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LESSON 2: Reproductive and Sexual Health

PRELIMS | 2023
NURS 2-1
• A primary nursing role concerning reproductive anatomy
ASSESSMENT and physiology is education, because both female and
male clients may feel more comfortable asking questions
• Problems of sexuality or reproductive health may not be of nurses rather than other health care providers.
evident on first meeting clients because it may be difficult • Men who have sex with men (MWM), women who have
for people to bring up the topic until they feel more sex with women (WWW), or others with alternative
secure with your relationship. This makes good follow- lifestyles usually reveal their sexual orientation to health
through and planning important, because even if people care providers because they want to be certain their
find the courage to discuss a problem once, they may lifestyle is not adding to a health concern.
be unable to do so again. If the problem is ignored or • They may also need help or suggestions on dealing with
forgotten through a change in caregivers, the problem friends or family who are having difficulty accepting their
can go unsolved. gender identity.
• Any change in physical appearance (such as occurs • In addition to support, providing health education that
with puberty or with pregnancy) can intensify or create a addresses potential concerns of clients of all lifestyles will
sexual or reproductive concern. The person with a enhance their sexual health.
sexually transmitted infection (STI); excessive weight loss • For example, include a discussion about anal or oral–
or gain; a disfiguring scar from surgery or an unintentional genital sex practices when presenting information on
injury; hair loss such as occurs with chemotherapy; safer sex.
surgery, inflammation, or infection of reproductive
organs; chronic fatigue or pain; spinal cord injury; or the OUTCOME EVALUATION
presence of a retention catheter needs to be assessed
for problems regarding sexual role as well as other The evaluation in the area of reproductive health must be
important areas of reproductive functioning. ongoing, because health education needs to change with
circumstances and increased maturity. For example, the needs of
NURSING DIAGNOSIS a woman at the beginning of a pregnancy may be different from
her needs at the end.
Common nursing diagnoses used with regard to reproductive
health include: How people feel about themselves sexually also changes
throughout life. Their concept of themselves may have a great
• Health-seeking behaviors related to reproductive deal to do with how quickly they recover from an illness, how
functioning quickly they are ready to begin self-care after childbirth, or even
• Anxiety related to inability to conceive after 6 months how motivated they are as an adolescent to accomplish activities
without contraception in life phases that depend on being sure of their sexuality or gender
• Pain related to uterine cramping from menstruation role.
• Disturbance in body image related to early development
of secondary sex characteristics Examples of expected outcomes include:
• Risk for infection related to high-risk sexual behaviors
✓ Client states he is taking precautions to prevent
Diagnoses relevant to sexuality may include: contracting an STI.
✓ Client states she is better able to manage symptoms of
• Sexual dysfunction related to as yet unknown cause premenstrual dysphoric syndrome.
• Altered sexuality patterns related to chronic illness ✓ Couple states they have achieved a mutually satisfying
• Self-esteem disturbance related to recent reproductive sexual relationship.
tract surgery ✓ Client states he is ready to tell family about MWM gender
• Altered sexuality patterns related to fear of harming a identity.
• Anxiety related to fear of contracting an STI ASSESSING AND MEETING REPRODUCTIVE CONCERNS
• Health-seeking behavior related to learning responsible
sexual practices To help clients better understand reproductive functioning and
sexual health throughout their life, specific teaching might include:
• Encouraging women over 40 years of age to have
• A major part of nursing care in this area is to empower mammograms
clients to feel control over their bodies. • Explaining to a school-aged boy that nocturnal emissions
• Plan health teaching to provide clients with knowledge are normal
about their reproductive system and specific information • Teaching an early adolescent about normal anatomy
about ways to alleviate discomfort or prevent and physiology and the process of reproduction
reproductive disease. It may also be important to plan • Teaching a young adolescent safer sex practices
individualized interventions to strengthen the person’s • Explaining reproductive physiology to a couple who wish
gender identity or gender role. to become pregnant
• It is essential to design care that demonstrates
acceptance of all gender-related lifestyles equally. INTERVIEWING FOR A SEXUAL HISTORY

Specific Questions to Include in a Sexual History:

• Are you sexually active?

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• Is your sexual partner of the same or different gender? the production of androgen and estrogen, which in turn
• How many sexual partners have you had in the past 6 initiate secondary sex characteristics, but also because
months? they continue to cause the production of eggs and infl
• Are you satisfied with your sex life? If not, why not? uence menstrual cycles throughout women’s lives
• Do you have any concerns about your sex life? If so, what (Christensen, Bentley, Cabrera, et al., 2012).
are they? What would you like to change? ➢ Although the mechanism that initiates this pubertal
• Do you practice “safer sex”? change is not well understood, the hypothalamus
• Have you ever contracted a sexually transmitted apparently serves as a gonadostat or regulation
infection or are you worried you have one now? mechanism to “turn on” gonad functioning.
• Have you ever experienced a problem such as ➢ Although it is not proven, the general consensus is a girl
maintaining an erection, erectile dysfunction, failure to must reach a critical weight of approximately 95 lb (43
achieve orgasm, or pain during intercourse? kg) or develop a critical mass of body fat before the
• If you’re sexually active, are you using a method to hypothalamus is triggered to send initial stimulation to the
prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases? anterior pituitary gland to begin the formation of FSH and
• Are you satisfied with your current reproductive planning LH.
method, or do you have any questions about it? ➢ Probably because of the combination of better nutrition
• For adolescents: Are you vaccinated against human and increased obesity, girls are beginning puberty at
papillomavirus (HPV)? earlier ages than ever before (9 to 12 years of age)
(Cheng, Buyken, Shi, et al., 2012).
REPRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT ➢ Studies of female athletes and girls with anorexia nervosa
demonstrate that delays or halts in menstruation are
Reproductive development begins at the moment of conception
related to the lack of body fat or energy expenditure
and continues through life.
(Doyle-Lucas, Akers, & Davy, 2010). The phenomenon of
INTRAUTERINE DEVELOPMENT what triggers puberty is even less understood in boys but
is probably also related to body weight.
➢ The sex of an individual is determined at the moment of
conception by the chromosome information supplied by THE ROLE OF ANDROGEN
the particular ovum and sperm that join to create the
• Hormones responsible for muscular development,
new life.
physical growth, and the increase in sebaceous gland
➢ A gonad is a body organ that produces the cells
secretions that cause typical acne in both boys and girls
necessary for reproduction (the ovary in females, the
during adolescence.
testis in males).
• In male, androgenic hormones are produced by the
➢ At approximately week 5 of intrauterine life, mesonephric
adrenal cortex and the testes
(wolffian) and paramesonephric (müllerian) ducts, the
• In female, by the adrenal cortex and the ovaries.
tissue that will become ovaries and testes, have already
➢ By week 7 or 8, in chromosomal males, this early gonadal
tissue begins formation of testosterone. • The level of the primary androgenic hormone,
➢ Under the influence of testosterone, the mesonephric testosterone is low in males until puberty (between 12 to
duct develops into male reproductive organs and the 14 years) when it rises to influence pubertal changes in:
paramesonephric duct regresses.
➢ If testosterone is not present by week 10, the ✓ Testes
paramesonephric duct becomes dominant and ✓ Scrotum
develops into female reproductive organs. When ovaries ✓ Penis
form, all of the oocytes (cells that will develop into eggs ✓ Prostate
throughout the woman’s mature years) are already ✓ Seminal vesicles
present (Edmonds, 2012). ✓ Appearance of male pubic
➢ At about week 12 of intrauterine life, the external genitals ✓ Axillary
begin to develop. In males, penile tissue elongates and ✓ Facial hair
the ventral surface of the penis closes to form a urethra. ✓ Laryngeal enlargement with its accompanying
➢ In females, with no testosterone present, the uterus, labia voice change
minora, and labia majora form. If, for some reason, ✓ Maturation of spermatozoa
testosterone secretion is halted in utero, a chromosomal ✓ Closure of growth plates in long bones (termed
male could be born with female-appearing genitalia adrenarche)
(ambiguous genitalia). • In girls, testosterone influences enlargement of the:
➢ If a pregnant woman should be prescribed a form of ✓ Labia majora
testosterone or, because of a metabolic abnormality, ✓ Clitoris
she produce a high level of testosterone, a chromosomal ✓ Formation of axillary and pubic hair
female could be born with male-appearing genitalia

PUBERTAL DEVELOPMENT • When triggered at puberty by FSH, ovarian follicles in

females begin to excrete a high level of the hormone
➢ Puberty is the stage of life at which secondary sex estrogen.
changes begin. • This increase influences the development of the:
➢ These changes in girls are stimulated when the ✓ Uterus
hypothalamus synthesizes and releases gonadotropin- ✓ fallopian tubes
releasing hormone (GnRH), which then triggers the ✓ vagina
anterior pituitary to release follicle-stimulating hormone ✓ typical female fat distribution
(FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). ✓ hair patterns
➢ FSH and LH are termed gonadotropin (gonad “ovary”; ✓ breast development
tropin “growth”) hormones not only because they begin

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• It also closes the epiphyses of long bones in girls the same ✓ In very cold weather, the scrotal muscle
way testosterone closes the growth plate in boys. contracts to bring the testes closer to the body.
• The beginning of breast development is termed ✓ In very hot weather, or in the presence of fever,
thelarche, which usually starts 1 to 2 years before the muscle relaxes, allowing the testes to fall
menstruation. away from the body. In this way, the
• Beginning of the menstruation termed menarched. temperature of the testes can remain as even
as possible to promote the production and
• In girls, pubertal changes typically occur as: TESTES
✓ Growth spurt
✓ Increase in the transverse diameter of the pelvis ➢ Two ovoid glands, 2 to 3 cm wide, that rest in the scrotum.
✓ Breast development ➢ Each testis is encased by a protective white fibrous
✓ Growth of pubic hair capsule and is composed of a number of lobules.
✓ Onset of menstruation ➢ Each lobule contains interstitial cells (Leydig cells) that
✓ Growth of axillary hair produce testosterone and a seminiferous tubule that
✓ Vaginal secretions produces spermatozoa.
• The average age at which menarche occurs is 12.4 years ➢ Testes in a fetus first form in the pelvic cavity then
of age. It may occur as early as 9 years of age or as late descend late in intrauterine life (about the 34th to 38th
as age 17 years. week of pregnancy) into the scrotal sac. Because this
• Irregular menstrual periods are the rule rather the descent occurs so late in pregnancy, many male infants
exception for the first year or two. born preterm still have undescended testes.
• Menstrual periods do not become regular until ovulation ➢ These infants need to be monitored closely to be certain
occurs consistently and this does not tend to happen until their testes do descend at what would have been the
1 to 2 years after menarche. 34th to 38th week of gestational age because testicular
• In boys, production of spermatozoa does not begin in descent does not occur as readily in extrauterine life as it
intrauterine life as does the production of ova in girls nor does in utero.
are spermatozoa produced in a cyclic pattern as are ➢ Testes that remain in the pelvic cavity (cryptorchidism)
ova; rather, they are produced in a continuous process. may not produce viable sperm and have a four to seven
• The production of ova stops at menopause. times increased rate of testicular cancer (Ellsworth, 2012).
• The sperm production continues from puberty throughout ➢ Normal testes feel fi rm and smooth, and are egg
the male’s life. shaped. Beginning in early adolescence, boys need to
• Secondary sex characteristics of boys usually occur in the learn testicular self-examination so they can detect
order of: tenderness or any abnormal growth in testes
✓ Increase in weight
✓ Growth of testes PENIS
✓ Growth of face, axillary, and pubic hair
➢ Composed of three cylindrical masses of erectile tissue in
✓ Voice changes
the penis shaft.
✓ Penile growth
➢ With sexual excitement, nitric oxide is released from the
✓ Increase in height
endothelium of blood vessels. This causes dilation and an
✓ Spermatogenesis (production of sperm)
increase in blood flow to the arteries of the penis
THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM ➢ The ischiocavernosus muscle at the base of the penis,
under stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous
system, then contracts, trapping both venous and arterial
blood in the three sections of erectile tissue. THIS LEADS
➢ GLANS – the distal end of the organ, it is bulging, sensitive
ridge of tissue.



➢ The seminiferous tubule of each testis leads to a tightly

coild tube, the epididymis.
➢ Responsible for conducting sperm from the tubule to the
vas deferens, the next step in the passage to the outside.
➢ It is actually over 20 ft. long.
➢ Some sperm are stored in the epididymis, and a part of
the alkaline fluid (semen, or seminal fluid that contains a
basic sugar and protein) that will surround sperm at
maturity is produced by the cells lining the epididymis.
➢ Sperm are immobile and incapable of fertilization as they
MALE EXTERNAL STRUCTURES pass through or are stored at the epididymis level.
➢ It takes at least 12 to 20 days for them to travel the length
of the tube, and a total of 65 to 75 days for them to reach
➢ Rugated, skin-covered, muscular pouch suspended from full maturity. This is one reason aspermia (absence of
perineum. sperm) and oligospermia (fewer than 20 million sperm per
➢ FUNCTIONS: milliliter) are problems that do not appear to respond
✓ Support the testes and help regulate the immediately to therapy, but do respond after 2 months
temperature of sperm. of treatment.

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VAS DEFERENS (DUCTUS DEFERENS) ➢ Covered by a triangle of coarse, curly hairs, the purpose
of the mons veneris is to protect the junction of the pubic
➢ hollow tube surrounded by arteries and veins and bone from trauma.
protected by a thick fi brous coating, which, altogether,
are referred to as the spermatic cord . LABIA MINORA
➢ It carries sperm from the epididymis through the inguinal
canal into the abdominal cavity, where it ends at the ➢ posterior to the mons veneris spread two hairless folds of
seminal vesicles and the ejaculatory ducts below the connective tissue, the labia minora. Before menarche,
bladder. these folds are fairly thin; by childbearing age, they have
become firm and full; and after menopause, they
SEMINAL VESICLES atrophy and again become much smaller.
➢ Normally, the folds of the labia minora are pink in color;
➢ two convoluted pouches that lie along the lower portion the internal surface is covered with mucous membrane,
of the bladder and empty into the urethra by ejaculatory and the external surface is covered with skin.
ducts. ➢ The area is abundant with sebaceous glands, so
➢ These glands secrete a viscous alkaline liquid with a high localized sebaceous cysts may occur here. Women who
sugar, protein, and prostaglandin content. perform monthly vulvar examinations are able to detect
➢ Sperm become increasingly motile because this added infection or other abnormalities of the vulva such as
fluid surrounds them with a more favorable pH sebaceous cysts or herpes lesions.
➢ Two folds of tissue, fused anteriorly but separated
➢ A chestnut-sized gland that lies just below the bladder posteriorly, which are positioned lateral to the labia
and allows the urethra to pass through the center of it, minora and composed of loose connective tissue
like the hole in a doughnut. covered by epithelium and pubic hair.
➢ The purpose is to secrete a thin, alkaline fluid, which, ➢ Serve as protection for the external genitalia; they shield
when added to the secretion from the seminal vesicles, the outlets to the urethra and vagina.
further protects sperm by increasing the naturally low pH ➢ Trauma to the area, such as occurs from childbirth or
level of the urethra. rape, can lead to extensive edema formation because
of the looseness of the connective tissue base.
➢ Two bulbourethral, or Cowper’s, glands lie beside the
prostate gland and empty by short ducts into the urethra. Vestibule – flattened, smooth surface inside the labia. The
➢ They supply one more source of alkaline fluid to help openings to the bladder (the urethra) and the uterus (the vagina)
ensure the safe passage of spermatozoa. both arise from this space.
➢ Semen, therefore, is derived from the prostate gland
(60%), the seminal vesicles (30%), the epididymis (5%), Clitoris – a small (approx. 1 – 2 cm), rounded organ of erectile tissue
and the bulbourethral glands (5%). at the forward junction of the labia minora. It’s covered by a fold
skin, the prepuce; is sensitive to touch and temperature; and is the
URETHRA center of sexual arousal and orgasm in a woman. Arterial blood
supply for the clitoris is plentiful. When the ischiocavernosus muscle
➢ a hollow tube leading from the base of the bladder,
surrounding it contracts with sexual arousal, the venous outflow for
which, after passing through the prostate gland,
the clitoris is blocked and this leads to clitoral erection.
continues to the outside through the shaft and glans of
the penis. Two Skene Glands (Paraurethral Glands) – located on each side of
➢ It is about 8 in. (18 to 20 cm) long. Like other urinary tract the urinary meatus; their ducts open into the urethra.
structures, it is lined with mucous membrane.
Bartholin Glands (Vulvovaginal Glands) – located on each side of
THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM the vaginal opening with ducts that open into the proximal vagina
near the labia minora and hymen.

- Secretions from both of these glands help to lubricate the

external genitalia during coitus.
- The alkaline pH of their secretions also helps to improve
sperm survival in the vagina.
- If these glands are infected, they swell, feel tender, and
produce a serous discharge.

Fourchette – the ridge of tissue formed by the posterior joining of

the labia minora and the labia majora. This is the structure that
sometimes tears (laceration) or is cut (episiotomy) during childbirth
to enlarge the vaginal opening.

Posterior to the fourchette – is the perineal muscle (often called the

perineal body). Because this is a muscular area, it stretches during
FEMALE EXTERNAL STRUCTURES childbirth to allow enlargement of the vagina and passage of the
fetal head.
Exercises suggested:
➢ a pad of adipose tissue located over the symphysis pubis,
the pubic bone joint. ✓ Kegel exercises
✓ Squatting
✓ Tailor sitting

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Hymen – tough but elastic semicircle of tissue that covers the
opening to the vagina during childhood. It is often torn during the
time of first sexual intercourse.


➢ Blood supply of female external genitalia is mainly from

the pudendal artery and a portion is from the inferior
rectus artery.
➢ Pressure on this vein by the fetal head during pregnancy
can cause extensive back pressure and development of
varicosities (distended veins) in the labia majora and in
the legs.


➢ The anterior portion of the vulva derives its nerve supply

from the ilioinguinal and genitofemoral nerves (L1 level).
➢ The posterior portions of the vulva and vagina are
➢ Although a fallopian tube is a smooth, hollow tunnel, it is
supplied by the pudendal nerve (S3 level).
anatomically divided into four separate parts:
FEMALE INTERNAL STRUCTURES • The most proximal division, the interstitial
portion, is the part of the tube that lies within the
OVARIES uterine wall. This portion is only about 1 cm in
length; its lumen is only 1 mm in diameter.
➢ Approx. 3 cm long by 2 cm diameter and 1.5 cm thick, or • The next distal portion is the isthmus. This is about
the size and shape of almonds. 2 cm in length and like the interstitial tube,
➢ Grayish-white and appear pitted, with minute remains extremely narrow. This is the portion of
indentations on the surface. the tube that is cut or sealed in a tubal ligation,
➢ Located close to and on both sides of the uterus in the or tubal sterilization procedure.
lower abdomen. They lie so low they cannot be located • The ampulla is the third and also the longest
by abdominal palpation. portion of the tube. It is about 5 cm in length
➢ Function is to produce, mature, and discharge ova (the and is the portion of the tube where fertilization
egg cells). of an ovum usually occurs.
• The infundibular portion is the most distal
segment of the tube. It is about 2 cm long,
funnel shaped, and covered by fi mbria (small
hairs) that help to guide the ovum into the
fallopian tube.
➢ The lining of the fallopian tubes is composed of a mucous
membrane, which contains both mucus-secreting and
ciliated (hair-covered) cells. Beneath this mucous lining
are connective tissue and a circular muscle layer. The
muscle layer is important because it is able to produce
peristaltic motions that help conduct the ovum the
length of the tube (probably also aided by the action of
the ciliated lining and the mucus, which acts as a


➢ Hollow, muscular, pear-shaped organ located in the

The Division of Reproductive Cells (Gametes) – at birth, each ovary lower pelvis, posterior to the bladder and anterior to the
contains approx. 2 million immature ova (oocytes), which were rectum.
formed during the first 5 months of intrauterine life. ➢ During childhood, it is about the size of an olive, the cervix
is the largest portion and the uterine body is the smallest
The Maturation of Oocytes – between 5 and 7 million ova form in part.
utero. Most never develop beyond a primitive state and then ➢ When a girl reaches about 8 years of age, an increase in
atrophy, so by birth only about 2 million are still present. By age 7 the size of the organ begins. This growth is so slow,
years, only about 500,000 are present in each ovary; by 22 years however, the young woman closer to 17 years old before
of age, the count is down to 300, 000; and by menopause, or the the uterus reaches its adult size and changes its
end of the fertile period in females, none are left. proportions so the body cavity, not the cervix, is its largest
Uterine and Cervical Coats (consists of three separate coats or
➢ Arise from each upper corner of the uterine body and
layers of tissue)
extend outward and backward until each opens at its
distal end, next to an ovary. - Endometrium – an inner layer of mucous membrane
- Myometrium – middle layer of muscle fibers
- Perimetrium – outer layer of connective tissue

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➢ a hollow, musculomembranous canal located posterior

to the bladder and anterior to the rectum.
➢ It extends from the cervix of the uterus to the external
vulva. Its function is to act as the organ of intercourse and
to convey sperm to the cervix. With childbirth, it expands
to serve as the birth canal.


Four body structures are involved in the physiology of the menstrual

cycle to be complete:

- Hypothalamus
- Pituitary Gland
- Ovaries
- Uterus


Ordinarily, the body of the uterus tips slightly forward. Positional

deviations of the uterus that are commonly seen include:

• Anteversion: the entire uterus tips far forward

• Retroversion: the entire uterus tips far back
• Anteflexion: the body of the uterus is bent sharply forward
at the junction with the cervix
• Retroflexion: the body of the uterus is bent sharply back
just above the cervix

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full maturity, the follicle is visible on the surface of the
ovary as a clear water blister approximately 0.25 to 0.5 in.
across. At this stage of maturation, the small ovum
(barely visible to the naked eye, about the size of a
printed period) with its surrounding follicular membrane
and fluid is termed a graafian follicle.


The First Phase of the Menstrual Cycle (Proliferative). Immediately

after a menstrual flow (which occurs during the first 4 or 5 days of
a cycle), the endometrium, or lining of the uterus, is very thin,
approximately one cell layer in depth. As the ovary begins to
produce estrogen (in the follicular fluid, under the direction of the
pituitary FSH), the endometrium begins to proliferate so rapidly the
thickness of the endometrium increases as much as eightfold from
day 5 to day 14. This first half of a menstrual cycle is
interchangeably termed the proliferative, estrogenic, follicular, or
postmenstrual phase.

The Second Phase of the Menstrual Cycle (Secretory). After

ovulation, the formation of progesterone in the corpus luteum
(under the direction of LH) causes the glands of the uterine
endometrium to become corkscrew or twisted in appearance and
dilated with quantities of glycogen (an elementary sugar) and
mucin (a protein). It takes on the appearance of rich, spongy
- The release of GnRH (also called luteinizing hormone- velvet. This second phase of the menstrual cycle is termed the
releasing hormone [LHRH]) from the hypothalamus progestational, luteal, premenstrual, or secretory phase. The Third
initiates the menstrual cycle.
Phase of the Menstrual Cycle (Ischemic). If fertilization does not
- GnRH then stimulates the pituitary gland to send
occur, so the corpus luteum in the ovary begins to regress after 8
gonadotropic hormone to the ovaries to produce
to 10 days, the production of progesterone decreases. With the
estrogen. When the level of estrogen rises, release of
withdrawal of progesterone, the endometrium of the uterus begins
GnRH is repressed and no further menstrual cycles will
to degenerate (at about day 24 or day 25 of the cycle). The
occur (the principle that birth control pills use to eliminate
capillaries rupture, with minute hemorrhages, and the
menstrual flows). Excessive levels of pituitary hormones
endometrium sloughs off.
can also inhibit release.
- During childhood, the hypothalamus is apparently so The Fourth Phase of the Menstrual Cycle (Menses). Menses, or a
sensitive to the small amount of estrogen produced by menstrual fl ow, is composed of a mixture of blood from the
the adrenal glands, release of GnRH is suppressed. ruptured capillaries; mucin; fragments of endometrial tissue; and
- Beginning with puberty, the hypothalamus becomes less the microscopic, atrophied, and unfertilized ovum. Menses is
sensitive to estrogen feedback, so every month in actually the end of an arbitrarily defined menstrual cycle. Because
females, the hormone is released in a cyclic pattern. it is the only external marker of the cycle, however, the first day of
- Diseases of the hypothalamus, which cause deficiency menstrual flow is used to mark the beginning day of a new
of this releasing factor, can result in delayed puberty. menstrual cycle. Contrary to common belief, a menstrual flow
Likewise, a disease that causes early activation of GnRH contains only 30 to 80 ml of blood; if it seems to be more, it is
can lead to abnormally early sexual development or because of the accompanying mucus and endometrial shreds.
precocious puberty. The iron loss in a typical menstrual flow is approximately 11 mg. This
is enough loss that many women need to take a daily iron
supplement to prevent iron depletion during their menstruating
- Under the influence of GnRH, the anterior lobe of the years (Coad & Conlon, 2011).
pituitary gland (the adenohypophysis) produces two
✓ FSH, a hormone active early in the cycle that is
responsible for maturation of the ovum.
✓ LH, a hormone that becomes most active at the
midpoint of the cycle and is responsible for
ovulation, or release of the mature egg cell
from the ovary. It also stimulates growth of the
uterine lining during the second half of the
menstrual cycle.


- FSH and LH are called gonadotropic hormones because

they cause growth (trophy) in the gonads (ovaries). Every HUMAN SEXUALITY
month during the fertile period of a woman’s life (from SEXUALITY
menarche to menopause), one of the ovary’s oocytes is
activated by FSH to begin to grow and mature. As the ➢ A multidimensional phenomenon that includes feelings,
oocyte grows, its cells produce a clear fluid (follicular attitudes, and actions.
fluid) that contains a high degree of estrogen and some ➢ It has both biologic and cultural diversity components. It
progesterone. As the follicle surrounding the oocyte encompasses and gives direction to a person’s physical,
grows, it is propelled toward the surface of the ovary. At

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emotional, social, and intellectual responses throughout platform), and there is increased breast nipple
life. elevation.
✓ In men, vasocongestion leads to distention of
BIOLOGIC GENDER the penis. Heart rate increases to 100 to 175
beats/min and respiratory rate to about 40
➢ The term used to denote a person’s chromosomal sex:
male (XY) or female (XX).
• Orgasm
GENDER IDENTITY ✓ Occurs when stimulation proceeds through the
plateau stage to a point at which a vigorous
➢ Or sexual identity is the inner sense a person has of being contraction of muscles in the pelvic area expels
male or female, which may be the same as or different or dissipates blood and fluid from the area of
from biologic gender. congestion.
✓ The average number of contractions for the
GENDER ROLE woman is 8 to 15 contractions at intervals of 1
every 0.8 seconds.
➢ The male or female behavior a person exhibits, which,
✓ In men, muscle contractions surrounding the
again, may or may not be the same as biologic gender
seminal vessels and prostate project semen into
or gender identity.
the proximal urethra.
THE HUMAN SEXUAL RESPONSE ✓ These contractions are followed immediately
by three to seven propulsive ejaculatory
➢ Sexuality has always been a part of human life, but only contractions, occurring at the same time
in the past few decades has it been studied scientifically. interval as in the woman, which force semen
One common finding of researchers has been that from the penis.
feelings and attitudes about sex vary widely across • Resolution
cultures and individuals (Box 5.5). Although the sexual ✓ a 30-minute period during which the external
experience is unique to each individual, sexual and internal genital organs return to an
physiology (how the body responds to sexual arousal) unaroused state. For the male, a refractory
has common features (Kimmel & Rogers, 2011). period occurs during which further orgasm is
impossible. Women do not go through this
refractory period, so it is possible for women
who are interested and properly stimulated to
have additional orgasms immediately after the


The female orgasm has been a topic of much controversy over the
years, beginning with Freud, who deducted there were two types
of female orgasms: clitoral and vaginal. He believed clitoral
orgasms (originating from masturbation or other noncoital acts)
represented sexual immaturity and only vaginal orgasms were the
authentic, mature form of sexual behavior in women. Accordingly,
he considered women to be neurotic if they did not achieve
orgasm through coitus.

Masters et al. (1998) revealed that women report a difference in

intensity and character between orgasms achieved through
coitus and through direct stimulation of the clitoris and some prefer
one to the other, but there is no physiologic difference between
the two. For most women, adequate time for foreplay is essential
for them to be orgasmic.

THE SEXUAL RESPONSE CYCLE In recent years, a subject of controversy regarding female
sexuality has arisen regarding the existence of a “G spot.” First
• Excitement described in 1950 by the German physician Gräfenberg, the G
✓ Occurs with physical and psychological spot, presumably located on the inner portion of the vaginal wall
stimulation (sight, sound, emotion, or thought) halfway between the pubic bone and the cervix, has been
that causes parasympathetic nerve stimulation. promoted as an area of heightened erotic sensitivity ( Kimmel &
✓ Leads to arterial dilation and venous Rogers, 2011). Several studies carried out in the past 10 years have
constriction in the genital area. not been able to verify the existence of this particular anatomic
✓ In women, this vasocongestion causes the site, although some women claim to possess such an erotic trigger
clitoris to increase in size and mucoid fluid to (Kilchevsky, Vardi, Lowenstein, et al., 2012).
appear on vaginal walls for lubrication. The
vagina widens in diameter and increases in THE INFLUENCE OF THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE ON SEXUAL RESPONSE
length. Breast nipples become erect.
During the second half of the menstrual cycle—the luteal phase—
✓ In men, penile erection occurs, as well as scrotal
there is increased fluid retention and vasocongestion in the
thickening and elevation of the testes.
woman’s lower pelvis. Because some vasocongestion is already
• Plateau
present at the beginning of the excitement stage of the sexual
✓ In the woman, the clitoris is drawn forward and
response, women appear to reach the plateau stage more quickly
retracts under the clitoral prepuce; the lower
and achieve orgasm more readily during this time. Women also
part of the vagina becomes extremely
may be more interested in initiating sexual relations during this
congested (formation of the orgasmic

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Pregnancy is another time in life when there is vasocongestion of • a self-stimulation for erotic pleasure; it can also be a
the lower pelvis because of the blood supply needed by a rapidly mutually enjoyable activity for sexual partners. It offers
growing fetus. This causes some women to experience their first sexual release, which may be interpreted by the person
orgasm during their first pregnancy. as overall tension or anxiety relief.

Following a pregnancy, many women continue to experience EROTIC STIMULATION

increased sexual interest because the new growth of blood vessels
during pregnancy lasts for some time and continues to facilitate • the use of visual materials such as magazines or
pelvic vasocongestion. These differences in response are why photographs for sexual arousal. Although this is thought
discussing sexual relationships is an important part of health to be mostly a male phenomenon, there is increasing
teaching during pregnancy. interest in erotic literature, DVDs, and centerfold
photographs in magazines marketed primarily to
At a time when a woman may want sexual contact very much, women.
she needs to be free of myths and misconceptions, such as the
notion that orgasm will cause a spontaneous miscarriage. FETISHISM
Although the level of oxytocin, the hormone that rises with labor,
• Paraphilia is sexual arousal to objects, situations, or
does appear to rise in women after orgasm, this rise is not enough
individuals. The most common form of this is fetishism, the
that women should worry that sexual relations will lead to
sexual arousal from the use of certain objects perceived
premature labor in the average woman.
to have erotic qualities such as leather, rubber, shoes, or
For some women, the increased breast engorgement that feet.
accompanies pregnancy results in extreme breast sensitivity
during coitus. Foreplay that includes sucking or massaging of the
breasts may also cause release of oxytocin, but it is not • transvestite is a form of fetishism in which an individual
contraindicated unless the woman has a history of premature dresses in the clothes of the opposite sex. Transvestites
labor. Box 5.6 shows an interprofessional care map illustrating both can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. Many are
nursing and team planning for reproductive and sexual health. married. Some transvestites, particularly married
heterosexuals, may be under a great deal of strain to
keep their lifestyle a secret from friends and neighbors.


• obtaining sexual arousal by looking at another person’s

body. Almost all children and adolescents pass through
a stage when voyeurism is appealing, but this passes with
more active sexual expressions.


• involves inflicting pain (sadism) or receiving pain

(masochism) to achieve sexual satisfaction (Wright,
2010). It is a practice generally considered to be within
HETEROSEXUALITY the limits of normal sexual expression as long as the pain
involved is minimal and the experience is consensual and
• a person who finds sexual fulfillment with a member of satisfying to both sexual partners.
the opposite gender.
Exhibitionism – revealing one’s genitals in public.
• a person who finds sexual fulfillment with a member of his
or her own sex. Bestiality – sexual relations with animals.

BISEXUALITY Pedophiles – individuals who are interested in sexual encounters

with children. They are registered as sex offenders. When they
• if they achieve sexual satisfaction from both homosexual move into a new community, families are notified of the move
and heterosexual relationships. according to Megan’s Law, a national law designed to alert
citizens to the presence of a sex offender in a community. Ways to
TRANSSEXUALITY / TRANSGENDER keep children safe from sex offenders are discussed in Chapter 31,
along with other aspects of community safety for young children.
• an individual who, although of one biologic gender, feels
as if he or she is of the opposite gender. SEXUAL HARASSMENT

TYPES OF SEXUAL EXPRESSION ➢ unwanted, repeated sexual advances, remarks, or

behavior toward another that is offensive to the recipient
or interferes with job or school performance. It can
• Separation from sexual activity. It is the avowed state of involve actions as obvious as a job superior demanding
certain religious orders. It is also a way of life for many sexual favors from an employee, or it could be a man or
adults and one that is becoming fashionable among a woman sending sexist jokes by e-mail to another person
growing number of young adults. in the department. In school, it can refer to bullying.
✓ Quid Pro Quo (an equal exchange) – which an
employer asks for something in return for sexual
favors, such as hiring or promotion preference.

09 / 01 / 23 PRELIMS| 9
✓ Hostile Work Environment – which an employer THE INDIVIDUAL WITH A HYPOACTIVE SEXUAL DESIRE
creates an environment in which an employee
feels uncomfortable and exploited (such as - Decreased sexual desire can also be a side effect of
being addressed as “honey” or “babe”, asked many medicines.
to wear revealing clothing, or working where - Chronic diseases, such as peptic ulcers or chronic
walls are decorated with sexist posters). pulmonary disorders that cause frequent pain or
discomfort, may interfere with a man’s or a woman’s
DISORDERS OF SEXUAL FUNCTIONING overall well-being and interest in sexual activity.
- Obese men and women may not feel as much
FAILURE TO ACHIEVE ORGASM satisfaction from sexual relations as others because they
have difficulty achieving deep penetration due to the
• Can be a result of poor sexual technique, concentrating
bulk of their abdomens.
too hard on achievement, or negative attitudes toward
- An individual with an STI such as genital herpes may
sexual relationships.
choose to forgo sexual relations rather than inform a
ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION partner of the disease.

• Formerly referred to as impotence, is the inability of a RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD

man to produce or maintain an erection long enough for REPRODUCTIVE LIFE PLANNING
penetration or partner satisfaction.
• Includes all the decisions an individual or couple make
PREMATURE EJACULATION about whether and when to have children, how many
children to have, and how they are spaced.
• Ejaculation before the sexual partner’s satisfaction has
been achieved. It applies to both same sex and opposite
sex couples. Premature ejaculation can be
unsatisfactory and frustrating for both partners.


• Occurs in women and is the excessive and unrelenting

sexual arousal in the absence of desire. It may be
triggered by either medications or psychological factors
and is associated with restless leg syndrome and
overactive bladder.


• When pain occurs in response to sexual activities, it can

be acute and severe and can impair a person’s ability to
enjoy this aspect of their life.


• involuntary contraction of the muscles at the outlet of the

vagina when coitus is attempted, which prohibits penile
penetration (Reissing, 2012). Vaginismus may occur in
women who have been raped. Other causes are
unknown, but it could also be the result of early learning
patterns in which sexual relations were viewed as bad or


• pain during coitus. Dyspareunia can occur because of

endometriosis (abnormal placement of endometrial
tissue), vestibulitis (infl ammation of the vestibule), vaginal ASSESSMENT
infection, or hormonal changes such as those that occur
with menopause and cause vaginal drying. ➢ As a result of changing social values and lifestyles, many
people today are able to talk easily about reproductive
INDIVIDUALS WITH UNIQUE NEEDS OR CONCERNS life planning. Other people, however, may be
uncomfortable with this topic and may not voice their
THE INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY interest in the subject independently. For this reason, at
- They may, however, have difficulty with sexual identity or health assessments, ask clients if they want more
sexual fulfillment because of their disability. Males with information or need any help with reproductive life
upper spinal cord injury, for example, may have difficulty planning as part of obtaining a basic health history.
with erections and ejaculation because these actions
are governed at the spinal level. Manual stimulation of
the penis or psychological stimulation can, however, ➢ Because reproductive life planning touches so many
achieve erection in most men with spinal cord lesions, facets of life, nursing diagnoses can differ greatly
allowing the man a satisfying sexual relationship with his depending on the circumstances and individual
partner. Most women with spinal cord injuries cannot preferences. Examples might include:
experience orgasm but are able to conceive and have ✓ Readiness for enhanced knowledge regarding
children. contraception options related to a desire to
prevent pregnancy.

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✓ Deficient knowledge related to use of a NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING
✓ Spiritual distress related to partner’s preferences ABSTINENCE
for contraception.
• refraining from sexual relations, has a theoretical 0%
✓ Decisional conflict regarding choice of birth
failure rate and is also the most effective way to prevent
control because of health concerns.
✓ Decisional conflict related to unintended
✓ Powerlessness related to failure of chosen
contraceptive. • As long as a woman is breastfeeding, there is both
✓ Altered sexuality pattern related to fear of natural suppression of ovulation and the return of menses
pregnancy. ( Baselice & Lawson, 2011).
✓ Risk for ineffective health maintenance related • Lactation amenorrhea method (LAM) is a safe birth
to lack of knowledge about natural family control method (a failure rate of about 1% to 5%) if an
planning methods. infant is:
✓ Under 6 months of age
PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION ✓ Being totally breastfed at least every 4 hours
during the day and every 6 hours at night
➢ If a woman has a history of poor compliance with
✓ Receives no supplementary feedings
medication, for instance, it might not be realistic for her
✓ Menses has not returned
to plan on taking an oral contraceptive every day. If she
only desires temporary contraception, tubal ligation or COITUS INTERRUPTUS / WITHDRAWAL
vasectomy for her partner would certainly be
inappropriate. Be certain when counseling to be sensitive • one of the oldest known methods of contraception. The
to a couple’s religious, cultural, and moral beliefs before couple proceeds with coitus until the moment of
suggesting possible methods. It is equally important to ejaculation. Then the man withdraws and spermatozoa
explore your own beliefs and values before counseling. are emitted outside the vagina.
This not only helps develop self-awareness of how these
beliefs affect nursing care but it also allows you to POSTCOITAL DOUCHING
become more sensitive to the beliefs of others.
• Douching following intercourse, no matter what solution
OUTCOME EVALUATION is used, is ineffective as a contraceptive measure as
sperm may be present in cervical mucus as quickly as 90
➢ Evaluation is important in reproductive life planning, seconds after ejaculation, long before douching could
because anything that causes clients to discontinue or be accomplished.
misuse a particular method will leave them at risk of
pregnancy. Reassess early (within 1 to 3 weeks) after a
couple begins a new method of contraception, to
prevent such an occurrence. Evaluate not only whether
a chosen method is effective but also whether the
woman and her partner are satisfied or have further
questions. Examples of expected outcomes include:
✓ Client voices confidence in chosen
contraceptive method by next visit
✓ Client expresses satisfaction with chosen
method at follow-up visit
✓ Client consistently uses chosen method without
pregnancy for 1 year’s time


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• Before ovulation each month, the cervical mucus is thick

and does not stretch when pulled between the thumb
• Just before ovulation, mucus secretion increases.
- rely on detecting when a woman will be capable of
• On the day of ovulation (the peak day), it becomes
impregnation (fertile) so she can use periods of
copious, thin, watery, and transparent. It feels slippery
abstinence during that time.
(like egg white) and stretches at least 1 inch before the
CALENDAR (RHYTHM) METHOD strand breaks, a property known as spinnbarkeit.

• requires a couple to abstain from coitus on the days of a TWO-DAY METHOD

menstrual cycle when the woman is most likely to
conceive. To plan for this, the woman keeps a diary of • a woman assesses for vaginal secretions daily. If she feels
about six menstrual cycles. secretions for 2 days in a row, she avoids coitus that day
• To calculate “safe” days, she subtracts 18 from the and the day following as the presence of secretions
shortest cycle she documented. This number predicts her suggests fertility. The method requires conscientious daily
first fertile day. She then subtracts 11 from her longest assessment and results in about 12 days per month in
cycle. This represents her last fertile day. If she had six which she should avoid coitus, the same as a calendar
menstrual cycles ranging from 25 to 29 days, her fertile method.
period would be from the 7th day (25 [the shorted cycle]
– 18) to the 18th day (29 [the longest cycle] – 11). To avoid
pregnancy, she would avoid coitus during those days • combines the cervical mucus and BBT methods (Soler &
(Fig. 6.1A).When used conscientiously, the method has a Barranco Castillo, 2010). The woman takes her
low failure rate; in typical use, however, this rate rises temperature daily, watching for the rise in temperature
substantially because of irregular menstrual cycles, that marks ovulation. She also analyzes her cervical
miscalculation, or disregard for predicted fertile days. mucus every day and observes for other signs of
ovulation such as mittelschmerz (mid cycle abdominal
pain) or if her cervix feels softer than usual. The couple
• the temperature of her body at rest, falls about 0.5°F. At then abstains from intercourse until 3 days after the rise in
the time of ovulation, her BBT rises a full Fahrenheit temperature or the fourth day after the peak of mucus
degree (0.2°C) because of the rise in progesterone with change.
ovulation. This pattern serves as the basis for the BBT
method of contraception (Taylor et al., 2012). To use this
method, the woman takes her temperature, either orally • designed for women who have menstrual cycles
or with a tympanic thermometer, each morning between 26 and 32 days (Bekele & Fantahun, 2012). A
immediately after waking before she rises from bed or woman purchases a circle of beads that helps her
undertakes any activity; this is her BBT. A woman who predict fertile days.
works nights should take her temperature after
awakening from her longest sleep period, no matter
what the time of day.

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• by the use of an over-the-counter ovulation detection kit.

These kits detect the midcycle surge of luteinizing
hormone (LH) that can be detected in urine 12 to 24
hours before ovulation. Such kits are 98% to 100%
accurate in predicting ovulation. Although they are fairly
expensive and not intended to be used as a
contraceptive aid, combining a cervical mucus
assessment and the ovulation detector to mark the peak
fertile day is becoming the method of choice for many

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