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Nominative[edit | edit source]

Usually, nominative has no prepositions, but there are several cases where some scholars believe it has:

 (что) за - (what a)
 в - into, as a (plural denoting new state)
Accusative[edit | edit source]

 в(о) - to
 на - to
 с(о) - approx
 за - for
 о - against (physical contact)
 под - under
 по - up to, as far as
 про - on the topic of
 сквозь - through, across
 через - in, after, by
Genitive[edit | edit source]

 без - without
 близ - near, close
 вдоль - along
 вместо - instead of
 вне - outside of
 внутри - inside, within
 возле - by, near
 вокруг - about, around
 впереди - ahead of
 для - for
 до - until
 из(о) - of, outside of, from
 из-за - from behind
 из-под - from below
 кроме - except (for)
 мимо - past (movement)
 накануне - on the eve
 около - around
 от(о) - off, (away) from
 после - after
 (на)против - against, across from
 ради - for the sake of
 с(о) - (down) from
 (по)среди - among
 у - at, close to. Equivalent to the French "chez"
The following prepositions are also used in genitive plural:
 мало - few, little
 много - a lot, many, much
 несколько - a few, not many
 ско́ лько - how much? how many?
Dative[edit | edit source]

 к(о) - to, towards

 по - many meanings in English; no direct translation
 благодаря - thanks to
 вопреки - contrary to, despite
 наперекор - in defiance of (more intense than вопреки)
 согласно - according to, in accordance with
Instrumental[edit | edit source]

 над - above, on top of

 под - under, beneath
 за - behind, before
 перед - in front of
 между - in between
 с(о) - with
Russian/Prepositions Instrumental quiz[edit | edit source]
Prepositional[edit | edit source]

 в(о) - in
 на - on
 при - in times of, in the presence of
 о(б) - about (becomes обо before мне, что and inflected forms of весь)

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