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Name : Kadek Wanda Pratiwi Adibrata

NIM : 2318011016
Rombel : 23

1. Please tell the position of Weston’s Department Store!

The position of Weston’s Department Store is across the Meals by Max building
and Centreplus Movie Theater. It is right next to Home Drugstore. If someone ask
where it is, I would say “It is right on the corner where Clark St. and Second Ave.
met.” You could also say that it is right next to Browser books by the south view.
Also, it is across the parking lot.

2. Please lead me to the Meals by Max from Tom Thomson Café!

Sure, here is the way to get Meals by Max. From Tom Thomson Café, head south
on the Third Ave. Do not turn left to Base St. and keep straight until the intersection.
On the intersection, turn right. Go straight on Clark St. Do not turn left to Fleet St.
but keep forward. Now you face the second intersection. Stop until the traffic light
turns green and turn right. Please be careful because now you have to pay attention
to make you see Meals by Max is on your left.

3. Where is the position of the Bethune Hospital?

The Bethune Hospital building is right across the park and it is on the corner.

4. How to go to Central Bus Station from Post Office?

I got you, sir. From post office, head west on Clark St. Now you find the intersection
and then turn left to Third Ave. Then, turn right to Edgehill Rd. Do not turn right on
Fleet St but go straight until you found the Central Bus Station on the right.

5. How to reach Mirage Travels from Horizons High School?

It’s not complicated. From Horizons High School, head south. Go straight on Third
Ave. Stop at the intersection then the traffic light says so. When it turns green, go
straight until you found Mirage Travels on the right.

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