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The Teachers Academy 1-8 Islamabad

Environment of Pakistan 2059/2

Test ch.4: Forests
Attempt all questions 39




shade for people

protection for soil

check evaporation E
Natural forests that have high commercial value and are a valuable source of

forests planted by people alongside roads parks .etc. these forests are to give

shade to people and to prevent from natural hazards.

Areas with different altitudes have different climates. The Climate Determines the conditi

on in which a forest will survive. This is how different forests have specific characteristic.
So these conditions also determine the amount of vegetation of forests.
For Example, mangroves which are between 1000m and sea level can survive in salt
water as have adopted the coastal climatic conditions. while alpine forests can survive in
low tempratures and do not need lot of sunlight to survive..

Deforestation can lead to soil erosion as soil would be exposed to air and water. water can erode soil
when flowing into a river or a reservoir. Air can erode soil away and take it
with it. So the crops cannot be cultivated in a eroded land.

Explain withy
cause a
Forests are a source of valuable timber which is most use for construction and transport vehicles.
wood from forests are used in wood based deforestation slows down these industries.


pakistan initiatives with forest owners and timber industries can encourage


irrigated plantations

coastal areas of sindh

coastal areas of balochistan

leathery textured and broad leaves with drip tips.

altitude , precipitation, and ephadic factor determine the type and density of forests. the higher the
precipitation the denser the forests. the type of soil also determine the type of forest.

coniferous forests are found in areas with low tempratures such as northern areas, murree .etc. The
trees are conical in shape, have sloping branches to prevent snow accomulation , have small
leathery thick leaves to check excessive transpiration. there is less leaf fall providing less humus.
forest need to be planted in indus plain as forest could reduce the effects of floods in the area.
It will help improve economy of country as wood based industries will develop in that area.
Furthermore herbs found in forest would be useful in pharmacuetical industries. Moreover
forests would help in the reclaimation of the desrtified land.The reclaimed land could be used
for agricultural activities to be carried out also giving a financial boost to a country.

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