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Q Trade protectionism will most likely af- fect which aspect of a company's oper- ations? Study online at The government of Country X imposes import restrictions on steel to help the domestic steel industry in depressed ar- eas. Whatis the most likely result of such restrictions? Successful trade retaliation is most likely achieved Imports can stimulate exports by All of the following are generally true about trade-displaced workers EXCEPT which one? A problem that can arise in using trade protectionism to develop international competitiveness for a domestic industry is that The industrialization argument for trade protection in developing countries is based on the assumption that Unlike the infant-industry argument, the industrialization argument for trade pro- tection : Terms of trade refers to The relationship between import substi- tution policies and export-led develop- ment policies is best characterized by which of the following? All of the following are reasons a country might institute import restrictions to im- chp 7 practice exam ( acquiring foreign supplies damaging other industries in Country X by a large trading country increasing foreign income They move abroad to take new jobs itis difficult to identify industries that have a high probability of reaching competi- tiveness unemployment and underemployment exists in rural areas, so little agricultural output is lost as people move into indus- * trial jobs presumes that economic growth will oc- cur even if domestic manufactured prices are not globally competitive the quantity of imports that a given quan- tity of a country's exports can buy The two are hard to distinguish because production under import substitution may eventually be exported. maintain essential industries Q prove its balance of trade position with other countries EXCEPT to Country X is withholding goods from international markets in an attempt to raise prices abroad. Such actions will be most effective for Country X if the nation Study online at Export restrictions have a tendency to All of the following are potential problems of using export controls EXCEPT which one? Exporting below cost or below the home country price is called : There are several reasons for a company to sell products abroad at either below cost or below the price in the home coun- try. Which of the following is one of these reasons? According to the optimum tariff theo- ry, a foreign producer will most likely An argument against limiting exports to unfriendly countries is that : A possible drawback to the essential in- dustry argument for import protectionism is ‘ What is the main motive for countries' protection of their film/cinema indus- tries? An import tariff may be protective In most cases, which type of government protection assistance is most controver- sial? chp 7 practice exam ( holds a monopoly on the product or re- source favor domestic consumers Prices go up in the country imposing the controls dumping encouraging foreign consumers to try new products lower its export prices if the importing country imposes an import tax on its products the costs of the sanctions are borne by innocent people rather than by leaders in times of military emergency, almost any product could be considered essen- tial to maintain their cultural sovereignty even though the importing country does not produce the product tariffs Q Tied aid requires a recipient to Study online at Most countries have agreed on how to assess values when their customs agents levy tariffs. Which of the following best expresses this agreement? An import license is Why are offsets considered protectionist measures? Which of the following hypothetical ex- amples would be a restriction on the im- port of services? The fact that there are few recipro- cal agreements among countries on the licensing of professionals most likely means that 3 Companies with would most likely oppose global protectionist mea- sures. In nearly half the cases in which U.S. firms have requested protection from im- ports, one or more U.S. companies in the industry opposed the protection. What was the reason for opposing protection? People who argue for keeping the U.S. trade embargo with Cuba claim all of the following EXCEPT which one? The argument for using protectionism to bring about industrialization in develop- ing countries presumes that gains will occur because the industry will become internationally competitive chp 7 practice exam ( spend the funds in the donor country They should use the declared invoice price unless they doubt its authenticity. a requirement that permission be se- cured from governmental authorities be- fore importation can be undertaken Exporters must often find markets for goods outside their lines of expertise. The U.S. restricts foreign companies from carrying cargo between two U.S. cities there is an effective limitation on trade in services internationally integrated supply chains They believed that they could compete against global and domestic rivals Removal of the embargo will cause much more Cuban immigration to the United States false chp 7 practice exam ( Study online at Export prices of primary products fluctu- ate less than export prices of manufac- tured products. Countries typically establish export re- strictions to encourage the development of substitute products Export controls are highly effective for digital products, such as computers, TVs, and cameras. The purpose of "Made in" labels on im- ported products is to enable countries to keep records of the origin of imports. At present there is little reciprocal recog- nition of professional licensing among countries. Companies that have integrated their supply chains internationally tend to lob- by their home governments for increased protectionist measures. false false false false true false

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