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1. What are the methods of water purification in large scale?

Three types –
a. Storage
b. Filtration
c. Disinfection
Storage – storage provides a reserve of water from which further pollution is excluded. This is natural
purification. 90% of the suspended impurities settle down in 24 hours by gravity, water becomes clear. The
bacterial content if the water reduces by 90% in this stage.
Filtration – it can be done in two way – Biological (Slow sand filter), mechanical (Rapid sand filter)
Disinfection – By using Bleaching powder, chlorine, chlorine tablet, Iodine etc.
2. What are the criteria of Slow sand filter?
Characteristics/ criteria
1. Rate of filtration is low, 0.1-0.3 m3 per hour
2. Very high removal of turbidity & color & bacteria
3. Cleaning of filter bed by scraping & removal of a top layer of sand
4. No pre-treatment is generally required
5. Not suitable for water having turbidity greater than 30 NTU
6. Not very effective in removing colloidal matter
7. Low cost of operation & maintenance
3. Criteria & steps of rapid sand filter
Criteria –
a. High filtration rate
b. High removal of turbidity & color & bacteria
c. Cleaning of filter bed by backwashing
d. Pre-treatment is required
e. Suitable for all turbid & colored water
f. High-cost operation & maintenance
Steps of rapid sand filter
a. Coagulation – Raw water treated with alum, PH adjusted by adding lime or soda
b. Rapid mixing – Violent mixing in the mixing chamber that ensures quick & thorough dissemination
throughout the bulk of water
c. Flocculation – Slow & gentle stirring causes formation of thick, gelatinous precipitate of Aluminum
d. Sedimentation – the water is detained here for 6-8 hours to properly precipitate the wastes.
e. Filtration – then the treated water pass through the rapid sand filter & almost all of the impurities
are removed in this stage.
4. What is vital layer? Mention it’s importance
Vital layer – heart of the slow sand filter. This is a slimy, gelatinous layer consist of threadlike algae &
numerous forms of bacteria, plankton, diatoms etc. formation of this layer is known as ripening of filter.
Function/ Importance of vital layers
- Removes organic matters
- Holds back bacteria
- Oxidizes ammoniacal nitrogen into nitrate
- Helps yielding bacteria
5. What are the layers of sand bed in slow & rapid sand filter?
Sand bed layer
Arranged from below upwards – bricks, channels for passage of filtered water, broken stones, coarse sand,
fine sand, water
6. Differences b/w rapid & slow sand filter

Traits Rapid Slow

Space Very little space occupied Occupy larger area
Rate of filtration Very fast Slow
Effective sand size 0.4-0.7 mm 0.2-0.3 mm
Preliminary treatment Chemical coagulation & Plain sedimentation
Washing By back washing By scrapping the sand bed
Operation High skilled Less skilled
Removal of turbidity Very Good Good
Removal of color Good Fair
Removal of bacteria 98-99% 99.9-99.99%
7. Define Chlorination & principle of chlorination
Chlorination – disinfection of water by adding chlorine
a. The water to be chlorinated should be clear & free from turbidity
b. The purpose of chlorination is to kill the disease producing organism in the water, it does not mean
purifying contaminated water but is used to safeguard the water supplies which are considered
c. Chlorine demand should be estimated (Chlorine demand – It is the difference b/w the chlorine
added to water & the amount of residual chlorine remaining at the end of specific contact period at
a given temp & PH of water)
d. Contact period (presence of free residual chlorine for a contact period, 1 hour is required to kill
bacteria & viruses
e. Break point chlorination (at the point which the chlorine demand of the water is met or the
residual chlorine begins to appear)
f. Pre-Chlorination – application of Cl prior to any other treatment
g. Post-Chlorination – application of chlorine after other treatment process, particularly after
h. Super-chlorination – addition of large doses of chlorine to water & removal of excess chlorination
by de-chlorination is called super-chlorination
8. Water borne diseases
Water borne diseases are
Biological –
A. caused by presence of infective agents
- Viral – Viral HPV A, HPV E, Poliomyelitis, Rotavirus diarrhoea
- Bacterial – typhoid, paratyphoid, bacillary dysentery, E. coli Diarrhoea, Cholera
- Protozoal – Amoebiasis, Giardiasis
- Helminthic – Roundworm, threadworm
B. Presence of aquatic host
- Snail – schistosomiasis
- Cyclops – guinea worm, fish tape worm
Chemical –
- Arsenic
- Detergent solvents
- Cyanides
- Heavy metals
- Minerals & organic acids
- Bleaching agents
- Nitrogenous products
- Pigments, dyes
- Sulphide, ammonia
- Toxic & biocidal organic compound
Arsenicosis is defined as the chronic condition arising from prolonged ingestion of arsenic above safe dose
for at least 6 months usually manifested by characteristic skin lesions of keratosis or melanosis with or
without the involvement of internal organs.
National standard for arsenic in drinking water (Bangladesh) – 0.05 mg/L
WHO provisional guideline value – 0.01 mg/L
Sign & Symptoms
1. Pigmentation changes in skin & mucous membrane e.g.
a. Melanosis
- Spotted hyperpigmentation pattern on extremities
- Generalized pigmentation
- Localized or patchy pigmentation generally in the body
b. Leukomelanosis
- Rounder hypopigmented or depigmented macules on a normal hyperpigmented
2. Hyper keratinization of skin
a. Keratosis – thickening of skin & appearance of nodules, it can be
- Mild: slight thickening, minute papules on palm & sole, associated with frit like texture
- Moderate: multiple raised keratosis
- Severe: large discrete keratotic elevations on palms & sole with nodule/wart like
Common/ Systemic Manifestation
- Weakness
- Non-specific portal hypertension
- Conjunctival congestion: Conjunctivitis
- Respiratory illness: Chronic cough, asthma, bronchitis
- Peripheral neuropathy: tingling, numbness, pain

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