Communication Techniques (9116)

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LIST OF EXPERIMENTS AND RECORD OF PROGRESSIVE ASSESSMENT Sr Page | Dato ot [Date ot [Assessment | Sign. of No. ce brie: Eigestnneet No. [Performance] Submission | Max.Marks | Teacher & Remarks 7) iy To generate and observe ANT | ‘wavetorm using Collector modulstor ‘and calculate modulation index, Wy Observe fe effect of change it ‘modulating signal vottage on modulation index. : Z| To generate and obsewve FIA \wavetoim and calculate modulation index. i) Observe he offes of change in ‘modulating signal vtage end frequency on modulation index. J [ay To generate PAM and craw inpu ‘ouiput waveforms and measure ampltude of each puss. i) Observe the demedulated output ‘and measure ts amplitude and frequen F|7) To ganerate PPM and dram pat output waveforms and measure the sift n postion of puse. i) Observe the demodulated ouput ‘and measure is amplitude and frequen [0 To generate PWM and draw input! ‘output waveforms and measure width ‘of each pulse, ii Observe the demadulated output ‘and measure ite ampitude and frequen: |) To generate POM and draw input ‘output Waveforms. From the sampled) foulputs, measure the quantum levels. Ty To cbsene he demodulated outpul waveform of @ PCM signal and. ‘measure the output voltage and frequen 7 fio generate ASK signal and draw pul] output waveforms, @]To generate FSK signal and craw input louiput waveforms. ‘T |To generate PSK signal and draw inpui] output wavefoxms. TO assume a data stream consisting of 72 bits and implement various encoding lechniques and draw the waveforms, 77” Waite any mabie communication station. A techrical report of vist shall be submites as a pat of term work, 2 |[Repert and presentation on any ladvanced topic on communication lechniquas subject (15 mins. group of 4 studans Tota Mars ~Risiage Marks out of + Tobe transferred to proforma of CIAAN ~ 2006 (Proforma ~ A-1/ A-2) Note: The curriculum of this subject is referred and the above list of experiments are finalized to achieve the desired objectives, UAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD NF TECHNICAL ENLICATION Mimhal 4 LEARNING OVERVIEW Importance of the subject In today’s world, communication has gained lot of importance and many systems related to communication have been developed like Satellite Communication, Television, Digital Communication and Data Communication. Electronic Communication techniques is a core technology subject which will help students to apply the fundamentals of Electronics for understanding Line of Sight Communication, Sky-wave Communication, Mobile Communication and Satellite communication. It is a theoretical subject, which will enable the students to develop cognitive skills, Objectives: The student will be able to 1. Identify the need for modulation. 2. Draw electromagnetic spectrum, 3. Draw the block diagram for transmitting AM, FM, PM, Pulse modulation, PCM, ASK, FSK and PSK modulation techniques. Draw related waveforms, measure and verify the depth of modulation. Describe Satellite and Cellular Mobile Communication systems. Use the various data encoding techniques in digital communication system. Noon Describe the telephone system and digital carrier system. MAHARASHTRA STATE ROABH NF TEORNIGAI FOUCATION Mumhal > LEARNING STRUCTURE For the subject: Communication Techniques (9116) Semester V Course Name: Information Technology and Medical Electronics ichigo To develop the principles of transmission and reception of Radio PPI tp ‘communication, Mobile communication and Satellite communication and Advanced communication systems ff Block diagram, Waveforms, Function of various blocks. ¥ ¥ ¥ 7 ¥ Procedures Transmission Unipolar, Polar, Cellular, & Bipolar Mobile Reception PEE ¥ Encoding Techniques AM, FM, PM PWM, PPM, PCM, Concepts! Modulation PAM, ASK, Principles Demodulation FSK, PSK F ¥ Radio Pulse Satelite Wireless Communication Modulation | | Communication | | Communication ¥ $ ¥ ae Facts Communication Systems Need for modulation MAHARASHTRA STATE ROGRD OF TECHNICAL EDICATION Brmhat RELATION BETWEEN TOPICS AND SUB TOPICS Transmitting ‘Antenna c i Transmitter | ° (Source) ui| = M U Modulation 7 ‘ 4 Pulse ‘Continuous c Modulation Wave A Modulation TH 1 ° : N ‘Amplitude Angle otulaton Modulation ’ Pi ‘Analog PAM Unipolar | [Polar Bipolar Diflerertia Manchoster MMAARASHTRA STATE ROARR OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION taimshai a DEVELOPMENT OF SKILLS This lab manual facilitates to develop the intellectual and motor skills of student. The skills mentioned below will be developed through the experiments performed in this laboratory. Skills to be developed: INTELLECTUAL SKILLS: t 1 - Classification and comparison of communication techniques. - Interpreting observed waveforms. 1, = Identifying faults and selection of communication equipments - Understanding of various components of communication system. 1, - Understanding communication system applications. MOTOR SKILLS: - Sketching circuit diagram and block diagram. - Select appropriate procedure for measurement. - Simulation of circuit diagram for observation |, _ ~ Handling of various equipments. - Performing calculation. - Draw waveforms / plot graph. In order to develop these skills for each experiment important skills have been identified while performing the experiment it is necessary to focus on such important skills, Teaching and Examination Scheme Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme and Maximum Marks PAPER TH TW PR_|_HRS. | TH | TEST| PR OR TW_|TOTAL 3 A 2 3 80 20 25% 25@ | 150 # ExternalAssessment @ Internal assessment WARESHTRA STATE ROARD OF TECHNICAL FOIICATION Bursa 5 GRID TABLE Following table gives grid of the experiments and related inteliectual and motor skills. . ‘Teacher shall ensure for development of generic skills during the experiments. + Students are expected to focus on acquiring specific skills mentioned there in ‘Sr Name of Experiment Tietestual Se Rotor Sa ] No. _ jie fe fine YY YT 7 |i Togeisicle ad obeeneaM 1 v v TTT waveform using Collector modulator and eletste modulation index i) Observe the ec of change im |mockdaie signa voliage on |mosulaion index Zh To generate and ceaawe Fit | 7 7 T fraveform and eicuste mecustion lines 1) Observe the ofec of Soargave rodsising sian! vatogs end | \requercy en moduston index. J [po generate PAN and aw ipa | TT z TTT Ta 7 lout waveforms and messire lamplude of each pulse i) Observe te domodubtad oop land measure ts amplitude and Irequen J |i To generate PPA and dravinpal | | v TPT a T [output waveforms and mossure the [stn postion of xtco fi Observe he dSmodted ouput land meaeire te erpatude and rea E |) To generate PART and raw eR] | 7 TPT v loput waveterms and measure [natn of each sue [Observe the domodubied auiout land measure ts amltude anc freaues a ) Te gonorate POW and oan mp [TT q TPT a output Waveforms. From the leomeles outputs, measure the Iguanhn loves. i) To observe te Gowoduated lute waveterm of 2 PCM signal lend measur the oueutvllage and Irequeney [To generate ASK Signal ana daw | ~T 7 Tp v [np output aveterms. fre generale Fsk sana anearan | T TTT 7 7 input cutout waver F|fo genersie PSK sgralana aw | Vv v TTF np out wavetorns. FO |hssume a dats stream conesing oF cr 7 T 12 be and implement varus leneosing techniques and draw the jwaveforns Ti Jit to any we SommanicaTon T Type ltaton A tachnical ropon of vst shalbe submited as pert of trm Ivor, 72 |Repor and precoriaion on any T lacvanced pc on commuriaton techniques eubjet (15 ns. /goup lot a students). NOTE; * Identified Skills (The curriculum of this subject is referred and the above list of experiments is finalized to achieve the desired objectives.) STRATEGY FOR IMPLEMENTATION: It is suggested that the total experiments shall be accommodated in the periods (working hours) available in the semester. MAHARASHTRA STATE ROBRNOF TECHNICAL EDICATION tumbal a GUIDELINES FOR TEACHERS Teachers shall discuss the following points with students before start of experiments of the subject 1, Learning Overview: To develop better understanding of importance of the subject. To know related skills to be developed such as Intellectual skills and Motor skils. 2. Learning Structure: In this, topics and sub topics are organized in systematic way so that ultimate purpose of leaming the subject is achieved. This is arranged in the form of fact, concept, principle, procedure, application and problem. 3. Know your Laboratory Work: To understand the layout of laboratory, specifications of Equipment / instruments / components used, Materials, procedure, working in groups, planning time etc. Also to know total amount of work to be done in the laboratory. 4. Teacher shall ensure that the required equipments are in working condition before start of experiment, also keep operating instruction manual available. Explain prior concepts to the students before the start of each experiment. Involve students in the activities during the conduct of each experiment. 7. While recording the observations each student (from a batch of 20 students) shall be given a chance to perform or observe the experiment. 8. List of questions is given at the end of each experiment. Teacher shall instruct the students to attempt all questions given at the end of each experiment as a separate exercise. Teacher shall ensure that each student writes the answers to the allotted questions in the laboratory manual after the performance. 9. If the experimental set up has variations in the given circuit diagram, the teachers are advised to make the necessary changes, wherever needed. 10. Teacher shall continuously assess the performance of students as per norms prescribed by MSBTE. 11. Teacher should ensure that the respective skills and competencies are developed in the students after the completion of the practical exercise. 12. Teacher is expected to share the skills and competencies to be developed in the students. 413. Teacher may provide additional knowledge and skills to the students even though that may not be covered in the manual but are expected from the students by the industries. 14, Teachers shall ensure that the industrial visits recommended in the manual are covered 15. Teacher may suggest the students to refer additional related literature of the Technical papers / Reference books / Seminar proceedings, etc. 46. During assessment teacher is expected to ask questions to the students to tap their achievements regarding related knowledge and skills so that students can prepare while submitting record of the practicals. Focus should be given on development of enlisted skills rather than theoretical / codified knowledge. 47. Teacher should enlist the skills to be developed in the students that are expected by the industry. 48. Teacher should organize Group discussions / brain storming sessions / Seminars to facilitate the exchange of knowledge amongst the students. 49, Teacher should ensure that revised CIAAN — 2006 norms are followed simultaneously and progressively. 20. Teacher should give more focus on hands on skills and should actually share the same. 21. Teacher shall also refer to the Circular No. MSBTE/D-50/Sem (1) Lab Manual/2006/4565 dated 6/6/2006 for additional guidelines. 22. As the experimental setup differs from institute to institute it is expected that the subject teacher shall modify the circuit diagrams as per setup requirement. Students are expected to do this work at the time of actual performance of experiment in the laboratory. aa HaWARASHTRA STATF ROARN OF TECHNICAL FNUICATION Murshal 7 INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS Students shall read the points given below for understanding the theoretical concepts and practical applications. 4. Students shall listen carefully to the lecture given by teacher about importance of subject, curriculum philosophy, learning structure, skills to be developed, information about equipment, instruments, procedure, method of continuous assessment, tentative plan of work in laboratory and total amount of work to be done in a semester. 2. Students shall undergo study visit of the laboratory for types of equipment, instruments, material to be used, before performing experiments, ‘Students shall read the write up of each experiment to be performed, a day in advance. Students shall organize the work in the group and make a record of all observations. Students shall understand the purpose of experiment and its practical implications. aaee ‘Students shall write the answers of the questions allotted by the teacher during practical hours if possible or afterwards, but immediately. = Student should not hesitate to discuss any difficulty faced during conduct of practical / exercise. 8. The student shall study all the questions given in the laboratory manual and practice to write the answers to these questions. 9. Student shall develop maintenance skills as expected by the industries. 10. Student should develop the habit of pocket discussion / group discussion related to the experiments T exercises so that exchange of knowledge / skills could take place, 11. Student shall attempt to develop related hands ~ on — skills and gain confidence. 42, Student shall focus on development of skills rather than theoretical or codified knowledge. 43. Student shall visit the nearby workshops, workstation, industries, laboratories, technical exhibitions, trade fair etc. even not included in the Lab Manual. In short, students should have exposure to the area of work right in the student hood. 44, Student shall insist for the completion of recommended Laboratory work, industrial visits, answers to the given questions, etc. 45, Student shall develop the habit of evolving more ideas, innovations, skills etc. those included in the scope of the manual. 46. Student shall refer technical magazines, proceedings of the Seminars, websites related to the scope of the subjects and update their knowledge and skills with current developments. 47. Student should develop the habit of not to depend {otally on teachers by developing seff learning techniques. 48. Student should develop the habit to react with the teacher without hesitation with respect to the academics involved. 19, Student should develop habit to submit the practicals, exercise continuously and progressively on the scheduled dates and should get the assessment done. 20. Student should be well prepared while submitting the write up of the exercise. This will develop the continuity in the studies and he will not be over loaded at the end of the term. TAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN AF TECHNICAL FNUGATION: Mamhai R WAHARARHTRA STATE RAARN OF TECHNICAL EDIICATION Mumhat umnunuivenna rovningus e110) Exon. + EXPERIMENT No. 4 4.0 Title: ‘To generate and interpret AM waveform using Collector modulator and calculate ieen modulation index and observe the effect of change in modulating signal voltage on modulation index. 2.0 Prior Concepts: Basic electronic communication system, Need for modulation, 3.0 New Concepts: {y Proposition 1; Information / Modulating signal “The message from an information source to be communicated through a communication system is called an information signal. ‘The information is a weak signal that needs to be super imposed on a high frequency sine wave called carrier. Characteristic of a signal are: Amplitude, Frequency, Phase. Amplitude = A Frequency f : Proposition 2: Modulation Fhese =e “The process, of super imposing a low-frequency information signal on a high frequency carrier signal is called modulation. Concept Structure Carrier of the Source or Transmitter Parcel ie. “Aircraft” Receiver End user or Destination Pi Courier Agency Office at Chennai fy Ba at Mumbai_} Communication channel From Mumbai to Chennai ie. “Air” Proposition 3: Amplitude modulation Itis the process of varying the amplitude of the carrier in accordance to the instantaneous voltage of the modulating signal, keeping frequency and phase constant. MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDIICATION Mumbai a Concept Structure Proposition 4: Modulation index Itis the ratio of amplitude of the modulating signal to the amplitude of carrier signal Ym Ve V max—V min from fig. = 7 max+¥ min Proposition 5: Expression for AM wave The instantaneous voltage of the AM wave V mg mV cose —Wy)E c0s(We-+ 5 )t sin gt poate (0%. + We) carrier LSB USB Frequency spectrum: fe~ fim fe few fn MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARD OF TECHNICA EDUCATION Murshal “0 Proposition 6: Collector Modulation ‘Student shall write the definition of collector modulation and draw the concept structure, 4.0 Learning Objectives: Intellectual skill ° To interpret the amplitude modulated signal. Motor Skill: ‘* Ability to adjust the instrument according to requirements. + Ability to observe the waveforms at different test points. ‘+ Ability to measure the voltage and calculate the modulation index. ed Experimental kit, function generators, CRO, power supply and connecting wires, etc. 5.0 Apparatus: MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARD OF TECHNIMAI FRIICATION Afomhsi " 6.0 Circuit Diagram: Amplitude modulation (collector modulation). Diver Transformer ver 12 Modulating Signal Tre A Wave THe BF 1969 (AMA Canin Signa ‘Medura Wave Col sf vee ‘Students shall draw the circuit diagram of amplitude modulation available in the laboratory. WAWARASATRA STATE RARE OF TECHNICAL EDIICATION Mihat ° 7.0 Stepwise Procedure: 4. Connect the trainer Kit of AM to mains supply and switch ON. 2. Select / adjust frequency from the built in carrier oscillator and measure it's amplitude and frequency with the help of CRO. 3. Select sine wave as a modulating signal from signal generator with appropriate peak to peak voltage and frequency (AF) between 500Hz to 2 KHz 4. Observe the AM wave on CRO screen and measure it's maximum and minimum voltage 8. Perform the experiment under two headi «Keeping frequency of modulating signal constant. «Keeping amplitude of modulating signal constant, 8.0 Observations: ( he 4. Keep frequency of modul: 1g signal constant and vary amplitude. Frequency of modulating signal = ......... : ‘Amplitude of | Freq, of carrier] Amplitude of | | ymax in | vin in | _ Yamin ; modulating signal carrier in volts in KHz in volt volts volts 2. Keep amplitude of modulating signal constant and vary frequency. Amplitude of modulating signal = ae ‘Amplitude of | Freq, of carrier] Freq. of modulating | Vmax | Vmin in carrier in volts |__in KHz signal in Hz or KHz_|in volts| _ volts vee ayoa Vmax+Vmin 9.0 Sample calculation: Vmax -V min m= V mex +V min 100 WMaHARASHTRA STATE RNARD OF TEOHNIGAL EDIICATION Mirshal 7” 10.0 Conclusions: * Since modulation index = Vm /Vci.e. m a V,,, Itis concluded that as Vm changes, ‘m’ cera .. (also changes / does not change) If a (ditect / indirect) proportion and change of fm! ......c.-+seses sesso (does not affect / affect) ‘mi ‘® In case of AM, percentage modulation is always .............--- (less / greater / equal) than 100%. Student shall write conclusion based on FM and AM under the guidance of teacher. ey eS oe Write answers toQ 14 Q.....Q.....Q..... (Teacher shall allot the questions) Question answers should be written in the lab itself 4. Why modulation is necessary? 2. What will be the change in modulation index if there is change in amplitude of modulating signal? 3. What will be the change in modulation index if there is change in frequency of modulating signal? What is effect of carrier frequency variation on AM signal? An audio signal of 7.5 KHz.with a peak of 4.5Volts modulates the carrier of 7.5Volts peak with frequency 510 KHz. Find out the modulation index and draw frequency spectrum. Draw the block diagram of AM transmitter and receiver. Explain function of each block of AM transmitter and receiver. Give the classification of communication system. Explain concept of noise. 10. Draw the block diagram of communication system. 11. What is modulation index? 12, Give the range of modulation index for AM wave. 413. Give the bandwidth of AM wave. Note: The subject teacher shall contribute the question based on laboratory Setup of experiment. 14, 11.0 Questions: os Carne 15. MAHARASHTRA STATE RARD OF TECHNICA) ENIICATION teat 1a onus reeanigues (119) (Space for Answers) TAHARASHTHA STATE ROARD OF TECHNICAI EDIICATION thimhat 1% (Space for Answers) Signature of Teacher: MAHARASHTRA STATE RNARA OF TECHNICAL EDIICATION turshat exgesuinent rw. 1 Cennmnainatnae rouaniques (2140 WMANARARHTRA GTATE RNBRD OF TEOHNICAL EDIICATION tomnhal ppm MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARD OF TECHNICAL FDIIGATION Stienhai 4.0 2.0 3.0 EXPERIMENT No. 2 Title: e To generate and interpret FM waveform and calculate modulation index and)! ‘observe the effect of change in modulating signal voltage and frequency on” modulation index. Prior Concepts: “( Modulation, frequency modulation, deviation of frequency in FM, bandwidth of FM. New Concepts: & Proposition 1: Frequency Modulation Itis a system in which the amplitude of the carrier is kept constant, while its frequency is varied by the instantaneous voltage of the modulating signal. Concept Structure Time domain (FM Signal) Frequency domain (FM Signal) Proposition 2: Modulation index (mf) ‘Student shall write definition and mathematical equation of modulation index. TAAHARARHTRA STATE RAARN OF TECHNICA! EDICATION Mumhal ry Proposition 3: Frequency spectrum of FM. Frequency modulated carrier has infinite sidebands. Fhe Senta Se Set In Se* Py BW - infinite 4.0 Learning Objectives: “4 intellectual skill ° To interpret the frequency modulated signal. . To understand the range of modulating signal and the carrier signal frequency, Motor Skill: «Ability to adjust the frequency to achieve the required FM wave. Ability to apply control voltage as modulating signal and generate FM. 5.0 Apparatus: 4 Frequency modulation trainer kit, CRO, modulating sine wave signal generator, digital multimeter (DMM), connecting wires, ete. 6.0 Circuit Diagram: Frequency modulation fl g03e >} 10 Ww 12 MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARD OF TECHNICAL FDIIPATION Mumbai 20 7.0 8.0 Students shall draw the circuit diagram of frequency modulation available in the laboratory. Stepwise Procedure: Connect the trainer kit of FM_ generation to mains supply and switch on. 2. Measure the time period / frequency of unmodulated carrier at pin no 2 in absence of modulating signal. Calculate the frequency (fc) and time period of carrier (Ic) by connecting toCRO. 3. Apply modulating signal between 0.5 to 2V amplitude and a frequency of S00Hz to 2 KHz. 4. Observer the FM signal by connecting modulating signal at pin no.8 and measure the time in terms of time deviations of t,,,and t,,.. Calculate fy, ANd fase 5. Repeat the step 4 for different amplitude values of audio frequency, keeping frequency constant. 6. Repeat the step 4 for different frequency values of audio frequency, keeping amplitude constant, 7. Draw the wave from of modulating signal and FM signal on graph paper. Observations: Varying amplitude of modulating signal and keep frequency of modulating signal constant. Fm= a Vo] teanter| Fearier | __Vim Modulation index tain | frex [tro | fin No voits | Obs. | Cal Vote | Obs. | Cat_| Obs. | Cal m= Lack fon eo | de) jo fe ‘osv 1.0V 1,25 18V 20V AHARASSFTRA STATE ROARD OF TECHNICAL EDUIRATION Shinhal o Varying frequency and keep amplitude of the modulating signal constant. vm = oF] Ve No. | votts tearrier Obs. (te) Cal (fc) ‘Fearrier| Fm Hz or KHz Obs. fom Cal. Obs. tein Cal, ‘500Hz 4KHz T.5KHz 2.0Khz, 2.5KHz 9.0 Sample calculation: Note: space provided for observation if different procedure is followed for conducting experiment. WiAvARASHTRA STATE ROABN OF TECHNIAI EDUCATION Mumhal 10.0 Conclusion: ¢ Infrequency modulation, the carrier's frequency deviation is {proportional I not proportional) to the instantaneous amplitude of modulating voltage. © In frequency modulation index m, is : (directly / inversely) proportional to information signal frequency. Student shall write conclusion based on effect of noise in FM system under the guidance of teacher. 11.0 Questions: a Write answers to @ 11 Q..... Q.....@..... (Teacher shall allot the questions) Question answers should be written in the lab itself 1. What is the function of IC 8038? 2. Howis carrier generated in given experimental circuit? 3. Compare AM and FM with respect to: Modulation index, Number of sidebands, Bandwidth requirement, Carrier power. Why FM is more resistive to noise than AM? If capacitor is not connected at pin No.10, what will be the output? Give bandwidth requirement for FM. Draw time domain FM signal. Draw frequency domain FM signal Name FM generation methods. Note: The subject teacher shall contribute the question based on laboratory Setup of experiment. 10. Caron 1 (Space for Answers} iNAHARAGHT#A STATE ROBRD OF TECHNICAL FDUIPATION thishal ma (Space for Answers) DAHARASHTRA STATE ROARH OF TECHNICAL FNIIPATION Mumbai (Space for Answers) Signature of Teacher: [MAHARARHTRA STATP BOARD OF TECHNICAL ERUICATION Muimhal unas euaniqu (21107 WANARASHTRA STATE ROARD OF TECHNICAL ERIICATION Mumba! enponmnon eee Cernauneuun ounnenien 12119) WAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD De TECHNICAL EDIIPATION thal 37 EXPERIMENT No. 3 1.0. Title: To generate PAM and draw input and output waveform and measure amplitude of each pulse; Also observe the demodulated output and measure its amplitude and frequency. 2.0 Prior Concepts: -X>¥- Modulation, Analog, Digital, De modulation. 3.0 New Concepts: g Proposition 1: Classification of pulse modulation Pulse modulation is classified as analog and digital, Concept Structure Pulse Modulation t | Analog Digital Vee eo 4 PAM PWM PPM pom | [ Detia Lito, ELA LU Proposition 2: Pulse Modulation Itis system in which continuous waveforms are sampled at regular Intervals. Information regarding the signal is transmitted only at the sampling times, together with any synchronizing pluses that may be required. ‘Student shall draw concept structure TAAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN OF TECHNICAL ENIICATION Murai 7A Proposition 3: Pulse Amplitude Modulation It is a process in which the modulating signal is sampled according to the sampling theorem and the amplitude of each pulse is made proportional to the value of the modulating signal at the instant of sampling. Concept Structure Os) ‘Sine wave modulating signal PAM signal ‘Square wave carrier signal Proposition jampling theorem It states that, in any pulse modulation system, if the sampling rate exceeds twice the maximum frequency of the modulating signal, the original signal can be reconstructed at the receiver with minimal distortion. Concept Structure ‘Sampling Rate I greater than Twice modulating Original signal can be reconstructed at the receiver MANARASHTRA STATE ROARN OF TECHNIRAL EDIICATION tMumhal 78 Proposition 4: Flat top sampling and natural sampling ‘Student shall write flat top sampling and natural sampling and craw concept structure, Proposition 5: Demodulation Itis the process of retrieving the information from the modulated carrier. ‘Student shall draw the concept structure Intellectual skill: * To understand concept of pulse modulation and its classification. * To interpret PAM wave. « To interpret the demodulated output. Motor Skill: + Ability to adjust the instrument according to requirements. Ability to observe the output waveform on CRO and measure voltages. Experimental kit, power supply (0-12V), sine wave function generator, square wave function generator, CRO, etc. 5.0 Apparatu: MANARASHTRA STATE ROARA OF TECHNICAL EDIICATION timhal a0 eurimiaiicounnt teengucs (9400) expermne 9 6.0 Circuit Diagram: Pulse Amplitude modulation PAM demodulation ciccuit Student shall draw circuit diagram use in the laboratory. 7.0 Stepwise Procedure: * Pulse amplitude modulation. 1. Connect the power supply cord to the AC mains and switch on the P/S. 2. Connect 100 Hz 5V peak to peak sine wave (modulating signal) and 1 KHz 10V. peak to peak square wave (cartier signal) at the appropriate input terminal of the trainer. 3. Observe the output wave form on CRO. MAHARASHTRA STAT ROARN OF TECHNICAL ERUCATION Simhat ™ Measure the amplitude of each pulse, no of pulses in one cycle, frequency of pulses. Vary the modulating input signal and observe its effect on the output. ‘Observe and compare the output waveform with input waveform, See the input and output that are same in frequency, amplitude and phase. Draw the waveform of modulating signal, sampling signal, pulse amplitude modulated signal on graph paper. DRONE * Pulse amplitude demodulation 1. Connect the sample output of PAM circuit to input of the low pass filter and output of low pass filters is given to the input of AC amplifier. 2. Connect required supply to the unit and switch on the unit. See that the supply indicator glows. 3. Connect CRO at the output of the AC amplifier and observer the demodulated output it should be a pure sine wave similar to the input having same frequency as the modulating signal. 4, Draw the demodulated output on the graph paper. Te Frequency of sampling signal Frequency of modulating signal No. of samples Frequency of each pulse 1/T, Amplitude of all pulses 8.0 Observations: V, < < < < Frequency of sampling on CRO Amplitude of sampling Frequency of modulating signal on CRO ‘Amplitude of modulating signal on CRO 9.0 Conclusion: * In this technique, the signal is sampled at regulated intervals, and each sample is made proportional t0 the .....-1ecsss:sss---s (amplitude / phase / frequency) of the signal at the instant of sampling. + InPAM generation ...... (amplitude / frequency / width) of carrier pulse remain constant. Student shall write the conclusion on the basis of synchronizing pulse under the guidance of teacher. WAHARASHTRA STATE RORD OF TECHNICAL FNIIRATION Mumbai ” 10.0 Questions: a Write answers toQ 13 Q....Q.... Q.... (Teacher shall allot questions) How pulse modulation is different form continues wave modulation (AM, FM and PM)? State what is Nyquist rate? ‘What will happen if frequency modulating signal is changed? What will happen if amplitude of modulating signal is changed? What are the applications of PAM? Draw the block diagram of PAM. Give the advantage of PAM. Give the disadvantage of PAM. Explain the generation of PAM. 40. Draw the waveform of PAM output for fiat top sampling as well as natural sampling. 11. Explain single polarity PAM with diagram. 12, Define double polarity PAM. Note: The subject teacher shall contribute the question based on laboratory setup of experiment. 13, © ENOMawNe 14, 45. (Space for Answers) MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN AF TEOHNICAL ENLCATION Mumbai 7 (Space for Answers) Signature of Teacher: TIAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN OF TECHNICA EDIIGATION Rumhal ma enraue oun (2110) ayn. 9 TANARARHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION Murshal onatiaie ecinaques (21109 WMANARAGHTRA STATE BOARD OF TEONNICA! ENIICATION tonal EXPERIMENT No. 4 1.0 Title: To generate and interpret PPM and measure the shift in position of pulse. Also to observe the demodulated output. 2.0. Prior Concepts: Pulse modulation technique, sampling theorem 3.0. New Concepts: {yg Proposition 1: Pulse Position Modulation In PPM, which is a method of pulse modulation, the position of constant width pulse within a prescribed time slot is varied according to the amplitude of the analog modulating signal Proposition ‘Student shall write defi of Nyquist Rate Concept Structure: Intellectual skill * To understand pulse position modulation and demodulation. «To understand IC 565, Motor Skil © Ability to observe the shift in the position of pulses. © Ability to observe the demodulated output same as original along signal 5.0 Apparatus: Experimental kit, power supply (0-5V), function generator, CRO, etc MAHARASHTRA STATE RAARN OF TEOHRIGAL ERIICATION Nomnhal a7 6.0 Circuit Diagram: Pulse position modulation PPM Modulator 7 R23 75K 2 Ic 555 6 6 1 a 2 + 40kpf 10kpf suf ay C2 é PPM Demodulator +5 +5V RIS 1K ALL, PPM output tow [* pass | Pe FILTER}—® Modulating Signal MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN OF TECHNICAL ERIGATION Kumhal 7.0 Stepwise Procedure: ¢ For PPM modulation. Measure output voltage and frequency before application of modulating signal for C, and 4 2. Nogse C,. This will be the carrier frequency. Select 1 KHz and 1V P-P sine wave form signal generator and connect it to the input of PPM kit Connect C, Vary the amplitude of sine wave from OV to 1V and observer the output. Connect C, Vary the amplitude of sine wave from OV to 1V and observe output Draw the modulating signal, sampling signal and pulse position modulated signal on graph paper. ‘+ For pulse position demodulation. 7 Connect output of PPM modulator to input of PPM demodulator. 2. Vary frequency of modulating sine wave signal from 500Hz to 2 KHz and observe the 3. 8.0 Observations: output Draw demodulated output on graph paper. Amplitude Frequency Sampling signal with C, PPM with C; Sampling signal with C, PPM with C, THAHARASHTRA STATE ANARA OF TECHNICAL FDIIGATION Uoebal © Shift in position of output pulse when C, is connected = ‘© Shift in position of output pulse when C, is connected = . 40.0 Conclusions: © Change in the «.........:.....1.... (amplitude / frequency) of analog signal brings the effect on carrier pulse only in the shifting of position. * Change in the amplitude of a analog signal bring no effect OM ..........e-0 aNd secseiseer ere OF Catior pulse ‘Student shall write the conclusion based on width of PPM signal under the guidance of teacher. 41.0 Questions: 9) Teacher shail see that the student attempts the allotted question immedi: performing the experiment. Write answers toQ 13 Q.... Q.... Q.... (Teacher shall allot questions). 1. Compare PPM with PWM. 2. Draw the wave form of PPM and PWM for the same analog input. 3. Give advantage of PPM over PWM. 4. For a sample rate of 20 KHz determine the maximum analog frequency. 5. Draw the biock diagram of PPM generation. 6. What is pulse position modulation? 7. Give application of PPM. 8. Explain generation of PPM with suitable diagram. 9. What is the relation between PPM and PWM? 10. What is digital communication system? 11. Give digital modulation method. 12. List disadvantages of PPM. Note: The subject teacher shall contribute few questions based on laboratory setup of ‘experiment. 13... Hast 16. MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN OF TECHNICAL FONCATION Bhumhal an {Space for Answers) TANARASHTRA STAT ROARO OF TECHNICAL EDICATION Mumbai ra (Space for Answers) Signature of Teacher: WANARASHTRA STATE RAABN OF TECHNICAL FRIICATION Mirai 2 MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN OF TECHNICAL PRUIGATION Mural a errmnsncannal etmigues 1109 MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN OF TECHNICA EDIIPATION Simhat aa Lerman veqaungues (9810 enpotensn ow 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 EXPERIMENT No. 5 Title: ‘To generate PWM and draw input and output waveform and measure width of each pulse. Also observe the demodulated output and measure its amplitude mmesmmiitim and frequency. Prior Concepts: ~\)) Types of modulation, amplitude modulation frequency modulation, pulse modulation sampling theorem. Proposition 1: PWM The PWMis also called PDM (pulse duration modulation). In this system, amplitude and starting time is maintained constant for each pulse, but width of each pulse is made proportional to the information signal at that instant. Concept Structure: CNG Zeeeesaceecec ct NW —- Intellectual skill: e © To understand concept of PWM. Learning Objectives: Motor Skill: © Ability to adjust the instrument according to requirements. © Ability to observe the output waveform on CRO. Apparatus: a Experimental kit, power supply (0-5V), function generator, CRO, etc. MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN OF TEBINIGAL FOLICATION tumhal ra 6.0. Circuit Diagram: Pulse width modulation N VV |POWERON vee PWDM Demodulation Circuit R AN o ye cs OUTPUT WANARARNTRA STATE ROARD OF TECHNICA ENIICATION Simba Student shall draw circuit diagram of PWM modulator and demodulator available in the laboratory. 7.0 Stepwise Procedure: .o.—:. For Pulse Width modulation. 4. Connect the required supply to the unit and switch ON See that the supply LED glows. 2. Set frequency to 800Hz and amplitude to 2V peak to peak on signal generator. 3. Connect signal generator output to the in put of the pulse width modulator trainer. This is also called the carrier signal. Observe the output on CRO. It should be a square wave with nearly 50% duty oycle. 4. Connect the OV DC signal at the modulating signal output terminal. Observe and draw the width of the output pulse. Now vary the modulating signal up to + 500mV in step of 4100mV and draw the output pulse width. 5, Now change the polarity of the modulating signal and vary up to ~ 500mV and also draw the width of output pulse for various modulating signal. 6. Now connect the low frequency signal at the modulating input. Observe the output pulse and measure the width of pulses. 7. Draw the modulating signal, sampling signal and PWM wave on the graph paper. For Pulse Width demodulation. 1. Set the pulse width modulating signal for carrier signal of 2 KHz at 2V peak to peak with modulation signal (sine wave) of 1Hz to 100Hz. 2. Connected the PWM output to the input terminals of the pulse width demodulator. 3. Observer the pulse width demodulated output on CRO. 4. Vary the modulating signal of PWM form 1Hz to 100Hz and observer the demodulated output. Confirm it's resemblance with modulating signal. 5. Draw the demodulated output on the graph paper. MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN OF TEOHNIGAL ENIICATION tumahai a 8.0 Observations: i. Observation Table -1 Amplitude of Modulating signal Width of the pulse 500 mv, 400 mv 300 mv. 200 mv 100 mv Omv = 100 mv. = 200 mv = 300 mv. = 400 mv = 500 mv Observation Table - i ‘Amplitude of Modulating sine wave Frequency of modulating sine wave ‘Amplitude of rectangular [Amplitude of PWM - Frequency of PWM 9.0 Conclusion: = ‘+ Pulse width modulation is a type Of ........-ee-csssssssesee (pulse amplitude / pulse duration) modulation technique. + In PWM modulation width of ......... (carrier pulse / modulation) signal changes. Student shall write the conclusion based on amplitude ofthe information signal under the guidance of the teacher. VAHARARHTRA BTATE BOARD OF TECHNICA) EDIIGATION Murshal a cenrmnaiaae tetanus (440) exper oo 10. Questions: Students are expected to attempt the questions in last 15 - 20 min after performing experiment. Write answers toQ 13 @.... Q.... Q.... (Teacher shall allot questions). What is PWM ? Differentiate PAM and PWIM? What are the applications of PWM? Explain the generation of PWM? Give the advantage and disadvantage of PWM? Draw the block diagram of PWM. Draw the wave form of PWM. ‘What is PWM? What other names does it have? Given following figure, what will be output if capacitor C4 is removed from the circuit? ©PNOMsona Fe R10 LIVIN cs outeur PWM Circuit 4. In PWM circuit if input is square wave what will be output? 2. Ifthere is a change in frequency and amplitude of modulating signal what will be the change in PWM waveform? 3. How PWM is demodulated? Note: The subject teacher shall contribute the question based on laboratory setup of experiment. 13, 14, (Space for Answers) MAHARASHTRA STATE ROARN NE TECHNICAL FRVIGATION: Mumhai a0 (Space for Answers) WANARASHTRA STATE ROARR OF TECHNICAL ENIICATION thurshat 7 (Space for Answers) Signature of Teacher: TMAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICA EDIICATION Mumhat 4 entmnaineauat eeanigucs (2818) TlAHARASHTRA STATE RAARN OF TECHNICAL FRNIGATION Morshai enpetueein a Lemnunieau feuninues (21 H0F MMavA@ASHT#A STATE RAARN OF TECHNICA FRUICATION Mornhal =

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