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Prone Position in Acute

Respiratory Distress
Syndrome Patients
A Retrospective Analysis of Complications
Alberto Lucchini, RN; Stefano Bambi, PhD, MSc, RN, CCN;
Elisa Mattiussi, MSc, RN, CCN; Stefano Elli, RN; Laura Villa, RN, CCN;
Herman Bondi, RN, CCN; Roberto Rona, MD; Roberto Fumagalli, MD;
Giuseppe Foti, MD

Background: Early application of prolonged prone positioning has been shown

to improve patient survival in moderate to severe adult respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS) patients. Prone position is a key component of lung protective
mechanical ventilation in association with low tidal volume and neuromuscular
blocking agents in patients with severe ARDS. Pressure sores are the major prone
position complication. The rate of complication is lowering with the increase in
center expertise.
Aims: The aim of this study was to examine the onset of pressure sores and other
complications caused by the use of prone position in patients having ARDS.
Design: This is a single-center, retrospective, observational study.
Results: One hundred seventy patients were enrolled, with a median age of
49 years (interquartile range [IQR], 38-63). Of all participants, 58% (n = 98) survived
the intensive care unit recovery. The total prone position maneuvers were 526, with
a median of 2 prone position sessions for each patient (IQR, 1-3). The median
length of the prone position session was 9 hours (IQR, 7-12). Twenty-three patients
developed pressure sores after prone position (14%). The anatomical positions
of pressure sores were as follows: face/chin, 5% (n = 8); face/cheekbones, 6%
(n = 11); thorax, 2% (n = 3); trochanter, 1% (n = 1); and other sites, 5% (n = 8).
Complications were observed in 1% (n = 6) of all pronation maneuvers (vomit,
2%; respiratory device removal, 0.4%). No removal of intravascular catheter
was observed.
Conclusions: The onset rate of complications given by the use of prone position in
ARDS patients is similar to data reported by previous literature. The implementation
of a dedicated protocol in specialized centers and the involvement of 5 trained and

DOI: 10.1097/DCC.0000000000000393 January/February 2020 39

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Prone Position and Complications

skilled professionals while moving the patient in the prone position are
recommended to prevent the occurrence of similar adverse events.
Keywords: ARDS, Complications, Mechanical ventilation, Pressure sores, Prone position
[DIMENS CRIT CARE NURS. 2020;39(1):39-46]

Prone position (PP) is a postural therapy capable of influenc- (6.6%), pneumothorax (5.7%), cardiac arrest (13.8%), dis-
ing patient oxygenation. This goal is obtained by improving lodgement of thoracostomy tube (1.9%), and pressure sores
the balance between lung ventilation and perfusion, recruiting (46.4%). Furthermore, the incidence of pressure sores in a
dependent lung tissue, and promoting drainage of pulmo- study by Girard and colleagues10 was 56.9%. Moreover,
nary secretions.1-3 Using lung protective strategies in adult PP was related to the development of edema and pressure
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients, with low sores of the anterior body regions, including the face.11
tidal volumes and plateau pressures (<6 mL/kg of ideal
body weight and plateau pressure < 28 cm H2O), can lead Aims of the Study
to poorly ventilated areas in dependent lung regions and The primary aim of this study is to observe the incidence of pres-
result in alterations of ventilation/perfusion ratio.4,5 Ac- sure sores and other complications caused by prone positioning
cording to Guérin and colleagues,3 prone positioning, when in a population of patients having ARDS and treated with PP in
compared with supine positioning, markedly reduces the a general ICU. The secondary aim was to investigate the modi-
overinflated lung areas while promoting alveolar recruit- fications of the PaO2/FiO2 mm Hg ratio induced by PP.
ment. Several multicenter studies and meta-analysis have
shown that the application of long sessions of PP, together
with a namely lower tidal volume targeting 6 mL/kg of ideal METHODS
body weight, and a continuous intravenous infusion of
cisatracurium for 48 hours are the most important strate- Study Design and Observed Variables
gies that lead to an overall mortality reduction in patients An observational retrospective study was performed. The
having ARDS.4-6 The PROSEVA study indicated that PP study was developed between January 2008 and December
therapy in addition to standard care reduced mortality by 2018 in a general ICU of a university hospital in the north
26%.3 The benefit was seen in severe hypoxemic patients of Italy, being part of the National ECMO (extracorporeal
(PO2/FiO2 < 100 mm Hg) who were left prone for at least membrane oxygenation) Network. In the study period, we
16 hours, and early initiation of prone therapy seems to enrolled all patients with ARDS undergoing invasive me-
be an important factor for success. chanical ventilation (both with endotracheal tube or trache-
An international prospective epidemiological study ostomy) who were treated with PP, even with veno-venous
conducted in 459 intensive care units (ICUs) across the ECMO support.12 Patients in PP but treated with noninvasive
world in 2014 that analyzed the treatment of 2377 ARDS ventilation were excluded.13 During the study, criteria for PP
patients7 has shown that the PP was adopted only for 16% were as follows: fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of ARDS8
of patients with severe ARDS.8 Recently, the APRONET and PaO2/FiO2 ratio equal to or lower than 200 mm Hg.
study (6723 patients) demonstrates that PP was used on The observed variables, described by previous literature as
32.9% of patients with severe ARDS.9 This study has complications of PP, were as follows: pressure sores (face,
shown that a reduction in complication rate is achieved thorax, trochanters, knees, other sites), vomiting, unplanned
when the procedure is performed in experienced and spe- extubations, airway obstruction, unplanned removal of vas-
cialized centers. The authors reported the onset of complica- cular catheters, and thoracic drainages. An antidecubitus
tions in 12 patients (11.9%) for whom prone positioning was mattress with alternate pressure was routinely applied to all
used (pressure sores in 5 patients, hypoxemia in 2 patients, patients (Proficare, ArjoHuntleigh, United Kingdom).
unplanned extubation in 2 patients, ocular injuries in
2 patients, and a transient increase in intracranial pressure Instruments and Data Collection
in 1 patient). Similar rates of complications are reported by Our current in-hospital protocol for PP is the following:
other authors. Sud and colleagues2 report these complications mandatory filling of a dedicated electronic chart where
related to PP: unplanned removal of central or arterial lines the typologies of potential complications related to PP have

40 Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing Vol. 39 / No. 1

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Prone Position and Complications

to be recorded (eg, vascular catheter's dislodgement, develop-

ment of skin ulcers). In addition, monitoring of a patient's skin
status has to be recorded before and after every cycle of PP ma-
neuver, focusing on the detection of early-stage edema or pres-
sure sores. Pronation of patients involves a complex and
coordinated effort, involving physicians and nurses. Every
prone positioning maneuver was performed according to our
ICU protocol and policy10,13,14:
- A total of 5 health care professionals must be involved: 4
operators performing the positioning of the patient and 1
responsible for the overall coordination and protection of
the endotracheal tube. While 2 operators are ensuring the
stability and patency of the endotracheal tube, a nurse Figure. Patient in prone position with transversal rolls.
looks after the intravenous lines and at least 2 members
of staff roll the patient. It is advisable for a senior physi- neuropathies, compression of nerves and retinal vessels,
cian to be always available at the bedside in case of emer- vomiting, and intolerance to the maneuver) was reported as
gency reintubation need. recorded in the medical and nursing charts. The European
- Application of thin hydrocolloid dressing for pressure ul- Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP) score was used to
cer prevention on the risk areas: face, thorax, iliac crests, classify the pressure sores.18 The Braden score was used
and tibial plateau.11,15,16 for predicting pressure ulcer risk (range, 9-23).19 The nurs-
- Application of a double sutureless device to preserve cen- ing workload was measured using the Nursing Activities
tral venous lines and prevent their displacement. Score (range, 0%-177%).20,21
- Use of double sheets for turning. Using the bottom sheet, To calculate the PO2/FiO2 ratio for each patient, PaO2
2 nurses pull the patient toward them on the edge of the and ventilator FiO2 values were collected during 4 different
bed. If rolling is performed on the right side, the right time steps: before pronation (PRE-supine step), 1 hour after
arm of the patient should be placed under his right side, pronation (1 h-PP step), at the end of pronation (END-PP
whereas the opposite is true for left-sided rolls. Only when step), and 1 hour after supination (POST-supine step).
the endotracheal tube and vascular lines are secured, the
team can gently roll the patient into PP. Research Ethics
- The standard monitoring during the entire procedure is The study protocol was evaluated by the local ethics com-
as follows: pulse oximetry, continuous mixed venous ox- mittee that waived written informed consent because of
ygen saturation, end-tidal carbon dioxide, and invasive the following reasons: the retrospective study design and
arterial blood pressure. the fact that prone positioning represents an integral part
- Placing the head of the patient on a C-letter–shaped pad of care provided routinely to patients with ARDS. The lo-
to prevent facial pressure ulcers. Face rotation at a regu- cal ethics committee approved the study in 2018 (decreto
lar interval is not scheduled. Face rotation on the left side numero: 874-15/05/2018).
and, afterward, on the right side every pronation session
or every time redness on the skin is observed. Statistical Analysis
- Placement of the head over the upper edge of the patient's Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 22.0
bed, using customized facial padding if the patient had a (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois). Continuous variables were
tracheostomy. expressed as mean (SD) or median and interquartile range
- Limbs are positioned so as to prevent abnormal extension (IQR). Nonparametric test was performed for the differ-
or flexion against the shoulders and elbows. Pillows can ence between groups (Mann-Whitney U test for 2 samples
be added to provide additional support to the hips, shoul- or Kruskal-Wallis test for k sample). Unpaired Student t
ders, and face (Figure). test and 1-way repeated-measures analysis of variance
- Positioning of transversal rolls placed under the pelvis were used to evaluate the differences at the different time
and the chest in patients with poor neck flexibility (in points of the PO2/FiO2 ratio values. A P value less than
those patients, rolls improve a better facial repositioning) .05 was considered statistically significant.
and/or with tracheostomy.11,17

Occurrence of known complications related to PP ap- RESULTS

plications (ie, displacement of indwelling catheters, facial A total of 170 patients were included in the study. The me-
edema, second-degree pressure sores or higher, pressure dian age was 55 years (IQR, 41-66; range, 2-87). The

January/February 2020 41

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Prone Position and Complications

median ICU length of stay was 20 days (IQR, 12-40; range, (END-PP step), and, finally, achieved 131 (IQR, 95-175)
2-158). Fifty-eight percent (n = 98) of patients survived when the patient was in the supine position for 1 hour
and were discharged from ICU. At ICU admission, patients (POST-supine step). There was a statistically significant
presented a median Braden score of 11 (IQR, 10-14) and, difference in the PaO2/FiO2 ratios observed in the 4 time
during their ICU stay, a median Nursing Activities Score of frames (P < .0001). Data related to ventilator setup and
80 (IQR, 73-89). oxygenation are reported in Table 3.
All the patients were mechanically ventilated with a tidal
volume less than 6 mL/kg of ideal body weight. During the first
session of PP, the median positive end-expiratory pressure DISCUSSION
(PEEP) observed was 15 (IQR, 12-16) cm H2O. In 57 patient The rate of overall complications attributed to PP in this
cases (34%), PP was adopted while the patient was connected study was very low (1%), and the rate of pressure sores
to veno-venous ECMO. was similar to the results from other studies previously
The median of the pronation cycles per patient was 2 published.2,9,10 The physiological response to PP confirms
(IQR, 1-3; range, 1-56); the median time spent in PP for the finding of significant improvement in oxygenation.
each cycle was 9 hours (IQR, 7-12; range, 1-22), whereas Median time spent in PP had a progressive increase to
the median total time in PP per patient was equal to 18 hours reach the time recommended by literature.3,9 Time spent
(IQR, 9-39; range, 1-429). The total pronation maneuvers in- in a PP was, on average, around 9 hours from 2008 to
vestigated were 526. The total number of patients who devel- 2013. This pronation time was linked to study protocols used
oped a pressure sore was 23 (14%). The anatomical positions in previous studies that involved our ICU.14,22 After the study
were as follows: face/chin, 5% (n = 8); face/cheekbones, 6% by Guérin and colleagues, in 2013, we tried to implement the
(n = 11); thorax, 2% (n = 3); trochanter, 1% (n = 1); and other pronation time to reach at least 12 hours. Only in the last year,
sites, 5% (n = 8). In total, we identified 31 pressure sores re- this time reached an average of 17 hours, as summarized in
lated to PP on 23 patients. According to the EPUAP pressure our introduction, by PROSEVA trial.
sores classification, 14 pressure sores (44%) were at stage I, The overall complications associated with PP in the
15 (48%) were at stage II, and the remaining 2 pressure sores observed sample are lower in comparison with other previ-
(6%) were at stage IV. No stage III pressure sores were recorded. ous literature reports. In a meta-analysis summarizing 11
To identify the major risk factors for pressure sore de- Randomized controlled trials, the total percentage of airway-
velopment, patients were divided into 2 groups: those with related complications described for PP was 20%: a 9.1%
and those without pressure sores developed from prone occurrence of unplanned extubation and/or selective intuba-
positioning. The risk factors investigated were reported tion (211 events in 2309 patients) and a 10.8% occurrence of
in Table 1. In the comparison of the 2 groups, there was endotracheal tube obstruction (200 events in 1847 patients).2
a statistically significant difference for the following risk In our sample, only 1 unplanned extubation was recorded
factors: length of the PP session, total number of PP ses- (0.4% of overall PP maneuvers). In all the included pa-
sions, and, consequently, the total time spent in PP. tients, the artificial airway was secured with a 5-cm canvas
Complications due to the maneuver of prone position- tape placed upon a thin hydrocolloid.23 Conventionally,
ing occurred in 1% of cases, with the following incidence: the tape is changed every 8 hours giving the opportunity
episodes of vomit in 1% (n = 5) and displacement of the re- to relocate the tube from one side to the other side of the
spiratory device in 0.2% (n = 1). No displacement of central mouth. Before every procedure of pronation, the tape was
venous, arterial or, Swan Ganz catheters was observed, nor replaced to guarantee better stability. Moreover, before pro-
of thoracic drainages. One hundred sixty-four patients (96%) nation, the tube was displaced on the side of the mouth not
underwent PP with an endotracheal tube, whereas the leaning on the pillow (eg, when the head was rotated on the
remaining 6 patients (4%) had a tracheostomy. The total right side, the tube was fixed on the left one, and vice versa).
number of pronation maneuvers performed on patients with For the 6 patients carrying a tracheostomy, an ulcer preven-
tracheostomy was 17 (3%). tion facial mask was used. This position prevented a higher
Collected data were classified by year, as reported in pressure to be applied on the cannula and provided nurses
Table 2. There was a progressive increasing of median with a good access for endotracheal suctioning.
prone positioning time per cycle, without any significant The review conducted by Sud and colleagues2 reports
changes in pressure sore incidence. other kinds of complications related to PP: unplanned re-
The median value of PO2/FiO2 mm Hg ratio in all the moval of central or arterial lines (6.6%), pneumothorax
526 cycles before PP (PRE-supine step) was 109 (IQR, (5.7%), and cardiac arrest (13.8%). There was no occurrence
80-148), then reached 144 (IQR, 96-200) after 1 hour of these complications in our study. When looking at the un-
from the beginning of the session (1 h-PP step), then 158 planned removal of central and arterial lines, we hypothesize
(IQR, 110-213) before the patient was placed supine again that the local procedure of placing 2 sutureless devices for

42 Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing Vol. 39 / No. 1

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Prone Position and Complications

TABLE 1 Differences in Variables Between Patients With and Without Development of

Pressure Sores
Patients With Pressure Sores Patients Without Pressure
Total Sample (N = 170), (n = 23 [14%]), Sores (n = 147 [86%]), Median
Median (IQR) or n (%) Median (IQR) or n (%) (IQR) or n (%) P

Prone position single cycle, 9 (7-12) 11 (8-15) 9 (7-12) .041a

median time, h
Median prone position cycles 2 (1-3) 3 (2-6) 2 (1-3) .030a
per patient, n
Prone position total time, h 19 (10-40) 35 (15-54) 16 (8-37) .015a
Alive at ICU discharge, n (%) 98 (58) 14 (61) 84 (57) .737b
Age, y 55 (41-66) 62 (50-76) 55 (41-66) .928a
Female, n (%) 47 (28) 4 (17) 43 (29) .238b
Length of ICU stay, d 20 (12-40) 21 (10-41) 20 (12-40) .930a
Veno-venous ECMO, n (%) 57 (34) 8 (35) 49 (33) .891b
Braden (ICU admission) 11 (10-14) 10 (9-14) 11 (10-14) .171a
Nursing Activities Score, % 80 (73-89) 77 (69-90) 80 (74-89) .398a
Pressure sore site
Face: cheekbones 11 (6%) 159 (94%)
Grade I 7
Grade II 2
Grade IV 2
Face: chin 8 (5%) 162 (95%)
Grade I 4
Grade II 4
Thorax 3 (2%) 167 (98%)
Grade I 1
Grade II 2
Trochanter 1 (1%) 169 (99%)
Grade I 1
Other sites 8 (5%) 162 (98%)
Grade I 2
Grade II 6

Abbreviations: ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range.
Mann-Whitney U test.
χ Test.
b 2

each catheter used on the patient could have been protective. mainly occurred on the face of the patient and, in a lesser ex-
The first sutureless device is applied to ensure the correct tent, on the trochanters and thorax. These data are similar
device's placement (Grip-Lock, Vygon, Italy). The second to the ones reported by Girard and colleagues.10 The study
one is applied to prevent any unplanned traction that can is the only one exploring in detail the incidence of pressure
occur while nursing interventions are performed to the pa- sores given by the PP alone. The pressure sores were ob-
tients (ie, bathing the patient, sheet changing, mobilization). served as follows: 29% on the face, 18% on the anterior
The most frequent complication reported in the litera- part of the thorax, 20% on the sacrum, 12% on the heels,
ture was the onset of pressure sores (43.4% in a review con- and 25% in other anatomical regions. In our study popula-
ducted by Sud and colleagues,2 56.9% in a study by Girard tion, the results in terms of pressure sores are very encourag-
and colleagues,10 and 36% by Gattinoni and colleagues14). ing, especially when considering the occurrence of sores on
In our population, the development of 14% of pressure the face and chin (6% and 5%, respectively) and on the an-
sores (23 patients) is given using the PP. These pressure sores terior part of the thorax (2%).10 In our study, as a first

January/February 2020 43

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Prone Position and Complications

choice for prone positioning, there was no application of cy-

17 (16-18) <.001b

38 (23-51) <.001b
lindrical cushions under the thorax and trochanters.
(n = 22)
Chiumello and colleagues17 demonstrated that the patient

can be placed prone directly on the antidecubitus surface

3 (2-3)
4 (18) usually applied, without any impact on gas exchange. Our
first choice, combined with an extensive use of hydrocolloids

40 (15-52)
to protect the skin surface, could have led to a reduction of
(n = 15)

9 (7-13)

4 (2-5)
3 (20)

the occurrence of pressure sores. Moreover, the rotation of the

head of the patient at every single PP session could have had
an additional benefit in decreasing the pressure sore onset. The
Patients With Pressure Sores and Time Spent in Prone Position During the Investigated Years

(n = 32)

22 (8-23)
11 (8-15)

2 (1-3)

application of cylindrical cushions under the thorax and the iliac

4 (13)

crests had been limited to patients with limited neck mobility or

with a tracheostomy.
28 (15-40)

The main variables associated with an increased oc-

(n = 22)

10 (7-12)

3 (2-4)

0 (0)

currence of pressure sores in our population were as fol-

lows: the length of time spent in PP (single cycle and
overall time) and the repetition of PP sessions. The median
14 (11-44)
(n = 14)

9 (7-11)

length of PP for each session was higher in the group with

2 (1-4)
0 (0)

pressure sores (11; IQR, 1-8) compared with the other

group (9; IQR, 7-12; P = .04), just like the median number
of sessions applied (3 vs 2; P = .03). Our results highlight
(n = 16)

18 (8-64)
8 (6-11)

1 (1-5)

0 (0)

an increase in oxygenation within the use of the PP.

PaO2/FiO2 ratio measured with the patient in the supine
position before and after the first PP session increased from
17 (13-21)
(n = 8)

7 (7-9)

2 (2-3)

1 (13)

108 (80-148) to 144 (96-200) mm Hg (P = .001). It is cru-

cial to remember that the improvement of the PO2/FiO2
mm Hg ratio value on its own does not represent a reliable
(n = 13)

11 (7-14)

parameter to evaluate the possible benefits of PP. Guérin

8 (6-8)

1 (1-2)

2 (15)

and colleagues3 have shown how the PP compared with

the supine position markedly reduces the overinflated lung
areas while promoting alveolar recruitment. These effects
(n = 3)

7 (9-13)

7 (6-24)

1 (1-2)
2 (67)

may contribute to prevent the well-known ventilator-

induced lung injury by homogenizing the distribution of
stress and strain within the lung. Guérin and colleagues3
20 (11-31)
(n = 11)

11 (7-12)

3 (2-3)

also suggest sessions not shorter than 16 hours. Other ar-

4 (36)

ticles suggest that the PP maneuver should be performed

by not less than 5 trained and skilled operators.11,14,22
(n = 14)

9 (6-12)

10 (7-14)

Moreover, to guarantee the defined length pronation session

1 (1-2)

3 (21)

and to ensure the simultaneous presence of 5 health profes-

sionals (generally 1 physician and 4 nurses) during the study,
the procedure was generally performed in the late afternoon
with the restoration of supine position in the following morn-
19 (10-40)
(N = 170

9 (7-12)

2 (1-3)
23 (14)

ing, according to patients' clinical conditions. This decision

limited any position modification during night shifts, char-
Abbreviation: IQR, interquartile range.

acterized by a reduction of the health care personnel. De-

spite dedicated beds being made available in the past years
Patients with pressure sores,

Total time in prone position,

(Rotoprone, Arjo Huntleigh), all PP maneuvers in the study

Prone positioning cycles,
Prone positioning/cycle,

were performed with a manual technique.

median (IQR), h

median (IQR), h

Kruskal-Wallis test.
median (IQR)


n (%)

χ Test.

This is a retrospective single-center study, so our conclu-

a 2

sions have some biases related to the individual center. In

44 Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing Vol. 39 / No. 1

Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Prone Position and Complications

TABLE 3 Oxygenation Levels and Mechanical Ventilation Setup Before, During, and After
Prone Position
PRE-Supine Step, Median (Interquartile Range) 1 h-PP Step END-PP Step POST-Supine Step Pa

PO2, mm Hg 74 (61-80)b 84 (69-107) 88 (71-105) 77 (63-92) <.001

FiO2 0.65 (0.55-0.90) 0.60 (0.50-0.80) 0.55 (0.45-0.70) 0.60 (0.50-0.75) .331
PO2/FiO2, mm Hg 108 (80-148)b 144 (96-200) 158 (110-213) 131 (95-175) <.001
PEEP, cm H2O 15 (12-16) 15 (12-17) 15 (12-17) 15 (12-17) .768
Respiratory rate, rr/min 21 (12-29) 21 (12-30) 22 (12-30) 22 (12-29) .657
Tidal volume, mLc 299 (122-417) 288 (120-420) 317 (154-423) 317 (116-417) .134

Abbreviations: PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PP, prone position.

Repeated-measures analysis of variance test.
Student t test: PRE-supine step vs 1 h-PP, END-PP step, and POST-supine step, P < .001.
Data available only for 300 cycles.

fact, the physicians were free to decide whether to imple- collection. The authors also thank all the local ICU physi-
ment the PP, selecting only patients suitable to improve cians, nurses, residents, and students for their continuous,
their oxygenation and able to tolerate the repositioning. extraordinary efforts in caring for these complex patients.
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Acknowledgments spiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). J Wound Ostomy Conti-
The authors would like to thank Mrs Patrizia Procopio, nence Nurs. 2016;43:427-429.
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Katherine Barreda, MSN, RN; and Mr Angelo Taraddei, with hypoxemic acute respiratory failure: a retrospective study. J Crit
MSN, RN, for their support and assistance during data Care. 2015;30:1390-1394. doi:10.1016/j.jcrc.2015.07.008.

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Acta Biomed. 2018;89:25-31. doi:10.23750/abm.v89i7-S.7815.
this article.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Alberto Lucchini, RN,
ABOUT THE AUTHORS General Intensive Care Unit, San Gerardo Hospital, ASST Monza, Via
Alberto Lucchini, RN, is head nurse at the General Intensive Care Unit, Pergolesi 33, Monza (MB), Italy (alberto.lucchini@unimib.it; a.
ASST Monza, San Gerardo Hospital, Italy. He is the coordinator of the lucchini@asst-monza.it).
master's degree program in intensive and critical care nursing at
Milano-Bicocca University, Italy. Copyright © 2020 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

46 Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing Vol. 39 / No. 1

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