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SAP ID 77222718154

Nandini Tripathi

I am deeply grateful to my professor and advisor, Prof. Anuja Shukla, for their
unwavering support and guidance throughout my master’s program. Their expertise
and patience have been invaluable to me and have played a crucial role in the success
of this thesis.

I am grateful to NGASCE for providing me with the opportunity to conduct my

research and for all of the resources and support they provided. I would like to extend
a special thanks to MY PROFESSOR’S way of explanations through PPT, who went
above and beyond to help me with my work.

I would also like to thank my counselor for serving on my thesis committee and
providing valuable feedback and suggestions. Their insights and guidance were
instrumental in helping me to shape my research and write this thesis.

I am deeply thankful to my friends and family for their love and support during this
process. Without their encouragement and motivation, I would not have been able
to complete this journey.



No. No.
3. COMP_PREP is an Educational Institute which helps the 5-9
aspirants to prepare for Engineering and Medical Exams.
They have around 20 branches across the country. The
aspirant’s base is exploding on a year-on-year basis.
Suggest a cloud solution Strategy to help manage the
entire operations of COMP_PREP also detailed out the
features and benefits of this cloud solutions strategy.

4. You are an owner of a start-up manufacturing company in 10-13

Pune and have a total of 100 employees. The streamlines the
operations of various departments of your organization,
which particular system you will use to automate the various
inter-processes of your organization. State the benefits of its
implementation and the challenges faced while
implementing it.

5. You are a Personal Blogger and you are much keen on 14-18
penning down your thought in the form of blogs. The
Blogging Platforms used by you can be any depending on
your choice.
[A]what could be the possible vulnerabilities and threats
related to Blogging Platform. Explain any five
vulnerabilities/threats in detail.
[B] Suggest and describe at least five protective measures to
overcome these vulnerabilities/threats related to Blogging




In subject of Information System for Managers, I learned throughout semester

and while preparing this assignment how effectively Information System can be
introduced to an organization what are digital effects, First order Effect, Second
Order Effect and Competitive Environment and strategy w.r.t culture of an
organization. It helps me to:
 Cloud computing is a style of computing in which scalable and elastic IT-
enabled capabilities are delivered as a service using Internet technologies.
There are several strategies that businesses can use to optimize their cloud
computing experience.
 One possible system to automate the various inter-processes of an
organization is an interorganizational system (IOS).
 Difference does internet makes in the way modern organizations operate.
However, Information System also has some limitations, such as:

 High initial costs and complexity of integrating different systems and

 Security and privacy risks of sharing sensitive data across organizational
 Resistance to change and lack of trust among employees and partners
 Need for skilled staff and continuous training to manage and maintain the

Therefore, we learned more clearly through this Assignment desired specification

according to requirement and cost-effective secure buyers to provide such
Information system with proper updating facilities to organization time to time.



A brief overview of a report or document that summarizes the main points

and findings of given Assignment.

A system of methods, principles, and rules for conducting My research [or a

project] is through various educational websites, study materials provided by
NMIMS university and topics explained by Professors.

Information System for Managers is the study of people in organizations. It

can be studied on a micro level, which focuses on individual or group behavior, or
on a macro level, which focuses on organization-wide actions and events.

 An Assignment I’m submitting for ‘Information System for Managers’ is the

study of presenting the main aspects of a research or a project in a concise
and clear manner. It could include the following elements:

 The purpose and objectives of the research or project: To answer the given
topics to explain my understanding of subject.

 The main research questions or hypotheses: Segregation of and analysis of

proper way of application of Information System, IT for green practices
Decision making with MIS.

 The theoretical framework or concepts used to guide the analysis: Resources

find by websites, Text Book by Rahul De and PPT by Prof. Anuja Shukla.

 The data sources and collection methods: both Qualitative and Quantitative.

 The data analysis techniques and tools: Fraud Detection of duplicate

software which use data and detection and prevention of such crimes. Use of
Data productively maintaining privacy, optimizing marketing campaign by
analyzing stored data.

 The limitations and recommendations for future research or action is as

directed by my professor.


COMP_PREP is an Educational Institute which helps the aspirants to prepare for
Engineering and Medical Exams. They have around 20 branches across the country.
The aspirant’s base is exploding on a year-on-year basis. Suggest a cloud solution
Strategy to help manage the entire operations of COMP_PREP also detailed out the
features and benefits of this cloud solutions strategy.
A cloud solution strategy is a plan that outlines how an organization can use cloud
computing services to achieve its goals and objectives. Cloud computing can offer
many benefits for educational institutes, such as:

 Lowering costs by paying only for what you use and scaling up or down as
 Improving efficiency and agility by accessing applications and data from
anywhere and anytime
 Enhancing security and compliance by leveraging the cloud provider’s
expertise and certifications
 Increasing innovation and collaboration by using advanced technologies
such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, voice recognition, and data
 Supporting student and staff success by personalizing learning experiences,
improving learning outcomes, and providing equitable access to resources

One possible cloud solution strategy for COMP_PREP is to use Amazon Web
Services (AWS) as the cloud provider. AWS is a leading cloud platform that offers
a wide range of services and solutions for education. Some of the features and
benefits of using AWS for COMP_PREP is:

 AWS Cloud Computing for Education is a comprehensive solution that

helps education institutions of all sizes to support teaching and learning,
connect the campus community, make data driven decisions and accelerate
research efforts.
 AWS Cloud for Higher Education is a specific solution helps colleges and
universities to modernize and secure their campus, improve the student
experience, turn data into wisdom, and empower researchers.
 AWS Solutions Library: This is a collection of curated solutions for
common use cases for higher education in the AWS Cloud. For example,
COMP_PREP can use solutions such as AWS Classroom Central (a virtual

classroom management system), AWS Ed Start (a program that supports
education technology startups), AWS Educate (a program that provides
cloud learning resources and career pathways), AWS Machine Learning
University (a program that offers free courses on machine learning), and
AWS Research Cloud Program (a program that provides cloud credits and
support for research projects).
 AWS Training and Certification: This is a program that helps learners,
educators, administrators, and researchers to gain cloud skills and
credentials. COMP_PREP can use this program to train its staff and students
on how to use AWS services effectively and efficiently.


Apart from AWS, there are some other cloud providers that offer cloud storage and
collaboration solutions for education. Some of them are:

 Google Drive: This is a cloud storage service that offers 15GB of free
storage and integrates with Google Workspace for Education, which
includes tools such as Gmail, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Meet, and
Classroom. Google Drive allows users to create, edit, share, and collaborate
on documents online, as well as access them from any device. Google Drive
also supports offline access and syncs files across devices.
 Microsoft OneDrive: This is a cloud storage service that offers 5GB of free
storage and integrates with Microsoft 365 Education, which includes tools
such as Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Teams, and Sway.
OneDrive allows users to store, access, share, and collaborate on files online,
as well as sync them across devices. OneDrive also supports offline access
and file recovery.
 This is a cloud storage service that offers 5GB of free storage and
focuses on security and privacy. allows users to store, access,
share, and collaborate on files online, as well as sync them across
devices. also supports end-to-end encryption, zero-knowledge
architecture, file versioning, and remote wipe.



 Lowering costs by paying only for what they use and scaling up or down as

 Improving efficiency and agility by accessing applications and data from
anywhere and anytime
 Enhancing security and compliance by leveraging the cloud provider’s
expertise and certifications
 Increasing innovation and collaboration by using advanced technologies
such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, voice recognition, and data
 Supporting student and staff success by personalizing learning experiences,
improving learning outcomes, and providing equitable access to resources



 Cloud storage: This feature allows COMP_PREP to store and access files
online, as well as sync them across devices. This benefit helps COMP_PREP
to save space, reduce hardware costs, and ensure data availability and
 Cloud collaboration: This feature allows COMP_PREP to create, edit, share,
and collaborate on documents online, as well as communicate with others
via chat or video. This benefit helps COMP_PREP to improve productivity,
teamwork, and engagement among staff and students.
 Cloud security: This feature allows COMP_PREP to protect their data and
applications from unauthorized access, loss, or damage. This benefit helps
COMP_PREP to comply with regulations, maintain trust, and prevent data
 Cloud scalability: This feature allows COMP_PREP to adjust their cloud
resources according to their needs and demand. This benefit helps
COMP_PREP to optimize performance, avoid downtime, and pay only for
what they use.
 Cloud innovation: This feature allows COMP_PREP to leverage advanced
technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, voice
recognition, and data analytics. This benefit helps COMP_PREP to enhance
learning outcomes, personalize learning experiences, and provide equitable
access to resources.


 Establish a cloud implementation roadmap: This is a plan that outlines the

key steps and activities you’ll follow when implementing a cloud solution. It
helps you understand the various activities involved in the cloud
implementation process and provides a path to help you reach your desired
 Assess your current state and future requirements: This is an analysis that
helps you evaluate your current IT infrastructure, applications, data, and
processes, and identify your future needs and goals. It helps you determine
the gaps and opportunities for improvement, and prioritize the areas that
need to be addressed.
 Choose a cloud provider and solution: This is a decision that helps you select
a cloud provider and solution that best suits your needs and goals. It helps
you compare different cloud providers and solutions based on criteria such
as features, benefits, costs, security, compliance, scalability, innovation, and
 Design a cloud-based architectural model: This is a design that helps you
define how your cloud solution will be structured and configured. It helps
you specify the components, services, resources, and configurations that will
be used in your cloud solution, and how they will interact with each other
and with your existing IT infrastructure.
 Migrate your applications and data to the cloud: This is a process that helps
you move your applications and data from your on-premise or legacy
systems to the cloud. It helps you plan, execute, test, and validate the
migration process, and ensure minimal disruption and downtime.
 Manage and optimize your cloud solution: This is a process that helps you
monitor, maintain, and improve your cloud solution. It helps you ensure that
your cloud solution is secure, reliable, efficient, and cost-effective. It also
helps you leverage the cloud provider’s tools and services to enhance your
cloud solution’s performance and functionality.
 Evaluate and update your cloud solution: This is a process that helps you
measure the impact and outcomes of your cloud solution. It helps you assess
how well your cloud solution meets your needs and goals, and identify areas
for improvement or change. It also helps you keep up with the latest trends
and technologies in the cloud domain.

In conclusion, AWS, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc. can provide
a comprehensive cloud solution strategy for COMP_PREP that can help them
manage their operations efficiently, securely, cost-effectively, and innovatively.
AWS can also support their teaching and learning objectives, connect their campus
community, and accelerate their research efforts. By adopting AWS as their cloud
provider, COMP_PREP can leverage the benefits of cloud computing and stay ahead
of the competition.


You are an owner of a start-up manufacturing company in Pune and have a total of
100 employees. The streamlines the operations of various departments of your
organization, which particular system you will use to automate the various inter-
processes of your organization. State the benefits of its implementation and the
challenges faced while implementing it.
Internal automation is the use of technologies to automate or optimize internal
business processes and workflows. Internal automation can help improve
efficiency, accuracy, speed, quality, and customer satisfaction. Internal automation
can also reduce operational costs, errors, risks, and human intervention.
Some examples of internal automation are:

 Using robotics in organizational processes and warehouse automation to

automate pick and place, palletizing, material handling, and quality control.
 Using process manufacturing to produce bulk materials and commodities by
following a formula or recipe.
 Using intelligent process automation to leverage artificial intelligence and
machine learning to handle complex, dynamic, and unstructured processes.
 Using tools to automate invoicing, ad buying, data entry, inventory
management, order fulfillment, and other repetitive tasks.
 Using software to automate internal controls to ensure compliance, detect
risks, and enforce standards.

Some of the benefits of internal automation are:

 Increased efficiency, accuracy, and speed of business processes

 Reduced operational costs, errors, and risks
 Enhanced customer experience, satisfaction, and retention
 Improved employee engagement, productivity, and innovation
 Leveraged data insights, analytics, and decision making

Some of the challenges of internal automation are:

 High initial investment and maintenance costs

 Complex integration of hardware, software, and network components
 Need for skilled workers and continuous training
 Potential cyberattacks and data breaches

 Ethical and social issues related to human displacement and accountability


One possible system you can use to automate the various inter-processes of your
organization is intelligent process automation (IPA). This system is the use of
technologies to automate or optimize in part by artificial intelligence and machine
learning algorithms. IPA tools can reduce human intervention with artificial
intelligence (AI) to create business process automation. IPA solutions go beyond
simple, rule-based tasks and can handle complex, dynamic, and unstructured
Some of the benefits of implementing this system are:

 Increased efficiency, accuracy, and speed of business processes

 Reduced operational costs, errors, and risks
 Enhanced customer experience, satisfaction, and retention
 Improved employee engagement, productivity, and innovation
 Leveraged data insights, analytics, and decision making

Some of the challenges faced while implementing this system are:

 High initial investment and maintenance costs

 Complex integration of hardware, software, and network components
 Need for skilled workers and continuous training
 Potential cyberattacks and data breaches
 Ethical and social issues related to human displacement and accountability

Here is a possible answer in 1000 words:

As an owner of a start-up manufacturing company in Pune with 100 employees, I
would use intelligent process automation (IPA) to streamline the operations of
various departments of my organization. IPA is the use of technologies to automate
or optimize in part by artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. IPA
tools can reduce human intervention with artificial intelligence (AI) to create
business process automation. IPA solutions go beyond simple, rule-based tasks and
can handle complex, dynamic, and unstructured processes.
By implementing IPA in my organization, I would be able to achieve the following

 Increased efficiency, accuracy, and speed of business processes: IPA would
enable me to automate repetitive, manual, and time-consuming tasks such as
data entry, invoice processing, inventory management, quality control, and
order fulfillment. This would free up my employees to focus on more value-
added activities such as customer service, product development, and
problem solving. IPA would also improve the accuracy and consistency of
the processes by eliminating human errors and variations. IPA would also
increase the speed of the processes by reducing delays, bottlenecks, and
 Reduced operational costs, errors, and risks: IPA would help me save money
on labor costs, overheads, materials, and energy by optimizing the use of
resources and minimizing waste. IPA would also reduce the errors and
defects in the products by ensuring compliance with standards and
specifications. IPA would also reduce the risks of accidents, injuries,
lawsuits, and penalties by enhancing safety and security measures.
 Enhanced customer experience, satisfaction, and retention: IPA would
enable me to deliver high-quality products that meet or exceed customer
expectations. IPA would also enable me to provide faster and more
personalized service to customers by using AI to analyze customer data,
preferences, feedback, and behavior. IPA would also enable me to retain
customers by offering loyalty programs, discounts, rewards, and
recommendations based on customer data.
 Improved employee engagement, productivity, and innovation: IPA would
improve employee engagement by reducing stress, boredom, frustration, and
turnover. IPA would also improve employee productivity by enabling them
to work smarter, faster, and better. IPA would also improve employee
innovation by empowering them to experiment with new ideas, methods,
and technologies.
 Leveraged data insights, analytics, and decision making: IPA would enable
me to collect, store, process, analyze, and visualize large amounts of data
from various sources such as sensors, machines, cameras, and customers.
IPA would also enable me to use AI to generate insights, predictions, and
recommendations from the data. IPA would also enable me to make data-
driven decisions that optimize performance, quality, and profitability.

However, implementing IPA in my organization would also pose some challenges

such as:

 High initial investment and maintenance costs: IPA would require me to

invest in expensive hardware, software, and network components that

support AI and machine learning capabilities. IPA would also require me to
maintain and update these components regularly to ensure their
functionality, security, and compatibility.
 Complex integration of hardware, software, and network components: IPA
would require me to integrate various hardware, software, and network
components from different vendors, platforms, and protocols. This would
pose technical challenges such as compatibility issues, interoperability
problems, and communication failures.
 Need for skilled workers and continuous training: IPA would require me to
hire and retain skilled workers who have expertise in AI and machine
learning technologies. IPA would also require me to train my existing
employees too.

Intelligent process automation (IPA) is a system that uses AI and machine learning
to automate or optimize business processes. IPA can provide benefits such as
increased efficiency, reduced costs, enhanced customer experience, improved
employee engagement, and leveraged data insights. IPA can also pose challenges
such as high investment and maintenance costs, complex integration of
components, need for skilled workers and training, potential cyberattacks and data
breaches, and ethical and social issues.


You are a Personal Blogger and you are much keen on penning down your thought in the form of
blogs. The Blogging Platforms used by you can be any depending on your choice.
what could be the possible vulnerabilities and threats related to Blogging Platform. Explain any
five vulnerabilities/threats in detail.
Blogging platforms are online services that allow users to create and publish content on the web.
Blogging platforms can be used for personal or professional purposes, such as sharing opinions,
insights, stories, news, or information. Some of the most popular blogging platforms are
WordPress, Blogger, Medium, Tumblr, and Winx. Blogging Platforms can also be vulnerable
and exposed to various threats and attacks from malicious actors who may want to compromise,
deface, or steal data from the blogs or their users.
Some of the possible difficulties to Blogging Platforms are:

 Outdated core software, themes, and plugins: Many blogging platforms rely on core
software, themes, and plugins to provide functionality and customization options for the
 Malware: Malware is any malicious software that can harm or take control of a computer
system or device. Malware can infect blogging platforms through various means, such as
phishing emails, malicious links or attachments, compromised downloads, or drive-by
downloads. Malware can cause various damages to the blogs or their users, such as
stealing data, redirecting traffic, displaying ads or spam, encrypting files for ransom, or
deleting content.
 Credit card skimming: Credit card skimming is a type of cyberattack that involves
stealing credit card information from online transactions. Credit card skimming can affect
blogging platforms that use e-commerce features or accept payments from users. Hackers
can inject malicious code into the payment pages or forms of the blogs to capture and
transmit the credit card details of the users to a remote server. Credit card skimming can
result in financial losses and identity theft for the users.
 Unauthorized logins: Unauthorized logins are a type of cyberattack that involves gaining
access to a blog account without permission. Unauthorized logins can occur due to weak
or stolen passwords, brute force attacks, phishing attacks, keyloggers, or cookie theft.
Unauthorized logins can allow hackers to take over the blog account and perform
malicious actions such as changing settings, posting content, deleting content, or
accessing personal data.
 Structured Query Language (SQL) injections: SQL injections are a type of cyberattack
that involves injecting malicious SQL statements into a web application’s database query.
SQL injections can affect blogging platforms that use SQL databases to store and retrieve
data. Hackers can exploit SQL injections to execute arbitrary commands on the database
server, such as accessing, their computer’s contents unethically.

Some of the FIVE possible VULNERABILITIES for Personal Bloggers are:

1) Outdated core software, themes, and plugins: If you use a blogging platform that relies on
core software, themes, and plugins, you should update them regularly to avoid security
flaws or bugs that can be exploited by hackers.
2) Malware: If you receive or download any suspicious emails, links, attachments, or files,
you should scan them with an antivirus software before opening or executing them to
avoid malware infection.
3) Credit card skimming: If you accept payments from your blog visitors, you should use a
secure and reputable payment gateway or service to protect their credit card information
from skimming attacks.
4) Unauthorized logins: If you want to prevent unauthorized access to your blog account,
you should use strong and unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and avoid
logging in from public or unsecured devices or networks.
5) SQL injections: If you use a SQL database to store and retrieve data for your blog, you
should use parameterized queries, input validation, and output encoding to prevent SQL

The FIVE possible THREATS for Personal Bloggers are:

1) Hackers: Hackers are malicious actors who may try to compromise, deface, or steal data
from your blog or your users. Hackers may use various techniques such as exploiting
vulnerabilities, malware, phishing, brute force, or social engineering to gain access to
your blog account or database.
2) Spammers: Spammers are malicious actors who may try to flood your blog with
unwanted or irrelevant comments, messages, or links. Spammers may use automated bots
or scripts to post spam on your blog or send spam emails to your users. Spam can affect
your blog’s reputation, performance, and user experience.
3) Trolls: Trolls are malicious actors who may try to provoke, harass, or offend you or your
users on your blog. Trolls may post inflammatory, abusive, or hateful comments or
messages on your blog or social media accounts. Trolls can affect your blog’s
community, engagement, and morale.
4) Competitors: Competitors are other bloggers who may try to copy, sabotage, or discredit
your blog. Competitors may plagiarize your content, post negative reviews or feedback,
or spread false or misleading information about your blog. Competitors can affect your
blog’s traffic, ranking, and credibility.
5) Legal issues: Legal issues are potential problems that may arise from the content or
activities of your blog. Legal issues may include copyright infringement, defamation,
privacy violation, or contract breach. Legal issues can result in lawsuits, fines, or
penalties for your blog.

Blogging platforms are online services that allow users to create and publish content on the web.
However, blogging platforms can also be vulnerable and exposed to various threats and attacks from

malicious actors. Some of the possible vulnerabilities and threats related to blogging platforms are
outdated core software, themes, and plugins, malware, credit card skimming, unauthorized logins, SQL
injections, hackers, spammers, trolls, competitors, and legal issues. Personal bloggers should be aware of
these risks and take appropriate measures to protect their blogs and their users from potential harm. By
doing so, they can ensure their blog’s security, performance, and reputation.


You are a Personal Blogger and you are much keen on penning down your thought in the form of
blogs. The Blogging Platforms used by you can be any depending on your choice.
[B] Suggest and describe at least five protective measures to overcome these
vulnerabilities/threats related to Blogging Platforms.
Some of the possible protective measures to overcome the vulnerabilities and threats related to
blogging platforms are:

I. Update core software, themes, and plugins: You should update your core software,
themes, and plugins regularly to avoid security flaws or bugs that can be exploited by
hackers. You can enable auto-updates or check for updates manually from your blogging
platform’s dashboard or settings. You should also backup your blog data before updating
in case of any issues.
II. Scan for malware: You should scan your blog and your devices for malware regularly to
avoid infection or damage. You can use an antivirus software or a malware scanner tool
to detect and remove any malicious software from your blog or your devices. You should
also avoid opening or downloading any suspicious emails, links, attachments, or files that
may contain malware.
III. Use a secure payment gateway or service: If you accept payments from your blog
visitors, you should use a secure and reputable payment gateway or service to protect
their credit card information from skimming attacks. You can use a payment gateway or
service that offers encryption, authentication, fraud detection, and PCI compliance. You
should also display trust badges or seals on your payment pages to assure your visitors of
their security.
IV. Use strong and unique passwords: If you want to prevent unauthorized access to your
blog account, you should use strong and unique passwords that are hard to guess or crack.
You can use a password manager tool to generate and store your passwords securely.
You should also change your passwords periodically and avoid using the same password
for multiple accounts.
V. Use parameterized queries, input validation, and output encoding: If you use a SQL
database to store and retrieve data for your blog, you should use parameterized queries,
input validation, and output encoding to prevent SQL injections. Parameterized queries
are queries that use placeholders for user input instead of directly inserting them into the
query. Input validation is the process of checking user input for any malicious or invalid
data before processing it. Output encoding is the process of converting user input into a
safe format before displaying it on the web page.

Blogging platforms are online services that allow users to create and publish content on the web.
However, blogging platforms can also be vulnerable and exposed to various threats and attacks
from malicious actors. Personal bloggers should be aware of these risks and take appropriate
measures to protect their blogs and their users from potential harm. Some of the possible
protective measures are updating core software, themes, and plugins, scanning for malware,
using a secure payment gateway or service, using strong and unique passwords, and using

parameterized queries, input validation, and output encoding. By doing so, they can ensure their
blog’s security, performance, and reputation.



Cloud solution strategy is the process of planning and implementing cloud-based solutions for
various business needs and goals. Cloud solution strategy can help organizations achieve benefits
such as scalability, flexibility, cost-efficiency, innovation, and security. Cloud solution strategy
can also involve challenges such as migration, integration, governance, compliance, and
Inter-process automation is the use of technologies to automate or optimize the interactions and
workflows between different processes or systems. Inter-process automation can help
organizations improve efficiency, accuracy, speed, quality, and customer satisfaction. Inter-
process automation can also involve challenges such as complexity, compatibility, security, and
Personal blogger security is the practice of protecting personal blogs and their users from various
threats and attacks from malicious actors. Personal blogger security can help bloggers ensure
their blog’s security, performance, and reputation. Personal blogger security can also involve
vulnerabilities such as outdated software, malware, credit card skimming, unauthorized logins,
and SQL injections.
A possible brief summary of the findings and suggestions is:
Cloud solution strategy, inter-process automation, and personal blogger security are important
topics for learning and using in the current digital era. They can offer various benefits and
opportunities for organizations and individuals who want to leverage the power of the cloud,
automation, and blogging platforms. However, they can also pose various risks and challenges
that require careful planning and implementation. Some of the suggestions for overcoming these
risks and challenges are:

 For cloud solution strategy: Define clear objectives and requirements for cloud adoption;
choose the right cloud service model and provider; plan a smooth migration and
integration process; establish a governance framework and policies; monitor and optimize
cloud performance and costs.
 For inter-process automation: Identify and prioritize automation opportunities; choose the
right automation tools and platforms; design and test automation workflows; implement
automation standards and best practices; train and upskill workers.
 For personal blogger security: Update core software, themes, and plugins; scan for
malware; use a secure payment gateway or service; use strong and unique passwords; use
parameterized queries, input validation, and output encoding.



6. PPT by Prof. Anuja Shukla

********* THANK-YOU *********


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