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Rae 4_

Dear Wonderful Second grade parents,

| would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the wonderful
things you have done so far. You have been byfar the best group of
parents | have had the honor to work with. As you know due to the
COVD-19 virus, school will be closed. | would like for students to
continue working diligently on content information we have been
working on from last week. | am sending home a weekly schedule for
student to complete. Please work on it day by day. DO NOT TRY TO
(fae ee ee

COMPLETE everything in one day.

| am sending home assignments in Math, ELA, and Reading. | am also
sending home some material in Social Studies and Science. In Math,
we will continue diving deeper in Counting Coins ways to make an
amountand identify coins. In Writing, we will focus on articles,
conjunctions, and informative writing on the given novel. In Reading,
we will continue working on reading comprehension, making
inferences, and main idea.

During this time, please continue to keep your families safe, hands
wash, and prayed up for God’s continue protection over your lives. If at
any time you need me,please feel free to contact me at any time. My
cell phone number is 504-261-5263 between the hours of 9:00 am and
4:00 pm. You can also reach me by e-mail at Once
again stay safe and feel free to contact me.
Some helpful resources during break for students to use is:


* Rockin Math on You Tube type in counting coins



Thanking you in advance,

Ms. T. Jones

I am pleasedto tell you that we will be using a website called [XL in ourclassroom this year. [XL is a
comprehensive learning program offering unlimited math, languagearts, science, and social studies
practice across thousandsof skills—all of which are aligned to Louisiana Standards. Oneof the best
things about IXLis that your child can access it from home, so you havea chanceto see yourchild's

To get yourchild started on your home computer, please follow these easy steps:

1. Goto

2. Enter yourchild's username and passwordandclick "Sign in."

(Note: If the username and password are notlisted below, they will be provided separately.)



3. Click on anyskill to start learning!

IXLis designed to help yourchild learn at his or her own pace. The program is adaptive andwill adjust
based on your child's demonstrated understanding of the material. All of your child's results will be
saved, so you can monitorhis or her progress anytime by clicking on Analytics. For on-the-go practice,
you can download IXL’s free tablet apps for iPad, Android, or Kindle and sign in with your child’s
username and password.

I hope you'll encourage your son or daughter to use IXL regularly. Here's to a year of working together
to make learning fun for yourchild!


Tramaine Jones

2™ Grade Work Packet - Week 1

Days of Math Reading Writing Science Social Parent

the Week Studies Tnitials

Monday Counting ~ Write ~Complete worksheet Earth's ~Read pages 2 and

Coins Spelling words on Articles Surface 3 of Why People
three each Work
~ Complete ~ Write a Personal ~ Read and
~ Read the Narrative complete ~Underline
pgs. 485-486 story Great pgs.190-191 important
Leaders Topic: Whois a Great information.
Leader to me? (Family
~ Answer member, friend, ~Complete
questions anyone) Producer/Consumer
about the Worksheet. No
story on pg. ~ Tell me why, you scissors or glue
69-71 chose this person. Give needed to complete.

Tuesday Counting ~Complete ~Complete Articles Earth's ~Read pages 4 and

Coins Voc. Worksheet (Front & Surface 5 of Why People

Complete gs. Worksheet Back) work

~ Read and
~ Review the ~Begin Writing your complete ~Lindorline
story Great Outline & Rough Draft paste-198 nportalet
Leaders and on yesterday's topic, infomation,
complete pg.72

Wednesday Counting ~ Write words ~ Complete Articles Earth's ~Read pages 6 and
Coins (3) three times Worksheet Surface 7 of Why People
each Work,
~ Complete ~ Finish writing Rough ~ Read and
pgs. 497-502 ~Reading Draft ** Be sure to complete ~Underline
Comprehension check for errors and pgs.197-199 important
Worksheet incomplete sentences. information.

Consumer or

Thursday % ~ Write “ Complete Articles Earth's ~Read pages 8 and

Cond Spelling words Worksheet — Surface 9 of Why People
_-in ABC order. ‘ Work.
lockanal ~ Begin writing Final ~ Read and
~ Reading Draft on Topic. complete ~Underline
Comprehension pgs.200-201 important
Worksheet ~ Double check for information.
run-ons and incomplete

Friday CONS arte ~ Using Articles Earth's ~Read pages 10 and

pelling words Worksheet Surface 11 of Why People
(5) times each Work.
~ Reading ~ Complete Writing Worksheet ~Underline *
Comprehension your Final Draft important
Worksheet information.
Spelling Words
Politics —
Spelling Words
Level Green, Unit 7: Practice

For Numbers1 through6, read the sentences. Then choose the word that best completes both sentences.

1. A top doctor is neededfor a operation. 4. The+sign is a math

They broke the plate. Lions are a of courage.
A delicate F treasure
B precious G_ glance
C fierce H symbol
D_ delicate J clasp

2. Do youlike steak or well-done? Onasnowy day,Iliketo———soon a sled.

It is to find tigers in the wild. The housesits on a rocky ocean
F rare A atmosphere
G_ superb B journey
H_ certain C border
J clever D_ coast

3. Many people after failure. The library has many booksto

Learning to walk is a for a baby. The tour group will the pyramids today.
A pierce F explore
B triumph G imitate
C journey H accuse
D_ coast J pierce

For 7 through 10, read the passage. For each numbered blank,thereis a list of words with the same number.
Choose the word from each list that best completes the meaning of the passage.

Harry Houdini (1874-1926) is a famous magician. He did the most _(7)_ tricks. He knew how to
escape from handcuffs while underwater in a sealed milk can. He could swallow 100 needles and a
piece of thread. When hespit them up again, the needles would all be on the thread. In anothertrick,
Houdini seemed to disappear though a brick wall. The audience could not figure out how he used his
body to _(8)_ the wall. Becausethe tricks were so amazing, some people would (9)Houdini of
cheating. Thetruth is that he workedreally hard and was very brave. Since his time, others have tried
to (10)him, but no one can match what he did.



harsh accuse
clever convince
active endure

pierce observe
SQ 4

imitate border
explore triumph
triumph imitate

Copyright © William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved. 1

Vocabulary Workshop, Level Green
Name: Level Green, Unit 7: Quiz

For Numbers 1 through 6, read the sentences. Then choose the word that best completes both sentences.

1. Hard work helps any team 4, The coins can only be seen this month.
Finishing the race was a for me. The burger was too for mytaste.
A triumph F superb
B imitate G rare
C accuse H__ fierce
D_ coast J certain
2. Go-carts can only downa hill. Let’s the new wordsin a dictionary.
How manystates are on the Atlantic ? The scientists will the caves.
F triumph A explore
G journey B border
H_ coast C depart
J treasure D pierce
3. The items are packed in bubble wrap. The grizzly bear is a of California.
It took a touchto fix the broken pipe. In math, a such as “-“ tells you what to do
A clever with two numbers.

B rare F coast
C gloomy G passage
D delicate H_ clasp
J symbol

For 7 through 10, read the passage. For each numbered blank,thereis a list of words with the same number.
Choose the word from eachlist that best completes the meaning of the passage.

Dear Eduardo,

As you know, we wonthe sciencefair last year. The teachers thought our project about plants growing in different colors
of light was _(7)_. I am thinking aboutthis year. I don’t want the other students to_(8)_ us of doing the same thing, so
we should not _(9)_ what wedid last year. What if we study how temperatureaffects the way lightning bugs blink? I
read that you can keep the bugs in a big jar. You _(10)_ the top with holestolet in air and include sugar water as foo d.If
youlike the idea, we can makethejar this weekend andstart collecting the bugs.

Your pal,

7. 9.
A rare A observe
B_ delicate B capture
C clever C endure
D fierce D imitate
8. 10.
F coast F pierce
G accuse G border
H convince H depart
J endure J explore

Vocabulary Workshop, Level Green Copyright © William H. Sadlier, Inc. All rights reserved. 1

Spelling Words










Spelling Words











Date Selection Quiz
Name Module 5.

Great Leaders

> Read “Great Leaders” and answer each question.

@ Whywas Abigail Adams called “Mrs. President”?

® She worked for the president.
She wanted to be the president.
© She was friends with the president.
® She shared her ideas with the president.

@ Whatis the MAIN question that is answered in the essay about

Abigail Adams?
® Whywas Abigail Adams a goodleader?
Who taught Abigail Adams to be a leader?
© How long was Abigail Adams a goodleader?
© What did Abigail Adams get for being a leader?

© Whydid W.E. B. Du Bois MOST LIKELY become a leader?

® He liked to have fun.
He needed a newjob.
© He cared about people.
© He wanted to be famous.

Grade 2 1 Selection Quiz: Module 5

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
Name Date - — Selection
Module 5

@ Anthony writes that W. E. B. Du Bois showed people how to make

positive changes. What does the word positive mean?
® fast
© loud
© good

@ How were Abigail Adams and W.E. B. Du Bois alike?

® They both sold land.
They both helped others.
© They both were teachers.
© They both wentto college.

Grade 2 2 Selection Quiz: Module 5

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
Name Date De

> Read the selection and answer each question.

Our Stream Team

' Hi! My name is Trevor.| live in Missouri, near a river called the Jack’s Fork.
Before | was born, my grandparents had an idea to help keep the river
clean. Theystarted Stream Team 713. like our other name better—the
Jack’s Fork River Rats!

2 The River Rats make sure the water is clean and safe for fish and people.
And now I’m big enough to help take care ofthe river too.

3 The first thing we do is pick up trash. Myfriends and| find bottle caps,
cans, and even old tires. Trash makesthe river dirty and unsafe for people
and wildlife.

4 The river used to be even more polluted than it is now. Once, my

grandparents picked up six tons of trash in one weekend. That's as much
as an elephant weighs.

5 It’s important to keep the river clean. We teach people visiting the river to
take their trash with them when they leave. Now people don't throw as
manythings in the water. Maybe one day we won'tfind anytrashatall.

1 Module 5 Assessment
Grade 2
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
e D p
Module 5
Nai ate Assessment

° After we pick up the trash,it’s time for the job | like best—looking for
water bugs! The bugs like to dig into the mud androcksat the river
bottom. So first we do a funny bug dancein the water to kick up the rocks.
Then wecatch the bugs that come out. Next, we see what kind theyare.
Some bugs don’t care how dirty the wateris. But other bugs can only live
hereif the water is clean. If we find lots of bugs that need clean water, then
we knowthe river is clean enough for fish and people. Last, we put the
bugs backin the water. We wantthere to belots of bugs for the fish to eat.

” After that,it’s time for swimming! | love being a River Rat. We help make
the Jack’s Fork a clean and safe place toplay.

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Today there'are
x“fo}ii uF eetc Wacaeen
teams W
ay ta

@ Read the sentence from paragraph 1.

Before | was born, my grandparents had an idea to help keep

the river clean.
Which word is a noun that names people in a family?
® |
© grandparents
© river
Grade 2 2 Module 5 Assessment
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
psinise Wale Assessment

@ Read the sentences from paragraph 4.

The river used to be even more polluted than it is now. Once, my
grandparents picked up six tons of trash in one weekend.

Look at the context clues in the sentences. What does the word
polluted mean?

® not fun

not clean

© full of bugs
© full of people

@ Read the sentence from paragraph 5.

It’s important to keep the river clean.
Which twosentencesfrom the article support this opinion?
® And now I'm big enoughto help take care ofthe river too.
The first thing we dois pick up trash.
© Trash makestheriver dirty and unsafe for people and wildlife.
© But other bugs can only live hereif the water is clean.

@ Which word from paragraph 6 showsthat Trevor describes the water

bug job in chronological order?
® best
© Next
© But |

3 Module 5 Assessment
Grade 2
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Name Date Module 5
Assessment .

@ What does the fact box at the end of the article help the
reader understand?

® The River Rats care a lot about their river.

There are many other stream teams in Missouri.
© The Jack’s Fork is cleaner than other rivers in Missouri.
® Stream Team 713 was the first stream team in the country.

Grade 2 4 Module 5 Assessment

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
ReadWorks Will You Go to School This Summer?

Will You Go to School This Summer?

Manyschoolsarefinding that students learn better and remember more when they go to school all year

Does that mean students won't get a vacation? No. It meansthat studentswill get many short vacation
breaks instead of just one long one.

What Do Students Say About Year-Round School?

‘It's Good!
- | can remember more of what| learned.
- | like having more breaks.
- Summer gets boring, and | miss myfriends.

It's Bad!
- | can't go to summer camp.
- | like to play outside and swim in the warm weather.
- It's too hot to be in school in the summer.
Weekly Reader Corporation.
Copyright © 2002 Weekly Reader Corporation. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Weekly Reader is a registered trademark of
ReadWorks Will You Go to School This Summer? - Comprehension Questions

Name: Date:

1. What kind of vacations do students in year-round schools get?

2. What is one reason students say that year-round school is good?

3. What is one reason students say that year-round school is bad?

4, Whatis the topic of this passage? - © 2020 ReadWorks®,Inc. All rights reserved.

Will You Go to School This Summer? - Comprehension Questions:
5. The question below is an incomplete sentence. Choosethe word that best completes
the sentence.

Somestudents like year-round school they get lots of breaks.

A. because
B. so
C. but

6. If you do not wantto get cold on your vacation, where should you go? : © 2020 ReadWorks®,Inc.All rights reserved.

ReadWorks’ Will You Go to School This Summer? - Fact & Opinion Questions

Name: Date:

1. The main idea of this passage is

A. manychildren like to go to school in the summer.

B. children learn more when they go to school in the summer.
C. some children like going to school in the summer and somedonot.
D. it is too hot to go to school during the summer.

2. Which ofthe following is a fact?

A. It's too hot to be in school in the summer.

B. Summergets boring.
C. Some kids cannot go to summer camp.
D. Having morebreaksis nice.

3. The author writes, "It's Good!" and "It's Bad!” in bold letters, because

A. she is using those two phrasesastitles for lists.

B. it showsthat this part of the passage is very important.
C. it shows when someone is talking.
D. it shows the author's opinions.

4. Whichof the following is not a fact?

A. Some schools offer summer school.

B. There are several breaks during summer school.
C. It's fun to play outside in the summer.
D. Some kids like going to summerschool.

5. Students learn better and remember more when they go to school all year long. Is
this a fact or opinion? Explain. - © 2020 ReadWorks®,Inc. All rights reserved.

Module 5
Namie Dats Nyeeats

> Read the selection and answer each question.

A GoodSign
Mr. and Mrs. Crab were making a new walkwayin their front yard.
“K little to the left, a bit to the right, there!” Mrs. Crab said. Mr. Crab put
the last rock carefully into place. The Crabs tapped their claws together in
a high-five. Then they stood back and smiled at their work.

2 Twolines of rocks made a walkwayto their front door. The sand was
nice and neat. Not one thing was outof place.

3 Just then,a bell rang. It was recess at the Sea School. Mr. and Mrs. Crab
hurried inside. Outside, there was a storm of water and sand. The Crabs’
yard became a wild mix of yellows and blues and reds as the young fish
played tag around their home.

4 When recess ended, Mr. Crab looked outside. He disliked what he saw.

5 “What should we do aboutthese fish?” Mr. Crab asked. “They think our
yard is a park?”

6 “Maybe we can put up a sign,’ said Mrs. Crab.

7 The next morning, Mr. and Mrs. Crab remade their walkway. Then they
put up a sign. It read, “KEEP OFF THE SAND?

8 The bell rang and the fish came out. They stopped whenthey saw the
sign. “I guess we aren't wanted here,’ one said. Theyall left.

9 “It worked!” Mr. Crab shouted.

0 Days passed. Mr. and Mrs. Crab had a neat yard now. But something
was missing.
Grade 2 5 Module 5 Assessment
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
me oye (t-te
ne vale Assessment 4

'T Mr. Crab looked out the window.”Do you rememberhow the fish
laughedas they played?” he asked. “Or how our yard filled with color?”

12 “That was nice,’ Mrs. Crab said.

3 “I think | will make a new sign,’ Mr. Crab said.

‘4 Mr. and Mrs. Crab woke up early the next day. They placed a new sign
in their yard. It said, “FISH WELCOME”

> The bell rang. Slowly, the fish swam up to the sign.”Wecan play here
again!” one said. Theyall cheered.

'° When recess ended, Mr. and Mrs. Crab went outside. They pushed the
sign a little deeper into the sand. “This is going to be here for a long time’
said Mr. Crab.

© Read the sentence from paragraph 1.

Mr. Crab putthe last rock carefully into place.

Whatdoesthe suffix -/y in carefully tell about Mr. Crab?

@ He is a person who cares.

He is more careful than his wife.

© He did something in a careful way.
© He did something without being careful.

Grade 2 6 Module 5 Assessment

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
Name Date Ur

@ What do the Crabs’ actions in paragraph 1 show about them?

® They feel lucky.

They like to have fun.
© They wantthe fish to come.
© They are proud of their home.

@® Read the sentence from paragraph 4.

He disliked what he saw.
What doesthe prefix dis- in disliked tell about Mr. Crab?
® He very muchliked what he saw.
He partly liked what he saw.
© He again liked what he saw.
© He did not like what he saw.

@ What do the Crabs’ words in paragraphs 11 through 13 show

about them?
® Theyare happy their sign worked.
They miss the fish from the school.
They wish they had more time to clean.
They are surprised their yard is still neat.

Grade 2 7 Module 5 Assessment

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
Module 5
Name Date

@ How do Mr. and Mrs. Crab feel about the fish at the end of the
story? Explain how the characters’ words and actions help you know.

Grade 2 8 Module 5 Assessment

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
Articles: a, an & the
Grade 2 Articles Worksheet

Circle the correct article (a / an/ the) in each sentence:

He carried a/an axe.

My mom poured lemonade from a/an pitcher.


That cat is stuck in a/an tree.

A/an elephant has a long trunk.
The truck was driving down a/an dirt road.

There is a/an chair at the table. a lcs,

Mary ate a/an egg for breakfast.

Tom runs as fast as a/an cheetah.

There is a/an inky spot on my pants.

10. | love to read a/an book.

Write the correct article (a / an / the) before each noun:

flower apple

pig _____ logs

rake oven

baseballs idea

Reading & math for K-5

Articles: a, an & the
Grade 2 Articles Worksheet

Circle the correct article (a /an/ the) in each sentence:

John wanted to read a/ an comic book.

The class went on a/ an field trip.

He likes to read an the short stories.

Lisa put a/ an orange on her yogurt.


My mom likes making an the cake from scratch.


The dog caught a anstick. artic,

| saw a/ an otter at the zoo.
| quickly ate the / an cookies.

A / an oval is shaped like a/ an egg.

Write the correct article (a / an / the) before each noun:

igloo bench

banana kitten

tree soccer ball

inch owl

oe eagle _ tiger
Reading & math for K-5
—_ ‘a Module 5
Name Date ° ~ PSS TEU§


Who ts a Cyeak Leacler to Ne"?

\ ~



Grade 2 13 Module 5 Assessment

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Name Date
Mr Pct
. Assessment

Grade 2 14 Module 5 Assessment

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.

Editing Checklist
Ask yourself these questions as you edit yourdraft.

Do I have a title?

Have I described thesetting at

the start?

Have I named and described the


Do I have a plot with

°¢ a beginning?
° a middle?
e an end?

Doall of my sentences start with

Doall of my sentences end with
a final mark? (. ? or !)

Have I spelled all of my words


Have I added “sense” words that

describe how thingslook,feel,
taste, sound, or smell?

Unit2 69
© 2013 Core Knowledge Foundation
Name: Date:

Articles Worksheet(Circling Part 1)

An article is a word that comes before a noun.

There are 3 articles in English: a, an, the
Use a and an with singular nouns.
Use a if the next word starts with a consonant sound.
Use an if the next word starts with a vowel sound.

Directions: Circle the article in each sentence below.

Example A: | had a goodsleep.

Answer: | ha good sleep.

1. We traveled to a newcity every year.

2. We went to the room we wereassigned.

3. Did you see the play?

4.| ate an apple for lunch.

5. | walked inside a new classroom.

6. That was an entertaining show.

7. We walked back to the living room after dinner.

8. He brought the video game he just bought.

9. He felt a tingle in his neck.

Name: Date:

Articles Worksheet (Circling Part 2)

An article is a word that comes before a noun.

There are 3 articles in English: a, an, the
Use a and an with singular nouns.
Use a if the next wordstarts with a consonant sound.
Use an if the next wordstarts with a vowel sound.

Directions: Circle the article in each sentence below.

Example A: | had a good sleep.

Answer: | ha good sleep.

1. | caught a fish in the lake.

2. We tooka hike at the lodge.

3. Did you see the grizzly bear?

4. | ate a banana for breakfast.

5. We went to eat at the restaurant.

6. That was an exciting game!

7. Welived in an expensive home.

8. He brought the food to the park.

9. He ran in the marathon.

e e

Name Date Pe)

* ETT yo
‘ i: e

> Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question.

Greta’s teacher asked the class to write about a time they receiveda letter in
the mail. Greta wrote aboutthe time she wasinvited to a tea party. Read
Greta’s story and look for any changes she should make. Then answer the
questions thatfollow.
It’s a Tea Party!
(1) At the end of october, a letter came in the mail. (2) It was for me!

(3) Dear Greta,

(4) Please join me for a tea party. (5) The party is on Nov.3rd. (6) I live at
123 Cedar ST. (7) Hope to see you there.

(8) From,

(9) Jane

(10) As soon as | read the letter, | ran to find my mom. (11) “Mom, may
| go to Jane's tea party? | asked.

(12) “Of course you may”she said.

(13) | couldn't wait for the tea party on Sunday!

@ What change should be made in sentence 1?

® Change october to October.

® Change came to come.
© Change in to at.
© No change is needed.
Grade 2 9 Module 5 Assessment
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
Name Date Ure

@® Howdoes sentence 5 need to be changed?

® Change party to Party.

Change is to was.
© Change nov.
© No change is needed.

@ What change needs to be made in sentence 6?

® Change ST. to St.
Change ST. to st.
© Change ST. to ST,

© No change is needed.

@ Whatis the correct way to write sentence 11?

® Mom,“may | go to Jane’s tea party?” | asked.

“Mom, may | go to Jane's tea party? | asked.”
© “Mom, may | go to Jane's tea party?” | asked.
© No change is needed.

@ How should sentence 12 be written?

® “Of course you may”she, said.

“Of course you may,’ she said.

“Of course you may”, she said.


No change is needed.

Grade 2 10 Module 5 Assessment

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.

Name Date

@ Howdoes sentence 13 need to be changed?

® Change ! to me.
Change wait to waited.
© Change Sunday to sunday.
© No change is needed.

Grade 2 11 Module 5 Assessment

© HoughtonMifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
Tate Module 5 ©

> READ thefollowing sentence.

There are different ways to be a good friend.

> THINK about the things that make you a goodfriend.

> WRITE a personal essay about what makes you a goodfriend.

Be sure to —
clearly state your central idea
organize your writing
develop your writing in detail
choose your words carefully
use correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar,
and sentences

Grade 2 12 Module 5 Assessment

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved.
Name: Date:

Articles Worksheet (Underlining Part 2)

Anarticle is a word that comes before a noun.

There are 3 articles in English: a, an, the
Use a and an with singular nouns.
Use a if the next word starts with a consonant sound.
Use an if the next wordstarts with a vowel sound.

Directions: Underline each article in the sentences below. Put

twolines underneath the noun the article points out.

Example A: | go to a public school.

Answer: | go to a public school.

1. | want to go to the farm.

2. What is a good excuse?

3. We will go to the park today.

4. | saw an alligator in the swamp.

5. Will you take me to the museum.

6. |am going to the market with my mom.

7. We saw an elephantin the zoo.

8. 1 saw a dog running in the street.

Name: Date: fe

Articles Worksheet (Circling a or an Part 1)

An article is a word that comes before a noun.

There are 3 articles in English: a, an, the
Use a and an with singular nouns.
Use a if the next word starts with a consonant sound.
Use an if the next word starts with a vowel sound.

Directions: Circle the correct article a or an to complete each


Example A: | go to (a/an) public school.

Answer: a

1. | live in (a/an) big house.

2. Can you tell (a/an) story?

3. | saw (a/an) ox at the zoo.

4. What is (a/an) animal that you like?

5. Will you watch (a/an) movie with me?

6. | ran (a/an) marathon last year.

7. We saw (a/an) awful accident.

8. | saw (a/an) deer in my backyard.

Name: Date:

e An article is a word that is used to modify a noun.

e They point out or refer to nouns.

¥ and an modify singular nouns.

Use awhen the noun begins with a Consonant — a ball
Use an when the noun begins with a vowel — af apple

Y The tmodifies singular or plural nouns. It refers to a particular NOUN.

Samuel kicked t/é ball.
Camuel kicked tHe balls.

Write the article in each sentence ahd the nounit defines on theline.

1. Thomas and Angie sang a song to the Class.

2. The squirrel ran across the park.

3. My little sister at an orange this morning.

4. Earth revolves around the Sun.

5. My teacher loves when J give her an apple.

Complete each sentence using the appropriate article: a, an, or fe.

6. Zach’s dog, Ralph, loves to Chew on bone at night.


7. My friends gave bottle of water to the mail Carrier.


8. Her grandmother knitted blanket for her birthday.


Name: Date:

Articles Worksheet (Fill-In and Underlining Part 1)

An article is a word that comes before a noun.

There are 3 articles in English: a, an, the

Directions: Fill-In which article best completes each sentence

given below.

Example A: | go to public school. (a, an, the)

Answer: | go to a public school.

1. | live in state of California. (a, an, the)

. 2. Can you tell me story. (a, an, the)

3. We will go to mall tomorrow. (a, an, the)

Directions: Underline each article in the sentences below. Put

two lines underneath the noun the article points out.

Example A: | go to a public school.

Answer: | go to a public school.

4. | live in the state of Texas.

5. Can you tell a story?

6. We will go to the fair tomorrow.

7. | saw an octopus at the zoo.

Lesson 7.1

Dimes, Nickels, and Pennies

, Count dimesby tens.

| dime Pts otek RA
| O¢ 1 Neat Sia hon Naot Na val teot Le
3 J

| nickel Countnickels byfives. i Eh

nic e ES i Miah

5¢ Yael el a Yast el a Yael Ut


penny Count pennies by ones.

I¢ ig , 5
s )

{ Count on { Count on
\. by tens. by ones.

3 ts

‘ ig
Yrs nat total value

total value

total value
Chapter Resources
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.1
Name Enrich

Find the Total Cost

Make list of at least 3 items to put in each case.
Draw coins neededto buythe items. Then write the
total cost of the items in each case.

total cost:

Case 2

total cost:

‘yy Writing and Reasoning Describea set of 4 items
above that costs more than 20¢. Whatis the total cost?

Chapter Resources 7-6 Enrich

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.2
Name Reteach


Count by twenty fives.


Count by twenty-fives. Count by tens. Count by ones.


total value

Count on fofind the total value.

total value

total value

Chapter Resources 7-7 Reteach

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.2
Name Enrich

WhatIs the Missing Coin?

Draw andlabelthecoinslisted.
Then draw the missing coin.

|. Jimmy has 2 quarters, 2 dimes, and another coin.

He has 75¢ inall. Whatis the other coin?


2. Tisha has 2 pennies, 3 nickels, and anothercoin.

She has 27¢ in all. Whatis the other coin?


3. Ed has | dime, 3 nickels, and anothercoin.

He has 50¢ in all. What is the other coin?



gy Writing and Reasoning Howdid youfind the

missing coin in Exercise 3?

Chapter Resources 7-8 Enrich

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.3

Count Coilections

Orderthe coins from greatest to least value.

Thenfind the total value.

i ie Pu tC om Ed |
/ a ‘ f a 4 yf oo, a iv q . ‘

Start at 25¢. Count on.

omen eee
ome me an of tat odo. rt doef
P4 78 ik
anday Bade i the lal 1 the
< bmg 78
Gum Yad She vast Yao! Ye! y i fas! MiP 5 Hn total value a Sie

Draw and label the coins from greatest to least value.

Find the total value.

total value

total value

total value

7-9 Reteach
Chapter Resources
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.3
Name Enrich

Arrange and Count Coins

Sort the coins by drawing them in the correct
places in the chart below. Write the total value


total value: total value: total value: total value:

__¢ __¢ __¢ __¢

BS jour,
me Ay,

iy Writing and Reasoning Does a group with a greater

numberof coins always have a greater value? Explain.

Chapter Resources Enrich

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.4

Show Amounts in Two Ways

You can show the same amount in different ways.

eae on SS Ss Ss =

{ Trade 2 nickels
\ for | dime.


Count the cents. Countthe cents.

5,10, 15 10, 15

Use coins. Show the amountin two ways.

Draw and label the coins.

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Chapter Resources
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Lesson 7.4
Name Enrich

Same Amount, Different Ways

Complete the tables to show ways to make the
same amountswith different numbers of coins.

Number of Number of Number of

. : Total Value
Quarters Dimes Nickels
4 coins ‘3 f 80¢
9 coins ft ? 2 80¢

Number of Number of Number of

: i Total Value
Quarters Dimes Nickels
3 coins 4O¢
4 coins 4O¢
8 coins 4O¢

Number of Number of Numberof

: : Total Value
Quarters Dimes Nickels
4 coins 45¢
5 coins U5¢
6 coins U5¢

Ly Writing and Reasoning Is there a way to show 75¢
using only quarters and dimes? Explain.

Chapter Resources 7-12 Enrich

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company
Counting Coins
Directions: Add up the value of the coins to get the total.

Gounting Coins
Directions: Add up the value of the coins to get thetotdl.

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