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“Año de la unidad la paz y el desarrollo”

1. Chávez Castillo Edilson Jorge Código: U20245925
2.Gabriel Padilla Nancy Karina Código: U21300112
3.Lanazca Alvarado Marcelo Código: U21316568

Docente: Marilu Madeleine Rabanal Enciso

Actividad: (AC-S08) Week 08 - Task: Assignment - Have you ever?

Curso: English IV



Jorge: Hello everyone! Have you tried unusual food?

Marcelo: Yes, I was in Thailand and tried fried scorpions in a street market.

Nancy: Have you ever tried extreme activities while traveling?

Jorge: Yes, I once bungee jumped off a bridge.

Marcelo: Wow, Jorge, that sounds incredible. I did something exciting too. I made a
canopy in the jungle. We fly through the treetops at full speed.

Nancy: Changing the subject, have you had any unforgettable experiences with local
people on your travels?

Jorge: Yes, I met a family in Marrakech who invited me to dinner at their house. We share
traditional food.

Marcelo: I also had a similar experience in India. There was Diwali and they invited me to
dance and eat with the community.

Nancy: Have you ever gotten lost in an unknown place during your travels?

Jorge: Yes, I once got lost in the maze of narrow streets in the old town of Venice.

Marcelo: I also got lost once in Tokyo, looking for a restaurant.

Nancy: Wow, getting lost seems to be part of the adventure of traveling!

Jorge: Have you ever swum with sharks?

Marcelo: No, but I dived with manta rays in the Maldives.

Nancy: Incredible, Marcelo! Any place you dream of visiting?

Jorge: I would love to visit Japan.

Marcelo: I am attracted to the idea of exploring Iceland.

Nancy: I want to take a trip along the Silk Road.

Jorge: That sounds exciting! There is always more to discover in the world.

Marcelo: Without a doubt, Jorge. Any favorite local destinations?

Nancy: I enjoy exploring my own city, discovering hidden places.

Jorge: Same here, Nancy. Sometimes adventures are closer than we think.

Marcelo: Exactly, never stop exploring, even in your own backyard

Jorge: It has been great to share these stories and experiences with you. Until next time!

Marcelo: Totally agree, Jorge. It was a pleasure to chat about our travels. See you soon!

Nancy: Thank you both for this fun conversation. Have good trips in the future! See you

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