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18% of our forest lost due to mining minerals.

Philippines is one of the country's whith richest minerals

Mining Minerals affected our economy, livelihood, nature

also health of living things.

Mining minerals can provide several benefits to society,As seen Economic Growth where Mining
minerals can lead to economic growth and job creation.Resource Availability that is Mining helps in
extracting valuable resource.Energy Production that Many minerals play a important role in producing
energy.Technological Advancements: Mining helps in the exploration and extraction of rare minerals
that are necessary for technological advancements.Infrastructure Development: Mining operations
often lead to infrastructure development in remote areas where mineral deposits are located.

Despite these benefits, it's important to be aware of the environmental and social impacts associated
with mining.

1. Environmental Destruction: Mining activities can result in deforestation, habitat loss, and soil erosion.
ery during mining operations

2. Water Contamination: Inadequate management of water resources can lead to the contamination of
nearby water bodies with chemicals and heavy metals, disrupting aquatic ecosystems and endangering
local wildlife.

3. Air Pollution: Mining activities can release various pollutants into the air, including dust particles, toxic
gases, and greenhouse gases. These pollutants can contribute to air pollution and have health impacts
on both humans and animals living near mining areas.

4. Health Risks: People working in mines are exposed to hazardous substances and often face respiratory
issues, injuries, and other health risks. Additionally, nearby communities can also be affected by mining-
related pollution, leading to long-term health problems.

5. Social Disruption: Mining projects can uproot communities and disrupt traditional livelihoods, causing
social and cultural upheaval. These disturbances can result in the displacement of indigenous people,
loss of farmland, and conflicts over natural resource rights.

To mitigate these negative effects, it is crucial to implement responsible and sustainable mining
practices. This includes adhering to strict environmental regulations, promoting community engagement
and consultation, and prioritizing the well-being of both the environment and local communities.

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