Sep Qs

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1- Soldier going to southern saudi arabia and

want malaria prophylaxis

- Artemether-lumefantrine
- doxycycline
- choloquine
- Me oquine

2- Pt delivered vaginal at home the baby came with rectal and nasal bleed, which vitamin
will prevent that from happening?
- D
- B1

3- A 60-year-old male with a history of Hodgkin lymphoma is currently taking a potassium-

sparing diuretic (spironolactone) for severe hypertension. He has been diabetic for 20
years and had a chemotherapy appointment scheduled one week before his death. His
laboratory results show hyperkalemia with a potassium level of 7, high uric acid level of
627, and high creatinine level of 436.

What is the most likely cause of his hyperkalemia?

A) Tumor lysis syndrome

B) Side effect of medication
C) Undiagnosed kidney failure
D) Type 4 renal tubular acidosis (RTA)

4- A pregnant woman in labor is found to have fetal distress based on the

cardiotocography (CTG) monitoring. The doctor decides that a cesarean section (CS) is
necessary for the well-being of the baby. However, the mother refuses the CS and
requests a second opinion. What should be the doctor's next step?

A) Respect the mother's request and arrange for a second opinion.

B) Consult with the father of the baby before making a decision.
C) Proceed with the recommended cesarean section.

5- A pregnant woman at 30 weeks gestational age presents with preterm premature

rupture of membranes (PPROM) and is diagnosed with chorioamnionitis. What is the most
appropriate management for this patient?

A) Administer antibiotics and observe

B) Administer antibiotics and proceed with delivery
Other options are not correct.

6- medically free lady with Spider veins, no other symptoms. She wants to remove them
for cosmetic reasons, what investigation is needed beforehand?

A- no need
B- venogram
C- Venous Ultrasound
i don’t remember D but it was another imaging modality

7- Young Female - no mention of cancer- with painless enlarged lymph nodes in neck with
hx of fever and weight loss
labs show: hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, high uric acid, high

⁃ TB
⁃ sarcoidosis
⁃ tumor lysis syndrome

8- Child 12 years old complaining of abdominal pain since 1 year and sometimes
heartburn, other wise he is completely normal, his mother have hx of chronic abdominal
Hypoallergenic diet

9- you can examine newborn right reducible inguinal hernia, high raising testies. left
inguinal hernia with no swelling - literally written like that it was confusing -
A- observation
B- Herniotomy
C- hernia repair with mesh
D- wait till he reaches 6 years

10- Target blood pressure according to JNC guideline


11- Pt SCA have acute chest syndrome, how to prevent?

- folic acid
- hydroxyurea

12- Pt with symptoms of stroke

CT shows no hemorrhage. What is the target blood pressure?
- 220/120

13- Pt with high calcium (i think 3.2), what is the initial treatment?
- intravenous saline
- Calcitonin

14- Which vaccine we give in a 12 month old child?

15- In sportive athletic individuals, they are more liable to have what?

A. Hearing loss
B. Vision disturbing
C. Impaired olfactory function
16- a patient with COPD stopped smoking and underwent rehabilitation treatment, she is
controlled and everything is ne except that she has a loud pulmonary component of s1
-not S2 i’m sure-
o2sat: 88%
po2: 7.6
-i don’t remember the co2 and hco3 values but they were included-

echo ndings: normal heart movement and size, mean pulmonary pressure 60, cardiac
output 55

what is the management

⁃ redo rehabilitation
⁃ home oxygen therapy
⁃ pulse oxymerty while she sleeps?

17- hypertensive patient was prescribed Hydralazine 25mg by his physician. Instead he
took Hydroxyzine 25mg. Which of the following is the likely type of error?
A. Look-a-like drug
B. Sound-a-like error
C. Illegal prescription
D. Handwriting error

18- A surgeon was working on a research paper. Before publishing the paper, he made
some changes to some of the data and omitted other parts of his results. What is this
action referred to?
A) Falstication
B) Fabricaton
C) Plagiarism
D) Near miss

19- 12 m girl diagnosed with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) , and as known this
syndrome cause a liver diseas wahat screening will you do

- alpha FP ( not sure)

20- 90 y female ,came to the clinic every thing normal exept she has protrude uterus and
she push the uterus by her hand to urinate and defecate.:
A. Pessary
B. Vaginal hysterectomy
C. hysterotomy with sacrospinous
D. xation

21- A 28-year-old female with history of recurrent pregnancy loss. She comes now want to
improve her immunity before trying to conceive. What you will give her?
A. In uenza vaccine
B. Rubella vaccine
C. Hepatitis
D. Immunoglobulin
22- Pregnant women doesnt have rubella
vaccine what should do?
A. Take in second trimester.
B. Postpartum

23- Which of the following is the indication of cervical cercalge?

A. Cervical cerclage length less than 30
B. Cervical cerclage length less than 35
C. Cervical cerclage length less than 25
D. Cervical cerclage length less than 20

24- What is the Folic acid quantity for a healthy lady wants to conceive and with no prior
diseases or disorders?
A. 1 000
B. 2000
C. 3000
D. 4000

‫ما اذكر الوحد‬

25- A woman with a left breast mass for 9months skin tethering( dumpling ) axillary lymph
node involvement, BI-RAD VI (probable
malignancy), next step?
A. Excisional biopsy
B. core Biopsy
C. Modi ed radical mastectomy

26- Chest gun wound entry was lateral to left nipple and exit point below left scapula,
patint suddenly become worse w/ raised JVP , on auscultation Normal air entry and
muf ed heart sound, most appropriate management?
A- uid bolus
C-Immediate thoratom

27- A patient with Anterior chest trauma with bruising in the sternum. Patient vitally stable,
clear cardiac and respiratory exam, except for pounding pulse. ECG: Arrhythmia X-ray:
Sternal Fracture. Echo: Normal What is the diagnosis:
A. Pneumothorax
B. Cardiac contusion
C. Cardiac Tamponade
D. Ventricular rupture

28- 26 year-old male patient underwent appendectomy after signs and symptoms of
appendicitis. Histopathology report: 2 cm carcinoid at Basie of the appendix . What is the
appropriate management?
A. Observation.
B. Chemotherapy
C. Radiotherapy
D. Right hemicolectomy

29- Patient who is on NSAIDS for joint pain, presented with sudden severe continuous
abdominal pain. He denied any history of vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and or
hematemesis. The pain is located in the epigastric area with a feeling of Nausea. Upon
examination. There is tenderness and rigidity, what is the diagnosis?
A. Esophagitis
B. Acute gastritis
C. Perforated peptic ulcer
D. Boerhaave syndrome

30- Hyperkalemia 6.5 in CKD patient, next step ?

A. Calcium gluconate
B.insulin and salbutamol
C. Dialysis

31- 65 YO male presented to ER with severe right leg pain and absent pedal pulse. Which
of the following is the most diagnostic investigation?

C. Conventional angiography
D. Ultrasound doppler

32- A 73 year old woman is brought to ER after a fall at home. She is diagnosed with left
hip fracture (see lab results) Weight 82 kg Sodium 136 (normal) Potassium 4.2 (normal)
Creatinine 68 (normal) What is the best order by the admitting orthopedic surgeon to
prevent deep vein thrombosis?

A. Aspirin 81 mg PO daily
B. Enoxaparin 40 mg SC daily
C. Fondaparinux 10 mg SC daily
D. Heparin sulfate 10,000 units IV BID

33- A 2 years old boy who took BCG vaccine came with his mother becuase of his
grandfather had open TB and they live in the same house, the boy asymptomatic but the
mother worried what should you do?
A- nothing since he took BCG vaccine
B- PPD, X-ray and wait for the result
C- IGRA, X-ray and give INH
D- IGRA, X-ray and give 4 TB drug

34- Child presenting with croup and received the usual treatment with no improvement.
What is the important investigation to be done?
A- Lateral neck X- ray
B- Chest inspiration and expiration X-ray
C- Visualisation by laryngoscopy
D- Chest CT

35- A newborn who is following objects 180 degrees, no head lag when pulled to sitting
position, social smiling. Age by weeks?
A) 4
B) 8
C) 12
D) 16
36- Child recurrent sinupulmonary infections; had repeated gardiasis 4 times; brother died

A-omenn syndrome
B- X-linked agammaglubemia

37- Child 6yrs old presented with history of 6month left knee and wrist pain with limitations
of movement and especially morning dif culty movement Otherwise no systemic
symptoms What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. rheumatic fever
B. reactive arthritis
C. septic arthritis
D. juvenile idiopathic arthritis

38- infant exclusively breastfed then was given cow milk, now at 9 months after introducing
some iron, containing food , there’s still a concern that the infant, isn’t recovering enough
iron what would you do?
• A Add iron supplements
• B Switch to formula
• C Stop cow's milk completely
• D-Add Vitamin

39- A child presented in a well baby clinc, mother showed concern that she is only breast
feeding her baby and he may need supplements, the doctor told her she can give him iron
next month, how old is the baby ?
A-1 mo
B-3 mo
C- 6 mo
D- 8 mo

40- Most common anomly in down syndrom?


41- Calculate cerebral perfusion pressure

MAP= 65
ICP= 15
- 50

42- The government did a health campaign to encourage the consumption of low-
fat products and a low salt intake in order to prevent hypertension and
diabetes. Why type of prevention is this?

A) Primordial prevention
B) Primary prevention
C) Secondary prevention
D) Tertiary prevention

43- An elderly with end stage cancer c/o severe pain. The family asked the
physician to give a stronger analgesic or to increase the dose. The doctor
explains that while it might help alleviate the pain, it also might hasten their
father’s death. Which of the following is this referred to?

A) Principle of subsidiarity
B) Principle of double effects
C) Principle of totality
D) Principle of informed choice

44- 9 years old, underwent head surgery, devolped polyuria and polydepsia
Na : 177
Creatinine(i think) high
Rest of lab normal
Urine gravity : 1.03 normal!!
What is the dx :

A-Diabetes insipidus
B-Syndrome of inappropriate ADH

45- 15 year male doing an emergency procedure, u should ?

A- take consent from patient NOT assent from parents

B- Take consent from parents NOT assent from patient
C- Take permission from parents, assent from patient
D- you don’t need any cus it is an emergency procedure

46- Warfarin did not stop by patient regardless of clear instructions, the nurse in OR
noticed that the patients didnt stop the drug as instructed and informed the surgeon, So
the surgeon postponed the operation:
a. near miss
b. adverse event
c. medical neglicance

47- ‫ سؤال‬iron supplement in

Whole pregnancy


48- A patient was brought to the Emergency Department following a road traf c accident.
During the initial assessment, the doctor inquired about the airway, to which the nurse
responded that it was patent with signs of obstruction. The doctor then inquired about
breathing, and the nurse reassured that it was okay. The doctor proceeded to ask about
circulation, and the nurse responded once again. What type of communication is
demonstrated in this scenario between the doctor and nurse?

A. Check back
B. Situation, background, assessment, and recommendation
C. Close loop communication
D. Call out

49- Mother complaining of her 3 year old who yells, hits and says no. What's her
A. Temper tantrum
B. Anxiety
D. Depression

50- Another case of a 4 years old boy with tantrums, what's the most appropriate advice:
A. Being rm and assertive
B. Postive reinforcement
[I can't remember the last two]

51- Women with Auditory hallucinations, starts to think that these voices tell others what
she thinks of. What's the most likely diagnosis?
A. Schizophrenia
B. Mania
C. Major depressive disorder
D. Bipolar disorder

52- What is the most commom organism that causes IE in adults (with no history of dental
or cardiac surgery)?
A. Staph.aureus
B. Staphelococcus epidermis
C. Klebsiella
D. [I can't remember]

53- What's the most common causative organism of septic arthritis in pediatrics?
A. H. In uenza
B. Staph.aureus
C. Enterococcus species
D. Streptococcus species

54- An 8 year old obese boy, had a minor trauma, and since then is limping on X-ray
(shows a picture of SCFE). What's the diagnosis?
C. Femur neck fracture
D.[I can't remember]

55- Patient presented to ED with ACS picture, with ECG picture showing STEMI. What's
the initial step of management in the Emergency department?
B. Tpa
C. Low molecular weight heparin
D. Thrombolytic agent (?)
56- Pregnant lady presented to antenatal clinic, has a school age kid at home, was
adviced to take a vaccine to protect the baby from an outbreak in the school. Which
vaccine is recommended to her?
A. H. In uenza
B. Chickenpox
C. Rubella
D. Varicella

57- Case of 2nd degree burn, asked to calculate the uid therapy via parkland formula (70
kg male, burn both legs- 2nd degree)

58- Phyllodes tumor management plan

59- When is vaccine given to patient post- splenectomy?

A. 2 days later
B. One week later
C. Two weeks
D. [I don't remember the last one]

60- Adrenal insuf ciency (male with ambiguous genitalia and low Na), which enzyme is
de cient?

61- Patient had stroke, presented with left leg weekness and loss of sensation, otherwise
Unremarkable. Which artery was affected?
A. Basillar
C. Pontine
D. [I don't remember]

62- Pregnant lady presented to antenatal visit, has no risk factor, what's the dose of folic
acid you would prescribe?
( no 4 the closest option was 5)

63- Breast discharge characteristics that indicates malignancy?

A. Clear unilateral
B. Green bilateral
C. Milk bilateral
D. [I don't remember]

64- cobbel stone + non caseating granuloma: Crohn's disease

65- case of celiac, what initial test to order?

Sweat test

66- name of rash of celiac disease?

67- pediatric patient received all vaccine, present with hepatitis which type of hepatitis is
likely? Hepatitis A

68- UC presents with excessive diarrhea, uid therapy? (Electrolyte: low Na)
B. Hypertonic saline
C. 1/2 NS

69- women wants to do tube ligation, from who do we obtain consent?

70- 15 years old pediatric patient, from whom to obtain consent vs assint? (Perents and

71- Cancer patient who seems depressed refuses treatment, how to approach him?
B.refer to psychiatry rst,
C. Respect his descion but ask why
D. I don't recall

72- Mother who had c-section, now is pregnant with twins. One is in cephalic and the other
in breech presentation. What is the indication for c-section delivery in this case?
(Cannot recall GA. But was around 34 wks)

A. Gestational age
B. Multiple deliveries
C. Prior c-section
D. Fetal presentation

73- A case of pediatric patient, came to clinic because his mother was concerned about his
pallor and jaundice. On examination he has splenomegaly. CBC pro le shows anemia with
high retic count. What's his most likely diagnosis?
B. Thalassemia a
C. Thalassemia b
D. Iron de ciency

74- Pediatric patient (girl), presented with delayed pubertal signs. She has low set ears,
(something regarding hair line), webbed neck. She has problems in her school
preformance. What's the cause of her delayed puberty?
A. Endocrine dx.
B. Syndromatic
C. (I don't remember)
D. (I don't remember)

75- 2 years old girl, mother concerned about her growth, the chart is preseneted showing
her below the percentile in both weight and height. What's her diagnosis?
A. Failure to thrive
B. Short stature
C. Constitutional
D. Familial

76- Case of Transverse presentation, mother is contracting. Cervix open at 3 cm, baby
category 1. What's the most appropriate next step?
A. C-section delivery
D. Tocolytic
E. (I don't recall)
77- GA 39 weeks has been contracting the membrane ruptures and green/ brownish uid
ows. What does this indicate?
A. Abortion
B. Fetal distress
C. Prolonged labor
D. (I don't remember

78- 18-month boy, circumcised, mother said urine smell is foul, fever 39 for 1 day. what
indicated UTI in this pt?

A. Fever duration
B. Being a male
C. Fever 39
D. Age

79- A 14-year-old female with infrequent vomiting during her period came this time with
vomiting associated with a small amount of blood then the symptoms were relieved. no
vomiting. Soft non-tender abdomen. what is the most appropriate next step?

A. Admit for observation

B. Discharge home and tell to come if symptoms recur again
C. Prepare for urgent endoscopy

80- Case of a child with fever and subcutaneous nodule and arthralgia you suspect acute
rheumatic fever. what is the most important treatment?

A. long-acting IM penicillin monthly

B. high dose oral acetylsalicylic acid
C. Ampicillin every 7 hours
D. daily dose of steroid

81- 6 days newborn mother and father are relatives exclusive breastfeeding has jaundice
and bilateral cataract urine show positive reducing substance. what is the appropriate

A. HIDA scan
B. Abdominal US
C. Alpha 1 antitrypsin
D. Urine reducing substance

82- 32 years old she tried to conceive for 3 years and she have pelvic pain and found out
she have tubal blockage what is the organism that caused it?

A. Chlamydia
B. Gonohorrea
C. streptococcus
D. Per ngis

83- case of RA well controlled on prednisone. What's the appropriate management plan?
A. Continue treatment
B. Taper prednisone and start methotrexate
C. Taper prednisone and start NSAID
D. (I don't recall)

84- Con rmed SLE psychosis management ( I can't recall the choices, but it was clearly
stated that's a con rmed SLE psychosis case in the question).

85- Patient after RTA, came to ED with pain out of proportion. What's the most likely
A. Compartment syndrome

86- Patient with signs and symptoms of compartment syndrome after RTA. How to
A. Duplex US
B. Fasciotomy

87- 2 cases of DVT

one the asked what's the best initial test?
and the other question asked what's the most diagnostic test?

88- Patient complet RA and Rheumatic heart disease waht valv !??

89- Patient with low grade fever, isonomia abdominal pain and destination,
Mild ascites, SAAG is high.( written like this ), Neutrophils 350 .
What to do next?
3-Iv Abx

90- Clear case of preterm with RDS

1-Surfactant therapy
2-Mechanical ventilation (100%O2)
3-Iv uid

91- Child referred to cardiology pediatric by family medicine as in PHx he auscultated

systolic murmur
Child is healthy hasn’t complained of anything before
with normal anatomical and physiological heart
What to do ?
2-Follow after 3 to 6 month

92- 32 y old male came concerning about melanoma as his father was diagnosed with it 8
months ago, in PHx found to have navi
What to do next ?
2-Refer to the dermatologist
3-Venous doplex

93- 36 y old male raise heavy object in work he concern about mass in the lingual area
reducible manually and not painful
What to do for him ?
2-Open merch tension free
3-Laparoscopic repair

94- Child with sore throat, fever and cough . Drooling of saliva
Found to have unilateral mass on the sub mandibular area and cervical node enlargement
Ultrasound of the thyroid was normal
What to do next ?
1-Lateral neck xray
2 -Ct of the neck
4-Biopsy of the mass

95- Old man was found to have neck mass

Thyroid hormones are normal
Biopsy of the mass shows thyroid follicular cell
What is the Dx?

1-thyroglossal cyst
2-Ectopic thyroid mass
3-Metastatic thyroid carcinoma

96- Child presented with symptoms of asthma exacerbation, SOB , retrosternal retraction
and wheezing
Received nebulizer oxygen iv Mg
Ph 7,5
Repeated abg with PH of 7,37
Still retrosternal retraction
What to do ?
Admit to ICU
Admit to medical unit oor
Discharge with Abx

97- A 26-year-old male came to ED with epigastric pain relieved by eating and worsening
by fasting, which of the following next step in the rst investigation?

A. Abdomen US
B. Upper Endoscopy
C. Urea breath test
D. Blood antigen for H. Pylori

98- a child came with his parents to ED complaining of fever and dark urine the parents
gave hx of the pt have constipation. on examination, pt has abdominal tenderness, on
urinalysis, +WBCs +RBCs +proteins. What's most likely dx?

A. Hypertensive nephropathy
B. acute glomerulonephri[s
C. pyelonephritis
D. cystitis
99- case that appears to be Subdural hematoma, what the de nitive therapy?

A. Evacuate
B. Mannitol
C. Ventilation

100- girl with diarrhea and dehydration, splenomegaly, low RBCs: 3, high reticus: 7,
positive direct and indirect Coombs test. what is Dx?

A. Thalassemia
B. autoimmune hemolytic anemia
C. spherocytosis

101- Woman her husband has gonorrhea what’s the most diagnostic for her?
A. Anogenital swap
B. High vaginal swap
C. Endocervical swap
D. Urine culture

102- 35 female pt with urgency and frequency for 1 month, suspected overactive bladder
syndrome, what is the most important next step?

A. Urine culture
B. urodynamic
C. uro owmetry
D. cystoscopy

103- Hx of asthma in labor with PPH doctor did massage but did't help she still in bleeding.
Which of the following contraindications is the most appropriate management to her at this

A. carboprost
B. Oxytocin
C. misoprostol
D. Methylergonovine

104- Patient S/S of goiter

What is the initial treatment ?

105- Patient complaining of missed period for 2 month and Rt leg edema. What important

A. History of using OCP

B. Exercise
C. Diabetes

105- 12 months child Came to the clinic with his mother complaining about gastroenteritis
symptoms, which were managed by Oral rehydration Solution, 1 week later the child
became lethargically Tired, and dehydrated, what it's responsible for his symptoms?
A. lactase
B. lactose
C. glucose
D. Sucrose

106- patient with painful bilateral inguinal lesion, vesicles, most common cause?

B. Syphilis

107- Woman did some procedures (pelvic procedure) and then came complaining of urine
from vagina during urination What is the dx?

A. Vesicovaginal stula
B. Ureterovaginal stula
C. Urethrovaginal stula

108- immunocompromised patient came with perianal swelling and pain , there is a foul
What to do next ?
Surgical debridement
in iximab?!

109- achalasia mangment

A. endoscop,
B. balloon dilation
C. botulism toxin injection
D. Fundoplication surgery

110- 90 years old female, HTN and DM, Admitted to the hospital as a case of HF and was
treated with medication, There was an incidental nding of uterine precedential, when
taking hx from pt, she said it has been for 10 years and never bothered her, She used to
push her uterus back when urinate and pass stool. What is your management?

A. Vaginal pessary
B. Vaginal hysterectomy
C. Radical hysterectomy
D. lap hysterectomy with sacrospinous suspension

111- 60 years old this is her 2nd UTI in the last 6 months, feels a bulge in the vagina and
has dif culty emptying her bladder, next?

A. Uro owmetry
B. Urodynamic test
C. Video Urodynamic
D. Post voiding Residual volume
112- Pt with dysmenorrhea and multiple pregnancies. One of her pregnancy was delivered
by CS and all of them was induced. Examination normal uterus not enlarged not tender
and no adnexal mass, what Dx?

A. Endometriosis
B. Adenomyosis
C. Fibroid
D. pelvic congestion syndrome

113- Baby presented with drooling and increased salivation, X-ray showed coiled NGT,
what is the Dx?

A. Esophageal atresia
B. Hiatal henia
C. Prymal chonal atresia

114- hepatological case, which of these has the highest best prognostic value?

A. Bilirubin
B. Albumin

115- Patient had gastric bypass and then weeks later develop abdominal pain rebound
tenderness X-ray showed small bowel multiple air- uid levels. What is the next step?

A. Exploratory
B. Conservative with Abx
C. CT scan

116- patient with constipation and dif culty having a bowel movement?

A. rectocele
B. cystocele
C. enterocele

117- Fungal infection in pregnant lady how to treat?

A. Oral antifungal
B. Topical antifungal
C. observation

118- Patient with prolong QT interval

PTH is normal
What to give?
Iv calcium
Oral calcium
119- 12-year-old patient want to go for hajj he didn't take any Prevention meningococcal
vaccine what the best method of prophylaxis antibiotic?

A. Cefdinir 5 days BID

B. Rifampicin 2 days BID
C. Cipro oxacin 3 days BID
D. Ceftriaxone 5 days OD

120- COPD patient came to ER with SOB then received 4L O2 ow after that patient
started deteriorating, O2 99%, ABG: PH 7.2, high O2, Low Co2, what is the next
appropriate management?

B. reduce o2 ow
C. beta-agonist and steroids

121- A lady had hepatitis B serology testing and the result was: HBsAg negative, HBeAg
negative, IgG negative, Anti-HBs positive. What is your interpretation of the result?

A. chronic infection
B. cleared infection
C. vaccination
D. acute infection

122- A patient is brought to the emergency department after being found down by her
mother. She admits to the attending physician that she ingested a large dose of her
prescribed amitriptyline approximately seven hours prior. Which of the following pieces of
information would be MOST helpful in risk strati cation of likelihood of having a major
cardiac or neurologic event due to her medication overdose?

A. Ingested dose
B. Peak serum amitriptyline concentration
C. Serum potassium level
D. QRS duration

123- 48 years old male patient known with hyperlipidemia with recurrent history of acute
pancreatitis presented with vomiting with hemoptysis 1 day ago, all labs are normal, and
on examination, the patient had splenomegaly, on radiological examination, there were
normal portal veins with enlarged pyloric varicose veins. What is the diagnosis?

A. Angiodysplasia
B. Arterialvenous shunt
C. portal vein thrombosis
D. splenic aneurysm

124- A patient comes with joint pain in her hands and ngers. Labs show an elevated ESR
and CRP. X-Ray of the hands shows multiple erosions. What treatment will you give to this

A. Hydroxychloroquine
B. Hydroxychloroquine with weekly methotrexate
C. Intravenous steroids
D. Indomethacin

125- An old patient long history of leg claudication for 2 months, presents with leg pain and
ABI <0.3, and CTA shows artery occlusion more than 3 cm, what to do?

A. amputation
B. thrombolysis
C. embolectomy
D. enoxaparin

126- A male patient is a heavy smoker and he is known to have epilepsy which is well
controlled on carbamazepine. The patient is counseled for smoking cessation. Which of
the following is contraindicated in this patient?

A. Nicotine replacement therapy

B. Varenicline
C. Bupropion

127- A 26-year-old female presented with a tender breast lump. US was done and showed
a simple cyst. She does not have any family history of breast cancer. What is the best

A. Aspirate
C. Excision
D. Antibiotics

128- A 44-year-old female was diagnosed with 2 cm malignant phyllodes. CT chest was
done and there was no metastasis. What is the best surgical option?

A. Wide local excision

B. Modi ed radical mastectomy
C. Wide local excision and radiotherapy
D. Mastectomy

129- 7 years very normal healthy girl mother concerned about early puberty, kid has only
pubic hair that’s on Majora and mons not extending no axillary or facial hair, what to say to

A. Congential adrenal hyperplasia

B. adrenarche
C. pubarche
D. Brain tumor

130- In children of diabetic mothers, 20% glucose is given in?

A. central line
B. peripheral line

131- Which of the following is one of the Kawasaki 5 criteria?

A. Arthritis
B. Myocarditis
C. Anterior uveitis
D. Bilateral conjunctival bulbar injection

132- at T wave After vomiting and diarrhea indicate which electrolytes distribute?

A. Hyponatremia
B. hypoMg
C. Hypocalcemia
D. Hypokalemia

133- pt came with pain relieved with defecation, and no bleeding, what is the Dx?

A. Celiac disease
B. IBS disease

134- Patient post TB bronchiectasis presents with cough and hemoptysis. CXR shows
right upper lobe cavitary lesions. What is the best initial next step?

A. Place the patient in the right lateral decubitus position

B. Chest physiotherapy

135- A 25-year-old null gravid with levonorgestrel IUD, concerned she is pregnant, she had
nausea, vomiting and breast tenderness yesterday and urine pregnancy test is positive.
How to approach her?

A. prepare the patient for surgery for ectopic pregnancy

B. remove the IUD in the of ce today before any further evaluation
C. order serum BHCG level as uterine test is not useful in the diagnosis of ectopic
D. remove the IUD in the operating room if she needs any surgery for ectopic pregnancy

136- A male patient who is a known alcoholic for many years presents with abdominal
pain, vomiting, and hematemesis. He was recently managed as a case of a perforated
peptic ulcer. On exam, there is epigastric tenderness. Liver enzymes normal. the diagnosis

A. Acute pancreatitis
B. Chronic pancreatitis
C. Varices
D. Mallory-Weiss

137- A patient has right-sided heart failure, blood pressure 180/120mmg, and ECG
showed ST segment depression involving lead 1 aVL, V5, and V6, which of the following is
the optimum treatment for his hypertension?

A. IV Nitroglycerin
B. IV Sodium nitroprusside
C. IV Hydralazine
D. IV Labetalol
138- A case of adrenal carcinoma is planned for surgery. What to do before the surgery?

A. PET Scan
B. 24-hour urine metanephros’s
C. Serum Cortisol level
D. Urinary Cortisol level

139- Hypocalsmia mangment

Ca iv
Ca oral

140- Type of juvenile arthritis for child with both ankle pain + swilling :

141- Cause of hirstusm in POS :
17 hydroxy…

142- Management of SVT may be pt is not stable and in choices I’m sure there is no
adenosine :

143- Prophylactic for meningitis:

144- a man with liver cirrhosis did ligation for esophageal varices, which of following
medicationsa recommended for him:
a- ppi
b. h2 antagonist
c. no medications needed

145- A 28-year-old man presents with recent onset of chest pain. The pain is retrosternal,
localized, sharp, and constant in intensity. He noticed an increase in severity with
movement. He started an active exercise program a week prior to the onset of the
symptom, with Blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, Heart rate 76/min, and Oxygen saturation
95 %. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?

A. Atenolol
B. Ibuprofen
C. Nitroglycerine
D. Reassurance and assessment after 1 week

146- A patient has a history of hemiplegia after MVA for 1 year. came to the ER
complaining of SOB, and chest pain (symptoms of PE) and he has DVT up to the femoral
vein. Vital signs: unstable, Low BP, High HR, what to do?
B. enoxaparin
C. thrombolytic

147- 59 years old male complaining of fatigue palpitation and SOB, examination showed a
pallor and CBC suggestive of iron de ciency anemia, besides giving oral iron
supplements, what investigation should be requested?

A. urea breath test

B. Fecal occult blood
C. Endoscopy and colonoscopy

148- young woman with uncomplicated acute pyelonephritis came to ER. Which of the
following is the treatment?

A. Out patient cipro oxacin

B. Out patient clarithromycin
C. Admission cepodem antibiotic
D. Admission, vancomycin and ceftriaxone

149- 28 years old adult with hypertension and DM came with severe perianal pain and
swelling. On examination, there is 1x1 cm perianal swelling with tenderness. Vitals:
normal, no fever. Labs: WBC 8 (normal). Which of the following is the most likely

A. Preanal abscess
B. Prolapsed pile
C. Anal ssure
D. Perianal hematoma

150- A man post-cholecystectomy presents with jaundice, fever, and dark urine. What is
the most diagnostic investigation?
B. US Abdomen
C. CT scan

151- A 30-year-old woman came to the ER complaining of 1-day Hx of diffuse abdominal

pain, vomiting, and constipation. She has no signi cant medical history or family Hx.
Imaging revealed ileocecal intussusception with massively dilated bowel. Which of the
following is the most appropriate procedure?
A. barium enema
B. Surgical resection
C. Surgical reduction

152- butcher cut his nger with a knife and comes after a few days developed red streaks
from the wound. what’s the causative organism?
A. pseudomonas
B. streptococcus pyogenic
C. brucella
D. klebsiella
153- A male worked in military training, and he had hard training. He presents with oliguria
and is diagnosed with renal failure. Which of the following support your diagnosis?
A. Fractional excretion of sodium > 2%
B. Bun/Cr >20%
C. Presence of red fragmented cell in urine

154- 45 year old male known case of HTN , DM , Decrease attention and cognitive, he is
on Aspirin antihypertensive and statin, Vitals given all was normal even BP, what to do?
2. This symptom due to medication use
4.pelvic Us

Answer is B

155- A patient is brought to the emergency department after being found down by
her mother. She admits to the attending physician that she ingested a large dose of
her prescribed amitriptyline approximately seven hours prior. Which of the following
pieces of information would be MOST helpful in risk strati cation of likelihood of
having a major cardiac or neurologic event due to her medication overdose?

A. Ingested dose
B. Peak serum amitriptyline concentration
C. Serum potassium level
D. QRS duration

Answer is D
To do ECG for QRS prolongation
If more than 100msec:
Stabilize the patient (ABC)
Give sodium bicarbonate
Benzodiazepines for TCA-associated convulsions

156- Patient 50 years old complain SOB chest pain waht trtment ?

157- ‫كان فيه سؤال‬

Old pt with occasional high readings BP , k/c of dyslipidemia on statin
On this visit his BP is high !
Mx ?
A. Start anti HTN -> i choose this ✅
B. Reasses in home
‫وخيارات نسيتهاا‬

158- ‫وفيه سؤال ان ايش الرياضة اللي ينصح بها‬

‫كان فيه‬
Heavy lifting!
30 mins brisk walking 5 days in week

159- Pediatric pt complete her vaccination except chicken pox

How to give ?
‫نسيت االختيارات‬
‫بس اخترت انه‬
Give one dose and the second after 4w

160- the question was added before in the booklet with incomplete scenario and options
but the same answer:

Female with self-in icted injuries on the wrist, because she thought her therapist
abandoned her. He claims she her voices but when asked she denied. She caused a
problem between psychiatry resident doctor and head nurse over her condition. What type
of personality disorder ?
- borderline
- Schizoid
- Obsessive
Answer is A ; borderline personality

161- Patient can't complete one task .. jumping from one talk to another
- ight of ideas
-personality disorder

162- 35 year old I remembered it

Patient HTN With BMI 38+ ask about screening test :
-pap smear

163- HTN about diet restriction :

- low fat
- low sodium ( 2 g/d )
2 answer irrelevent

164- 13 year old with pneumonia .. causative organism :

Strept. Pneumonaie
Mycoplasma pnemoniae

165- Chemoprophylaxis(written like this ) for meningitis in child :

Cipro oxacin

166- Women go for routine follow up with her GP in clinic, he noticed that she has severe
depression symptoms and try to prescribe anti depressants for her, she refused and she
told him I don't need drugs. She is already prescribed vitamins so he added SSRI for her
as vitamin and he doesn't tell her. She get dramatically improved in the next vist and her
symptoms vanished.

Which of the following is correct or something like that...

A-he should refer her to psychiatrist before
B-He cannot prescribe her without consent
C-He do the right thing because her symptoms improved now
D? ( excluded by your colleague)
Answer is B
Resources: synopsis of psychiatry

167- Patient came for vaccination for the rst time at 9 month age What to give
‫ما اتذكر االجابات بس انا جاوبت‬
9m vaccine ( MCV + measles ) + PCV1 +DTAP 1)

168- Pt her brother had a history of polycystic kidney disease came for screening :
CT abdomin
Abdominal U/S
2 irrelevent answer

169- Cystic brosis patient .. most common complication associated with :

Lung cancer

170- 4 yrBoy with abdpain and vomiting. Then in 24 hrs got petechial rash and pruritis.

171- 18 yr okd brought to er. With signs of euphoria, sweating, irritabiltity,

Cannabis intoxi
Cociane withdrawal

172- 20hrs after aa repair, pt developed pulm embolism ( diagnosis given) managemnt

174- 30 week primi, no signi cant medical histry, profuse bleeding plusabd pain
Placenta previa
Placent abruptikn
Vasa previa

175- Breast mass , uctuation, lower right quadrant.biopsy atypical duct hyperplasia.
Wide local excision
Simple mastectomy
176- Long case of abd pain diarrhea. Perianal stula
And imaging ndings.. discontinuous involvement of sigmoid and cecum
Transmural involvment. Diagnosis?
Ulcerative colitis

177- Case of papillart ca thyroid. Diagnosis given, treatment? Left lobectomy

Sub total thyroidectomy
Ttotal thyroidectomy
Lobectomy with isthumectomy

178- Fracture femur. Stable pt.most imp?

Maintain function
Decrease blood loss

179- Long case of Pancreatic syrgery six week ago

Ct scan large cystic mass

180- Boy with bilateral red eye with yellow discharge. Treatment?
Oral amox

181- Friend asking for friends case report at health centre.

Doctor refused.
Con dentiality

182- Ecg showing St elevation 2,3 AVF.Diagnosis-IWMI

183- Mother brought in 2 week okd baby.. spitting up after feeds. Birth weight 3.5, now 3.1.
Indiactor for further evaluation?
Failure to thrive
Spitting up between feeds

184- Two week old baby jaundiced.letharg. Bilrubin was high. Managment?

185- 2 yr old unvaccinated child .. long case of meningitis

Csf- pleomorphic diplococci gram negative. Organism uenza

186- Plus 3 station, good contraction, accelerations.. i don remember exactly.. last line was
prolonged deceleration for seven minutes, regular strong contraction.
Instrument delivery

187- Boy presented with barky cough..croup diagnosis not improvibg. Next step
Lateral x ray
Direct visualiztion with larygyoscope

188- Boy presented with decreased breath sounds right side with cxray shown..
symptoms started after eating some peanuts.
Foreign body inhalation
Atypical pneumonia

189- Baby woth hypercynotic apells, central cyanosis with systolic murmer left. Don
remember details
Next step?
Sedation and anlgesia
Immediate cathterization

190- Instrumental delivery. Did not cross suture margin


191- Apgar score

(blue extremity, some exion, HR less than 100, weak cry, forget last one but I think is slow
Ans 5

192- Calculate the suspected height for a boy : mother is 155 , father is 178 , thr boy is
having short stature and asking about the suspected normal height :
A. 135-150
B. 151-165
C. 166-180
D. 181-195

193- Patient came after RTA with tachycardia, chest pain , trachea shifted to the right side
and emphysema
What is the Dx?
Pulmonary contusion
Open pneumothorax
Tension pneumothorax

194- ‫ جالي سؤال مقابلته واخترته‬by

ecclusion : Baby 6 days came with jaundice since 5 days and labs show increase LFTs
And parents are one cousin’s, forgot other details
Wts the disgnosis
A- galactosemia
B-ABO incompatibility
Forgot other options

195- And Q about the grades of acidosis options from 1 t0 4

196- Child about 10yrs came to the clinic with neck swelling , his parents are worried as
his colleague recently diagnosed withe lymphoma
What of the following indicate taking biopsy ?
A - tender swlling
B -hepatosplenomegally
C- absent fever

197- 12 week old child with beckwith-wiedemann syndrome with increased risk for
liver lesion
what tumor marker you will use?
1- urine oxalic level
2- urine HVA and VMA
3- PSA
4- AFP✅

198- hypertensive patient was prescribed Hydralazine 25mg by his physician. Instead he
took Hydroxyzine 25mg. Which of the following is the likely type of error?
A. Look-a-like drug
B. Sound-a-like error
C. Illegal prescription
D. Handwriting error

199- Pregnant patient present with vaginal bleeding , after hx and ex

Medical student ask to do pelvic examination
- allow her under supervision
- dont allow her
- can not do examinations before doing US to exclude placenta previa ✅

200- Pediatric patient contact with chicken pox patient 2 days ago .. he still asymptomatic
and his mother is worried?
- vaccine
- observation
- acyclovir

201- 50y k/c depression, take 50 Aspirin tablets (overdose)

Management ?
- charcoal
- alkalnization of urine ✅

202- Pt bring her 7 yrs old child worried about short stature
There is delayed bone growth but notmal growth velocity
What is management:
- reassure he will gain adult stature with puberty ( constitutional)
- do basic investigations cbc.TFT.bone age.
203- Female with symptoms then diagnosed with addison’s disease and started on
hydrocortisone and urocortisone At 9:00 12:00 15:00 Then she informed the doctor that
she have night shift What is appropriate??!
A- No change in the treatment plan
B- Emit using cortisone during her night shift
C- Take the rst dose at 9:00 then the rest at her night shift
D- Take her rst dose at the beginning of night shift then 3 hours later then 6 hours later

204- Pediatric patient with respiratory symptoms but he is alert and active
Dx ?
Viral croup
In uenza

205- Pancreatic psudocyst was observed for 6w with no improvement

Now become 10 cm
- observe
- per cutaneous drainage
- laparoscopic drainage
( no endoscopic )

206- Better Recall

About 11 years with red eye and yellow discharge on examination bilateral red conjunctiva
and wet discharge,
What is the most appropriate management:
A.Oral antibiotics
B Reassure and normal saline drops
C Steroid ointment for 7 days
D Referral to ophthalmologist for ophthalmoscope ✅

207- Female with RLQ pain , n/v

Pregnancy test is negative
Temp i think 36.7
- acute appendicitis
- ovarian torsion
- ectopic pregnancy

208- SCD under going bone transplantation , developed neutopenia , how to manage ?
1- cefepimne
2- clindamycin
3- vancomycin

209- How to calculate to get stational age in 11w

1- crown rump length
2- abdominal circumference

210- Doctor prescribe hydrolyzine 25mg, but patient take Hydroxypiex 25mg.. What’s the
1. look alike ✅
2. sound alike
211- Pt with hx of pulmonay embolism what contracption to use ?

212- Patient on warfarin and want contraception?

- progestrone only
- estrogen patches

213- Child rides a tricycle and knows his name

3 years old ✅

214- Pediatric patient with liver cirrhosis due to autoimmune hepatitis.

What to avoid ?
D.minerals and vitamins

215- baby weeks age (3) mother feeding baby every 3 hours complain about weight gain
after delivery his weight 3.3
Mother feeding him with every 2 spoon milk 90 ml water
Mother age 19 Y.O , the weight of baby now 4 kg
What is the cause of gaining weight ?
- neglecting child
- celiac disease
- feeding technique ?

216- Patient with penetrated neck in the zone 3 and he is having active bleeding , CTA
report shows : Avascular injury
what is the best management?
A. Open and primary repair
B. Endovascular✔
C. Open and ligation

217- Old female underwent major pelvic surgery, post op day 3 developed hypoxia? Vitals
given, O2: 88-89%
What is the cause?
A. Bronchial asthma
2. Pulmonary embolism
3. Bronchiectasis

218- What change in pregnancy?

- increase volume 20%
- increase volume 40% ✅

219- A physician was working on a research paper.Before publishing the paper, he made
some changes to some of the data and omitted other parts of his results. What is this
action referred to?
A) Falsi cation
B) Fabrication
C) Plagiarism
D) Near miss

220- 23 pregnant 20w with spotting

Exam w us normal
Blood group O negative
1 anti d
2 observe 24
3 discharge home
4 continue her vitamin

221- Patient with h.pylori on PPI and i think metronidazole

What to add ?
Clarithromycin ✅

222- years old female medically & surgically free, with no family history of colon cancer,
which colon cancer screening test iS appropriate for her?
A. 5 years Colonoscopy
B. Annual Fecal Occult Blood
C. Annual sigmoidoscopy

223- Neonate coded blue, the do not resuscitate (DNR) was discussed with the parent but
discussion was not completed
What to do
1. Do not resuscitate
2. CPR then complete discussion
3. Discuss then do CPR
4. Do CPR

224- Patient with penetrated neck in the zone 3 and he is having active bleeding , CTA
report shows : Avascular injury
what is the best management?
A. Open and primary repair
B. Endovascular✔
C. Open and ligation

225- New born with bilateral cataract and hepatomegaly labs: high triglycerides high LDH
high bilirubin what is the test to con rm dx?
A. Liver biopsy
B. Urine analysis
C. Endoscopy

226- Clear case of cystitis suprapupic pain for newly married female
Mx ?
Oral nitrofurantoin ✅

227- Patient k/c of IHD On BB ACE-I

What to add ?
Statin ✅

228- Clear case of right pneumothorax

Mx ? Right needle decompression ✅

229- Old female underwent major pelvic surgery, post op day 3 developed hypoxia? Vitals
given, O2: 88-89%
What is the cause?
A. Bronchial asthma
2. Pulmonary embolism
3. Bronchiectasis

230- Patient fell on outstretched hand, pain at anatomical sniff box, which bone fracture is
A. Colles
B. Scaphoid

231- Pregnant with broid on 34wk of gestation mild abdominla pain no other symptoms
what to do?
- observations
- myomectomy
- CS
- induction

232- Old with many Comorbidites Importantly K/C of gout present with DHF, given aspirin,
lasx, Plavix... 1wk later present with acute gout what is medication that cause it?
- Aspirin
- plavx
- lasx

233- Patient came to ED diagnosed with DVT doctor prescribed warfare, after next visit
she appears to be pregnant on 10wk.
How to prevent such a case?
- use memory aids
- knowing the high risk meds

234- What is the most common cause of PPH?

- utrine atony

235- Old patient with comorbidites present with SOB, Fever..... (long case), x-ray showed
plural effusion, uid analysis done, with of the following indicate chest tube?
- PH<7.2
- glucose >60

236- Patient had MI since 3 m after that started smocking cessation and life style mod.
Now came for follow up
Cholerstrol 5.3 (upper normal range 5.1 )
What will y do
A - give him antilipids
B. Advice him to continue on the healty modi cation
B repeat cholestorl after ( forgot the exact time )

237- Basal scull fracture at the jugular foramen

What will he have
A loss of abduction of eyes
B paralysis vocal cords
C Paralysis of muscles of mastications
D Loss of sensation ( forget where )

238- Case of aortic stenosis. Patient was asymptomatic.

Aortiv valve replacement
Followup after 6mnths

239- Tsh low t4 free high t3 free normal dx?

T3 toxicosis
Primary hypothyroidism

240- Cardiac arrest and death. Kco NHL on chemo. Was supposed to b admitted last week
for chemo prior to death.labs show potassium high
Creatning high.uric acid very high. Cause for potassium increawe?
Tumor lysis synd
Diaabetic nephropathy

241- Pregnant con rm GDM what is the rst line of Tx:

- Diet
- SubQ insulin
- IV Insulin
- Metformin

242- Bleeding Duodenal ulcer, vessel was clip, next management:

- IV PPI 24h then PO
- IV PPI 72h then PO

243- Preg. With polyhydramnios you want to counsel her about fetal complications?
- bilaterla renal agenesis

244- Female came to ER with S&S of SBO, PHx of sleeve gastrectomy 6y ago, what is the
most common cause?
- Adhesions
- inguinal hernia
- incisional hernia
- internal hernia

245- Child came you want to give him MMR vaccine but the child have URTI symptoms,
what to do?
- delay
- give without rubella
246- Case about 6 years child contact with child who have chicken pox the child
what will we do:
A/chicken pox vaccine
B/ observation for few days
C/give IVIG
D/ give acyclovir

247- 1y (not sure) Child didn't take any Varicella zoster vaccine, you give him the rst
dose, what to do to reach full immunity?
- give the second dose
- doble the dose of the vaccine
- do lab test to determine

248- Pt come after mva conscious …. And u decide to transfer hem to another hospital
but befor that he loss consuse what to do ?
Do intubation now
Check chest tube

249- Pt come after mva he was alerted but after period he loss conscious and pubil… wht
the cuse?
Extradural hematoma
Epidueal hematoma
Diffuse brain edema
Subarachnoid hemorrhage

250- 5 days baby full term with bruises on thigh , PT:high , PTT:high , PLT:Normal ,Dx?
A-Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
B-Neonatal hemotthagic disease
C-Factor x de ciency

251- Pt with SOB limited his work but doesn’t prevent him from going to it,NO SOB at rest.
NYHA classi cation of SOB? Class 2

252- 17 sept
‫ جاني سؤال اليوم عن ال‬postpartum depression, breastfeeding
‫كان بيسأل عن ال‬Mx
- benzodiazepines for 2 weeks

253- Swelling 2x2 cm in anterior thigh

What type of anaesthesia required?

254- Pt with linear anal tear at 6 o’clock and painful defecation with distal skin tag
A-Anal dilatation
B-Lateral sphincterotomy
C-Excision of ssure and skin tag
255- Pediatric pt with signs of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis,always hugry lethagic and
Next step?
A-Upper Gi series
B-Correct dehydration and electrolytes imbalance

256- Swelling 2x2 cm in anterior thigh , What type of anaesthesia required?

B-nerve block

257- When to start and duration of folic acid during pregnancy ?

- immediately and continues throughout the pregnancy.
- immediately and for ( I think 12 weeks)

258- 5 weak infant come by his mother , He have small amount of stool after each meal
since 3 weak what manegment?
Milk formula …..
Lactos ……

259- Yellow discharg from ear ,What organism ?

Staph. Aur
S. Epid
S. Eaginus

300- Comnuted fracture pain parasthesia

Compartment pressure 35 ?
A. Close reduction
B. Internal xation
C. External xation
D. External xation with 4 compartments Fasciotomy

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