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Disengagement Theory, Activity Theory, and Continuity Theory

- Disengagement Theory suggests that as people age, they tend to withdraw from society and
become more focused on themselves. In this movie, we don't see evidence of the main characters
actively disengaging from society or becoming less involved in social activities. They are, in
fact, quite engaged with their children and each other.

- Activity Theory posits that active involvement in social activities and relationships is
essential for successful aging. The main characters, especially the elderly couple Francisco and
Eleanor, are actively engaged with their children and remain affectionate, which aligns more
with Activity Theory.

- Continuity Theory suggests that individuals will maintain a similar lifestyle and level of
activity as they age. The elderly couple's enduring love and the fact that their children are
inspired by their parents' love reflect elements of Continuity Theory, as they maintain their close
family bonds throughout their lives.

2. Erik Erikson's Developmental Task - Ego Integrity vs. Despair:

- Ego integrity vs. despair is a stage of psychosocial development in late adulthood. It involves
reflecting on one's life and feeling a sense of satisfaction and wholeness (ego integrity) or
experiencing regret and despair over missed opportunities.

- In the movie, Francisco Florencio (the elderly father) seems to embody the idea of ego
integrity. Despite his medical emergency, his enduring love for his wife Eleanor and the
inspiration he provides to his children suggest that he has a sense of fulfillment and integrity in
his life's journey.

- Eleanor Florencio (the elderly mother) also reflects elements of ego integrity as she remains
devoted to her husband and children. Her enduring love and the unity of the family, despite their
individual problems, reflect a sense of wholeness and satisfaction in her life.

3. What physiological changes did you observe to the main characters . Give the rationale.

Physical Decline Due to Aging:

The central theme of the movie revolves around the inevitability of old age and its physical
consequences. It's likely that both Francisco and Eleanor, as elderly characters, experience
physical decline. This could include decreased mobility, muscle weakness, and possibly health
issues associated with aging
Rationale: Aging is associated with a natural decline in physical health. As people grow older,
they often experience a decrease in strength, flexibility, and overall physical capabilities. This
decline in physical functioning is a common aspect of the aging process.

Mental and Emotional Impact:

Francisco, the patriarch, might be dealing with the emotional and mental challenges associated
with the realization that he can no longer take care of his children as he used to. This could lead
to feelings of frustration, loss of control, and emotional distress.
Rationale: The psychological impact of aging can be significant. When individuals who were
once independent and in control of their lives face physical limitations and increasing
dependency, it can lead to a range of emotional responses, including frustration and a sense of

Support and Resilience:

Eleanor, the matriarch, plays a crucial role in providing emotional support and assurance to her
husband, Francisco. Despite their physical challenges, they reassure each other that they will
always have each other.
Rationale: The support and resilience shown by the characters reflect the emotional and
psychological coping mechanisms that older individuals often develop to navigate the challenges
of aging. Maintaining strong emotional bonds can be a source of comfort and strength in facing
physical decline.

Family Caregiving and Responsibility:

The children, as caregivers, are likely to experience stress and physical exhaustion from taking
care of their aging parents while also attending to their personal affairs.
Rationale: Caregiving for elderly parents can be physically demanding, especially when dealing
with issues related to mobility, medication management, and daily care. The strain of caregiving
can impact the physical well-being of the caregivers themselves.

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