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Text detector (OCR)

Guide: Prof. Chandrashekar Badgujar

Team: Juweriyah Nomani, Vishakha Dajgude, Maithili Kamble, Vaidehi Nagle
What is OCR?
Optical Character Recognition
(OCR) is the mechanical or
electronic conversion of images of
typewritten or printed text into
machine-encoded text.
● Humans are bound to make errors -
some time or the other - especially
while performing mundane boring
tasks like digitization or Security,

Problem ● Many times we are unable to

perceive certain digits due to various

Overview factors - motion, lack digit clarity,

illumination and so on.

● It is these problems which have lead

us to dive into this topic.
Uses of OCR
1. It is widely used as a form of Data Entry
from Printed Paper data records, whether
Passport Documents, Invoices, Bank
Statements, Business Card, Mail or Other

2. It is common method of Digitizing

Printed Texts so that it can be
Electronically edited, searched, stored
more compactly, displayed on-line, and
used in Machine Processes such as
Machine Translation, Text-to-Speech,
Key Data and Text Mining.
1. Preprocessing phase is to make
as easy as possible for the OCR
system to distinguish a
character/word from the
2. It is the most important phases,
as the accuracy of the OCR
system highly depends upon
how well Preprocessing
Text Detection
1. Text detection is the process of
detecting the text present in the
image, followed by surrounding it
with a rectangular bounding box .
2. Text detection can be carried out
using image based techniques or
frequency based techniques.
3. In image based techniques, an image
is segmented into multiple segments.
Text Recognition
1. OCR (optical character recognition) is the
use of technology to distinguish printed or
handwritten text characters inside digital
images of physical documents, such as a
scanned paper document.
2. The basic process of OCR involves
examining the text of a document and
translating the characters into code that
can be used for data processing. OCR is
sometimes also referred to as text

1. In conclusion, Image to Text OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a

powerful technology that converts visual information from images or
scanned documents into editable text.
2. It has revolutionized various industries by automating data extraction,
enhancing accessibility, and streamlining document management processes.
3. With ongoing advancements in AI and machine learning, OCR systems
continue to improve in accuracy and versatility

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