Oliver Twist MR Ehab Fathi Ch1

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‫‪Chapter 1‬‬

‫‪The Industrial‬‬ ‫الثورة الصناعية (في‬ ‫‪workhouse‬‬ ‫ملجأ إلعالة الفقراء (قديما) ‪/‬‬
‫‪Revolution‬‬ ‫أوروبا في القرن ‪)18‬‬ ‫إصالحية لألحداث‬
‫‪at least‬‬ ‫على األقل‬ ‫‪breathe‬‬ ‫يتنفس‬
‫‪weak‬‬ ‫ضعيف‬ ‫‪weakly‬‬ ‫بضعف ‪ /‬بَو هن‬
‫‪pick up – picked up‬‬ ‫يلتقط ‪ /‬يرفع‬ ‫‪kiss – ed – ed‬‬ ‫يقّبل‬
‫‪cheek‬‬ ‫خّد ‪ /‬وجنة الشخص‬ ‫‪orphan‬‬ ‫شخص يتيم‬
‫‪destitute‬‬ ‫فقير جدا ‪ /‬معدم‬ ‫‪official‬‬ ‫موظف ‪ /‬مسئول‬
‫‪wretched‬‬ ‫بائس ‪ /‬تعيس‬ ‫‪manager‬‬ ‫مدير‬
‫‪was introduced to‬‬ ‫تعرف على‬ ‫‪thin‬‬ ‫نحيف ‪ /‬نحيل الجسم‬
‫‪realise – d – d‬‬ ‫يدرك‬ ‫‪uncomfortable‬‬ ‫غير مريح‬
‫‪thin soup‬‬ ‫حساء مائي رقيق القوام‬ ‫‪starving‬‬ ‫الموت جوعا‬
‫‪master‬‬ ‫مدير ‪ /‬رب العمل‬ ‫‪furious‬‬ ‫غاضب بشدة‬
‫‪repeat – ed – ed‬‬ ‫يكرر (كالم أو فعل)‬ ‫‪immediately‬‬ ‫على الفور ‪ /‬في الحال‬
‫‪generosity‬‬ ‫كرم ‪ /‬سخاء‬ ‫‪lock someone‬‬ ‫يحبس شخص في مكان‬
‫‪cry himself to sleep‬‬ ‫يبكي حتى يغلبه النعاس‬ ‫‪beat – beat – beaten‬‬ ‫يضرب‬
‫‪gate‬‬ ‫بوابة مبنى كبير‬ ‫‪coffin maker‬‬ ‫صانع للتوابيت‬
‫‪apprentice‬‬ ‫صبي يتعلم حرفة ما‬ ‫‪opportunity‬‬ ‫فرصة‬
‫‪interested in‬‬ ‫مهتم بـ‬ ‫‪employer‬‬ ‫صاحب العمل‬
‫‪complain – ed – ed‬‬ ‫يشكو‬ ‫‪cost‬‬ ‫يكلف ‪ /‬يتكلف‬
‫‪feed – fed – fed‬‬ ‫يطعم‬ ‫‪downstairs‬‬ ‫الطابق السفلي‬
‫‪mind‬‬ ‫يمانع‬ ‫‪surrounded by‬‬ ‫محاط بـ‬
‫توابيت لم يكتمل صنعها ‪unfinished coffins‬‬ ‫‪kick – ed – ed‬‬ ‫يركل ‪ /‬يضرب بقدمه ‪ /‬ركلة‬
‫‪shutters‬‬ ‫درف خشبية لنافذة أو‬ ‫‪freezing cold‬‬ ‫بارد لدرجة التجمد‬
‫درف إلغالق متجر‬
‫‪pleased with‬‬ ‫مسرور من‬ ‫‪broken heart‬‬ ‫قلب مكسور من الحزن‬
‫‪ashamed‬‬ ‫خجالن‬ ‫‪punish – ed – ed‬‬ ‫يعاقب‬
‫‪hit – hit – hit‬‬ ‫يضرب‬ ‫‪pull – ed – ed‬‬ ‫يجذب ‪ /‬يسحب‬
‫‪cellar‬‬ ‫قبو ‪ /‬مخزن للمؤن‬ ‫‪at once‬‬ ‫فورا ‪ /‬في الحال‬
‫‪knock on the door‬‬ ‫يطرق على الباب‬ ‫‪menacing‬‬ ‫مهددا ‪ /‬متوعدا‬
‫‪unbearable‬‬ ‫ال يحتمل ‪ /‬ال يطاق‬ ‫‪run away‬‬ ‫يهرب‬
‫‪Oliver Twist‬‬ ‫‪1‬‬ ‫‪Chapter 1‬‬
1. It was late at night in England during the Industrial Revolution. At
this time, most English towns needed people to work in the factories
that were beginning to open all over the country. Many people came to
the towns to find work, but they were often so poor that they could not
buy enough to eat and they had nowhere to sleep. So they went to the
workhouses where at least they had a bed and some sort of food.
‫ في ذلك الوقت كانت معظم المدن اإلنجليزية‬.‫ كان الوقت متأخرا ليال في إنجلترا أثناء الثورة الصناعية‬
‫ أتى الكثير من الناس‬.‫تحتاج إلى أشخاص لكي يعملوا في المصانع التي بدأت تفتح في كل أنحاء القطر‬
‫ ولكنهم كانوا غالبا فقراء جدا لدرجة أنه لم يكن باستطاعتهم شراء ما يكفيهم‬,‫إلى المدن لكي يجدوا عمال‬
‫ لذلك كانوا يذهبون إلى المالجئ حيث كانوا يجدون على األقل‬.‫للطعام ولم يكن لديهم أي مكان للنوم‬
.‫سريرا ونوعا من الطعام‬
2. In one such workhouse, an old nurse and a doctor were working in a
small, dark room looking at a baby boy that had just been born. The
baby found it difficult to breathe. They did not know if he would live.
"What's the mother's name?" the doctor asked the nurse. "I don't
know. She arrived at the workhouse last night," said the nurse. "She
was ill and weak when she came."
‫ في أحد هذه المالجئ كانت ممرضة عجوز وطبيبًا يعمالن في حجرة صغيرة مظلمة ينظران إلى َو لد‬
‫ سأل‬.‫ ولم يعرفا إذا كان الطفل سيعيش‬.‫ كان الطفل يجد صعوبة في التنفس‬.‫رضيع كان قد ُو لد للتو‬
‫ هي وصلت إلى الملجأ الليلة‬.‫ "ال أعرف‬,‫ "ما اسم والدة الطفل؟" فقالت الممرضة‬,‫الطبيب الممرضة‬
".‫ كانت مريضة وواهنة عندما وصلت‬.‫الماضية‬
3. When the baby cried, the mother said weakly, "Can I see my new
baby?" The nurse picked up the tiny boy and the mother saw him for
the first time. She kissed him gently on the cheek and smiled. Then the
mother died. "Poor woman," said the nurse. "She was so beautiful. We'll
never know who she was."
‫ "هل يمكنني أن أرى طفلي الجديد؟" َر فعت الممرضة الطفل الصغير‬,‫ عندما بكى الطفل قالت األم بَو هن‬
‫ "يا لها من امرأة‬,‫ قالت الممرضة‬.‫ ثم ماتت األم‬.‫ قامت بتقبيله برفق على خّد ه وابتسمت‬.‫ورأته األم للمرة األولى‬
".‫ نحن لن نعرف أبدا من هي‬.‫ إنها جميلة جدا‬,‫مسكينة‬
4. The baby was called Oliver Twist. He was sent to live with other
orphans in an old house nearby. The orphans were all the children of
parents who had been destitute. A woman called Mrs Mann was given a
little money to look after the orphans, but she decided that she needed
some of this money for herself. For this reason, the boys never had
very much to eat.
Oliver Twist 2 Chapter 1
‫ كان‬.‫ وتم إرساله ليعيش مع األيتام اآلخرين في بيت قديم مجاور‬.‫ تم اطالق اسم أوليفر تويست على الطفل‬
‫ تم إعطاء القليل من المال إلى امرأة ُتدعى السيدة مان لكي ترعى‬.‫األيتام جميعا أطفاال ألباء شديدي الفقر‬
‫ ولهذا السبب لم يجد األوالد أبدا‬.‫ ولكنها قررت أنها تحتاج إلى بعض من هذا المال لنفسها‬.‫هؤالء األيتام‬
.‫الكثير ليأكلوه‬
5. On his ninth birthday, Oliver was a small, weak child. He had spent all
his life in the old building with Mrs Mann, who was no kinder to Oliver
than she was to the other orphans. Oliver did not go to school and he
did not know the world outside.
‫ كان قد قضى حياته كلها في المبنى القديم مع السيدة‬.‫ كان أوليفر طفال نحيال ضعيفا‬,‫ في عيد ميالده التاسع‬
‫ لم يذهب أوليفر إلى المدرسة ولم يكن يعرف‬.‫مان التي لم تكن أكثر شفقة على أوليفر من األيتام اآلخرين‬
.‫العالم خارج المبنى‬
6. One day, an important man called Mr Bumble visited Mrs Mann. Mr
Bumble was an official from the workhouse, where the older children
from poor families were big enough to work for their food. " Now
Oliver's nine, you don't need to look after him," Mr Bumble told Mrs
Mann. "He is old enough to work for us in the workhouse. "
‫ كان السيد بمبل أحد المسئولين في الملجأ حيث‬.‫ زار رجل مهم ُيدعى السيد بمبل السيدة مان‬,‫ في أحد األيام‬
.‫يوجد األطفال األكبر سنا من األسر الفقيرة الذين كانوا كبارا بما يكفي لكي يعملوا مقابل الحصول على طعامهم‬
‫ إنه كبير بما‬.‫ ال توجد ضرورة ألن تقوموا برعايته‬.‫ "اآلن أوليفر في التاسعة من عمره‬,‫قال السيد بمبل للسيدة مان‬
".‫يكفي لكي يعمل عندنا في الملجأ‬
7. Oliver was not sad to leave Mrs Mann, but he was sad to leave his
friends and the only home he had ever known. He felt wretched as the
door to the house was closed behind him. "Why are you crying? You're
very lucky to work here," the managers of the workhouse told Oliver
when he arrived. "We'll give you food and a bed for nothing."
‫ شعر‬.‫ ولكنه كان حزينا لتركه أصدقائه والمنزل الوحيد الذي كان يعرفه‬,‫ لم يكن أوليفر حزينا لترك السيدة مان‬
‫ "لماذا تبكي؟ إنك محظوظ‬,‫ قال له مديرو الملجأ عندما وصل‬.‫أوليفر بالتعاسة عندما تم إغالق باب المنزل خلفه‬
".‫ سنعطيك طعاما وسريرا بدون مقابل‬.‫جدا ألنك ستعمل هنا‬
8. The workhouse was a large, cold building. Oliver was introduced to
the other boys who were all thin and weak as he was. They wore old
clothes that were too big for them. Oliver worked hard at the
workhouse with these boys and quickly realised that his life was not
going to become any easier. His bed was uncomfortable and the food
was never enough. All they ate was a thin soup. The boys he worked
with were always hungry.
Oliver Twist 3 Chapter 1
‫ تعّرف أوليفر على األوالد األخرين الذين كانوا يتسمون جميعا بالنحافة‬.‫ كان الملجأ مبًنى كبيرا وباردا‬
‫ عمل أوليفر بمشقة في‬.‫ كانوا يرتدون مالبس قديمة والتي كانت واسعة جدا بالنسبة لهم‬.‫والضعف مثله‬
‫ كان سريره غير‬.‫الملجأ مع هؤالء األوالد وأدرك سريعا أن حياته لن تصبح أسهل بأي حال من األحوال‬
‫ كان األوالد الذين‬.‫ كل ما كانوا يأكلونه هو حساء مائي رقيق القوام‬.‫مريح ولم يكن الطعام كافيا مطلقا‬
.‫يعمل معهم دائما جائعون‬
9. After a few months, they were all so close to starving that they
made a plan. They decided they must have more food, and they chose
Oliver to ask for it. That evening in the big, cold hall, the boys finished
eating their usual thin soup. Then Oliver stood up and walked to the
master who gave them their food. "Please, sir, I want more food," said
Oliver. The master was furious. No one had ever asked for more
before. "What did you say?" he cried. There was now silence in the big
room. "Please, sir, I want some more," Oliver repeated.
‫ قرروا أنهم البد أن‬.‫ كان األوالد جميعا على حافة الموت جوعا لدرجة أنهم وضعوا خطة‬,‫ بعد شهور قليلة‬
‫ انتهى‬,‫ في ذلك المساء في القاعة الكبيرة الباردة‬.‫ واختاروا أوليفر ليطلب ذلك‬,‫يحصلوا على المزيد من الطعام‬
‫ ثم نهض أوليفر وسار حتى وصل إلى المدير الذي أعطاهم طعامهم وقال‬.‫األوالد من تناول حسائهم المائي المعتاد‬
,‫ لم يسبق ألحد أن طلب المزيد من قبل‬.‫" اشتاط المدير غضبا‬.‫ أريد المزيد من الطعام‬,‫ "أرجوك يا سيدي‬,‫له‬
‫ أريد‬,‫ "أرجوك يا سيدي‬,‫ وكرر أوليفر طلبه‬,‫ "ماذا قلت؟" كان هناك صمت في الحجرة الكبيرة األن‬,‫فصرخ قائال‬
".‫بعضا آخر‬
10. The master angrily took Oliver's arm and immediately led him to
the managers of the workhouse. He told them what Oliver had said. " If
he is not happy with our generosity," the managers said, "he must
leave." They decided to lock Oliver in a room and put a message on the
door of the workhouse. It said that the workhouse would give five
pounds to anyone who could take the boy away from them.
‫ قال‬.‫ أمسك المدير ذراع أوليفر بغضب وقاده على الفور إلى مدراء الملجأ وأخبرهم بما قاله أوليفر‬
‫ ووضعوا رسالة‬,‫" وقرروا أن يحبسوا أوليفر في غرفة‬.‫ فعليه أن يرحل‬,‫ "إذا لم يكن سعيدا بكرمنا‬,‫المدراء‬
.‫على باب الملجأ تقول أن الملجأ سيعطي خمسة جنيهات ألي شخص سيأخذ الولد بعيدا عنهم‬
11. For weeks, Oliver stayed in the cold, dark room. He cried himself to
sleep each night, then woke up each morning and began to cry again. He
had never felt so alone. He was only taken from the room when it was
time to eat. Mr Bumble did not want any of the other boys to ask for
more food, so while they were eating, Mr Bumble made Oliver stand in
front of them. Then he beat Oliver. This happened every day until a
man called Sowerberry read the message on the workhouse gate.
Oliver Twist 4 Chapter 1
‫‪ ‬ظل أوليفر في الحجرة الباردة المظلمة لمدة أسابيع‪ .‬كان يبكي كل ليلة إلى أن يغلبه النعاس‪ ,‬ثم يستيقظ كل‬
‫صباح ويبدأ في البكاء مرة أخرى‪ .‬لم يسبق له مطلقا أن شعر بالوحدة بهذه الطريقة‪ .‬كان يتم إبعاده عن‬
‫الغرفة عندما يحين وقت الطعام فقط‪ .‬لم يكن السيد بمبل يريد أيا من األوالد األخرين أن يطلبوا مزيدا من‬
‫الطعام‪ ,‬لذلك‪ ,‬فأثناء تناولهم للطعام كان السيد بمبل يجعل أوليفر يقف أمامهم‪ ,‬ثم يقوم بضربه‪ .‬كان يحدث‬
‫ذلك كل يوم‪ ,‬حتى قرأ رجل ُيدعى َس وربيري الرسالة الموضوعة على بوابة الملجأ‪.‬‬
‫‪12. Mr Sowerberry, the coffin maker, decided that he needed an‬‬
‫‪apprentice and told Mr Bumble that he could take Oliver Twist. A new‬‬
‫‪chapter in the boy's life was about to start. The next day, Mr Bumble‬‬
‫‪took Oliver from the workhouse and walked with him to Mr‬‬
‫‪Sowerberry's house. As they were walking down the street, Mr Bumble‬‬
‫‪was surprised to see that Oliver was crying. "Why are you crying?" Mr‬‬
‫‪Bumble shouted. "You should be happy to have the opportunity to work‬‬
‫"‪with someone like Mr Sowerberry.‬‬
‫"… ‪"I'll be a good boy," said Oliver. "But I have no‬‬
‫‪"You have no what?" asked Mr Bumble.‬‬
‫‪"I have no friends," said Oliver quietly.‬‬
‫‪ ‬قرر السيد َس وربيري‪ ,‬صانع التوابيت‪ ,‬أنه بحاجة إلى صبي للعمل وأخبر السيد بمبل أنه من الممكن أن‬
‫يأخذ أوليفر تويست‪ .‬كان فصال جديدا في حياة الولد على وشك البدء‪ .‬في اليوم التالي‪ ,‬أخذ السيد بمبل‬
‫أوليفر من الملجأ وسار معه إلى منزل السيد سوربيري‪ .‬بينما كانا يسيران في الشارع‪ ,‬كان السيد بمبل‬
‫مندهشا لرؤية أوليفر يبكي‪ ,‬وصاح فيه متسائال‪" ,‬لماذا تبكي؟ يجب أن تكون سعيدا ألنه جاءتك الفرصة‬
‫للعمل مع السيد سوربيري‪ ".‬فقال أوليفر‪" ,‬أنا سأكون ولدا جيدا‪ ,‬ولكن ليس عندي ‪ "...‬فسأله السيد بمبل‪,‬‬
‫"ليس عندك ماذا؟" فقال أوليفر بهدوء‪" ,‬ليس عندي أصدقاء‪".‬‬
‫‪13. Mr Bumble was not interested in Oliver's feelings. They continued‬‬
‫‪to Mr Sowerberry's house, but when Oliver's new employer saw him, he‬‬
‫‪was not happy. "He's very small, Mr Bumble," Mr Sowerberry complained.‬‬
‫‪"He is small, but he'll grow," explained Mr Bumble.‬‬
‫‪"But it will cost money to feed him," said Mr Sowerberry's wife. She‬‬
‫‪took Oliver downstairs and gave him some old food that they had not‬‬
‫‪eaten. "Now get some sleep," said Mrs Sowerberry. "You don't mind sleeping‬‬
‫" ‪down in the shop, do you? There's nowhere else to sleep in our house.‬‬
‫‪ ‬لم يباِل السيد بمبل بمشاعر أوليفر‪ .‬واصال السير إلى منزل السيد سوربيري‪ ,‬ولكن عندما رأى صاحب‬
‫العمل الجديد أوليفر‪ ,‬لم يكن سعيدا‪ ,‬وقال شاكيا‪" ,‬إنه نحيل جدا يا سيد بمبل‪ ".‬وشرح له السيد بمبل قائال‪,‬‬
‫"إنه نحيل‪ ,‬ولكنه سوف يكبر‪".‬‬

‫‪Oliver Twist‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪Chapter 1‬‬

‫قالت زوجة السيد سوربيري‪" ,‬ولكن إطعامه سيكلفنا أمواال‪ ".‬وأخذت أوليفر للطابق السفلي وأعطته بعض‬
‫الطعام القديم الذي لم يكونوا قد تناولوه‪ ,‬وقالت له‪" ,‬اآلن خذ قسطا من النوم‪ .‬أنت ال تمانع في النوم بأسفل في‬
‫الدكان‪ ,‬أليس كذلك؟ ال يوجد مكان آخر لتنام فيه في بيتنا‪".‬‬
‫‪14. Oliver was alone in a strange, dark room, surrounded by unfinished‬‬
‫‪coffins. It was not much better than the room he had slept in at the‬‬
‫‪workhouse. It was not easy for him to sleep. The next morning, Oliver‬‬
‫‪woke up to the sound of someone kicking the shop door. Oliver opened‬‬
‫‪it and saw a tall boy with a red nose eating some bread.‬‬
‫‪"Hello. I'm Noah Claypole," he said. "You're from the workhouse, aren't‬‬
‫‪you?" he continued, walking into the shop as if he lived there. " I help‬‬
‫‪Mr Sowerberry. You do what I say, Workhouse Boy. Now open the‬‬
‫‪shutters," he ordered, giving Oliver a small kick to make sure he knew‬‬
‫‪who was the master.‬‬
‫‪ ‬كان أوليفر وحيدا في حجرة غريبة مظلمة ومحاطا بتوابيت لم يكتمل صنعها‪ .‬لم تكن الحجرة أفضل كثيرا‬
‫من الحجرة التي كان ينام فيها في الملجأ‪ .‬لم يكن من السهل عليه أن ينام‪ .‬في الصباح التالي‪ ,‬استيقظ أوليفر‬
‫على صوت شخص ما يركل باب الدكان‪ .‬فتح أوليفر الباب ورأى ولدا طويال أنفه حمراء اللون ويأكل‬
‫بعض الخبز‪ .‬قال الولد‪" ,‬أهال‪ ,‬أنا نوح كاليبول‪ ".‬ثم استمر في كالمه وهو يمشي إلى داخل الدكان كما لو كان‬
‫يعيش هناك قائال‪" ,‬أنت قادم من الملجأ‪ ,‬أليس كذلك؟ أنا أساعد السيد سوربيري‪ .‬أنت تفعل ما أقوله لك يا صبي‬
‫الملجأ‪ .‬اآلن افتح ُدرف الدكان‪ ".‬قال ذلك آمرا وأعطى أوليفر ركلة صغيرة ليتأكد أنه عرف من هو السيد‪.‬‬
‫‪15. Mrs Sowerberry called and asked Noah to sit by the fire to have‬‬
‫‪some breakfast. She gave Oliver a little bread and told him to eat it‬‬
‫‪down below. It was freezing cold there. "Why can't I have a good‬‬
‫‪breakfast like Noah?" he asked, but there was no one there to hear‬‬
‫‪him. For the next few months, Oliver worked with Mr Sowerberry. He‬‬
‫‪did not like the work, but Mr Sowerberry seemed pleased with him.‬‬
‫‪This, however, did not please Noah Claypole, who was told to work‬‬
‫‪inside when Oliver went out with Mr Sowerberry.‬‬
‫‪ ‬نادت مدام سوربيري على نوح وطلبت منه أن يجلس بجوار المدفأة لكي يتناول بعض اإلفطار‪ .‬وأعطت‬
‫أوليفر قليال من الخبز وطلبت منه أن يأكله بأسفل‪ .‬كان الجو باردا لدرجة التجمد هناك‪ .‬تساءل أوليفر‪,‬‬
‫"لماذا ال أستطيع الحصول على إفطارا جيدا مثل نوح؟" ولكن لم يكن هناك أحدا حتى يسمعه‪ .‬عمل أوليفر‬
‫مع السيد سوربيري على مدار الشهور القليلة التالية‪ .‬أوليفر لم يكن يحب هذا العمل‪ ,‬ولكن كان يبدو أن‬
‫السيد سوربيري مسرورا من أوليفر‪ .‬وهذا‪ ,‬رغم ذلك‪ ,‬لم يسعد نوح كاليبول‪ ,‬الذي كان ُيطلب منه أن يعمل‬
‫داخل الدكان عندما كان يخرج أوليفر مع السيد سوربيري‪.‬‬

‫‪Oliver Twist‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪Chapter 1‬‬

16. One day, after work, the two boys were alone in the shop. " What
happened to your mother, Workhouse Boy?" said Noah. Oliver said
quietly, "The nurse said she died of a broken heart."
"I heard she died in the workhouse because she was no good at
anything," laughed Noah.
"What did you say?" cried Oliver, feeling both ashamed and angry.
"I heard that if she hadn't died, they would have punished her ," Noah
cried unkindly. Oliver stood up and started to hit Noah hard.
"Help!" shouted Noah. "He's killing me!" Mr and Mrs Sowerberry ran in
and pulled Oliver away from Noah.
"‫ "ما الذي حدث ألمك يا صبي الملجأ؟‬,‫ قال نوح‬.‫ كان الولدان بمفردهما في الدكان‬,‫ بعد العمل‬,‫ ذات يوم‬
‫ "أنا سمعت‬,‫" فقال نوح ضاحكا‬.‫ "الممرضة قالت أنها ماتت بسبب انفطار قلبها حزنا‬,‫فقال أوليفر بهدوء‬
‫" فصرخ أوليفر وهو يشعر بالخجل والغضب معا‬.‫أنها ماتت في الملجأ ألنها لم تكن تصلح ألي شيئ‬
‫" فنهض أوليفر‬.‫ "أنا سمعت أنها لو لم تُم ت لكانوا قد عاقبوها‬,‫ "ماذا قلت؟" فصرخ نوح بقسوة قائال‬,‫قائال‬
‫" فجرى السيد سوربيري وزوجته وجذبا‬.‫ إنه يقتلني‬,‫ "النجدة‬,‫ فصاح نوح قائال‬.‫وبدأ يضرب نوح بعنف‬
.‫أوليفر بعيدا عن نوح‬
17. "Help me lock him in here," they said to Noah. They pulled Oliver
into a dark cellar and locked the door.
"You poor boy," Mrs Sowerberry said to Noah. "We must get Mr Bumble
at once." When Mr Bumble heard what had happened, he hurried to Mr
Sowerberry's house and knocked on the door to the cellar. " Oliver, do
you know who's speaking?" he called loudly.
"Yes," said Oliver. "Aren't you afraid, Oliver?" he continued in a
menacing voice. "No!" Mr Bumble looked at Mr Sowerberry in surprise.
"I understand the problem," said Mr Bumble. "You've given him too
much meat, Mrs Sowerberry. You've been too kind to him. Leave him in
this cellar without food for a few days, then feed him only soup ," he advised.
‫ "ساعدني لكي نحبسه بالداخل هنا" وقاموا بجذب أوليفر إلى داخل‬,‫ قال السيد سوربيري وزوجته لنوح‬
‫ يجب أن نحضر السيد بمبل‬.‫ "أيها الفتى المسكين‬,‫ قالت مدام سوربيري لنوح‬.‫مخزن مظلم وأغلقوا الباب‬
‫ أسرع إلى منزل السيد سوربيري وطرق على الباب المؤدي‬,‫" عندما سمع السيد بمبل ما حدث‬.‫على الفور‬
‫ "نعم" فاستمر بمبل بصوت‬,‫ هل تعرف من الذي يتحدث؟" فقال أوليفر‬,‫ "يا أوليفر‬,‫للمخزن ونادى بصوت مرتفع‬
,‫ فنظر السيد بمبل إلى السيد سوربيري مندهشا ثم قال‬,"‫ "ال‬,‫ "ألست خائفا يا أوليفر؟" فرد أوليفر‬,‫تهديدي قائال‬
‫ لقد كنِت عطوفة عليه أكثر من‬.‫ أنِت قمِت بإعطائه كثيرا جدا من اللحم يا مدام سوربيري‬.‫"أنا أفهم المشكلة‬
".‫ وأطعميه الحساء فقط‬,‫ "اتركيه في هذا المخزن بدون طعام لبضعة أيام‬,‫" ثم قال ناصحا‬.‫الالزم‬

Oliver Twist 7 Chapter 1

18. That night, in the cold cellar, Oliver tried to cry himself to sleep
yet again. But he felt too angry to sleep. When the house was quiet, he
went to the door and realised it was not locked. He waited until it was
just light and quietly opened the door. No one was awake and it was
easy to leave the house without anyone realising. He knew he could not
stay in that place any longer. His life was unbearable. It was time for
him to run away.
‫ ولكنه كان يشعر‬,‫ حاول أوليفر أن يبكي حتى يغلبه النعاس مرة أخرى‬,‫ في المخزن البارد‬,‫ في تلك الليلة‬
‫ ذهب إلى الباب وأدرك أنه لم يكن‬,‫ عندما كان المنزل هادئا‬.‫بالغضب الشديد لدرجة أنه لم يستطع النوم‬
‫ لم يكن أي شخص مستيقظا وكان من السهل‬.‫ فانتظر حتى أول ضوء وفتح الباب بهدوء‬.‫مغلقا بالمفتاح‬
.‫ كان يعرف أنه لن يستطع البقاء في ذلك المكان بعد األن‬.‫عليه أن يغادر المنزل دون أن يدرك ذلك أحد‬
.‫ حان الوقت بالنسبة له ليهرب‬.‫فحياته كانت ال تطاق‬

Questions with Model Answers

1. Why did most English towns need people during the Industrial Revolution?
 To work in the factories that were beginning to open all over the country .
2. Why did the people who came to work have to go to the workhouses?
 They were often so poor. They went there to find a bed and some
sort of food.
3. Why did the doctor and the old nurse not know if the newly born ‫المولود حديثا‬
baby would live?
 Because the baby found it difficult to breathe.
4. How was Oliver's mother when she arrived at the workhouse?
 She was ill and weak when she arrived.
5. What did the weak and ill mother do just before she died?
 She kissed the baby gently on the cheek and smiled.
6. Why was Oliver Twist sent to an old house immediately after he was born?
 Because he was an orphan. He was sent to live with other orphans there .
7. Who was Mrs Mann? What kind of woman was she?
 She was the woman who looked after the orphans in the old house.
She was not a kind woman.

Oliver Twist 8 Chapter 1

8. Why did the orphans in the old house never have very much to eat?
 Because Mrs Mann was given a little money to look after them. She
took some of this money for herself.
9. What was Oliver's life like on his ninth birthday?
 He was a small, weak child. He had spent all his life in the old building
with Mrs Mann who was not kind. He did not go to school and he did
not know the world outside.
10. Who was Mr Bumble? Why did he visit Mrs Mann?
 Mr Bumble was an official from the workhouse. He visited Mrs Mann
to take Oliver to work in the workhouse.
11. Was Oliver sad to leave Mrs Mann? Why / Why not?
 Oliver was not sad to leave Mrs Mann because she was not kind to him.
12. Why was Oliver sad when he left the old building on his ninth birthday?
Or: Why did Oliver feel wretched when the door to the old house closed
behind him?
 He was sad to leave his friends and the only home he had ever known.
13. Why did the managers of the workhouse tell Oliver he was very lucky?
 Because they would give him food and a bed for nothing.
14. Why was Oliver's life in the workhouse not easy?
 He worked hard at the workhouse. His bed was very uncomfortable
and the food was never enough.
15. Why were Oliver and the other boys in the workhouse close to
 Because the food was never enough. All they ate was a thin soup.
16. Why was the master furious with Oliver at the workhouse?
 Because he asked for more food. No one had ever asked for more before .
17. How was Oliver punished for asking for more food?
 He was locked in a cold, dark room. He was beaten by Mr Bumble every day.
18. What did the managers of the workhouse do to get rid of ‫ليتخلصوا من‬
 They put a message on the door of the workhouse. It offered five
pounds to anyone who could take Oliver away.
19. How was Oliver's life when he was locked in the cold, dark room in the
 He had never felt so alone. He cried himself to sleep each night, then
he woke up each morning and began to cry again. He was taken from
the room when it was time to eat.
Oliver Twist 9 Chapter 1
20. What did Mr Bumble do to prevent any of the boys from asking for more
Or: How did Mr Bumble make an example of Oliver ‫ جعله عبرة‬to discourage the
other boys from asking for more food?
 He made Oliver stand in front of them while they were eating. Then
he beat Oliver.
21. Who was Mr Sowerberry? Why did he tell Mr Bumble that he could take
 Mr Sowerberry was a coffin maker. He needed an apprentice, so he
told Mr Bumble that he could take Oliver.
22. Why was Oliver crying when he was walking with Mr Bumble to Mr
Sowerberry's house?
 Because he had no friends after he had left the workhouse.
23. Why was Mr Sowerberry not very happy (Why did he complain) when
he saw Oliver?
 Because Oliver was very small.
24. Why did Mrs Sowerberry object to ‫ اعترضت على‬Oliver's being very
 Because it would cost money to feed him.
25. How did Mrs Sowerberry treat ‫ عاملت‬Oliver? Give an example of this.
 She treated him unkindly. She gave him some old food that they had
not eaten. She made him sleep down in the shop.
26. Why was it not easy for Oliver to sleep when he went to Mr
 Because he was alone in a strange, dark room, surrounded by
unfinished coffins.
27. Who was Noah Claypole? What did he look like?
 He was a boy who helped Mr Sowerberry. He was tall with a red nose.
28. What did Noah Claypole do to make sure Oliver knew who the master
 He gave orders to Oliver and gave him a small kick.
29. Give an example to show that Mrs Sowerberry didn't treat Oliver and
Noah equally. ‫بمساواة‬
 She asked Noah to sit by the fire to have some breakfast, but she gave
Oliver a little bread and told him to eat it down below where it was
freezing cold.
Oliver Twist 10 Chapter 1
30. Why was Noah jealous of ‫ غيور من‬Oliver?
 Because Mr Sowerberry seemed pleased with Oliver. Noah was told to
work inside when Oliver went out with Mr Sowerberry.
31. Why, do you think, did Noah talk unpleasantly about Oliver's mother?
 I think Noah was jealous of Oliver because Mr Sowerberry seemed
pleased with him, so he wanted to annoy ‫ يضايقه‬him.
32. Why did Oliver feel ashamed and angry when Noah talked about his
Or: Why did Oliver start to hit Noah hard?
 Because Noah talked badly about his mother. He said that she died in
the workhouse because she was no good at anything.
33. How did Mr Sowerberry and his wife side with ‫ انحازوا لـ‬Noah against
Oliver when they quarrelled ‫?تشاجرا‬
 Before they knew what happened, they locked Oliver in a dark cellar
and complained to Mr Bumble.
34. Give an example to show that Oliver was a courageous ‫ شجاع‬boy.
 When he was locked in the cellar, Mr Bumble talked to him menacingly,
but Oliver told him that he was not afraid.
35. What did Mr Bumble blame ‫ يلوم‬Mrs Sowerberry for?
 He blamed her for giving Oliver too much meat and for being too kind
for him.
36. What advice did Mr Bumble give to Mrs Sowerberry?
 He advised her to leave Oliver in the cellar without food for a few
days and to feed him only soup.
37. Why did Oliver run away from Mr Sowerberry's house?
 He knew he could not stay in that place any longer. His life was unbearable .
38. How did Oliver run away from Mr Sowerberry's house?
 He realised that the door was not locked. No one was awake and it was
easy to leave the house without anyone realising.

Quotations with Model Answers

1-"What's the mother's name?"
(A)Who asked this question? To whom was it asked?
 The doctor asked it to the nurse.
(B)What was the other person's answer?
Oliver Twist 11 Chapter 1
 She said that she didn't know.
(C)Where did that conversation take place?
 It took place in the workhouse.

2-"I don't know. She was ill and weak when she came."
(A)Who said this? To whom?
 The nurse said this to the doctor.
(B)Who were they talking about?
 They were talking about Oliver's mother.
(C)What did the speaker mean by "I don't know"?
 She meant that she didn't know the woman's name.

3-"Can I see my new baby?"

(A)Who made this request? To whom?
 Oliver's mother made this request to the nurse.
(B)What did she do when she saw her new baby?
 She kissed him gently on the cheek and smiled.
(C)What happened to that mother after that?
 She died.

4-"Poor woman. She was so beautiful. We'll never know who she was ."
(A)Who said these words? Where?
 The nurse. At the workhouse.
(B)What happened to that woman?
 She died.
(C)Why wouldn't they be able to know who that woman was?
 Because they even didn't know her name.

5-"Now Oliver's nine, you don't need to look after him."

(A)Who said this? To whom?
 Mr Bumble said this to Mrs Mann.
(B)Where did this conversation take place?
 It took place in the old building where orphans lived.
(C)Why did the speaker say they didn't need to look after that boy?
 Because the boy was big enough to work for his food.

6-"He is old enough to work for us in the workhouse.”

(A)Who said this? To whom?
 Mr Bumble said this to Mrs Mann.
Oliver Twist 12 Chapter 1
(B)Who were they talking about?
 Oliver Twist.
(C)How old was he at that time?
 He was nine years old.

7-"Why are you crying? You're lucky to work here. We'll give you
food and a bed for nothing.”
(A)Who said this? To whom?
 The managers of the workhouse said this to Oliver.
(B)Why was the addressed person sad and crying?
 He was sad to leave his friends and the only home he had ever known.
(C)Was that person really lucky to work at that place? Why / Why not?
 No. Because he worked hard there. His bed was very uncomfortable
and the food was never enough.

8-"Please, sir. I want some more."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?
 Oliver said this to the master who gave the boys their food.
(B)What was the effect of these words on the addressed person? Why?
 The master was furious. No one had ever asked for more before.
(C)How did the addressed person react ‫ رد فعله‬to this request?
 He angrily took Oliver's arm and led him to the managers of the workhouse .

9-"What did you say?" he cried. There was now silence in the big
(A)Who asked this question? To whom?
 The master who gave the boys their food. To Oliver.
(B)Why was the speaker want the addressed person to repeat his words?
 Because he was surprised. He didn't expect that any boy would ask
for more food.
(C)What did the addressed person really want? Why?
 He wanted some more food because he was still hungry.

10-"If he is not happy with our generosity, he must leave."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?

Oliver Twist 13 Chapter 1

 The managers of the workhouse said this to the master who gave the
boys their food.
(B)Who were they talking about?
 Oliver Twist.
(C)Were they really generous ‫ ?كرماء‬Why / Why not?
 No, they were not generous at all. The food they gave to the boys was
never enough.

11-"Why are you crying? You should be happy to have the

opportunity to work with someone like Mr Sowerberry."
(A)Who said this? To whom?
 Mr Bumble said this to Oliver Twist.
(B)Where were they when this conversation took place?
 They were walking down the street to Mr Sowerberry's house.
(C)How did that person have the opportunity to work with Mr Sowerberry?
 When the managers put a message on the door of the workhouse. It
offered five pounds to anyone who could take Oliver away. Mr
Sowerberry needed an apprentice, so he told Mr Bumble that he could
take Oliver.

12-"I'll be a good boy, but I have no …"

(A)Who said this? To whom?
 Oliver said this to Mr Bumble.
(B)What didn't that boy have?
 He didn't have friends.
(C)Where were they going at the time of this conversation?
 They were going to the house of Mr Sowerberry, Oliver's new employer .

13-"He's very small, Mr Bumble."

(A)Who said this? To whom?
 Mr Sowerberry said this to Mr Bumble.
(B)Who were they talking about?
 Oliver Twist.
(C)How much did the speaker pay to get that person as an apprentice?
 He paid five pounds.

14-"He is small, but he'll grow."

Oliver Twist 14 Chapter 1

(A)Who said this? To whom?
 Mr Bumble said this to Mr Sowerberry.
(B)What was the person they were talking about going to work?
 He was going to work as an apprentice coffin maker.
(C)Why did the speaker get rid of ‫ تخلص من‬the person they were talking about?
 Because he asked for more food when he was hungry.

15-"But it will cost money to feed him."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Sowerberry's wife said this to Mr Bumble.
(B)Who does the word "him" refer to?
 It refers to Oliver Twist.
(C)Did the speaker really feed that person well? How?
 No, she fed him old food or a little bread.

16-"Now get some sleep. You don't mind sleeping down in the shop,
do you? There's nowhere else to sleep in our house."
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Sowerberry's wife said this to Oliver.
(B)What was the addressed person going to work at that shop?
 He was going to work as an apprentice coffin maker.
(C)Was it not easy for him to sleep in that place? Why / Why not?
 No, because he was alone in a strange, dark room, surrounded by
unfinished coffins.

17-"You're from the workhouse, aren't you? I help Mr Sowerberry.

You do what I say, Workhouse Boy. Now open the shutters."
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
 Noah Claypole said this to Oliver.
(B)What did the speaker look like?
 He was a tall boy with a red nose.
(C)Why did the speaker give the other person that order with a small kick?
 He wanted to make sure that Oliver knew who the master was.

18-"Why can't I have a good breakfast like Noah?"

(A)Who said these words?

Oliver Twist 15 Chapter 1

 Oliver Twist.
(B)Did any one answer this question? Why / Why not?
 No. Because there was no one there to hear Oliver.
(C)Compare ‫ قارن بين‬the places where both the speaker and Noah had their
 Oliver had his breakfast down below where it was feezing cold, while
Noah had his brekfast by the fire.

19-"What happened to your mother, Workhouse Boy? I heard she died

in the workhouse because she was no good at anything. I heard that if
she hadn't died, they would have punished her."
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
 Noah Claypole said this to Oliver.
(B)How did the addressed person feel on hearing this?
 He felt both ashamed and angry.
(C)How did he react to this insult ‫?إهانة‬
 He started to hit Noah hard.

20-"The nurse said she died of a broken heart."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?
 Oliver said this to Noah Claypole.
(B)Who does the word "she" refer to?
 It refers to Oliver's mother.
(C)Did the addressed person speak well of that woman? Why / Why not?
 No. He spoke badly about her as he was jealous of Oliver. He wanted
to annoy him.

21-"Help! He's killing me!"

(A)Who was asking for help?
 Noah Claypole.
(B)Why did the speaker need help?
 Because Oliver started to hit him hard.
(C) Who hurried to help that person?
 Mr Sowerberry and his wife.

22-"Help me lock him in here."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?

Oliver Twist 16 Chapter 1

 Mr Sowerberry and his wife said this to Noah Claypole.
(B)Who did they lock? Where?
 They locked Oliver in a dark cellar.
(C)Why did they lock that person in that place?
 because he hit Noah hard.

23-"You poor boy, we must get Mr Bumble at once."

(A)Who said these words? To whom?
 Mrs Sowerberry said this to Noah Claypole.
(B)Who was Mr Bumble?
 Mr Bumble was an official from the workhouse.
(C)Why did they have to get Mr Bumble at once?
 Because Oliver, who came from the workhouse, hit Noah hard.
24-"Oliver, do you know who's speaking? Aren't you afraid?"
(A)Who said these words?
 Mr Bumble said these words.
(B)Where was Oliver at that time?
 He was locked in the dark cellar at Mr Sowerberry's house.
(C)What were Oliver's answers to these questions?
 He said that he knew who was speaking and that he wasn't afraid.
25-"I understand the problem. You have given him too much meat."
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Bumble said these words to Mrs Sowerberry.
(B)Who does the pronoun "him" refer to?
 Oliver Twist.
(C)What problem did the speaker mean?
 The problem of Oliver's hitting Noah and that he was not afraid of
Mr Bumble.
26-"You've been too kind to him. Leave him in this cellar without
food for a few days, then feed him only soup."
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
 Mr Bumble said these words to Mrs Sowerberry.
(B)Was the addressed person really too kind to Oliver?
 No, she wasn't.
(C)What did Oliver decide to do when he realised that his life was unbearable?
 He decided to run away.

Oliver Twist 17 Chapter 1

(A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did many people go to the English towns during the Industrial Revolution?
2- What were people’s lives who went to work in the English towns like?
3- Where did the people who came to work in the factories live? Why?
4- Where was Oliver Twist born?
5- Why were the doctor and the nurse doubtful ‫ لديهم شك‬if the baby would live?
6- Did the doctor and the nurse know the identity ‫ هوية‬of the baby's mother?
7- How was the baby's mother when she arrived at the workhouse?
8- What did the baby's mother ask for when she heard her new baby crying?
9- What did the baby's mother do just before she died?
10- Where was oliver sent after he was born? Why?
11- Who was Mrs Mann?
12- To what extent ‫ إلى أي مدى‬was Mrs Mann kind to the orphans?
13- What did Mrs Mann do with the little money she was given?
14- Why did the orphans never have very much to eat?
15- What was Oliver Twist like on his ninth birthday?
16- Who was Mr Bumble? Why did visit Mrs Mann?
17- Why did Oliver have to leave the old building when he was nine?
18- How did Oliver feel when he left the old house he was brought up in? Why?
19- Why, do you think, wasn't Oliver sad to leave Mrs Mann?
20- What were the boys that Oliver saw in the workhouse like?
21- What did Oliver realise as soon as he started work at the workhouse?
22- How was Oliver’s life in the workhouse a hard one?
23- Why were the boys at the workhouse always hungry (close to starving)?
24- What plan did the boys at the workhouse make to get more food?
25- How did Oliver face the master, who gave the boys their food, bravely ‫?بشجاعة‬
26- How did the master feel when Oliver asked for more food? Why?
27- How was Oliver punished for his request for more food?
28- Why was there a message on the door of the workhouse?
29- How did Mr Bumble make an example of Oliver to discourage the other
boys from doing like him?
30- Who was Mr Sowerberry? Why did he tell Mr Bumble that he could take
31- Why was Oliver crying when he walked with Mr Bumble to Mr
Sowerberry’s house?
32- Why wasn’t Oliver’s new employer, Mr Sowerberry, happy when he saw him?
33- Where did Oliver have to sleep in Mr Sowerberry’s house? Why?
34- What kind of place did Oliver sleep in at Mr Sowerberry's house?
35- Who was Noah Claypole? What did he look like?
Oliver Twist 18 Chapter 1
36- How did Noah make sure that Oliver knew that he was the master there?
37- Mrs Sowerberry's treatment to both Noah and Oliver showed that she was
unfair. Discuss.
38- Give an example to show that Noad was a cruel ‫ قاسي‬boy.
39- Out of jealousy ‫بدافع الغيرة‬, Noah tried to make Oliver angry. Explain how.
40- How did Oliver punish Noah for insulting his mother?
41- How did Mr Bumble account for ‫ برر‬Oliver's boldness ‫?جرأة‬
42- What did Mr Bumble blame Mrs Sowerberry for? What was his advice?
43- Why did Oliver decide to leave Mr Sowerberry’s house and run away?
(B) Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:
1-"Can I see my new baby?"
(A)Who made this request? To whom?
(B)What did she do when she saw her new baby?
(C)What happened to that mother after that?
2-"He is old enough to work for us in the workhouse.”
(A)Who said this? To whom?
(B)Who were they talking about?
(C)How old was he at that time?
3-"Please, sir. I want some more."
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
(B)What was the effect of these words on the addressed person? Why?
(C)How did the addressed person react to this request?
4-"If he is not happy with our generosity, he must leave."
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
(B)Who were they talking about?
(C)Were they really generous? Why / Why not?
5-"But it will cost money to feed him."
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
(B)Who does the word "him" refer to?
(C)Did the speaker really feed that person well? Explain how.
6-"I heard she died in the workhouse because she was no good at
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
(B)How did the addressed person feel on hearing this?
(C)How did he react to this insult ‫?إهانة‬
7-"Help me lock him in here."
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
(B)Who was locked? Where did they lock him?
(C)Why did they lock that person in that place?

Oliver Twist 19 Chapter 1

8-"You've been too kind to him. Leave him in this cellar without food
for a few days, then feed him only soup."
(A)Who said these words? To whom?
(B)Was the addressed person really too kind to Oliver?
(C)What did Oliver decide to do when he realised that his life was unbearable?

Oliver Twist 20 Chapter 1

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