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c o m / A s t r o S o lv e

copyright indranil ray

PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition

copyright indranil ray

There is no mercury in Mercury by Indranil Ray on Friday, 07 October 2011 at 18:34

There is no mercury in Mercury. Here is the Atmospheric Composition of Mercury: 42% Molecular oxygen 29.0% sodium 22.0% hydrogen 6.0% helium 0.5% potassium Trace amounts of argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, xenon, krypton, & neon. Both the planet Mercury and the chemical mercury - also written as Hg - are named after the Roman god Mercury (latin: Mercurius), known for speed and mobility.

The Planet Mercury Will change his sign to Libra on 9 th Oct 2011 at 11.32 pm IST and will stay upto 29 th Oct 2011.Libra is 7th Natural Zodiac.

On the same day the Venus will also change her star Swati (Arctururs 17)[Dasha Lord Rahu] at 12.42 midnight. Venus is already at Libra .[See my previous note ]

copyright indranil ray

Seventh House deals with open warfare, open enmity, international affairs, disputes, international policies/agreement, arbitration, foreign trade & foreign affairs , marriage, divorce, immorality, Opposition parties, general condition of women, laws relating to marriage and divorce, public reactions to national polices,public meetings . It deals with and relations with other powers, war and international disputes. It also rules banking departments, partnerships in business affairs, agreement, alliances etc. Mercury in the 7th house with good aspect indicates favourable for the commercial activities. Trade and business contracts may finalised during the of benefic Mercury in the 7th house .The companies may finalise foreign collaborations, activities are at the rise and profitable. Those who are looking for second marriage/love/etc may be the best time for that. Due to Rahu[North node]+Venus and Mars+Mercury connection through Stars at Libra Explosion/Accidents in Air and Water can't be ruled out during these days From 7th Oct 2011 to those may not be huge. Take care for young generation,students,brothers and sisters,wife. Gold price may go up along with Sugar price too. Silver,mustered oil grams linseed may go downside. Bearish tone in cotton can't be ruled out. Article Written By Indranil Ray Msc[IT],MCA,Jyotish Bharati Gold Medalist 30 th Oct 2011 But may be due to Retro Jupiter's Aspect From Aries

Om Namaha Shivaya

copyright indranil ray

Above Transition Chart[Gochar] East Indian Style

Below South Indian Style same Chart

Kim Cole 'Take care for young generation,students,brothers and sisters,wife.'~ I like this, thanks for sharing

copyright indranil ray

Indranil Ray Kim[Kim Cole] as these are going to be prime focus in the coming days between 9th Oct to 29 th Oct I mentioned Specially marriage /love and related matters. According to one's natal chart one can face trouble from young stars and which I mentioned OR can be Greatly Helpful... The Good thing is Mercury is in his intimate friend's house [Libra] but cause of concern is he is at Mar's star.... Lets see...I am very positive minded in Everything... "THE CLAIMS OF RELIGION (Sunday, 5th January) Volume 4, Lectures and Discourses By Swami Vivekananda This world is neither good nor evil. It is the Lord's world. It is beyond both good and evil, perfect in itself. His will is going on, showing all these different pictures; and it will go on without beginning and without end. It is a great gymnasium in which you and I, and millions of souls must come and get exercises, and make ourselves strong and perfect. This is what it is for. Not that God could not make a perfect universe; not that He could not help the misery of the world. You remember the story of the young lady and the clergyman, who were both looking at the moon through the telescope, and found the moon spots. And the clergyman said, "I am sure they are the spires of some churches." "Nonsense," said the young lady, "I am sure they are the young lovers kissing each other." So we are doing with this world. When we are inside, we think we are seeing the inside. According to the plane of existence in which we are, we see the universe. Fire in the kitchen is neither good nor bad. When it cooks a meal for you, you bless the fire, and say, "How good it is!" And when it burns your finger, you say, "What a nuisance it is!" It would be equally correct and logical to say: This universe is neither good nor evil. The world is the world, and will be always so. If we open ourselves to it in such a manner that the action of the world is beneficial to us, we call it good. " Om Namaha Shivaya Satya Siladitya Kar thank you Indranil Ray Sir. Best wishes

Yuiduanchai Somprasong That's true about Venus+mercury at libra. "For those who are looking for 2nd love may be the best time for that" not for me, thanks Kim Cole "I am sure they are the young lovers kissing each other." ~ Ill take the later over the former "spires of the church" any day! Namaste friend. Mihajlovic Vesna so many things going on around my birthday date ... thank you Indranil for posting this... Pamela Morphew Thank you Ji, but i do not understand the above chart, I do understand the regular square chart for Jyotish... Yvette Filion Thanks for sharing this fascinating information with me Ray. I love astrology, it has always been one of my favorite topics and reading your post explains most of the changes that are happening in our word today. Wishing you all the best sweetheart {{{}}} Ivana Ardhanarishavara Thank u..blissfull...astro&positive thoughts,realy insipier me when i read it.. Aroop Das Thank you Dada for sharing this ...I am also born on the month of October ..and just hope that everything moves on smoothly for our world ...OM NAMAH SHIVAY .

copyright indranil ray

copyright indranil ray

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