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The nine-story commercial residential building in divisoria, manila as lead to collapse,

luckily there are no fatalities as the authorities and engineer had safely evacuated all residents.
The building apartment as for told as slipped off its foundation to the ground and could collapse
in any given moment. The building apartment is standing opposite to another high-rise and could
most likely collide with each other. Residents of both building have noted to evacuate immediately
to ensure the safety above all and for earlier ordered to cut electricity in the area as part of security
measures. Manila Mayor Lito Atienza, who was at the scene, has ordered a thorough investigation
on what could be the reason for the building to collapse and who is responsible for it.

Later after the building has collapsed Manila Mayor Lito Atienza, ordered a thorough
investigation of the incidents to insure who is reliable whether it’s the architect of the engineer.
Later around 1pm jit Mansukhani, the building’s owner, arrived at the scene with building engineer
Harry Wong to supervise and assess the situation. It is said that the building was designed to last
for more than 10 years, The engineer was responsible for supervise and assess the situation, but
because of simultaneous construction in the north side and across the building apparently
weakened the foundation. The investigation reveals that a combination of substandard building
materials and weakened foundation from nearby construction is the reason for such disaster. Its
is said that the building was to last for over 10 of more years however it only lasted 5 years as
such stated in article 1723 the engineer or architect who drew the plans and specifications for a
building is liable for damages if within 15 years and 10 more years of waiting if there is a lawsuit
in total of 25 years of responsibility for the building.

Building engineer Harry Wong also stated that the simultaneous construction in the
north side and across the building apparently weakened the foundation. Thus, it all comes down
to the material and planning of the building. The contractor is responsible for the construction
process, including the use of appropriate materials and adhering to safety standards. If
substandard building materials were used, or if construction practices were not in line with industry
standards, the contractor may bear some responsibility. However, such burden can also be held
responsible for who ever supervises the construction, he/she shall be solidarity liable with the
contractor. As for who ever plan the building, no such article stated that an architect was involved
in this incident, as of now engineer Harry Wong who is responsible for the buildings supervise
and assess the situation has only been mentioned. As for who ever is responsible for such incident
if an architect where hired to plan and design the building he/she is responsible for the collapse if
due to the design flaws related to the choice of materials or insufficient consideration of the
planning site, the engineer, they are responsible for ensuring the structural integrity of the building,
if due to the week foundation he/she could be held accountable for not properly addressing this
issue. The contractor is responsible for the construction process, including the use of appropriate
materials if not supervised properly the person responsible for the constructor may held
accountable for the incident. Lastly the owner, as the owner who has not directly involved in the
technical aspects of construction could bear some responsibility, however if the owner knew of
the flawed material and continue to brush it off, he/she could be held responsible for such incident.

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