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A tree

full of
Play a lot.
Enjoy happiness.
Meet interesting people.
Walk barefoot on the wet sand.

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Paint the afternoons with bright colours.
Start each day with the biggest smile in the world.
Dance and laugh. Stretch your arms and legs to touch the stars.
Build bridges between friends. Imagine that your wishes come true.
Trust and rely on each other. Invite peace to join in all your meetings.
Draw roads of trust. Listen carefully to the sounds the morning brings about.
Climb high slides of hope and faith. Find the magic hidden in your closest people.
Travel far, far away in your imagination. Dream of a garden full of trees in blossom.
Treat all the animals with love and respect. Feel the wind in your face, hands and feet.
Travel on long trains loaded with smiles and kisses. Sing that song that makes you feel really great.

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Read your favourite book once again. Be aware that you can go even beyond your wildest dreams.
with joy
and love.

A tree
full of
Play a lot.
Enjoy happiness.
Meet interesting people.
Walk barefoot on the wet sand.
Paint the afternoons with bright colours.
Start each day with the biggest smile in the world.
Dance and laugh. Stretch your arms and legs to touch the stars.
Build bridges between friends. Imagine that your wishes come true.
Trust and rely on each other. Invite peace to join in all your meetings.
Draw roads of trust. Listen carefully to the sounds the morning brings about.
Climb high slides of hope and faith. Find the magic hidden in your closest people.
Travel far, far away in your imagination. Dream of a garden full of trees in blossom.
Treat all the animals with love and respect. Feel the wind in your face, hands and feet.
Travel on long trains loaded with smiles and kisses. Sing that song that makes you feel really great.
Read your favourite book once again. Be aware that you can go even beyond your wildest dreams.
? N) ) W h i l d i ? ) W h b l ki
f h i d ? )W b l i h i ? ) W G dd d di h ? )W M l i h bl ? ) W D d i i h fl
Key: M) 1) Granddad was reading the newspaper; 2) Mum was laying the table; 3) The girl was looking out of the window; 4) Dad was watching TV; 5) The dog was barking; 6) The boys were playing their guitars.

with joy
and love.

A tree
full of

Play a lot.
Enjoy happiness.
Meet interesting people.
Walk barefoot on the wet sand.
Paint the afternoons with bright colours.
Start each day with the biggest smile in the world.
Dance and laugh. Stretch your arms and legs to touch the stars.
Build bridges between friends. Imagine that your wishes come true.
Trust and rely on each other. Invite peace to join in all your meetings.
Draw roads of trust. Listen carefully to the sounds the morning brings about.
Climb high slides of hope and faith. Find the magic hidden in your closest people.
Travel far, far away in your imagination. Dream of a garden full of trees in blossom.
Treat all the animals with love and respect. Feel the wind in your face, hands and feet.
Travel on long trains loaded with smiles and kisses. Sing that song that makes you feel really great.
Read your favourite book once again. Be aware that you can go even beyond your wildest dreams.
with joy
and love.

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Key: M) 1) Granddad was reading the newspaper; 2) Mum was laying the table; 3) The girl was looking out of the window; 4) Dad was watching TV; 5) The dog was barking; 6) The boys were playing their guitars.
N) ) W h i l d i ? ) W h b l ki f h i d ? )W b l i h i ? ) W G dd d di h ? )W M l i h bl ? ) W D d i i h fl ?

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