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PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. DE THI THU TOT NGHIEP THPT QUOC GIA 2022 Bai thi: NGOAI NGU; M6n thi: TIENG ANIL THPT HAM RONG - THANH HOA Thoi gian lam bai: 60 phitt; 50 cau trie nghigm C6 Vii Thj Mai Phuong Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. package B. teenage C. heritage Dy passage Question 2: A. increased B. amazed C. remained D. described Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. Question 3: A. partnership B. picturesque C. counterpart. _—‘D. customer Question 4: A. necessary B. mandatory C. popular D. compulsory Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 5: there, she will have made a big cake A. After you came B. By the time you come C. when you will come D.until you comes Question 6: The more carefully he drives aceidents he has, A. the less B. the few C. the fewer D. the little Question 7: He always did well at school having his early education disrupted by illness. Aveventhough ——_B. onaccount of Cin addition to. in spite of Question 8: The Covid-19's vietims with food and medicine. A. providing B. provide Care provided. provided Question 9: She has just bought > A. an interesting old French painting B. a French interesting old painting C. an old interesting French painting D. an interesting French old painting Question 10: I haven't made up my mind about that issue; I'll have to sit on the A. fence B. eggshell C. mountain D. edge Question 11: Let's go out for a drink, 2 A.will you B. will we C. shall we D. shan't we Question 12: for twelve hours, I felt marvelous. A. Have slept B. Having been slept C. Having slept _D. Have been slept Question 13: You shouldn't lose heart; success often comes to those who are not by failures. A. turned on. B. left out. C. switched off. _D. put off Question 14: When you went into the office, Mr. John at the front desk. A. were sitting B. was sitting Csit D. sits Question 15: I'm not going to go ice skating! I'd only fall over and a fool of myself. A. make B. do C. show D. create KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. Question 16: The older inhabitants looked on the festival as an opportunity to bridge the between the newcomers and themselves. Avhole B. crevice C. blank D. gap Question 17: Children who are isolated and lonely seem to have poor language and A.communicate B. communicator C. communication D. communicative Question 18: Sometimes in a bad situation, there may still be some good things. Try not to "throw out the with the bathwater". A. baby B. child C. fish D. duck Question 19: In some families, younger people seem more to save money than their parents. A. suspected B. inclined C. supposed D. objected Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 20: The chairman's thought-provoking question ignited a lively debate among the participants in the workshop. A. triggered. B. defined. C. arose. D. hosted Question 21: I think Michael hit the nail on the head when he said that what is lacking in this company is the feeling of confidence. A. described something unconsciously B. interpreted something indirectly C. misunderstood something seriously D. said something correctly Mark letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 22: Mr. Robinson said the scheme could not work for every household and will only serve 15,000 homes in the most densely populated area - Skipton, Settle and South Crave. A. heavily B. compactly C. solidly D. sparsely Question 23: Danny put the eat among the pigeons by suggesting that the company might have to make some redundancies. A. made a lot of people annoyed B. made a lot of people satisfied C. made other people nervous D. made other people disappointed Mark the letter A, By C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges. Question 24; Mary and Peter are friends. They are tal - Mary: "Have you seen the movie Joker?” - Peter: @ A. The cinema is closed today. B. Of course! I'm going to see it on Monday! C. Yes, the tickets were too expensive. D. I haven't had a chance to see it. Question 25: Tony and Steve are friends. They have just finished dinner in a restaurant, “The food is great. I'l get the bill.” 1g about a film. - Tony Tony: A. It’s nothing B. No, it is on me. C. Yes, speak to you soon KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. REASONS TO NOT HIT YOUR KIDS The practice of hitting children teaches them to become hitters themselves. Extensive research data is How available to support the direct correlation ....26.... corporal punishment in childhood and violent behavior in the teenage and adult years. Virtually, all of the most dangerous criminals ....27.... regularly threatened and punished in childhood. Punishment gives the message that "might make right," that it is okay to hurt someone smaller and less powerful than you are. The child then feels it is appropriate to mistreat younger or smaller children, and when he becomes an adult, feels little ....28.:» for those less fortunate or powerful than he is, and fears those who are more so. Thus it is diffieult for him to find -29.... friendships. Children learn best through parental modeling. Punishment gives the message that hitting is an appropriate way to express one's feelings and to solve problems, If the child rarely sees the parents handle anger and solve problems in a creative and positive way, he ean never learn how ....30.. that himself, Thus inadequate parenting continues into the next generation, (Adapted from "Reasons to Not Hit Your Kids" by Jan Hunt) Question 26: A. among B. about C.above D. between Question 27: A. might B. were C.could Question 28: A. appreciation _B. jealousy ©. greediness__D. compassion Question 29: A. meaninglessly B. meaningless C, meaningful _D. meaning Question 30: A. done B. do C. doing D. to do Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, oF D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions, TEXAS ‘A Texas middle school is under fire after students say they have been banned from speaking Spanish in class. The students say their principal announced the rule last month over the intercom. Inside the walls of Hemptead Middle School, a language controversy is brewing. “There's one teacher that said, “If you speak Spanish in my class, I'm gonna write you up,” 8th grader Tiffani Resurez says. Four students say their principal's announcement - banning them from speaking Spanish in class - has given teachers and fellow students a hall pass to discriminate. “She was like, No speaking Spanish.’ She told me that. I was like, “That's my first language.” She said, Well, you can get out," fellow classmate Yedhany Gallegos says. A letter sent home by the superintendent says, "Neither the district nor any campus has any policy prohibiting the speaking of Spanish." The four students feel that the statement from the superintendent has not been made entirely clear that their school. "People don't want to speak it anymore and don't want to get caught speaking it because they're going to get into trouble,” 6th grader Kiara Lozano says. Parents, like Cynthia Zamora, believe the school is not getting to the root of the problem. She wants to know why the "No Spanish” announcement was ever made in the first place. "I was very surprised that she would even go to such lengths," Zamora says. Many students at the school grew up speaking Spanish at home, and they say it often comes as second nature when they're talking to each other at school. “I'm not scared. I'm gonna keep speaking language. That's my first language, and I'm gonna keep doing it," Lozano said. The principal has been placed on paid administrative leave while the district investigates. A spokewoman for Hempstead Inder School District has released a statement saying, in part, “The district is committed to efficiently effectively resolving this matter with as little disruption to our students and their learning environment as possible." (Adapted from: htps:/www. learning habits) KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. Question 31: Why was the policy introduced? A. The principal hates Spanish B. The superintendent wants students to speak only English at school C. No one at school is Spanish D. The reason is not mentioned Question 32: In the passage, the word "root" is closest in meaning to A. time B. ground C. cause D. solution Question 33: What will the district do? A. Dismiss the principal B. Apologize for their mistake C. Ask all students to remain silent about the issue D. Solve the problem Question 34: In the passage, the word "it" refers to A. Spanish B. the local accent C. slang D. English Question 35: What can we infer about the policy on no speaking Spanish? A. The principal who made this announcement hated Spanish. B. All the students and school staff were irritated by the policy. C. Students were against the rule at first but then compromised. D. Only people inside of the school knew about the rule when it was announced. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. A newborn baby can see, hear and feel. By the age of five, a child can talk, ride a bike and invent imaginary friends. How does this development happen? We don't understand the way language, thinking and planning develop very well. Now scientists are using new technology to ‘see’ into children's brains. And they are discovering new information about the way a baby's brain develops. A study in 2010 showed that the experiences a child has in their first few years affect the development of the brain. It showed that children who received more attention often had higher IQs. The brain of a newborn baby has nearly a hundred billion neurons. ‘This is the same number as an adult's brain. As they grow, a baby receives information through the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. This information creates connections between different parts of the brain, At the age of three, there are a hundred trillion connections. ‘One experiment looked at images of babies’ brains while they were listening to different sounds. The sounds were in different sequences. For example, one sequence was mu-ba-ba, This is the pattern 'A-B- B’, Another sequence was mu-ba-ge. This is the pattern 'A-B-C’. The images showed that the part of the brain responsible for speech was more active during A-B-B' patterns. This shows that babies can tell the difference between different patterns. This experiment is interesting because sequences of words are important to grammar and meaning. Compare two sentences with the same words in a different order: John killed the bear’ is very different from ‘The bear killed John.’ So babies are starting to learn ‘grammatical rules from the beginning of life. Researchers also know that babies need to hear a lot of language in order to understand grammar rules. But there is a big difference between listening to television, audio books or the internet, and interacting with people. One study compared two groups of nine-month-old American babies. One group watched videos of Mandarin Chinese sounds. In the other group, people spoke the same sounds to the babies. The test results showed that the second group could recognise different sounds, however the first group learned nothing. The scientist, Patricia Kuhl, said this result was very surprising. It suggests that social experience is essential to successful brain development in babies. (Adapted from "Select Readings - Upper Intermediate" by Linda Lee and Erik Gundersen) KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. Question 36: It can be inferred from the passage that . A.A pattern like 'A-B-C is easier to understand, B. Children can actually learn grammatical rules in their very early age. C. It's not known which area of a baby's brain processes speech, D. Babies! brains cannot recognise different sound patterns. Question 37: According to the first paragraph A. technology has been used in children's brain surgery. B. some five-year-olds have imaginary friends. C. most aspects of child development are understood quite well. D. children use technology more these days. Question 38. Which statement is supported by the second paragraph? A. Early experiences have an effect on brain development B. Adult brains have more neurons than new-born babies’ brains, no C. Babies and three-year-olds have the same number of neurons. D. The connections between parts of the brain stay the same as a child grows up. Question 39: What is the main conclusion from the study described in the last paragraph? A. Mandarin Chinese is not too hard to be learned for American babies. B. Social interaction has a big influence on the brain, C. Watching videos is a good way to develop a child's brain, D, Babies can understand television at the age of nine months. Question 40: The purpose of the article is to A. describe how a new-born baby's brain works. B. compare the brains of adults and children. C. explain new studies into the development of babies! brains. D. prove that nowadays babies are more intelligent than in the past. Question 41: According to the article, which statement is true? A. Babies are able to understand grammar rules of language only in specific period. B. Children who hear different languages develop differently. C. Experiments focusing on language have given researchers new information, D. The development of language is the easiest thing to study in babies. Question 42: According to the second paragraph, which of the following can affect IQ? A. paying attention fo a baby B. having access to information as early as possible C. connecting with other babies D. being with adults a lot Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. Question 43: Four weeks of social distancing were an important step in the fight against Covid-19. Question 44: They have carried exhausting research into the effects of smart phone on schoolchildren's behavior and their academic performance. Question 45: He hardly never misses an opportunity to play in the tem tournaments. KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG PRO 3M/PRO 3MPLUS - ON LUYEN TOAN DIEN - CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MOI KI THI Theo doi Page : Hoc Tiéng Anh cling ¢6 Vil Mai Phuong dé hoc GIO! TIENG ANH HON mai ngay cling cé. Mark the letter-A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 46: It is over twenty years since | last got in touch with them. A, [haven't gotten in touch with them for over 20 years. B. I can't help keeping getting in touch with them for over 20 years. C. Lused to get in touch with them for over 20 years. D. I have been getting in touch with them for over 20 years. Question 47: It's possible that Joanna didn't receive my message. A. Joanna needn't have received my message. B. Joanna mightn't have received my message. C. Joanna can't have received my message D, Joanna shouldn't have received my message. Question 48: She said, "John, I'll show you round my city when you're here." A. She promised to show John round her city. B. She organized a trip round her city for John. C. She planned to show John round her city. D. She made a trip round her city with John. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. Question 49: The children are noisy. She can't concentrate on working. A. She wishes the children are not noisy and she can concentrate on working, B. In case the children are not noisy, she can concentrate on working. C. Ifonly the children were not noisy and she could concentrate on working. D. If the children were not noisy, she can concentrate on working. Question 50: She went to live in France; She realized how much she loved England. A. Only when she went to live in France did she realize how much she loved England. B. Were she to go to live in France, she would realize how much she loved England. C. Had she gone to live in France, she would have realized how much she loved England. D. Not until she had realized how much she loved England did she go to live in France. KHOA HOC PRO3M/PRO3MPLUS ~ CHINH PHUC DIEM 9+ MON TIENG ANH CUNG CO VO MAI PHUONG

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