04-Revision Worksheet-Quiz 2 (2023)

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BlendEd 5 – Revision Worksheet for Quiz N° 2

Summit 1 - 3rd Edition – Units 1 to 5 – Grammar Summary + Practice

* Unit 1: Verbs that require a noun or pronoun before an infinitive

* Quantifiers
* Possessive Gerunds
* Paired
* Express regrets in the past

* Vocabulary
1-funky a-The clothing you wear in professional settings. You might decide how to
dress depending on the scenario, such as an interview or for a meeting or the
type of industry you work in .
2-to embrace b-Wearing clothes that are too formal or special for a particular occasion.
3-subdued c-Nervous or uncomfortable because you are worried about what people think
about you or your actions.
4-to follow suit d-To look for a long time with the eyes wide open, especially when surprised,
frightened, or thinking.
5-flashy e-To accept something enthusiastically.
6-self-conscious f-Not very bright (of color or light), or not very loud (of sound).
7-work attire g-Expensive or stylish, or brightly colored.
8-to stare h-Fashionable in an unusual and noticeable way.
9-overdressed i-To do the same thing that someone else has just done. Synonyms: copy
someone, emulate someone, accord with someone, take your cue from someone.

* Composition Writing
1- Are there any world issues you feel concerned about? (Problems of addiction, war affairs, corruption, global
warming, children’s labor) Write a paragraph referring to your outlook on the issue and your attitude towards
that issue.
Note: Remember that “outlook” describes a belief about the future and includes your “view position” and
“opinion” about that issue and that “attitude” is the way you look at life, the way you choose to see and
respond to events. Your “attitude” is not just something that happens to you, you choose it.

2- Write a formal letter of complaint about a problem in the place where you live. Suggest what you think
could be done to have the problem solved.

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