Amazing Journey 3 Unit 1 Term 1 Transcripts

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3 Listen and match. 4 Listen and number.

Teacher: Hello everyone, welcome back 1

to Music club! I can see some Boy: What do you do after school,
new faces here today. Do you Katy?
all want to play an instrument? Katy: Well, I like reading. I sometimes
Have you got… read after school.
Boy: Who are all these children?
Girl: Well, that’s Rita. She likes to 2
play classical music. She’s got Boy: Do you like dancing?
long, black hair, can you see Katy: Yes, I love dancing! I have dance
her? Her hair is straight. class three times a week.
Boy: Mm hmm. Boy: Three times a week? Wow! That’s
Girl: And next to her is Becky. She’s a lot.
tall, and she’s got long, curly
Boy: I can see her. Boy: Do you like football?
Girl: She likes rock music. Then Katy: No, I hate playing football. I never
there’s Vera, with the long, play.
blonde hair, she’s very good at
Boy: Oh!
music… Oh, and that’s Lance,
he’s new too. His hair is
straight. 4
Boy: Has he got blonde hair? Boy: Do you like music?

Girl: Yes, that’s right. And umm, Katy: Yes! I love listening to music!
that’s Sam, he’s got straight I listen to music every day.
black hair, he listens to
everything! He loves… 5
Katy: I like singing too! I always sing in
the shower!

Boy: Do you play any instruments?
Katy: Yes. I play the piano. I have piano
Boy: How often do you have lessons?
Katy: I have lessons once a week. But I
don’t like playing the piano!
Boy: Oh, dear!

Term 1  Transcripts  Page 2 of 5

TV Host: Excellent! And now… Felix Ethan: I like listening to pop music. But I
Firefly? don’t like classical music.
Judge Dave: He’s got 9 points from us.
TV Host: 9 points? OK! And lastly, 3 How often does Clare write?
can you give me your points Boy: Hi, Clare. Are you writing a story?
for Leslie Ladybird? Clare: No, not today. I’ve got piano
Judge Cindy: We give her 14 points. practice.
TV Host: All right…! Ladies and Boy: Do you write at the weekend?
gentlemen, we have our Clare: No, my cousins usually visit at the
winners! In third place, with weekend.
14 points, it’s Lesley
Boy: So, when do you write?
Ladybird! Well done, Lesley!
In second place, with 17 Clare: I write on Mondays, Wednesdays
points, is Dennis Dragonfly! and Fridays.
And our winner tonight, in
first place, with an amazing 4 What’s in the box?
20 points, iiiiiiit’s… Freddie Boy: What insects have you got for the
Fly! Do you want to say science project, Janet? Have you
something, Freddy Fly? got any ants?
Freddy Fly: ZzzzZZzzzZzzzz! Janet: No, I haven’t. They always escape.
I’ve got some grasshoppers.
Boy: Can I see them?

TEST  TERM 1 Janet: No, they’ll jump out of the box.

Boy: What about praying mantises?
8 Listen and tick. Janet: They eat grasshoppers! But I have
got some red insects with black
1 Who is the new teacher? spots…
Boy: Do you know the new teacher? Boy: Oh, I know, you mean…
Her name’s Liz.
Girl: No, what does she look like?
Boy: She’s got long, blonde hair.
Girl: Has she got a black bag?
Boy: No, that’s Amy. Liz has got a white

2 What does Ethan like doing?

Girl: Do you want to play the guitar
with us, Ethan?
Ethan: No, thanks, I don’t like playing the
Girl: What do you like doing?

Term 1  Transcripts  Page 5 of 5

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