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Pessoa L. On the relationship between emotion and cognition. Nat Rev

Neurosci 9: 148-158

Article in Nature Reviews Neuroscience · March 2008

DOI: 10.1038/nrn2317 · Source: PubMed


1,506 8,044

1 author:

Luiz Pessoa
University of Maryland, College Park


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processes are linked to specific parts of the
brain. According to this literature, in the vast
majority of cases, cognitive processes appear
On the relationship between to engage cortical regions.
Whereas there is relative agreement about
emotion and cognition what constitutes cognition, the same cannot
be said about emotion. Some investigators
use definitions that incorporate the concepts
Luiz Pessoa of drive and motivation: “emotions are
states elicited by rewards and punishers”10.
Abstract | The current view of brain organization supports the notion that there is Others favour the view that emotions are
a considerable degree of functional specialization and that many regions can be involved in the conscious (or unconscious)
conceptualized as either ‘affective’ or ‘cognitive’. Popular examples are the evaluation of events11 (that is, appraisals).
amygdala in the domain of emotion and the lateral prefrontal cortex in the case of Some approaches focus on basic emotions12
cognition. This prevalent view is problematic for a number of reasons. Here, I will (for example, fear and anger), others on an
extended set of emotions, including moral
argue that complex cognitive–emotional behaviours have their basis in dynamic
ones6,13 (for example, pride and envy). Strong
coalitions of networks of brain areas, none of which should be conceptualized as evidence also links emotions to the body1,14.
specifically affective or cognitive. Central to cognitive–emotional interactions are For the purpose of this article, because of the
brain areas with a high degree of connectivity, called hubs, which are critical for inherent difficulty in providing clear defini-
regulating the flow and integration of information between regions. tions of both cognition and emotion, I will
not further define these terms.
Brain structures linked to emotion are
The relationship between cognition and truly separate systems for emotion and cog- often subcortical, such as the amygdala,
emotion has fascinated Western philoso- nition because complex cognitive–emotional ventral striatum and hypothalamus (BOX 1).
phers for centuries. It is not surprising that behaviour emerges from the rich, dynamic These structures are often considered
much of that attraction has permeated brain interactions between brain networks. Indeed, evolutionarily conserved, or ‘primitive’. They
science in general. Early reports, such as the I propose that emotion and cognition not are also believed to operate fast and in an
now classic case of Phineas Gage, described only strongly interact in the brain, but that automatic fashion, so that certain trigger
how damage to specific parts of the brain they are often integrated so that they jointly features (for example, the white of the eyes
caused changes (or lack thereof) in cognitive contribute to behaviour. Moreover, I propose in a fearful expression15) are relatively unfil-
and emotional behaviours. Indeed, since at that emotion and cognition are only mini- tered and always evoke responses that might
least Broca (1824–1880) the concept of func- mally decomposable in the brain, and that be important for survival. Furthermore, the
tional localization has shaped our under- the neural basis of emotion and cognition functioning of subcortical structures that
standing of brain function. In attempting should be viewed as strongly non-modular. mediate emotion is thought to be ‘unaware’.
to localize affect in the brain, an appealing In other words, an individual is not neces-
approach has been to separate the ‘emotional Cognition and emotion sarily conscious of a stimulus that might
brain’ from the ‘cognitive brain’. Cognition refers to processes such as have triggered brain responses in an affective
In this Perspective I will make a case for memory, attention, language, problem brain region16,17.
the notion, based on current knowledge solving and planning. Many cognitive pro­
of brain function and connectivity, that cesses are thought to involve sophisticated Affective brain regions in cognition
parcelling the brain into cognitive and functions that might be uniquely human. The hypothalamus was one of the first
affective regions is inherently problematic, Furthermore, they often involve so-called regions linked to emotion. It was perhaps
and ultimately untenable for at least three controlled processes, such as when the not until the proposal by Papez18 that a
reasons: first, brain regions viewed as ‘affec- pursuit of a goal needs to be protected from network theory for emotion was advanced.
tive’ are also involved in cognition; second, interference. A prototypical example of a The so-called Papez circuit was further
brain regions viewed as ‘cognitive’ are also neural correlate of a cognitive process is elaborated by MacLean19, whose proposal
involved in emotion; and critically, third, the sustained firing of cells in dorsolateral became enshrined in the ‘limbic system’
cognition and emotion are integrated in prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) as a monkey concept. Unfortunately, although the
the brain. In the past two decades, several maintains information in mind for brief term limbic system continues to be widely
researchers have emphasized that emotion periods of time8,9. With the advent of func- used today, it fails to provide a coherent
and cognition systems interact in important tional MRI (fMRI), a mounting literature description of the emotional brain (BOX 2).
ways1–7. Here, I will argue that there are no documents how a variety of cognitive The original set of regions proposed by

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MacLean includes many areas that are no The amygdala in attention. Although underlies these effects. Indeed, recent studies
longer viewed as critically linked to affect, more nuanced views of amygdala function have provided evidence that the amygdala
such as the hippocampus (but see REF. 5). have been suggested22–24 (see also ref. 25), mediates the processing advantage of emo-
Conversely, many areas that were not most proposals describe this structure in tional items33. Furthermore, in neuroimag-
originally included in the limbic system are terms of affective functions. Indeed, the ing studies, amygdala activation is correlated
believed to have important affective func- amygdala is often categorized as an affective with activation in the visual cortex34,35 and
tions, for example the orbitofrontal cortex region strongly linked to fear processing26,27. this correlation is attenuated in patients with
(OFC). Over the years, the set of regions Evidence concerning fear conditioning in amygdala damage36. Thus, the amygdala
that constitute the emotional brain has fluc- rats, deficits in the recognition of fearful might underlie a form of emotional modu-
tuated considerably. What are the reasons expressions in patients with bilateral lation of information that in many ways
for this state of affairs? amygdala lesions and the robust responses parallels the attentional effects observed in
This Perspective shows that it has proven evoked by fearful faces in neuroimaging the visual cortex.
difficult to define the emotional brain studies, have popularized the view of the For instance, during conditions of
because each one of the ‘core’ and ‘extended’ amygdala as a ‘fear centre’. However, this spatial competition during which target
affective regions (BOX 1) is itself a complex structure is also involved in several functions letters were shown superimposed on
area that is involved in numerous functions. that are closely linked to cognition, including task-irrelevant photos of faces, affectively
Critically, these functions do not map cleanly attention and associative learning28. significant faces (owing to prior pairing
onto ‘affective functions’ (see also refs. A central function of attention, a para- with mild electrical stimulation) were
20,21). I will briefly illustrate this problem digmatic cognitive process, is to modulate more strongly encoded even though they
for the amygdala, a core ‘affective’ region, sensory processing. For instance, attention were task-irrelevant37. In a second study,
although the same could be done for other to a stimulus increases neuronal firing rates participants exhibited increased sensitivity
regions (such as the nucleus accumbens). For (and fMRI responses) in sensory cortex and to shock-paired relative to unpaired faces38:
simplicity, in the remainder of this article, I is believed to improve behavioural perform- during a neutral/fearful discrimination
will largely drop the quotes from ‘affective’ ance29,30. Such ‘competitive advantage’ also task, they were more likely to report com-
and ‘cognitive’. Also, the terms ‘affect’ and occurs during the viewing of emotion-laden puter-morphed, graded faces as ‘fearful’
‘emotion’ will be used synonymously. visual stimuli31,32. The amygdala probably if they were shown in a colour that was
previously paired with shock. Finally, in a
third study, participants exhibited increased
Box 1 | The emotional brain: core and extended regions sensitivity for visual patches that were previ-
ously paired with shock39. Notably, increases
Medial view Lateral view Somatosensory in detection performance were paralleled by
cortex increases in visual activation across
retinotopically organized cortex, includ-
PFC ing the primary visual area (V1). Overall,
increasing the affective significance of a
Septum stimulus in a manner that is believed to be
strongly amygdala-dependent3,40 has effects

that are similar to those of increased
OFC attention (see also refs 41–43).
ATL A widespread view is that the amygdala
OFC/ functions in a largely automatic fashion that
NA is independent of top-down factors such as
Superior attention and task context4,16 and thus, inde-
temporal sulcus
Amygdala pendent of conscious awareness. Consistent
Hippocampus with this notion, amygdala responses are
Brainstem observed under conditions of inattention44
and with minimal sensory input15. Recent
Summarizing the set of brain regions that comprise the emotional brain is plagued by possibly studies have shown, however, that the amyg­
insurmountable conceptual difficulties. Nevertheless, some regions feature prominently
Nature in the
Reviews | Neuroscience dala functions in a manner that is closely
discourse surrounding affective neuroscience. They are listed here based on an informal assessment
tied to top-down factors45–58. For instance,
of the frequency with which they appear in the literature; regions appearing with greater frequency
amygdala responses are strongly dependent
will be labelled ‘core’, and less frequent ones as ‘extended’. The core emotional regions (dark red
areas in figure) include, subcortically, the amygdala, the nucleus accumbens (NA) and the on attention, even for stimuli that are affec-
hypothalamus, and cortically, the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) tively significant (owing to previous pairing
(especially the rostral part) and the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC). Extended regions with mild shocks)37. Amygdala responses
(brown areas) include, subcortically, the brain stem, the ventral tegmental area (VTA) (and associated appear to be closely linked to perception,
mesolimbic dopamine system), the hippocampus, the periaquaeductal grey (PAG), the septum and and are not simply predicted by the physical
the basal forebrain (BF) (including the nucleus basalis of Meynert); and cortically, the anterior insula characteristics of the stimulus — for exam-
(AI), the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the anterior temporal lobe (ATL), the posterior cingulate cortex ple, responses to a briefly presented, fearful
(PCC), superior temporal sulcus, and somatosensory cortex. Although one could attempt to link the face differ greatly depending on whether
core and extended regions to specific affective functions, such an attempt would be largely
participants actually report perceiving a fear-
problematic because none of the regions is best viewed as ‘purely affective’.
ful face49. In general, controlling attention to,

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and ‘cognitively’ changing the meaning of, Box 2 | What is the limbic system?
emotionally evocative stimuli greatly affects
amygdala responses59. The limbic system18,19 probably deserves the distinction of being one of the most popular neural
Thus, converging evidence is starting to systems of the twentieth century98. Yet no generally accepted definition of the system exists — I
contend that this is because the limbic system is frequently linked to the ‘affective brain system’.
paint a dynamic and context-dependent
Insofar as the latter has resisted agreed-upon characterizations, the limbic-system idea has also
picture of amygdala function which com- been problematic. In its original formulation it included the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the
plements the notion that this structure hippocampus and the cingulate cortex, in addition to other structures such as the amygdala and
becomes activated automatically in response the septum. However, the term limbic is problematic in itself because historically it has been linked
to specific trigger features. These findings to diverse functions such as learning and memory, sensory processing, cognitive processing, motor
are consistent with early observations that functions and emotion155.
electrical stimulation of the amygdala A further source of confusion is that many authors, especially anatomists, use the term limbic on
produced both attentional and affective anatomical grounds. The limbus (or border) of the cerebral hemispheres comprises the cingulate
responses60. More generally, they concur gyrus (from the parolfactory area to the uncus of the parahippocampal gyrus156). Hence, regions
with the view that the “amygdala enables along this ‘belt’ are typically designated as (anatomically) limbic, and include the anterior
cingulate, the retrosplenial cortex, the hippocampal complex, the amygdaloid complex and other
monitoring, updating and integrating
related basal forebrain structures (for example, the basal nucleus of Meynert). Readers should note
sensory signals”61 (see also refs. 62,63). that some of these regions (for example, the cingulate gyrus) are at times denoted as paralimbic83
because their cytoarchitecture is more complex than that observed in other limbic regions, such as
Cognitive brain regions in emotion the amygdala. The increased cytoarchitectonic elaboration of regions such as the cingulate gyrus
The prefrontal and parietal cortices are is shared with other medial regions, including territories of the temporal pole, the orbitofrontal
thought to have a central role in cognition, cortex and the insula, which are at times denoted as paralimbic (or, to add to the confusion, simply
for example in the control of attention30,64–66. limbic). It should also be noted that designations based on anatomical criteria do not necessarily
The PFC, especially its lateral aspect, is criti- imply a correspondence with the concept of the ‘emotional’ brain.
cal for the maintenance and manipulation Thus, the limbic system does not appear to be a well-defined functional brain system. Early critics
of information. It is also believed to detect of the concept89,157,158 have been joined more recently by LeDoux92, who has suggested that the term
be dropped. At the very least, researchers should not employ the term in a circular fashion, namely,
conflict and perform ‘cognitive control’
to define the very system that they wish to study. Although current usage of term limbic system is of
operations that regulate the flow of infor- limited value, it might be premature to abandon the concept altogether. For instance, the idea of an
mation during non-routine, challenging anatomically based ‘limbic lobe’98 or of limbic regions based on anatomical criteria, could prove
situations67. However, since at least Nauta’s very helpful in understanding how cognition and emotion interact in the brain93.
synthesis of frontal lobe function68, it has
been suggested that the PFC has a central
role in affect. Indeed, Nauta suggested that
the frontal cortex could be considered “the a gradual retreat of cognitive functions into (especially the DLPFC) is commonly viewed
major — although not the only — neocortical fewer and fewer PFC territories, lateral PFC as a purely cognitive area, this region provides
representative of the limbic system”68. (including DLPFC) still features prominently a test for the hypothesis that cognition and
It is now accepted that the PFC is not a as purely cognitive. This cognitive outlook emotion are strongly integrated in the brain.
homogeneous structure but can be subdi- does not incorporate, however, the wealth of An important dimension of cognition
vided into many regions based on functional data demonstrating that cognitive and affec- involves behavioural inhibition. Response
specialization, cytoarchitecture and con- tive information are strongly integrated in the inhibition (the processes required to cancel
nectivity. Moreover, major PFC territories lateral PFC (see next section). In summary, an intended action) is believed to involve
are involved in emotion — these include the many researchers who regard the PFC as control regions in the prefrontal cortex (for
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), especially heterogeneous suggest that emotion is example, DLPFC, ACC and inferior frontal
anterior and subgenual sites, the OFC, the confined to a set of PFC subterritories (for cortex)74,75. Goldstein and colleagues76 inves-
ventromedial PFC (VMPFC) and the inferior example, the OFC and the VMPFC) and that tigated the interaction between the process-
portions of the inferior frontal gyrus abutting cognition is based in other areas (for example, ing of emotional word stimuli and response
the anterior insula. Indeed, these sites feature in the LPFC, especially dorsally). inhibition. Response inhibition following
prominently in several influential propos- One notable exception concerns the work negative words (for example, ‘worthless’)
als10,14,69. Nevertheless, many current views of by Davidson and colleagues5,69. These authors engaged the DLPFC even though this region
PFC function tend to focus on its cognitive propose that the left PFC is involved in was not recruited by negative valence or
aspects (see ref. 70 for a recent discussion). By approach-related, appetitive goals, especially inhibitory task demands per se, revealing
minimizing the important insights of Nauta68, when multiple alternative responses are pos- an explicit interaction between the two.
Pribram71,72 and others, they portray the PFC’s sible. Additionally, hypoactivation in the left Evidence for cognitive–emotional integra-
core function as cognitive. For instance, an PFC is linked to depression. By contrast, the tion in the LPFC also comes from working-
influential framework of PFC function men- right PFC is proposed to be involved in situa- memory studies involving the maintenance
tions emotion only in a tangential manner65. tions that require behavioural inhibition and and updating of information. For instance,
Although several subregions of the PFC are withdrawal, again, especially when alternative when participants were asked to keep
currently acknowledged as important for approach options are possible. in mind neutral or emotional pictures77,
emotion, a careful assessment of existing pro- maintenance-related activity in the DLPFC
posals suggests that they compartmentalize Integration of cognition and emotion was modulated by the valence of the picture,
the PFC into separate affective and cognitive Functional studies. The LPFC is an example with pleasant pictures enhancing activity
territories (see also ref. 73). It is particularly of a brain region in which cognition and and unpleasant pictures decreasing
noteworthy that in what could be viewed as emotion interact. Given that the LPFC activity relative to neutral pictures.

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Interestingly, emotional pictures did not intermediate areas86,87 — and nodes are and colleagues revealed that the amygdala
affect DLPFC responses during a second highly clustered88. Thus, a careful consid- (and other regions, such as the hippocampus
experimental condition during which partici- eration of brain connectivity is essential to and entorhinal cortex) is equally removed
pants were not required to keep information understand potential cognitive–emotional from the sensory periphery — although
in mind, indicating that the modulation interactions and integration. in some species, direct sensory thalamic
of sustained activity by emotional valence Young and colleagues have quantitatively projections might be present92. In addition,
was particular to the experimental context analysed brain connectivity 89,90. They found the authors showed that the amygdala makes
requiring active maintenance. In another that prefrontal areas were among those most very widespread projections, connecting
fMRI study78, participants watched short vid- distant from the sensory periphery, suggest- with all but 8 of the cortical areas they
eos intended to induce emotional states, after ing that they receive highly-processed and included in the analysis. They concluded
which they performed challenging working- integrated sensory information. Such poten- that the amygdala “occupies a position at
memory tasks. Remarkably, bilateral LPFC tial insulation of the PFC from the periphery the very geometric centre of the topological
activity reflected equally the emotional and is thought to be a key anatomical feature of map” (FIG. 1), suggesting that this structure
working-memory task components, such this region and presumably confers the is one of the most highly connected regions
that activity was not predictable given only primate brain with a greater degree of of the brain (see also refs. 93,94). Overall,
information about either component in isola- flexibility91. Highly processed information it appears that the amygdala, a core affective
tion. In addition, fMRI signals in the LPFC would also be able to support the more region, is at least as well situated to integrate
were predictive of task performance. abstract processing that is required for cog- and distribute information as certain PFC
Taken together, functional studies of the nition. Interestingly, the analysis by Young territories.
LPFC provide evidence that cognition and
emotion are integrated in this area (see also
Box 3 | Integration of cognition and motivation
refs. 5,79­–82). BOX 3 summarizes additional
evidence of the integration between cogni- 0.4
Motivation is commonly defined as what makes
Reward-present condition
tion and motivation in the LPFC. As stated Reward-absent condition
one work to obtain a reward or to avoid
previously, other PFC territories, notably the punishment. Emotion and motivation are
0.3 closely linked as both depend on the
Information (bits)

OFC, VMPFC and ACC, are now considered

relationship between the organism and its
to be strongly involved in affective function,
environment. In the case of emotion, the
and there is evidence for functional integra- 0.2
emphasis might be on the evaluative aspect of
tion of cognition and emotion in these this relationship, whereas in the case of
regions1,14. 0.1 motivation it might be on how the organism
acts in a given situation159,160. Although this
Structural connectivity. article focuses on the relationship between
Anatomy is often used to suggest a separa- 500 1,000 1,500
emotion and cognition, a strong case can be
tion between cognition and emotion. In par- Time (ms) made for the integration between motivation
ticular, lesion studies have been interpreted and cognition, too.
to show that specific areas support specific Cells in the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) not only hold information concerning an object’s shape
Nature Reviews | Neuroscience
and location, they are also modulated by reward magnitude. Watanabe161,162 showed that in monkeys
functions (for example, see ref. 27), a ques-
activity of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) neurons reflects both working memory and reward
tion that we will return to in a later section.
expectancy. For instance, some neurons exhibited stronger sustained activity when an eye
Many of the brain structures deemed to be movement to the left (versus right) had to be generated at the end of the trial. At the same time, their
affective are subcortical, such as the hypoth- firing rate was modulated by reward, being highest for a piece of raisin, intermediate for a piece of
alamus, amygdala and nucleus accumbens. apple and lowest for a piece of sweet potato. Indeed, delay-related activity was modulated in a more
Interestingly, the cortical regions that are quantitative fashion, such that a larger reward led to increased delay-related activity relative to a
considered affective involve the more ‘primi- smaller reward163. Furthermore, neurons in the LPFC might represent the time-discounted value of
tive’ cortex. For instance, rather than the 6 an expected reward164, 165.
(or more) differentiated layers in fully devel- Additional studies suggest that motivational information not only modulates LPFC cell activity,
oped cortex, only 3 to 4 layers are observed but that cognition and motivation are integrated in the LPFC. For instance, during the delay period
of a delayed-saccade task, some LPFC cells166 increase their firing if the monkey is initially cued to
in portions of the OFC61,83 and ACC83, which
make a saccade to the preferred direction (relative to the opposite direction); these cells also show
are often described as limbic or paralimbic
increased firing during rewarded trials (relative to unrewarded trials) (see figure). However, spatial
on anatomical grounds (BOX 2). and reward information do not simply add during rewarded trials to the preferred direction.
In attempting to understand the rela- Instead, there is an increase of the amount of transmitted information with respect to target
tionship between emotion and cognition, position, as quantified by information theory. In other words, the reward information appears to
however, it is important to consider other increase the discriminability of target positions, leading to an enhancement of performance (see
forms of anatomical information. Advances also ref.167).
in our understanding of brain connectivity Watanabe and colleagues have also described reinforcement-related neurons that exhibit activity
suggest that a given brain region is only a changes only when reward is provided in the context of correct task performance; error-related
few synapses away from every other brain neurons exhibit activity changes when an error is made and the reward is not given to the animal,
again only in the task context. Thus, the activity of these neurons does not solely code motivational
region84,85. Indeed, it appears that the brain is
aspects, but rather codes the reward within the context in which a reward is given. These neurons
configured according to a small-world topol-
appear to have a role in the animal’s decision of whether or not the current behavioural strategy
ogy in which the path length between nodes should be maintained168,169. Figure reproduced, with permission, from ref. 158  (2002) American
is small — typically, cortical areas are Physiological Society.
connected directly or by just one or two

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STPa for cognitive–emotional integration, for

TGv9 TS2 TS1 32 14
12 10 TGd example by allowing amygdala signals to
TH ER Hipp 23 24 TS3 be broadcast widely, including to fronto­
11 13 35 parietal regions known to be important for
the control of attention. More generally,
STP P46 Pal the overall anatomical arrangement of the
TF basal forebrain might involve multiple func-
CITd Tpt paAr
CITv proA tional–anatomical macrosystems105,106 with
relt wide-ranging effects on brain computations
paAc and important clinical implications100,105.
PITv 7a In summary, although anatomical infor-
mation is often used to promote the idea that
PITd 7b cognition and emotion are separated in the
Amyg brain, the picture that emerges from connec-
30 tivity data suggests a remarkable potential
6 for integration of information. Regions that
are often thought to be purely affective, such
V4 as the amygdala93, the hypothalamus96, the
45 OFC/VMPFC93 and the ACC, might function
5 Id
SII as important connectivity hubs.
SMA Circuits for cognitive–emotional integration
VPV3 MT MSTI 1 2 Evaluating sensory information. One exam-
V2A VIP PO 3b ple of a brain function that requires cogni-
V1 V4t PIP 3a
tive–emotional integration is the evaluation
Figure 1 | Brain connectivity graph. Quantitative analysis of brain connectivity reveals several clus- of sensory information. Here, the interaction
ters of highly interconnected regions (represented by different colours). In this analysis by Young and
Nature between cognition and emotion addresses
collaborators89, the amygdala (Amyg, centre of figure) was connected to all butReviews | Neuroscience
8 cortical areas. These
connections involved multiple region clusters, suggesting that the amygdala is not only highly con- the question: given the present sensory
nected, but that its connectivity topology might be consistent with that of a connector hub that links information and the organism’s present
multiple provincial hubs, each of which links regions within separate functional clusters. In this manner, internal state, how should it act? FIG. 2 illus-
the amygdala is hypothesized to be a strong candidate for integrating cognitive and emotional infor- trates these interactions in the case of visual
mation. Figure labels represent different cortical areas with the exception of Hipp (hippocampus) and processing; other modalities exhibit similar
Amyg, which represent subcortical areas. Figure reproduced, with permission, from ref. 82  (1994) interactions (although important differences
Freund Publishing. exist in the case of olfaction).
Visual processing engages the primary
visual cortex (V1) and other ‘early’ visual
It is also instructive to consider the con- and that it may well represent the largest areas (for example, the V2 and the middle
nectivity of the hypothalamus95, as it has non-thalamic input to the cortex”. temporal area). Although such processing
been long recognized for its importance It is also important to consider the is now recognized to be quite complex,
in emotional behaviours96,97. In particular, role of ascending systems. For instance, more sophisticated processing occurs in
through its descending connections that the basal nucleus of Maynert is a major ‘late’ areas (for example, along the inferior
innervate brainstem motor systems, this part of the so-called magnocellular basal temporal cortex). Both the amygdala and the
structure is thought to have a key role forebrain system98. The projections from OFC receive highly processed visual input
in the implementation of goal-directed this system reach all parts of the cortical from these late visual areas61,93. Interestingly,
behaviours. Hypothalamic signals can mantle98 and are involved in cortical arousal these two structures have strong recipro-
also be conveyed to the cortex, mostly by and attention mechanisms (see citations in cal connections with visual sensory areas.
way of the thalamus. Critically, prefrontal refs 98,99). In particular, basal forebrain Amygdala connections, in particular,
cortical territories project directly to the corticopetal cholinergic projections appear terminate at both late and early areas of
hypothalamus. Thus, the hypothalamus to be crucial for diverse attentional func- visual cortex, including the V1 (refs107,108).
appears to be organized in such a way that tions, including sustained, selective and Thus, both the amygdala and the OFC109 are
it can generate both relatively reflexive divided attention99–101. Of importance in the extremely well positioned to tune perceptual
behaviours and behaviours that are volun- present context, the basal forebrain receives processing in sensory cortex based on
tarily triggered by inputs from the cerebral both cortical and amygdala inputs (for stimulus evaluation (see previous discussion
cortex96. Overall, this structure appears to citations, see ref. 99). Recent anatomical of emotional modulation). Visual inputs
be connected with all levels of the nervous evidence suggests the existence of specific also reach the LPFC in a relatively direct
system, including the neocortex96, enabling topographically organized prefrontal–basal manner. In particular, the ventrolateral
important hypothalamic regulatory signals forebrain­–prefrontal loops102–104, so that spe- PFC (Brodmann area (BA) 45/47) receives
to have widespread effects on the brain. As cific prefrontal cortical targets of the basal projections from V4, BA8 in the DLPFC
stated by Swanson and colleagues95: “It is forebrain connect back to sites from which receives inputs from V2 and BA46 receives
now clear that the hypothalamus provides the corticopetal fibres originate. some direct and indirect visual input via
a direct input to the entire cortical mantle, Such loops provide a direct substrate BA8 (see references in ref. 93).

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which is interconnected with the amygdala project not only to the nucleus accumbens,
and the OFC, provides diffuse neuro- but also to the frontal cortex117,118, includ-
Amygdala modulatory signals to both subcortical and ing the LPFC and frontal eye fields. Thus,
cortical areas. This arrangement is able the prediction and expectation of future
to enhance the processing of contextually rewards, including reward prediction errors,
significant information and thus, has both which might be an important function of
Early Late motivational and attentional consequences. the dopamine system, should feature
visual visual
In summary, affective dimensions prominently in the temporal unfolding of
of a visual item are reflected at multiple control.
processing stages, from early visual areas to The architecture of the proposed circuit
prefrontal sites52. Critically, in most, if not all (FIG. 3) suggests that cognitive and emotional
processing stages, cognitive and emotional contributions to executive control cannot be
contributions cannot be separated. For separated. For instance, I propose that LPFC
instance, visual cortical responses reflect- signals involved in inhibitory processes
Basal ing an item’s significance will be a result of reflect both cognitive variables (for example,
simultaneous top-down modulation from probability that an inhibitory response will
Figure 2 | Circuit for the processing of visual fronto-parietal attentional regions and be required) and affective information (for
information. The affective component
Nature Reviews of a visual
| Neuroscience emotional modulation from the amygdala. example, whether negative or neutral stimuli
item is reflected at multiple processing stages, Consequently, the cognitive or affective are viewed before being required to inhibit a
from early visual areas (including V1) to prefrontal origin of the modulation is lost. response). Thus, executive control effectively
sites. Diffuse, modulatory effects exerted by the
integrates cognition and emotion (and
basal forebrain are shown in green. Crucially,
Executive control. It is assumed that a motivation (see also ref. 119).
cognitive and emotional contributions cannot be
separated. For instance, visual cortical responses cognitive control system exists. Control It is important to note some oversimpli-
reflecting an item’s significance will be a result of is required when behaviour calls for less fications in the descriptions above. First, the
simultaneous top-down modulation from fronto- reflexive actions, including circumstances ACC appears to be involved in computing
parietal attentional regions (see lateral prefrontal that involve the overriding of prepotent the benefits and costs of acting more
cortex (LPFC)­–early visual connections) and emo- responses67. The cognitive control system generally, rather than only detecting conflict
tional modulation from the amygdala (see amy- guides behaviour while maintaining and
gdala–early visual connections). In this manner, manipulating goal-related information.
the cognitive or affective origin of the modula- Traditionally, the LPFC, the ACC and the
tion is lost and the item’s impact on behaviour is LPFC
parietal cortex are viewed as central nodes
both cognitive and emotional. Several connec-
in the control system110–112. LPFC circuits are
tions are not shown to simplify the diagram. Line
thickness indicates approximate connection especially adept at maintaining information
strength. OFC, orbitofrontal cortex. for brief temporal intervals and manipulat- ACC
ing information. The parietal cortex, in con-
junction with the PFC, has an important role
in the control of attention113. The function Amygdala OFC
Overall, visual stimulation (or sensory of the ACC is the subject of active research,
stimulation, more generally) is rapidly con- but appears to include conflict detection110,111
veyed to multiple regions that collectively and/or error monitoring114. Nucleus
are capable of evaluating the input. Thus, Although the LPFC, the parietal cortex accumbens
a series of neural computations involving and the ACC are believed to be central
several sites determines the significance of to cognitive control, I suggest a broader
the stimulus. Note, however, that whereas cognitive–affective control circuit (FIG. 3).
it is natural to assume that information Because an animal decides between pos-
flows in a given direction (from the V1 sible goals or actions based on their value, VTA
to the late visual cortex to the amygdala to control by necessity involves taking into
other frontal areas, and back), the parallel account the costs and benefits of such goals Figure 3 | Circuit for executive control. This
and reciprocal nature of the connectivity and actions. The participation of the amy- extended control circuit contains traditional
suggests that more distributed compu- gdala, the OFC and the nucleus accumbens control areas, suchNature
as the anterior
Reviews |cingulate cor-
tational frameworks are better suited to in the proposed broader control circuit tex (ACC) and the lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC),
describe this arrangement. In addition, the means that strategies for action dynamically in addition to other areas commonly linked to
affective processing of a stimulus is not inde- incorporate value. In particular, the OFC affect (amygdala) and motivation (nucleus
pendent of cognitive factors such as atten- and medial PFC are involved in computing accumbens). Diffuse, modulatory effects are
shown in green and originate from dopamine-rich
tion. On the one hand, an item’s affective outcome expectancies115,116 — the OFC’s
neurons from the ventral tegmental area (VTA).
significance appears to guide attention and role in anticipating future events extends The circuit highlights the cognitive–affective
enhance the processing of emotion-laden to the amygdala, especially the basolateral nature of executive control, in contrast to more
information31,32; on the other hand, goal- complex, with which it has strong recipro- purely cognitive-control proposals. Several con-
directed attention and task context influence cal connections115. Finally, dopamine neu- nections are not shown to simplify the diagram.
the neural fate of affectively significant rons located in the ventral tegmental area Line thickness indicates approximate connection
items17,31. Finally, the basal-forebrain system, and the substantia nigra (pars compacta) strength. OFC, orbitofrontal cortex.

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and monitoring errors. For instance, Structural connectivity. An alternative way Behaviours
ACC neurons encode the probability of to conceptualize the mapping between a
reward120, and at the same time, are critical brain area and behaviour is illustrated in

for making decisions about effort costs121–123. FIG. 4. A given brain area, A, is involved

Thus, the ACC has a role in evaluating in multiple neural computations, NC. Note

whether the benefits are worth the cost of that this initial mapping is itself many-to-
making an action124. Second, the LPFC has a many, so that a given area (for example, A1) Cognitive
role in maintaining and manipulating infor- is involved in the computation of several
mation, but can also integrate this content functions (for example, NC1 and NC3), and
with both affective and motivational infor- a given computation (for example, NC3)
Neural NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4
mation (BOX 3). The LPFC might therefore might be implemented by several areas (for computations
act as a control hub in which multiple types example, A1, A2 and A3). These neural com-
of information converge and are integrated putations collectively underlie behaviour.
(see below). Critically, the convergence of One can describe the space of behaviours Brain
areas A1 A2 A3 A4
both cognitive and affective/motivational using affective and cognitive axes. Thus,
Network 1 Network 2 Network 3
information enables the LPFC to dynami- any behaviour is by definition both cogni-
cally weigh multiple types of information in tive and affective. Importantly, the axes are
guiding action. Finally, the above discussion not orthogonal, such that a behaviour that
has been simplified by treating control as is changed along the affective dimension
a somewhat monolithic process. In reality, compared to a different behaviour, will also Figure 4 | Conceptual proposal for the rela-
control probably involves a range of proc- be changed along the cognitive dimension. tionship betweenNatureanatomical
Reviews sites, neural
| Neuroscience
esses that might vary from more ‘reactive’ In other words, behaviour cannot be computations and behaviours. Brain areas (for
example, A2), which are connected to form net-
to more ‘effortful’21 and that could have cleanly separated into cognitive or emotional
works (ellipses), are involved in multiple neural
developmental trajectories125. categories. computations (for example, NC2, NC3 and NC4)
An important aspect of the present and specific computations (for example, NC4) are
A conceptual proposal proposal is that individual brain areas do not carried out by several areas (for example, A2 and
The previous section briefly outlined the work in isolation, but instead are part of net- A3). Therefore, the structure–function mapping
circuits involved in the evaluation of works. Therefore, most neural computations is both one-to-many and many-to-one; in other
sensory information and executive control. should not be thought of as implemented by words, many-to-many. Multiple neural computa-
The description of these circuits is by neces- an individual area, but rather by the interac- tions underlie behaviour. Each behaviour has
sity incomplete, for the reasons described tion of multiple areas. In addition, as pointed both affective and cognitive components, indi-
below and in several discussions and out by Mesulam126, specific brain areas cated by the affective and cognitive axes. Note
that the axes are not orthogonal, indicating that
proposals89,126–133. belong to several intersecting networks.
the dimensions are not independent from each
The simplest way to conceptualize Thus, the computations implemented by an other. Brain areas with a high degree of connec-
the mapping between a brain area and area will depend on the particular network tivity are called hubs and are critical for regulat-
behaviour is to assume a one-to-one map- with which the area is affiliated at a par- ing the flow and integration of information
ping between an area and its function. ticular time. For instance, areas A1 and A2 between regions. The structural topology of the
For instance, the V1 is linked to visual participate in the computation of NC3 when hubs is strongly linked to their function. For
perception (or a set of more basic visual A1 and A2 are part of network N1 (FIG. 4). instance, connector hubs (such as A2) link sepa-
functions, such as edge detection and In another context, A2 might be affiliated rate region clusters (not shown) and are hypoth-
stereopsis). Even though such an exercise with network N2, for example, whereas NC3 esized to be crucial for the integration of cogni-
becomes considerably less straightforward might be implemented in another manner. tion and emotion. See ref. 126 for a related
for more central areas (that is, farther from Thus, it is necessary to take into account the
the sensory periphery), we can imagine context in which neural computations are
extending it to many areas of the brain. The being carried out, because it depends on this
end product of such a strategy would be a context which brain areas will implement single functional cluster, for example, visual
list of area–function pairs. The brain areas the computations. area V4137) or as ‘connector’ hubs (they link
might then be labelled as cognitive or affec- To understand the impact of a region on separate region clusters, for example, frontal
tive based on their purported functions behaviour, its connectivity pattern needs eye fields137).
or how these functions are envisioned to to be determined134. Recent advances in In the present context, connectivity
ultimately shape behaviour. For instance, network theory135,136 have shown that regions information could be particularly important
we could describe the amygdala as affective characterized by a high degree of connectiv- in understanding a region’s role in emo-
given its involvement in fear conditioning, ity (hubs137) are important in regulating the tion and cognition. Regions that are more
and the ACC as cognitive given its role in flow and integration of information between peripheral (for example, non-hub regions
monitoring conflict. As discussed, I believe regions (area A2 in FIG. 4). However, whereas with fewer connections) will often be
that such dichotomization provides a the number of connections of a region is described as either cognitive or emotional.
poor description of the brain/mind, important in determining whether it will This classification could be applied to
and I propose here that the one-area/ function as a hub, the structural topology provincial hubs, too. In both cases, regions
one-function viewpoint, although com- of a hub is also relevant. For instance, some whose function involves homeostatic proc-
monly used (or at the very least implicitly regions are best characterized as ‘provincial’ esses and/or bodily representations will be
assumed), is problematic. hubs (they occupy a central position within a viewed as emotional, whereas regions whose

154 | february 2008 | volume 9

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function is less aligned with such processes viewed as dynamic, too. In some contexts, We end this section by recasting our
will be viewed as cognitive. However, the the two axes might be close to orthogonal, so discussion in terms of ‘decomposable’ and
existence of connector-hub regions that link that it would at times appear that cognition ‘nondecomposable’ systems147–149. On the
distinct region clusters, effectively integrates and affect are more or less independent. one hand, a decomposable system is one in
emotional and cognitive regions, such that An additional consideration in under- which each subsystem operates according to
the distinction between the two is largely standing structure–function mappings its own intrinsic principles, independently
blurred (FIG. 4). At present, results from concerns the ‘dynamics’ implemented in of the others (that is, it is highly modular).
connectivity studies are incomplete because specific regions. For instance, it is well docu- On the other hand, a nondecomposable
they include a limited number of prefrontal mented that LPFC circuits can implement system is one in which the connectivity and
regions and, more critically, typically omit reverberating activity that can be sustained inter-relatedness of the components is such
subcortical structures (but see FIG. 1). As for several seconds. Such dynamics are not that they are no longer clearly separable. I
larger databases become available for struc- only important for extending the repertoire here advance the working hypothesis that
tural and network analysis, considerable of LPFC computations but they are also emotion and cognition are only minimally
progress is expected. Nevertheless, existing likely to influence the precise form of decomposable147. In other words, the neural
data offer some support to the present view. functional connectivity that the LPFC will basis of emotion and cognition should be
For instance, in a recent computational have with other regions. Consistent with this viewed as governed less by properties that
study, BA46 in the macaque LPFC was iden- notion, Honey, Sporns and colleagues143 have are intrinsic to specific sites and more by
tified as a connector hub with an unusually shown that simulated functional interactions interactions among multiple brain regions.
large number of connections137, which might depend on local dynamics. Therefore, the In this context, note that relaxing the
explain why the LPFC is also important for elucidation of the functional interactions one-structure/one-function assumption
the integration of emotion and cognition. that characterize cognitive–emotional cou- described above by incorporating one, or a
I also propose that regions such as the plings will require not only greater knowl- few, additional regions (for example, ACC–
amygdala function as cognitive–emotional edge of structural connectivity properties, amygdala interactions150) is insufficient for
connector hubs, consistent with the work of but also how local physiological properties mapping brain areas and functions properly
Young and colleagues89 (FIG. 1). The ongo- impact both short- and long-range brain because first, functional circuits include
ing discussion suggests that the impact of interactions. both multiple regions and neuromodulatory
brain lesions will be strongly dependent The above considerations suggest that, systems (FIGS 2 and 3); second, network affili-
on a region’s structural embedding: lesions in the vast majority of cases, the one-to-one ations are context-dependent and dynamic;
of more peripheral (non-hub) regions will mapping framework, and simple extensions and third, given the small-world topology of
produce relatively specific deficits, whereas thereof, describe the underlying structure brain structural connectivity, hub regions,
lesions of regions that function as hubs will very poorly. In fact, both degeneracy (many- such as the amygdala and the hypothalamus,
have a much greater impact on behaviour, an to-one mappings, that is, multiple areas are will have more important roles than regions
impact that will be strongly determined by capable of performing the same function) that are not as highly connected.
the precise topology of the hub (for example, and pluripotentiality (one-to-many map-
provincial versus connector). In particular, pings) occur131,132,144. In particular, degen- Conclusions
lesions of connector-hub regions will have eracy has recently received much attention Historically, emotion and cognition have
widespread, and at times difficult to char- as understanding this issue is central to the been viewed as separate entities. One factor
acterize, effects on cognitive and affective interpretation of the impact of focal brain that could have contributed for this separa-
behaviours. damage on brain function130. Having said tion in the past century is methodological.
that, it is important to note that lesions of For instance, data arising from single-unit
Functional connectivity. Whereas the specific brain regions, even highly connected or lesion studies usually allow the researcher
above discussion has emphasized the role of ones, appear at times to lead to relatively to derive conclusions only concerning the
structural connectivity, the importance specific behavioural deficits. For instance, specific areas being targeted. Research in the
of functional connectivity (for example, lesions of the lateral/basolateral amygdala past two decades has shown that such view
signal correlations between distant regions) have been suggested to be necessary for the is deficient and that, if we are to understand
needs to be highlighted as well138,139. In par- acquisition and expression of conditioned how complex behaviours are carried out in
ticular, the situation depicted in FIG. 4 should fear (see ref. 145 for an alternative the brain, an understanding of the interac-
be viewed as a frame at a specific time, which view). tions of the two is indispensable. Here, I
captures the mapping at that time point. In A simplification of the proposed scheme have articulated the view that, in many
general, the evolution of network affiliations (FIG. 4) is that the x and y axes correspond cases, we must go beyond understanding
through time will greatly influence struc- directly to affective and cognitive dimen- interactions, some of which are suggested to
ture–function mappings. In this context, sions. In all likelihood, several dimensions be mutually antagonistic7,70,151–153, to under-
large-scale integration mechanisms, possibly are involved, so that combinations of these standing how cognition and emotion are
by phase synchronization across multiple dimensions would correspond more or effectively integrated in the brain. As stated
frequency bands140–142, are likely to have key less directly to the two dimensions that are by Gray and colleagues78, “at some point of
roles in this process. Furthermore, multiple used here. Clearly, part of the work required processing, functional specialization is lost,
ascending neurotransmitter systems can to advance our understanding of struc- and emotion and cognition conjointly and
affect ongoing computations and shift the ture–function mapping involves refining equally contribute to the control of thought
neural computations implemented by brain the set of ‘primitive’ dimensions (see also and behaviour”. This statement summarizes
areas99. Accordingly, the three-dimensional ref. 146) that could characterize a rich set of their findings concerning working memory
landscape of behaviours (FIG. 4) should be behaviours. performance following mood induction,

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