TUGAS BAHASA INggris 3 Belum Uplod

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Nama Mata Kuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS

Nama Mahasiswa : WAHYU AGUSTIAN
Nim Mahasiswa : 043793221
Masa Registrasi : 2021.2

A. Identify the direct object and the indirect object of the following sentences.

1. The teacher handed out the report card to the students.

Answer :

Direct object: The report card

Indirect object : The Students

2. Would you mind passing me the sugar on the table?

Answer :

Direct object: The sugar

Indirect object : Me
3. Uncle Yan left his nephews and nieces all his money.

Answer :

Direct object: All his money.

Indirect object : His nephews and nieces.

4. I was planning on presenting John the wooden spoon.

Answer :

Direct object: The wooden spoon

Indirect object : John

5. Can you buy me some candies on your way home?

Answer :

Direct object: Some candies

Indirect object : Me

6. Please fetch the newspaper for your father.

Answer :

Direct object: The newpaper

Indirect object : your father

7. My mum made a strawberry cake for me.

Answer :

Direct object: A strawberry cake

Indirect object : Me
B. Answer the questions based on the information provided in the reading text.
Use scanning to find the information.

Annie Oakley, an intriguing figure in American entertainment, was a markswoman who starred
in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show, where she was often called “Little Sure Shot.” She was born
in 1860 in Darke County, Ohio, and her original name was Phoebe Ann Moses. As a child, she
hunted game with such success that, according to legend, by selling it in Cincinnati, Ohio, she
was able to pay off the mortgage on the family farm. When she was 15 she won a shooting match
in Cincinnati with Frank E. Butler, a vaudeville marksman, and they were married a year
later. For the next ten years they toured the country and performed in theaters and circuses as
“Butler and Oakley.” In April 1885, Annie Oakley, now under her husband’s management,
joined “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s Wild West Show. Billed as “Miss Annie Oakley, the Peerless Lady
Wing Shot,” she was one of the show’s star attractions for sixteen years.

Oakley never failed to delight her audiences, and her feats of marksmanship were truly
incredible. At 30 paces she could split a playing card held edge-on, and she hit dimes tossed into
the air. She shot cigarettes from her husband’s lips, and, when he threw a playing card into the
air, she would shoot it full of holes before it touched the ground. She was a great success on the
Wild West Show’s European trips.

In 1887, she was presented to Queen Victoria, and later in Berlin she performed her cigarette
trick with, at his insistence, Crown Prince Wilhelm (later Kaiser Wilhelm II) holding the
cigarette. A train wreck in 1901 left her partially paralyzed for a time, but she recovered and
returned to the stage to amaze audiences for many more years

(Taken from: http://toefl.uobabylon.edu.iq/papers/ibt_2015_1848492.pdf)

1. What was Annie Oakley’s nickname when she starred in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show?

Answer : Annie Oakley’s nickname when she started in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show
was Little Sure Shot.

2. What was Annie Oakley’s real name?

Answer : Annie Oakley’s real name Phoebe ann Moses.

3. What is the name of Annie Oakley’s husband?

Answer : Annie Oakley’s husband is Frank E. Butler.

4. What did Annie Oakley’s husband do?

Answer : Oakley’s husband was a vaudeville marksman

5. When did Oakley get married?

Answer : Oakley get married when she was 15.

6. Who performed the cigarette trick with Oakley in Europe?

Answer : Crown Prince Wilhelm performed the cigarette trick with Oakley in Europe

7. How long did Oakley become the show’s star attractions in “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s Wild
West Show?

Answer : Sixteen Years

8. What made Oakley become partially paralyzed?

Answer : A train wrect in 1901 made Oakley partially paralized.

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