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Morning News: ''Teacher decapitated in Paris named as Samuel Paty, 47''

*News Intro*
Reporter: It's Thursday, November 12th and this is ULIS Morning News.
Good to be with you, I'm Doan Phuong Linh.

*Video on screen while reporting*

Reporter: A history teacher decaptitated outside his secondary school in Paris

suburb on Friday after he showed a carricature of the prophet Muhammad to his
pupils in a lesson about freedom of expression.
The suspect was later shot dead by the police near the scene of the attack.
The police also have arrested several other suspects including the killer's relatives for
further investigations.
Now we are going to live our reporter in Paris for the up-to-the-minute

*Video on screen*

Reporter: We have also been learning more details about the attacker who hasn't
been named but has been identified as an 18-year-old Moscow-born. Prosecutors say
he had bribed his pupils at school with money and asked them to point out the
teacher he was targeting and went on to kill shortly afterwards.
ULIS News correspondent also reports that they have detected a text
claiming responsibility and a photograph of the victim were found on the attacker's
phone. The prosecutor also confirmed that a Twitter account under the name
Abdoulakh A belonged to the suspect. It posted a photo of the body of the victim and
a decapitated head minutes after the attack along with the message "I have executed
one of the dogs from hell who dared to put Muhammad down."
The prosecutor said the attacker had been granted 10 years residency in
France as a refugee in March and his half sister joined ISIS in Syria in 2014.
Here are some of the citizen attitudes towards the incident.

*Video on screen*

Reporter: According to the students attending the class, before presenting the
cartoon, the teacher reportedly invited the Muslim students to leave the classroom if
they wished but still, get offended by some. The murder reminded people about the
2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting in Paris which dozens were killed.

Reporter: There was an extreme controversy surrounding the Samuel Paty's

assassination. Although pupils and parents insisted Paty was not trying to provoke by
showing the cartoons. Others considered Paty's action was unacceptable as religion is
not something to be made fun of and no one should make fun of the faith of others.
The president of France, Emmanued Macron, bestowed the country's highest honour

on the family of Samuel Paty and thousands in France pay tribute to the beheaded
teacher in a ceremony at Sorbonne.

*Video on screen*

News Outro: France is now at its highest state of alert after suffering two terrorist
attacks within a month and this is a serious wake up call for the national
government. And that is the end of today's Morning News. For now I'm Doan
Phuong Linh, ULIS News in Hanoi.

Functional Languages of the Report:

1. Good to be with you 11. shortly afterwards
2. decapitated (a) 12. correspondent (n)
3. caricature (n) 13. residency (n)
4. suspect (n) 14. refugee (n)
5. investigation (n) 15. ISIS (n)
6. live (v) 16. assassination (n)
7. reporter (n) 17. According to
8. up-to-the-minute 18. Muslim (a)
9. identify (v) 19. bestow (v)
10. prosecutor (n) 20. For now

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