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9/18/23, 5:55 AM Ontario Tech University - Quiz 1

MATH2860 (Fall 2023): Online Quizzes and Readiness Test,
Danah Shanab, 9/18/23 at 5:43:18 AM EDT

Question1: Score 0/1

′′ ′
Which of the following are true about the differential equation y + (sinx)y = y ? Select all that apply.

Choice Selected Points

Ordinary Differential Equation No 

1st order Yes  -1

Linear Yes  +1

Feedback: An ordinary differential equation involves only ordinary derivatives of one or more dependent variables with respect to a
single independent variable.
In contrast, a partial differential equation involves the partial derivatives of one or more dependent variables with respect
to two or more independent variables.

The order of the differential equation is simply the order of the highest derivative in the equation.

′ (n)
For the differential equation to be linear, it must be linear in y, y , ... , y . Note that it only needs to be linear in the
dependent variable.

Question2: Score 1/1

7 x
y = e

is a solution to y ′ = y .

Choice Selected

True No [answer withheld]

False Yes [answer withheld]

Simply find the derivative of y , and substitute in y and y ′ to see if the LHS = RHS. If LHS = RHS, then it is a solution.

In this question, it is not a solution.

Question3: Score 0/1

Suppose y = c1 sin (8 x) + c2 cos (5 x) and we want y (0) = 8 , y ′ (0) = 16 . What is the value of c1 and

2 Incorrect
Enter your answers as the numbers only, in order, separated by commas. e.g. 3, -2

Your Answer: No answer 1/3
9/18/23, 5:55 AM Ontario Tech University - Quiz 1

Feedback: This question is asking for the particular solution, that is, we need to find c and c2 using the initial conditions

y (0) = 8 and y (0) = 16 .

We can start by substituting in y (0) = 8 into y and solve for c2 :

8 = c sin (8 (0)) + c (cos (5 (0))
1 2

c = 8

Before using y ′ (0) = 16 , we need to find the derivative of y , which is y ′ = 8 c

cos (8 x) − 40 sin (5 x)

Now we can substitute in y ′ (0) = 16 to get c1 :

16 = 8 c cos (8 (0)) − 40 sin (5 (0))

c = 2

Therefore, your answer should be 2, 8.

As an extra note, this would make the particular solution, given the two initial conditions,
y = 2 sin (8 x) + 8 cos (5 x) .

Question4: Score 1/1

Suppose that a 500 litre container has 15 kg of salt in it. Water containing 0.5 kg of salt per litre is added to the container at a rate of
2 L/min. The solution runs out from the container at the same rate. If A is the amount of salt (in kg) at time t (in min), then the
dA A
differential equation describing this situation is = 15 − 2 subject to A(0) = 15
dt 500

Choice Selected

True No [answer withheld]

False Yes [answer withheld]

Feedback: dA
The differential equation is = rate in − rate out .

kg L kg
The rate in is (0.5 ) ⋅ (2 ) = 1 .
L min min

A kg L A kg
The rate out is ( ) ⋅ (2 ) = 2 .
500 L mⅈ n 500 mⅈn

dA A
Putting this altogether and omitting the units, we obtain = 1 − 2
dt 500

Finally, since we have 15 kg of salt initially, our initial condition is indeed A (0) = 15 .

Question5: Score 0/1

If we want to use Euler's Method to approximate the solution to
= 3 x y with initial condition y (9 ) = 4 and 
using a step size of h = 0.5 , what is the value of x4 ? Incorrect 2/3
9/18/23, 5:55 AM Ontario Tech University - Quiz 1

Your Answer:
Correct Answer: 11
Feedback: Here, x = 9 ,h = 0.5 , and we're looking for xn where n = 4 .

This means we start at x0 = 9 and add our step size of 0.5 a total of 4 times. Ultimately, we end up at
x = x + n ⋅ h = 9 + (4) (0.5) = 11
4 0 3/3

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