it sends a valuable signal, itis in your interest to get a degre, and in the employer's interest to hire you on its basis"? a) The cost and effort involved irf Getting a university degree is a signal that the candidate has the requisite qualities and i to fake b) While the knowied: tin a university may not be relevant to the job offered, the experience is valuable oe c) The desi jilty to learn demonstrated in completing a university degree is more important than the actual foe 4) None of the above Q13. 30405650 Why, according to the author do people tend to dismiss social media acts as ‘virtue signalling’? a) Actions are social media often do not refiect the true beliefs of the individuals tps :slwun aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShO}KOGTBDO%SO 646 Scanned with CamScanner sov129, 1048 A spain link Asis QuestonPaperisp?aSelD-ShOMOaTERO%IO b) Actions on social media have very little real impact on the world €) Actions of social media do not involve any real cost to the individual 4d) Opinions on social media tend to be extreme and polarising Q 14, 30405650 Which of the following would be an appropriate title for the passage? a) Virtue Signalling: Superficial Acts of Morality b) Exposing Virtue Signallers: Masking True Intentions ¢) The Illusion of Virtue: Easy to fake ) Virtue Signalling and value of Costly Signals Q 15. 30405650 Which of the following best explains why people focus on cost of actions rather than the impact? a) The impact of actions is extremely difficult to measure b) Virtue signallers get the halo of morality for little effort ¢) Itis difficult to estimate the cost of actions done by strangers d) Social media has created a low trust environment for people Directions for questions 4 to 24: Each set of questions in this section is based on a single passage. Please answer each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the corresponding passage. In some instances, more than one option may be the answer to the question; in such a case, please choose the option that most accurately and comprehensively answers the question ref) Legal_Edge_Maal_2024 "To the man who loves art for its own sake," remarked Sherlock Holmes, tossing aside the advertisement sheet of the Daily Telegraph, “it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived. It is pleasant to me to observe, Watson, that you have so far grasped this truth that in these little records of our cases which you have been good enough to draw up, and, | am bound to say, occasionally to embellish, you have given prominence not so much to the many causes ce’le’bres and sensational trials in which | have figured but rather to those incidents which may have been trivial in themselves, but which have given room for those faculties of deduction and of logical synthesis which | have made my special province.” “And yet,” said |, smiling, "I cannot quite hold myself absolved from the charge of sensationalism which has been urged against my records." "You have erred, perhaps," he observed, taking up a glowing cinder with the tongs and lighting with it the long cherry-wood pipe which was wont to replace his clay when he was in a disputatious rather than a meditative mood-"you have erred perhaps in attempting to put colour and life into each of your nip waitin Ink/L AW! QuestonPapersp?4SeUO=ShOROATEOOIO 76 Scanned with CamScanner 101128, 10:44 AM aspiration link AWNsis/QuestionPaperp?aSelID-ShO}KOGTAbO%AD statements instead of confining yourself to the task of placing upon record that severe reasoning from cause to effect which is really the only notable feature about the thing.” “it seems to me that | have done you full justice in the matter," | remarked with some coldness, for | was repelled by the egotism which | had more than once observed to be a strong factor in my friend's singular character. "No, itis not selfishness or conceit," said he, answering, as was his wont, my thoughts rather than my words. “If | claim full justice for my art, it is because it is an impersonal thing-a thing beyond myself. Crime is common. Logic is rare. Therefore, it is upon the logic rather than upon the crime that you should dwell. You have degraded what should have been a course of lectures into a series of tales." Itwas a cold moming of the early spring, and we sat... on either side of a cheery fire in the old room at Baker Street. A thick fog rolled down between the lines of dun-coloured houses, and the opposing windows loomed like dark, shapeless blurs through the heavy yellow wreaths. Our gas was lit and shone on the white cloth and glimmer of china and metal, for the table had not been cleared yet. Sherlock Holmes had been silent all the morning, dipping continuously into the advertisement columns of a succession of papers until at last, having apparently given up his search, he had emerged in no very sweet temper to lecture me upon my literary shortcomings. Q 16. 30405650 In the passage, which of the following is said by Holmes to Watson? a) Attempting to add colour and life to his statements b) Exaggerating the significance of the cases Holmes was involved in ¢) Lacking severe reasoning and logical synthesis in his records d) All of the above Q 17, 30405650 How does Holmes suggest Watson should have approached his records? a) By emphasizing the severity of the crimes committed b) By presenting an objective and coherent analysis of the cases ¢) By focusing on the deductive abilities of Holmes 4) By highlighting the sensationalism surrounding the cases Q 18. 30405650 “it was a cold moming of the early spring, and we sat... on either side of a cheery fire in the old room at Baker Street.” What figure of speech has been used in this line? a) Metonymy b) Transferred Epithet ¢) Personification d) Hyperbole Q 19. 30405650 Which of the following isn't true according to this passage? a) Watson suspected Sherlock Holmes of being selfish and conceited. b) Holmes and Watson have just breakfasted at the time of this scene. hntps two aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSeD-ShOKOGTEOO%SO 86 Scanned with CamScanner sov129, 1044 AM spitan Ini Aisi QuestonPperisp?aSelD-ShOMOaTERO%IO ¢) Holmes is not particularly fond of tales, and he prefers cold logic. 4) Holmes can get quite tetchy and disputatious sometimes. Q 20. 30405650 “To the man who loves art for its own sake it is frequently in its least important and lowliest manifestations that the keenest pleasure is to be derived." Why does Holmes say this to Watson? a) He means it as a mild appreciation as Watson has only partially understood this truth. b) He means it as a slight mockery as Watson has simply not understood this truth ¢) He means it as a harsh Satire as Watson has simply not understood this truth. d) He means it as a congratulation as Watson has fully understood this truth. Directions for questions 1 to 24: Each set of questions in this section is based on a single passage. Please answer each question on the basis of what is stated or implied in the corresponding passage. In some instances, more than one option may be the answer to the question; in such a case, please choose the option that most accurately and comprehensively answers the question Passage - 5 To set up a semiconductor fabrication plant in India is not mere hubris. There is a growing market. There are also strategic reasons: India's susceptibility to coercion increases due to its dependence on the import of semiconductors. Therefore, the government's 2022 Semiconductor Mission is laudable. But today, there is still uncertainty about whether India will have a fab. Semiconductor fabrication represents the ultimate frontier of human tech advancement. The frontier has been advancing adhering to Moore's law that the number of transistors in a unit area doubles every 18 months. But the progress of miniaturisation is accompanied by higher complexity and costs. As a result, the industry has seen a decline in the number of participants. China started late in the semiconductor fab industry. But backed by massive government financial support over the last two decades, it acquired hundreds of loss-making fabs from around the world and built its fab industry. Aided by lower manufacturing costs and a massive electronics manufacturing industry, China's chip production has grown rapidly. By the time the U.S., the traditional leader in this game, realised, China had become one of the major producers of chips. Aided by its market supremacy in rare earths, which are essential for chip production, it has a strategic stranglehold on chip-making. Over the last year, the U.S. and its Wester allies have blocked the transfer of the latest fab-related technology to China. But this could be a case of closing the stable door after the horses have bolted. The U.S. enacted the CHIPS and Science Act in 2022, with nearly $40 billion in subsidies, in an effort to bring back semiconductor manufacturing to the the country. The European Union sanctioned €7.4 billion for a new fab in France. India will have to contend with these countries in what has become an intense chip warfare. hntps:ilwun aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSeD-ShO}KOGTOO%SO 96 Scanned with CamScanner 101128, 10:44 AM aspiration linktLAWsis/QuestionPaperp?aSelID-ShO}KOGTAbO%3D Investment in a semiconductor fab is one of the riskiest. Billions of dollars need to be recovered before the technology becomes obsolete. This necessitates substantial production volumes for economic viability, often reaching levels that are adequate to meet global demand. It is therefore difficult to conceive of a fab which is based on the domestic market only. The advantage of semiconductors having a small freight-to-price ratio and a zero-custom duty regime under the Information Technology Agreement, 1996, facilitates production in a single location and global sales. This is why no company is interested in setting a greenfield fab. Developing an ecosystem for chip manufacturing in a greenfield location is a major challenge. Hundreds of chemicals and gases are required for chip fabrication, people need to be trained, and abundant clean water be made available. But above all is the art of chip-making. Despite the best of equipment, poor quality and low yields can make fabs fail There are other issues, such as whether to set up a logic processor, memory or analog fab. China started on the fab joumey about 20 years ago. As the Chinese saying goes, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second-best time is now Q 21. 30405650 Which of the following is most untrue going by the arguments made in the passage? a) China has a significant control of rare earths: this is what primarily gives it a strategic edge in the global fabrication scene. b) In recent times, due to technology-saturation, Moore's law does not any more gover the size of the modern transistor. ¢) The sanctions and subsidies given by the US and Europe to promote local chip manufacture may pose a challenge to india. dq) The fact that semiconductors are easily and cheaply shipped makes it less viable for companies to invest in a new fab. Q 22. 30405650 What does the writer refer to as “a case of closing the stable door after the horses have bolted"? a) The $40 billion dollar subsidy given by the US to bring back semi-conductor manufacturing. b) The fact that the US and other European countries have stopped importing rare Earth from China c) The fact that the US and Europe have stopped being dependent on China for fabricating their chips. 4) None of the above Q 23. 30405650 What does the word 'Hubris' mean in the context in which itis used? a) Conceit b) Arrogance ©) Complacency 4) Formaiity hips wan aspiration lk/LAWsi/QvesbonPapersp?qSetID=ShOXOqTEDOKID 1046 Scanned with CamScanner 11129, 1048 AM span Indl Alsi QuestonPaperisp?aSelD-ShOMOaTERO%IO Q 24. 30405650 “India's susceptibility to coercion increases due to its dependence on the import of semiconductors" what does this line mean? a) That India is still dependent on imports vis-a-vis semiconductor might make it vulnerable to fluctuations in global demand. b) That India is still dependent on imports vis-a-vis semiconductors might increase its global dependence ‘on semiconductor import. c) That India is still dependent on imports vis-a-vis semiconductors might result in its losing it incontrovertible autonomy, dq) That India is still dependent on imports vis-a-vis semiconductors might come in the way of its aspirations of industry-dominance. Current Affairs Including General Knowledge rae () Legal_Edge_Maal_2024 The [1] became a permanent member of the G20 as leaders of the world's largest economies gathered in New Delhi for a summit that will focus on pressing global challenges under the shadow of the Ukraine crisis. Ina brief televised inaugural session, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the move to make the 56-member [1] bloc the first new member of the G20 since its creation in [2] to cope with a series of financial crises. “in keeping with the sentiment of sabka saath (with everyone), India had proposed that the [1] should be given permanent membership of the G20. | believe we all are in agreement on this proposal,” Modi said, speaking in Hindi. After saying "with your agreement", Modi banged a gavel thrice to mark the entry of the [1] into the grouping. "Before we start our work, | invite the [1] president to take his Position as a permanent member,” he said Extemal affairs minister S Jaishankar escorted the current chairperson of the [1], Comoros President [3], to his seat at the table. Modi greeted [3] with a hug before the G20 leaders began their deliberations behind closed doors. The admission of the [1], which was launched in 2002, has been included in the draft leaders’ declaration currently being negotiated by the G20 states, people familiar with the matter said. The [1] tps slwun aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSeD=ShO}KOqTBDO%SO 1166 Scanned with CamScanner 1011728, 10:44 AME aspiration link AWNsis/QuestionPaperp?aSelID-ShO}KOGTAbO%AD is expected to have the same status as the 27-member [4], the only regional bloc with full membership of the G20. In June, Modi had written to counterparts among G20 members that the [1] should be given full membership of the grouping. The proposal was also backed by key members of the EU, China and Russia, albeit for different reasons. India has also positioned itself as the "voice of the Global South" during its G20 presidency, and the push to get the [1] into the bloc of the world's wealthiest economies was part of these efforts. Q 25. 30405650 Which of the following has become a permanent member of the G20 in September 2023 which has been redacted with [1] in the passage above? a) b) Latin America Union ¢) Asian Union @) African Union Central American Union Q 26. 30405650 Which of the following years has been redacted with [2] in the passage above? a) 1991 b) 1999 ©) 2000 d) 2002 Q 27. 30405650 What is the name of the Comoros President whose name has been redacted with [3] in the passage above? a) Azali Assoumani —_b) ©) Djaffar Ahmed Said d) Moustadroine Abdou Abdallah Said Sarouma Q 28. 30405650 The [1] is expected to have the same status as the 27-member [4], the only regional bloc with full membership of the G20. Which of the following has been redacted with [4] in the passage above? a) African Union b) Asian Union ¢) European Union —d) Central American Union @ 29, 30405650 What is the significance of the G20 in addressing global economic issues? a) itis a legally binding organization that enforces economic policies. b) ithas played a critical role in responding to economic crises and facilitating global economic cooperation. ¢) It focuses solely on climate change and environmental issues. d) It replaces the functions of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Q 30. 30405650 What is the significance of India's G20 presidency in 20237 a) India's role in addressing global economic crises. ') India’s focus on climate action and environmental sustainability €) India's promotion of cultural exchange programs. hntps:twun aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSeD=ShO}KOGTEDO%SO 1246 Scanned with CamScanner 101128, 10:44 AME aspiration link AWIsis/QuestionPaperjp?qSelID-ShO}KOGTAbO%’D ) India’s efforts to establish a new international currency. Q 31. 30405650 How are decisions made within the G20, and are they legally binding? a) Decisions are made through majority voting and are legally binding. ) Decisions are made through consensus, but they are not legally binding. ¢) Decisions are made by the host country's leader and are legally binding 4) Decisions are made through majority voting, but they are not legally binding. Passage -2 On September 1, 2023, the Central government set up a panel headed by former President [1] to explore the feasibility of the ‘one nation, one election! (ONOE) plan. The idea of ONOE centres around the concept of synchronising the timing of Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections across all States to reduce the frequency of polls throughout the country. After the enforcement of the Constitution on January 26, 1950, the first-ever general elections to Lok Sabha and all State Assemblies were conducted simultaneously in 1951-1952. The practice continued into the three subsequent Lok Sabha elections until 1967, after which it was disrupted. The cycle was first broken in [2] after the Centre invoked Article 356 (failure of constitutional machinery) of the Constitution to dismiss the then-Kerala government. Subsequently, due to defections and counter- defections between parties, several Legislative Assemblies dissolved post-1960, which eventually led to separate polls for Lok Sabha and State Assemblies. Currently, the assembly polls in the States of Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Andhra Pradesh and Odisha are held together with the Lok Sabha elections. Q 32. 30405650 On September 1, 2023, the Central government set up a panel headed by former President [1] to explore the feasibility of the ‘one nation, one election’ (ONOE) plan. What is the name of the former President whose name has been redacted with [1] in the passage above? a) Pranab Mukherjee b) RamNathKovind — c) d) Manoj Sinha Prathibha Devisingh Patil Q 33. 30405650 According to the Law Commission of India's draft report in August 2018, what was the primary reason for deeming simultaneous elections infeasible within the existing constitutional framework? a) Lack of political consensus on the issue. b) Insufficient funding for conducting simultaneous polls ¢) The need for appropriate constitutional and legal amendments. d) Concerns about the impartiality of election officials. hntps two aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShOKOGTDO%SO 13146 Scanned with CamScanner 101123, 10:44 AM aspiration link AWNsis/QuestionPaperp?aSelID-ShO}KOGTAbO%SD Q 34. 30405650 What percentage of states did the Law Commission recommend should ratify the proposal for simultaneous elections? a) Asimple majority of States. b) Atleast 25% of States. ¢) At least 50% of States. 4) Unanimous consent of all States. Q 35. 30405650 According to the Law Commission's draft report in August 2018, what are some advantages of holding simultaneous elections in India? a) Increased political competition. b) Enhanced diversity of political representation. ¢) Timely implementation of government policies. d) Reduced administrative focus on development activities. Q 36. 30405650 When did the disruption of synchronized Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections begin which has been redacted with (2] in the passage above? a) in 1967 b) In 1959 ©) in 1999 d) In 1975 Q 37. 30405650 Who among the following first advocated the idea of conducting simultaneous elections in India? a) Jawaharlal Nehru b) Indira Gandhi ¢) Atal Bihari Vajpayee ¢) ‘The Law Commission headed by BP Jeevan Red @ 38. 30405650 What is the central idea behind "One Nation, One Election"? a) To have a single election for the entire country every year. b) To synchronize the timing of Lok Sabha and State Assembly elections across all States to reduce the frequency of polls. ¢) To have separate elections for Lok Sabha and State Assemblies in every State. 4) To abolish elections altogether and appoint representatives directly. Passage -3 India finished the World Athletics Championships 2023 in the Hungarian capital of Budapest with one medal, a gold and finished joint [1] in the medals table. Also known as Budapest 23, the 19th edition of the world athletics championships was held from August 19 to 27. Tokyo Olympics champion [2] won India’s only medal in Budapest - a gold in the men’s javelin throw competition. The medal also meant [2] also became the first Indian athlete to become a world champion. This was India's third medal ever at the World Athletics Championships 2023 after [3]'s hntps:twur aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShO}KOGTBDO%SO 1446 Scanned with CamScanner 1011723, 10-44 AM aspiration link AWNsis/QuestionPaperjop?aSelID-ShO}KOqTAbO%SD long jump bronze at Paris 2003 and [2]'s silver at Oregon 2022. Barring [2], the Indian men's 4x400m relay team also created an Asian record at the meet while Parul Chaudhary YL ‘the national record and breached the Paris 2024 Olympics qualifying standard in the ““@Legal_Edge_Maal_2024 The 275 JL £9 letics contingent for th World athletics championships featured 23 men and four women. National record holders Avinash Sable, Jyothi Yarraji, Jeswin Aldrin and Praveen Chithravel were in the squad, Q 39. 30405650 What is the name of the official mascot of the 2023 World Athletics Championships? a) Racka b) Liberty ¢) Lunani 4) Bigfoot Q40. 30405650 What is the motto for the 2023 World Athletics Championships? a) b) °) a) "Run Faster, Jump "Achieve Superhuman "Witness The Wonder" "Unite Through Higher" Results" Athletics” Q 41. 30405650 What is the rank of india in the medals table at the World Athletics Championships 2023 which has been redacted with [1] in the passage above? a) 10 b) 12 c) 15 d) 18 Q 42. 30405650 Who among the following Indian athletes won a gold medal in the men's javelin throw at the 2023 World Athletics Championships, becoming the first Indian to become a world champion in athletics whose name has been redacted with [2] in the passage above? a) Shivpal Singh b) Devendr Singh ¢) Neeraj Chopra 4) Vipin Kasana Q.43. 30405650 Which of the following countries finished at the top of the medal table at the 2023 World Athletics Championships? a) China b) Canada ©) United States 4) UK Q.44, 30405650 In which event did Parul Chaudhary break the national record and qualify for the Paris 2024 Olympics at the 2023 World Athletics Championships which has been redacted with [4] in the passage above? a) Men's javelin throw b) Women’s long jump) 4d) Men's 4x400m relay Women's 300m steeplechase Q 45. 30405650 Who among the following became the first Indian athlete ever to win a medal ina ‘World Championships in Athletics whose name has been redacted with [3] in the passage above? a) Milkha Singh b) PT. Usha ¢) Anju Bobby George d) Murali Sreeshankar hntps:ilwur aspiration link/_AWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShO}KOqTDO%SO 1546 Scanned with CamScanner 1011728, 10-44 AME aspiration inkl AWsis/QuestionPaperp?qSelID-ShO}KOGTAbO%SD Passage -4 Amping up pressure on Niger's mutinous military junta on July 29, 2023, the African Union demanded the country's military “return to their barracks and restore constitutional authority" within 15 days. The European Union also announced the suspension of security and funding cooperation with Niger, declaring that the 27-country bloc would not recognise the putschists who have confined the democratically elected President [1] to his official residence. The leader of the coup General [2], the Presidential Guard since 2011, appeared on state television to declare himself the new leader of the troubled West African country. This is the seventh coup in western and central Africa since 2020, including two each witnessed by Niger's neighbours Burkina Faso and Mali. It was a French colony until 1960, like many of its neighbours. It faced a long period of instability post- independence and was rocked by four military coups between 1974 and 2010. Like other countries in the wider Sahel region, the African region separating the Sahara Desert in the north from the tropics to the south, Niger has also faced the rise of Islamist extremist groups, armed local militias supported by stretched state security forces to counter the jihadist threat, and the resulting violence and displacement. Mahamadou Issoufou came to power in 2011, winning legislative elections. Under his two-term presidental rule, Niger saw a sembiance of political stability. In 2021, when Mr. Issoufou agreed to step down after completing his second term, the maximum number of successive terms allowed to a leader, his Cabinet Minister [1] was elected President, in the first democratic transfer of power since the country’s independence. On July 26, 2023, the President, [1], and his family were detained by elite troops in Niger, who deciared that they now held power. While the President, who has not resigned, has since been confined to his official residence by the military, a group of soldiers appeared on national TV, deciaring that they had overthrown Niger’s government. Colonel-Major Amadou Abdramane said “all institutions" in the country would be suspended, borders closed and a curfew imposed. Q 46. 30405650 What is the name of the President whose name has been redacted with [1] in the passage above? a) b) Mohamed Bazoum ¢) Foumakoye Gado) Brigi Rafini Hassoumi Massaoudou Q 47. 30405650 Whatis the name redacted with [2] in the passage above? a) b) ¢) AliLamine Zeine — d) Hama Amadou Ouhoumoudou Abdourahamane Tehiani Mahamadou Q48. 30405650 Which of the following events triggered the 2023 Nigerien crisis? hntps two aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShO}KOGTDO%SO 1646 Scanned with CamScanner 101129, 1044 AM pation Ini ANis/QuestonPaperiep?aSetD-ShOMOqTEbO%20 a) Anatural disaster that caused widespread destruction. b) Economic instability due to a sharp decline in oil prices. ¢) Amilitary coup led by [2] and the National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland, d) Political protests demanding electoral reforms. Q 49. 30405650 Which of the following countries does Niger share its borders with? a) Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Mali, and Algeria b) Egypt, Sudan, Ghana, Cameroon, and Morocco c) dq) Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and South Burkina Faso Sudan Q 50. 30405650 What is the currency used in Niger, along with seven other independent states in West Africa? a) Euro b) ©) Nigerian Naira d) Libyan Dinar West African CFA franc Q 51. 30405650 Why did a group of mutinous soldiers attempt a coup in Gabon? a) Economic instability ) Allegations of election fraud and corruption against the President ¢) Ethnic tensions ) Foreign intervention Q 52. 30405650 Which of the following statements is not true regarding the Gabon? a) Itis a former French colony. b) The capital is Moanda. ¢) Itshares land borders with Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and the Republic of Congo. dq) The Central African CFA franc is the currency of six independent states in Central Africa including in Gabon Legal Reasoning Directions for questions 53 to 84: You have been given some passages followed by questions based on each passage. You are required to choose the most appropriate option which follows from the passage. Only the information given in the passage should be used for choosing the answer and no external knowledge of law howsoever prominent is to be applied tps two aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSeD=ShO}KOGTDO%SO 1746 Scanned with CamScanner 101128, 10-44 AME _2spiration link AWsis/QuestionPaperjop?qSelID-ShO}KOqTAbO%ID Passage —1 Gambling, as a practice, is illegal in all states except Goa, Daman & Diu, Sikkim, and Nagaland Games of chance are considered gambling in India, and banned in common houses under Entry 34 of List II of the Constitution of India, except in some states like Sikkim and Nagaland, that regulate it. This is since such games result in the exchange of money based on the outcome of an uncertain future event, and invoive limited learned ability, strategy, physical coordination or strength, technical expertise, or specific knowledge. The Public Gambling Act, 1867, states that a game of mere skill does not fall within the scope of gambling. All the games of cards, are mainly and preponderantly a game of skill. The lottery can be defined as "a scheme, in whatever form and by whatever name called, for distribution of prizes by lot or chance to those persons participating in the chances of a prize by purchasing tickets". The Central and state governments can make rules for the conduct of lotteries under this Act. Wagering is generally considered a generic term that includes betting and gambling. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the term ‘wager’ means “to risk money by guessing the result of something.” Generally, it is considered to be synonymous with ‘stakes.’ An essential element of wagering is the payment on the occurrence of a certain event. It is included in both betting and gambling, as both include wagering money. Various people or companies that favour gambling and make money out of it oppose the restrictions that have been imposed on these activities by the Central and state laws. These are considered to be against the spirit of the fundamental right under @Cégat Edge" Maal_2024 and extracted dl Aiips://biog .ipleaders. € Wl Jegal-in-indial Q 53. 30405650 Awas a cricket fanatic, he had vast knowledge about every intricate detail of a cricket match. He used to play ‘dream cricket’, an app, on which a person has to make his own team, and if the combination works well, with respect to the ongoing match, then the person would be given cash prizes, based on the money that he had invested. During of the matches, his team combination did not work well, and consequently he lost a lot of money. A then sued the company, that owned ‘dream cricket’, stating that this application, is based on gambling, thus itis illegal, and must retum all the money invested by A. Decide the validity of the A's suit a) A's suit is invalid, because ‘dream cricket’, involves appraisal of intricacies of the match. b) A's suit is invalid, because he had won money from the app, in the past. ¢) A's suit is valid, because he has to make team combination, based on the future event i.e. the match. 4) A's suit is valid, because he has to invest money, based on an uncertain condition Q 54, 30405650 H won a lottery in one of the events, organised by the private social club that he was a member of. He was supposed to get the lottery money, after a week, however several weeks have passed, but stil, H did not receive any prize. Later when H complained to the authorities, he was told that since lottery does not have legal backing in the country, therefore they have decided not to hntps:ilwur aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSeD=ShO}KOGTDO%SO 1846 Scanned with CamScanner 101129, 1048 AM sspitaon Inkl Alsi QuestonPaperisp?aSelD-ShOMOaTEBONIO proceed with the distribution of lottery prize. H claimed that it must be enforced as per article 19(1)(g). Decide the validity of H's claim a) Lottery results cannot be enforced because it does not involve application of skills. b) Lottery results cannot be enforced because it has no legal backing in the country. ©) Lottery results can be enforced, because organising it, involves a lot of hard work, dq) Lottery results can be enforced, because it is against public policy and thus covered under article 1966). Q 55. 30405650 Why is gambling considered to be illegal? a) Gambling is illegal in India, because it involves exchange of money, without any consideration. b) Gambling is illegal in India, because people tend to lose a lot of money on lotteries ¢) Gambling is illegal in India, because it rests on uncertain event. 4) Gambling is illegal in India, because it creates class divides, favouring only the rich. Q 56. 30405650 B was playing poker, however after several rounds, he lost huge sum of money. B then decided, not to give the money that he lost, claiming that he was playing poker for fun, and since he feels it is illegal, therefore it cannot be enforced. G, one of the other players, filed a case against B, for giving the lost money, as per the conditions decided before the start of the game. Decide. a) B need not give the money, because poker is based on chance, thus not enforceable. b) Bneed not give the money, because he was playing for fun. ¢) B should give the money, because it was a condition known to him, before the start of the game. dq) B should give the money, because it game of card based on skills and assessment of the current situation of the game. Q57. 30405650 Which of the following options, correctly defines wager? a) Taking risk based on an uncertain event. b) Guessing the probability of an uncertain event. ¢) Increasing the probability of happening of an uncertain event. d) Happening of an uncertain event. Q 58. 30405650 X and Y entered into an agreement where Y promises to pay X a certain sum of money if a particular cricket team wins the upcoming match. X agrees to pay Y a similar amount if the team loses. After the match, the winning team is the one Y bet on. However, X refuses to pay the amount. Y decides to take legal action against X. Decide: hntps two aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShO}KOGTEDO%SO 19146 Scanned with CamScanner 1011723, 10-41 AM aspiration inkl AWsis/QuestionPaperjop?aSelID-ShO}KOqTAbO%SD a) X needs to pay the amount as it was an agreement based on the skill of predicting the winning team. b) X need not pay the amount because the agreement is a wagering agreement. ¢) X should pay the amount because it was a condition known to him before ente (o the agreement. dq) X needs to pay the amount as it was an agreement based on seen and good faith. Directions for questions 53 to 84: You have been given s jes followed by questions based on each passage. You are required to choose the most appropriéte option which follows from the passage. Only the information given in the passage should be used for choosing the answer and no external knowledge of law howsoever prominent is to b d, Passage -2 & A Kerala court has decided to initiate criminal prot gs against Lakeshore hospital, a prominent private hospital and eight doctors for the off nauthorised removal of organs of an accident victim back in 2009. The Transplantation of Hufftan Organ Act (THOA), 1994, was enacted on February 4, 1995, in the states of ir Pradesh, and Maharashtra and all the union territories. THOA relates to the regul forage, and transplantation of human organs for therapeutic purposes and preventio mercial dealings of human organs. This Act for the first time in India recognized the braif ih under some guidelines. Section 2(d) of THOA, 1994 defines brain stem death, it e at which all functions of the brain stem have permanently and irreversibly ceased is temp death but it is subject to certification. With this act been passed brain death has been legalizedvigf india however it needs to be certified by the Board of medical experts mentioned under Sectiog/3 Sub clause 6 of The Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994. The main ee ransplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 is the prevention of commercial dealings Ceroen organ. It is strictly prohibited under this Act. Any sort or any kind of commercial deal human organ would lead to punishment under this Act. In case of dead in lawful possession of the dead body or the free consent of ‘near relative [Section 2¢)) red for the said purpose. If the deceased donor is under the age of 18 years, then naegeoey Tequired from one of the parents or any near relative authorized by the parents is ne: ver, the cost of maintaining the body of the deceased person, retrieval of the organs or , their preservation and transportation will not be bone by the family of the donor and shal ie either by the recipient or the institution as already declared by the respective state government. Q 59, 30405650 E was a man of noble character, though being one of the richest business men in the country, he has always weighed public service above personal gains and profits. One day, he came across a data, that lives of many people could be saved if they could undergo organ transplantation, however they could not due to organ scarcity in the country. E decided that he would open a company, tps two aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShO}KOqTDO%S0 2046 Scanned with CamScanner 101129, 1048 A spain lini Alii QuestonPaperisp?aSelD-ShOMOaTEBO%IO in which he would sell organ, which would be safely preserved as per the medical standards. These organs would be made available to the public at a subsidised cost. E went to get his company registered; however, he was refused. Which of the following options would be the reason given for such refusal. a) E cannot register a company, that deals with human organs commercially. b) E cannot register a company, that sells organs at a subsidised rate. ¢) E cannot register a company, that does not work on profits. d) E cannot register a company, that interferes with medical sciences. Q 60. 30405650 H found the dead body on the road, H a doctor by profession, conducted necessary tests and found that some of the organs are in the perfect condition to be donated. H found the contact details of family members, he tried reaching out to them, but got no response. However H went ahead and donated the organs for transplantation. Later the family member, reverted the call, and gave the permission for the organ transplant. Decide the validity of the organ donation, by H. a) His guilty, because he duct ests, without the permission of the family m, [S. “legal. -dge. Maal. 2024 H ity, because donatecthe AGO Coy without f Gamba the family members. ¢) His not guilty, because he ultimately got the permission of the family member. d) His not guilty, because he did not have a bad intention. Q 61. 30405650 G was one of the most famous doctors of the city, he was always busy with patients flocking at his medical centre. One day, there was an urgent case of organ transplantation at his centre, however he was busy with other important surgeries that day. On the insistence of the family members, G decided to perform the organ transplantation, but only if he would be given fee for that. The family members agreed. Later however, they refused to pay him the fee, because it was beyond their economic capacity. G sued them. Decide. a) G must be given the fee, because that was the condition known to both the parties prior to the surgery. b) G must be given the fee, otherwise it would lead to breach of contract. ce) G must not be given the fee, because all the expenses organ transplantation surgeries is bome by the state dq) G must not be given the fee, because he was not qualified to perform organ transplantation surgery. Q 62. 30405650 What is the main objective of The Transplantation of Human Organ Act (THOA), 1994? tps lw aspiration link/LAWsisIQuestionPaperjsp?qSetID=ShO}XOqTDO%SO 21146 Scanned with CamScanner

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