Chapter One

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E-LEARNING: It is one kind of distance learning methods. Education management

based on electronic technology is called E-Learning. Without attending the class
directly students can attain the grade by participating in education and examinations
at their own convenience.

BULLETIN BOARD: Bulletin board is an electronic system used to deliver

advertisements on the internet that consists of telephone lines and high-
performance computers. To keep the bulletin board active its server needs to
connect with internet all the time.

RESERVATION SYSTEM: Reservation system is one of the medium of

communication. We can reserve or book any seat with the help of internet. At
present time seats in Airline, railway, Bus, Boat, Hotel, Motel etc. can be reserved by
using their websites. In this method people can reserve advance seat within a very
short time by sitting at home.

TELECONFERENCING: The telecommunication process is called teleconferencing

and this meeting is called teleconference. Through this, various meetings, seminars,
or group discussion can be conducted. For teleconferencing we need telephone line,
computer, audio tools (audio card, microphone, MIC and speaker etc.) and also need
suitable software. Teleconferencing can be done from anywhere in the world. In this
system the participant of a meeting send their reply using Key-board.

VIDEO CONFERENCING: Using telecommunication technology. Video

conferencing allows two or more geographically distant people to see each other and
have interactive conversations. It is an international communication system. Any
person can perform video conferencing from one place to another or one country to
another country through the internet.

ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER: Transfer of money by electronic means is called

Electronic fund transfer. In this process, different branches of banks coordinate and
transfer funds between them electronically without using any real money. For the
safety and ease of transactions, banks use Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) to
exchange money

NANOTECHNOLOGY: Nanotechnology is the study and use of structures between

1 nanometer (nm) and 100 nanometers in size.

GLOBAL VILLAGE: Global Village is such a social or cultural system, where all the
margins of the world live in a single society and through the use of electronic media
and information technology, they can easily exchange their thoughts, experiences,
culture and also serve each other.

MARTIN ALBROW SAID: “Globalization is the process of bringing all the people in the
overall community”.


1. Hardware or computer related tools: Hardware means whole physical electronics

component of a computer. Example: printed circuit board, display and printer etc. It
is used for any type of communication and information exchange in Global village.
Other than computer, mobile phone, smart phone, video recorder, webcam, satellite,
radio, television etc. are included into hardware.

2. Programs or Software: Software is a general term for the different programs used
to operate a computer and solve problems using a computer. To establish a Global
Village we need both software and hardware. Software includes different kinds of
operating systems, browsers, communicating software, programming languages etc.

3. Human Capacity: It is one of the most important elements of Global Village. It is

needed to create ICT based Global Village.

4. Data or Information: Data is an element of information. Data is a basic idea of

information. Information processing is done through software. Information may be
digit, description, text, image, audio, video etc. To establish Global Village, data
processing is done to make people aware of data. Data exchange plays vital role to
establish Global Village.

5. Internet Connectivity: Without this Global Village is impossible. Internet is the

backbone of Global Village, The Internet is made up of a number of computer
networks in a wide range connected networks all over the world. The idea of Global
village has become a reality.

GPS: GPS (Global Positioning System) is a communication system based on artificial

satellites. Its main task is to determine the location of any stationery or any moving
object on Earth in any time and weather. GPS or Global Positioning System is a
Tracking System. Two tasks can be done by GPS. Firstly, knowing the location of an
object or a person. Nowadays, determining the location of a car using GPS in our

country is a very simple thing. Secondly, determining the distance from self-location
to destination location. Google Map is the best example of this.

TELEMEDICINE: Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication and information

technology to provide clinical health care from a distance. It has been used to
overcome distance barriers and to improve access to medical services that would
often not be consistently available in distant rural communities.

BIOMETRICS: Biometrics is the method of identifying a specific individual based on

the structure or behavioral characteristics of various body parts in the human body. It
relies on the unique features or patterns present in these body parts to recognize
and authenticate a person's identity. Biometrics is like using the special features of
our body parts to recognize and confirm who we are. It's a way to identify people
based on their unique physical or behavioral traits

CRYOSURGERY: Cryosurgery derived from the Greek word "Cryo" means very cold
and "Surgery" means handwork, is a medical procedure that destroys unhealthy or
abnormal tissues in the body using the application of extremely cold substances.
Cryosurgery is like a freezing handwork in medicine. It's a treatment where cold
substances are used to destroy unhealthy or abnormal tissues in the body.

BIOINFORMATICS: Bioinformatics is a technology that uses applied mathematics,

computer science, statistics, artificial intelligence, chemistry, and biochemistry to
solve problems in the field of biology.

The software and tools used in Bioinformatrics:

C/C++ C#
Perl SQL
Spreadsheet etc Analysis

VIRTUAL REALITY: Virtual reality is like a realistic imagination that feels

real, even though it's not. It's a way to experience things in a 3D world that
seems true but is actually created by technology.

CYBER ATTACK: A Cyber Attack is an attempt to damage, disrupt or gain

unauthorized access to a computer, computer system or electronic
communications network.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: Artificial Intelligence is also known as AI .It is
like teaching computers to think and act like humans. It's a technology that
allows machines to learn, adapt, and make decisions just like we do. AI is all
about creating smart machines that can do tasks that normally need human
intelligence. It's like giving machines their own brain and teaching them to
understand and solve problems on their own.

GENETIC ENGINEERING: Genetic engineering is like a DNA puzzle. It allows

us to take a specific part of DNA from one living thing and insert it into
another. It's like using advanced science to work with genes and traits in
different organisms.


1. Reality Engine/Simulator
2. Head Mounted Display
3. Data Gloves
4. Body Suit
5. Audio Device


 Practical education  Space mission

 Training doctors  History and heritage protection
 Driving  Making games
 Traffic management  City planning
 Flight simulation

SMART HOME: A home equipped with lighting, heating, and electronic devices that
can be controlled remotely by smartphone or computer.

CYBER THEFT: Stealing of financial or personal information through the use of

computers for fraudulent or other illegal use.

INTERNET OF THINGS (IOT): A system of interrelated computing devices,

mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with
unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without
requiring human-to-human or human-to- computer interaction.

EMPLOYMENT: Because of information and technology new occupations have
become available and new opportunities have been discovered. By honing their skills
and experience online freelancers can find jobs online and earn foreign currency.
Some sites are,, ,


decreases the difference between village and town and the distance from one
country to another. So both labour and money are saved.

PHISHING: Phishing is a form of fraud in which the attacker tries to get information
such as log in credentials or account information by masquerading as a reputable
entity or person in email, IM or other communication channels. Typically a victim
receives a message that appears to have been sent by a known contact or
organization. An attachment or links in the message may install malware on the
user's device or direct them to a malicious website set up to trick them into divulging
personal and financial information, such as passwords, account IDs or credit card
details. Phishing is a homophone of fishing, which involves using lures to catch fish.

MOBILE BANKING: In this system village farmer, using a bank agent with a mobile
number, can save money on a digital account.

E-HEALTH: With e-health, citizens can get medical information rapidly and get
treatment from specialists via telemedicine.

HACKING: Hacking is an attempt to exploit a computer system or a private network

inside a computer. Simply put, it is the unauthorized access to or control over
computer network security systems for some illicit purpose .Breaking a security
system requires more intelligence and expertise than actually creating one. Hackers
steal information in different ways.

CYBER STEALING: Using a computer to steal information on a person or business.

There are two types of cyber stealing: 1. Data stealing and 2. Identity stealing

SOFTWARE PIRACY: Software piracy is the illegal copying, distribution or use of


PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else's

work and lying about it afterward, to present as a new and original an idea or product

derived from an existing source and changing words but copying the sentence
structure of a source without giving credit.

SPAMMING: Unexpected, unnecessary and unwanted messages used in electronic

messaging systems are known as spam thus sending them is called spamming. Spam
mail is designed to flood one's email account with useless junk messages.

E-COMMERCE: Using E-commerce buyers can see different products and prices and
even order products from the website while at home. E-commerce sites have
electronic payment systems. Credit card and debit card information is maintained on
the sites so that cash is not needed.

E-GOVERNANCE: E-governance is a system where the government maintains all

the systems using information and technology. This increases the relationship
between different ministries and as a result of the speed of government increases,
corruption is easily caught and the distance between the government and people
decreases. Bureaucratic complexity also decreases.

AUTOMATIC BANKING SYSTEM: In this system, all transaction systems and

information are saved in a central server. So a user using an ATM booth can transact
anytime anywhere. saving time and labour.

SPOOFING: Spoofing is one kind of cheating. In this system a hacker sends

someone something but modifies the sender address so that the recipient does not
understand where it is actually coming from. Normally hackers use spoofing to hide
their full information or cheat someone. A hacker is able to use IP spoofing to change
his IP address with someone else's. For example, a hacker may use a popular
company email to send you a special offer in email. If someone does not know then
he may click on a malicious link. Different systems are used for spoofing. There is
caller ID spoofing, IP spoofing, email spoofing, Mac spoofing, etc.

SNIFFING: Sniffing is a popular technique that uses a wire or wireless transmission

line to send and receive information. To detect sniffing is nearly impossible. So the
only way to secure against this is data encryption.

VIRUS: A virus is an unknown but dangerous program which runs on its own,
reproduces and destroys other computer programs. Fred Cohen, a famous
researcher, came up with the term VIRUS. The full meaning of VIRUS is Vital

Information Resources Under Siege. Some examples of a computer virus includes
Trojan horse, Abraxas, Melissa,

E-AGRICULTURE: Using information technology farmers can take advice from

experts and obtain different types of information (like crop sowing and caring
techniques, fertilizer and insecticides, higher growth seeds, etc.). Farmers can even
hold video conferences with experts. All this increases their production and incomes.

VAT AND INCOME TAX: Using information technology, governments can make it
harder for people to hide income and escape income and VAT tax, so that economic
inequality can be reduced.

E-POLICE: Police stations can be connected in a network to facilitate information

share. It also makes it easy to monitor law enforcement. With GD and other
information online in a database, it can be accessed at any time from any station.
This is very helpful against terrorism.

ROBOT: A robot is a machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions

automatically, especially one programmable by a computer.

Parts Of A Robot:
Uses Of Robot In Various Fields:
1. Controller
2. Arm 1. Medical fields

3. Drive 2. Industrial fields

4. End Effector 3. Military fields
5. Sensor 4. Space Exploration

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