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Jennie D.

Matias CNF Activity 5 12 HUMSS - Valdez

1. Friendly and Warm Filipinos

- Filipinos are often pleasant and cheerful individuals who like interacting with those around
them. Strangers frequently engage in conversation or share anecdotes about their
homeland, family, or country with family, friends, or outsiders. Filipinos are frequently
emotional and sentimental yet remaining light-hearted. For example, the term 'hugot' is
frequently used to describe someone who is bringing out profound emotive recollections or
experiences. Indeed, Filipinos are frequently willing to relate personal anecdotes from their
past. Along with their kind and lighthearted nature, their general outlook on life is one of
acceptance. 'Bahala na' embodies many Filipinos' deep belief that whatever happens is part
of God's will. Individual or collective achievement is frequently attributed to chance or God
rather than hard work. This reflects a fatalistic mindset prevalent across society, with
Filipinos typically accepting of their own and others' misfortunes. However, this does not
imply that Filipinos are docile. Rather, they are diligent individuals who will frequently go
above and beyond to assist themselves and their families.

2. Delicious Filipino Cuisine

 The origins of Filipino cuisine are humble. Simple tools were employed by the early
Filipinos. Cooking methods such as open-fire broiling, boiling, and roasting However, with
the Indonesians, Arabs, Indians, and other Asian neighbors pay frequent visits. Malays and
Chinese traders who used to come to the Philippines to trade the Filipinos were introduced
to the usage of spices and herbs through their commodities and crops. They use herbs to
enhance the flavor of their meal. Filipino cuisine has the potential to be the best. It is
regarded as a fusion of eastern and western influences. A variety of rich flavors, colors,
and spices that distinguish Filipino food, yummy and enticing. Filipino food is noted by its
daring combination of sweet, sour, and salty flavors. tastes and salty. While various Asian
cuisines may be well-known for a particular dish, Filipino cuisine is frequently presented all
at once, requiring more subtle delivery and presentation. only once throughout a single
presentation Today, Philippine cuisine continues to grow as new techniques and styles of
cooking emerge. Ingredients and cookery find their way into the country.

3. Preserved History of the Philippines

 A nation's strength is largely formed on its link to its past. There appears to be little
concern for this with the manner Filipinos are demolishing historic landmarks. Many people
today regard preserving the past to be equally vital as maintaining the natural environment
of woods and rivers; in many countries, the built environment is considered a component
of the greater environmental movement. Previously assumed to be limited to architecture,
heritage now covers the space around buildings and monuments. When we think about it,
no building stands alone; it is connected to its surroundings and other buildings. Actually,
the route to them should be secured as well. Filipinos would have received a sense of
orientation from their historic and cultural underpinnings if we had properly safeguarded
our patrimony. Historic architecture would have added significance and color to history
studies and helped us grasp major events in our country's past.

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