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Class- IX,

Set – A23
Time allowed :1.5 hours
Maximum marks : 50

General Instructions:
(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) The question paper has three sections and 14 questions.
(iii) Section–A has 4 questions of 2 marks each;
Section–B has 4 questions of 3 marks each;
Section–C has 6 case based questions of 5 marks each.
(iv) Where Ever Necessary Neat And Properly Labelled Graph Should Be Made In Pencil
& scaling Should Be Mentioned properly
(v) If Necessary rough work should be done on side of the answer paper
(vi) Don’t do any type of rough work on the question paper.

Section – A
1. a)Write the Latin name for the name “cell”.
b)write the full name of DNA
2. Draw the diagram of human fat cell and nerve cell
3. a)Who discovered cells for the 1st time.
b)Who discovered free living cells in the pond
4. a)write the expanded cell theory as given by Virchow in a single sentence.
b) 1µm = x metre .write the value of “x”

Section – B
1. a)write combined cell theory together as given by schleden,schwann and Virchow.
b)Write the name of 3 unicellular organisms

2. a)cell is not the structural and functional unit of life. Contradict the statement giving subtle arguments in 3
sentences only.
b)under what conditions chromatin organised into chromosomes

3. a)what is the composition of undefined nuclear region.

b)explain the machinery of an ambiguous organism which is non living prior to connecting with humans.

4. Draw the proper labelled diagram of a cell which lacks nucleoid and differentiate in a single sentence with
respect to plant cell.
Section – C

1. In the following passage, some of the words have been left out, each of which is indicated by a letter. Write the
suitable word against each letter and fill up the blanks with appropriate words to make the paragraph
i)The framework first when described, consists of a system of (a)bound vesicles (flattened sacs) arranged
approximately parallel to each other in stacks called (b). These membranes often have connections with the
membranes of (c) and therefore constitute another portion of a complex cellular membrane system. The
material synthesised near the ER is packaged and dispatched to various targets inside and outside the cell
through (d). Its functions include the storage, modification and packaging of products in vesicles. In some
cases, complex sugars may be made from (e) in the Golgi apparatus. The (f)is also involved in the formation
of lysosomes.
ii)If the organisation of a cell is destroyed due to some chemical influence what will happen and who is
responsible for manufacturing of lysososmes.

2. a)Draw the labelled diagram of prokaryotic bacterial cell.

b)Draw the diagram of cell structure with labelling if it lacks without wall of the cell.

3. a)Explain the reductional division with diagram.

b)Explain the process with diagram in which if we get a infection on our hand it automatically heals repairing
the whole infected hand.

4. a)Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) to make a meaningful paragraph and answer the
questions that follow.

(A) It was Robert brown in 1831 discovered nucleus in the cell.

(B)Leuwenhoek found free cells in the pond water in the history
(C)cork slice was seen with a primitive microscope
(D)It contains plastids and is internal organisation contains chloroplast and stroma,grana are embedded in it
(E)all plants and animals were composed of cells and it is the basic unit of life by schleidn
(F)Virchow suggested that cells exist from pre-existing cells.
(G)It has its own DNA and ribosomes.

i)what are the correct sequence of sentence after rearrangement.

ii)as per sentence G above which of the organells have own DNA and ribosomes
iii)what are the classifications of plastids and which plastids contains food preparing pigment in plant.

i)write two conditions for osmosis and diffusion to occur.
ii)what are the difference between prokaryotic and a cell having true nucleus.

5. a)Where do lipids and proteins constituting the cell membrane get synthesised.
b)What would happen to life of a cell if there is no Golgi apparatus.
c)write the organelles in a table differentiating between them on the criteria of their no. of memebranes.
d)which 3 solutions are used to stain cells.

6. a)Identify from the figure which of the

solution is hyphotonic, hypertonic, isotonic and also mention which of
. them is Plasmolysed, flaccid cell and turgid cell.

b)By taking a plant cell and putting it in sugar solution what types of possible conclusions can be drawn
c)why osmosis is called as special case of diffusion. Explain in a sentence only.
d)explain briefly how exchange of carbon dioxide takes place from cell to the environment.


Name-Gayatri Maharana


School-Kendriya Vidyalaya

Date and time-

Question set no.-

Total Secured marks _______/ 50 ; Sectional Marks – Section A______/8

Section B______/12

Section C______/30



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