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Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707

DOI 10.1007/s00466-012-0683-0


Contact-friction modeling within elastic beam assemblies:

an application to knot tightening
Damien Durville

Received: 26 September 2011 / Accepted: 19 January 2012 / Published online: 2 February 2012
© Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract In this paper we propose a finite element approach 1 Introduction

which simulates the mechanical behaviour of beam assem-
blies that are subject to large deformations and that develop The problem of determining the mechanical equilibrium of
contact-friction interactions. We focus on detecting and mod- assemblies of elastic beams subject to large transformations
eling contact-friction interactions within the assembly of and developing contact-friction interactions is encountered
beams. Contact between beams—or between parts of the in many applications. These range from the prediction of
same beam in the case of self-contact, is detected from mechanical properties of textile or light fibrous entangled
intermediate geometries defined within proximity zones materials, to the realistic rendering of the motion of hairs
associating close parts of beam axes. The discretization of and ropes in computer graphic animations. In addition to
contact-friction interactions is performed on these interme- appropriate models to represent the mechanical behaviour
diate geometries by means of contact elements, constituted of individual beams, solving such problems requires above
of pairs of material particles which are predicted to enter into all efficient procedures to determine contact-friction interac-
contact. A 3D finite strain beam model is used to represent the tions between elementary fibres, suitable models to account
behaviour of each beam. This model describes the kinematics for these interactions, and efficient numerical algorithms to
of each beam cross-section using nine degrees of freedom, solve the involved nonlinearities.
and is therefore able to represent plane deformations of these In the extensive literature dedicated to the modeling of
cross-sections. Algorithms are proposed to solve the global frictional contact between deformable bodies, few papers
nonlinear problem using an implicit scheme, under quasi- are concerned with the case of beam to beam contact.
static assumptions. Simulation results of the tightening and The location of contact between interacting beams is one
releasing of knots made on monofilament and multifilament of the central issues addressed by these papers. To meet
yarns are shown as an application. Straight fibers are first this problem, a series of articles locate contacts at the
twisted together to make a yarn, before suitable conditions locations of minimum distances between beams axes. The
are applied to their ends to form and tighten the knot. Tight- problem was initially treated by Wriggers and Zavarise
ening forces are finally released to obtain an equilibrium con- [23] for beams with circular cross-sections and for fric-
figuration of the knot without external forces. tionless contact, and was then extended to frictional con-
tact [24]. According to this approach, the contact between
Keywords Contact between beams · Proximity zones · two beams is assumed to be point-wise, and the posi-
Intermediate geometries · Finite strain beam model · tions of two points in contact, characterized by a min-
Finite element method imum distance criterion, can be linearized with respect
to the variations of the solution. This approach has been
improved by Litewka and Wriggers [16,17], in particu-
lar to consider contact between beams with rectangular
D. Durville (B)
cross-sections, in order to determine locations of contacts
LMSSMat—Ecole Centrale Paris/CNRS UMR 8579,
Grande Voie des Vignes, 92290 Châtenay-Malabry, France on the edges of the prismatic beams. On the same basis
e-mail: of a point-wise contact defined by a minimum distance

688 Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707

criterion, Konyukhov and Schweizrhof [13,14] developed zone. This intermediate geometry is the entity with respect
a local coordinate system based on the closest point pro- to which the contact between the two parts of beams is
jection, allowing measures defining contact kinematics to considered. It allows us to formulate the question of the pair-
be covariantly expressed, both in normal and tangential ing of contact candidates as which pair of material parti-
directions. Since they characterize contact by a minimum cles on the surface of both beams can be predicted to enter
distance criterion, these approaches are especially suited into contact at a given location of the intermediate geome-
for cases where the contact may be assumed as point- try.
wise, that is to say when the angle formed by the beams’ This way of considering contact between beams from local
axes at the location of contact is large enough. This intermediate geometries has proven to be suitable for a wide
minimum distance criterion offers the advantage of con- range of situations. It has been employed to simulate the
sidering both structures symmetrically, in contrast to mas- mechanical behaviour of entangled fibrous materials [9], as
ter/slave type strategies. However, in situations where the well as the behaviour of textile materials at the scale of consti-
contact zone between two beams is expected to be con- tuting fibres [10,11], or to predict and optimize the mechan-
tinuous all along a zone of a non-zero length, for instance ical behaviour of superconducting cables [1,21].
because both beams are locally almost parallel, or because The goal of the present paper is to implement the pro-
both beams are bent on each other, the notion of minimum posed approach of modeling the contact interactions between
distance becomes less relevant to characterize and locate fibres within the domain of the simulation of the tighten-
contact. ing of knots which are made of monofilament and multi-
In cases where the contact between beams is expected to filament yarns. Because it involves self-contact issues and
be continuous along a certain length, a solution to overcome severe contact conditions in terms of magnitude of con-
the inconsistency of the minimum distance criterion is to tact forces and density of contacts, this application domain
check contact at locations predefined on the finite element presents much interest from a simulation point of view.
mesh of one beam –for instance at integration points–, and The tightening of knots is furthermore explored either by
to seek a contact candidate on the opposite beam follow- physicists (e.g. [18,19]), trying to understand local phe-
ing a master/slave strategy, as proposed by Chamekh et al. nomena occurring in polymer chains, and particularly in
[5] in the context of self-contact within a single beam. To DNA, or in the domain of computer graphics to improve
improve the detection of contact in cases where one beam the rendering of hairs or ropes (e.g. [2–4,20]). Accompany-
is bent on the other, Litewka [15] added two contact points ing the research in these two areas, significant developments
at a given distance on both sides on the point of minimal have been achieved in the field of continuum mechanics to
distance. model self-contact and instabilities of elastic rods. Equa-
Behind these different ways of determining contact tions governing these phenomena have been presented (e.g.
between beams, the underlying issue may be viewed as how [8,12,22]), but obstacles arise concerning the solving of non-
to associate pairs of entities (points or particles) on the beams linearities involved in the problem, particularly due to the fact
which may be regarded as candidates for contact. The use that contact zones are a priori unknown. However, making
of a minimum distance criterion is one way of consider- the assumption of a very small fibre diameter, and applying
ing both interacting parts of beams symmetrically, but can matched asymptotic analysis, Clauvelin et al. [7] were able
only provide a unique point-wise contact per contact zone. to build a global solution for the configuration of a trefoil
Another approach to the problem is to use a master/slave knot.
method, which amounts to considering one of the structures The paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2. the problem
with respect to the other, and which leads to a non sym- of the equilibrium of an assembly of elastic beams is for-
metrical treatment, especially in terms of the contact search mulated using a virtual work principle, by separating contri-
direction, usually determined as the normal vector to one of butions of the internal works within each beam from those
both structures. of contact-friction interactions. In Sect. 3, a kinematically
As our objective is to consider various contact configu- enriched finite strain beam model used in the approach is
rations between beams, we choose to consider contact not presented. Section 4 is dedicated to the determination pro-
as a phenomenon involving one structure with respect to the cess of contact elements through the construction of proxim-
other, but as a phenomenon involving symmetrically both ity zones and intermediate geometries. Mechanical models
structures with respect to an intermediate entity. To do this, used to determine interactions forces in normal and tangen-
we first determine within the whole assembly of fibres a tial directions are exposed is Sect. 5. Section 6 briefly dis-
set of zones of proximity, where two parts of beams are cusses algorithmic issues related to the solving of the global
close to each other. Then, for each proximity zone, a one- nonlinear problem. The last section is devoted to simulation
dimensional intermediate geometry is defined as the aver- results of the tightening of monofilament and multifilament
age of the two parts of beam axes constituting the proximity knots.

Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707 689

2 Principle of virtual work for the equilibrium I (u I , v I ), is

of internal forces for the beam I , denoted Wint
of an elastic beam assembly expressed for any kinematically admissible virtual displace-
ment field vI as follows:
We consider the problem of modeling the mechanical behav-   
ior of an assembly of beams undergoing large displacements,
Wint (u I , v I ) = Tr s(u I ) (u I ) · vI dω, (3)
and developing contact-friction interactions between them. Ω0I
Consider a set of N beams. Each beam I is assumed to be
represented in the reference configuration (see Fig. 1), by a where s stands for the second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor,
cylindrical set of material particles, denoted ΩξI and defined and E for the Green–Lagrange strain-tensor. Denoting f −I
as follows: and f +I the external forces applied to end cross-sections of
 beam I , the virtual work of external loads for any kinemati-
ΩξI = ξ ∈ R3 |0 ≤ ξ3 ≤ L I , ξ12 + ξ22 ≤ R I , (1) cally admissible virtual displacement field vI is expressed as
where L I and R I are the length and the radius of the beam.      
The lateral and end surfaces of the cylinder, denoted respec- Wext (v ) =
f , v dΣ +
f +I , v I dΣ. (4)
tively ΓξI , Σξ−I and Σξ+I , are defined by
Σξ−I Σξ+I

ΓξI = ξ ∈ R3 |0 ≤ ξ3 ≤ L I , ξ12 + ξ22 = R I , We define the contact surface between two beams I and J ,
2 denoted ΓcI J , as the set of points where two material particles
Σξ−I = ξ ∈ R3 |ξ3 = 0, ξ12 + ξ22 ≤ R I , (2)
  from both beams share the same position:
Σξ+I = ξ ∈ R3 |ξ3 = L I , ξ12 + ξ22 ≤ R I .
ΓcI J = xc ∈ R3 |∃(ξξ I , ξ J ) ∈ ΓξI × ΓξJ ,
The position of any material particle ξ I from beam I is 
xc = x I (ξξ I ) = x J (ξξ J ) . (5)
given at any time t by its placement, denoted x I (ξξ I , t). In the
following, the reference to the time variable is omitted and In case of self-contact between parts of the same beam I , the
x I (ξξ I ) and x0I (ξξ I ) refer respectively to the current and ini- contact surface is defined as follows:
tial positions of the particle. Accordingly, Ω I and Ω0I refer  I I I I
respectively to the current and initial configurations of the ΓcI I = xc ∈ R3 |∃(ξξ 1 , ξ 2 ) ∈ ΓξI × ΓξI , ξ 1 = ξ 2 ,
beam I . We assume each beam may be subject to prescribed I I

forces applied to its end surfaces, and to contact-friction inter- xc = x I (ξξ 1 ) = x I (ξξ 2 ) . (6)
actions with an other beam J , exerted on a part of its lateral
surface denoted ΓcI J . If we denote RcI fJ (xc ) the contact-friction interaction force
Denoting u I the displacement field defined on the beam I , developed at a point of the contact zone, according to the
and employing a total Lagrangian formalism, the virtual work action-reaction principle, two opposite forces are exerted on
both particles contacting at this location. The virtual work
for contact-friction interactions between beams I and J can
therefore be written as follows:
WcIfJ (u, v) = RcI fJ (xc ), v I (ξξ I (xc ))−v J (ξξ J (xc )) dγc ,

where ξ I (xc ) stands for the particle on the surface of beam

I located at point xc .
Gathering the expressions of the different parts of virtual
works, the global problem of the equilibrium of the beams
assembly is set in the following way:
Find u kinematically admissible such that, ∀v kinematically
⎛ ⎞
(u, v) + WcIfJ (u, v)⎠ = I
Wext (v).
I =1,N J =I,N I =1,N
Fig. 1 Equilibrium of beams in contact and self-contact interactions (8)

690 Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707

3 3D finite strain beam model t will be omitted, and quantities referring to the initial con-
figuration will be distinguished by a subscript “0”. Following
3.1 Kinematical model the convention of summation over repeated subscripts, and
assuming Greek subscripts have the range (1, 2), we write
An appropriate beam model is needed to represent the behav- the position vector and the displacement of any particle as
iour of elementary beams. In order to avoid the complex han-
dling of finite rotations involved in most beam models, we x(ξξ ) = r(ξ3 ) + ξα gα (ξ3 );
use a kinematical beam model which expresses the position u(ξξ ) = q(ξ3 ) + ξα hα (ξ3 ). (11)
vector of any particle of the beam as a first Taylor expansion
with respect to its transverse coordinates. Let ξ be a material Three kinematical vectors, and therefore nine degrees of
particle of a beam, defined in its reference configuration by freedom, are necessary to describe the kinematics of each
its transverse coordinates (ξ1 , ξ2 ), and its curvilinear abscissa cross-section of the beam. Due to the variations hα of section
ξ3 in an orthonormal frame (O, e1 , e2 , e3 ) (Fig. 2). The kine- directors, cross-sections are assumed to deform, but remain
matical model is based on the assumption that the position plane. A Taylor expansion of the position of any particle
vector x(ξ , t) of any particle ξ at any time t can be written (Eq. 9) to higher order would provide richer kinematics and
as: allow more complex deformations of cross-sections to be
x(ξξ , t) = r(ξ3 , t) + ξ1 g1 (ξ3 , t) + ξ2 g2 (ξ3 , t), (9) One of the main interests of this kinematical model is to
avoid the use of finite rotation. As no assumptions are made
where r(ξ3 , t) is the position of the center of the cross-sec-
on the section directors, their variations are expressed natu-
tion, and g1 (ξ3 , t) and g2 (ξ3 , t) are two section directors. To
the difference to Antman’s model, section directors g1 and
g2 will be considered here as totally unconstrained, both in
terms of their norms or of the angle they form. 3.2 Green–Lagrange strain tensor
According to this model for the position of any particle,
the displacement of any particle can be written as follows: The Green–Lagrange strain tensor can be written as
u(ξξ , t) = x(ξξ , t) − x(ξξ , 0) 1 du du T du T du
E= + + , (12)
= r(ξ3 , t) − r(ξ3 , 0) + ξ1 (g1 (ξ3 , t) − g1 (ξ3 , 0)) 2 dx0 dx0 dx0 dx0
+ ξ2 (g2 (ξ3 , t) − g2 (ξ3 , 0)) (10)
= q(ξ3 , t) + ξ1 h1 (ξ3 , t) + ξ2 h2 (ξ3 , t),
du du dx0
where q(ξ3 , t) is the translation of the center of the cross- = . (13)
dx0 dξξ dξξ
section, and h1 (ξ3 , t) and h2 (ξ3 , t) are the variations of the
cross-section directors. In the following the reference to time In the case where the considered beams are initially straight,
the reference and initial configurations can be taken identi-
cal, so that the initial deformation gradient dx 0
dξξ is equal to
the identity matrix and the gradient of the displacement with
respect to the initial position writes as:
du du
= , (14)
dx0 dξξ
and can be expressed using Eq. 11 as:
du ∂u
= ⊗ ei
dx0 ∂ξi
= hα ⊗ eα + (ξα hα + q ) ⊗ e3 , (15)

where (•) stands for the derivative with respect to the axial
coordinate ξ3 . Using this expression together with Eq. 12
leads to express the Green–Lagrange tensor as a polynomial
expansion in the following form:

Fig. 2 Kinematical beam model E(ξξ ) = E0 (ξ3 ) + ξα Eα (ξ3 ) + ξα ξβ Eαβ (ξ3 ), (16)

Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707 691

where the tensors of different orders can be expressed as: with λ and μ as defined in Eq. 20, but use for higher order
    terms the following relations:
E0 = e α + hα , e β + hβ − e α , e β e α ⊗ e β
  sα = 2μ∗ Eα ,
+ eα + hα , e3 + q (eα ⊗ e3 + e3 ⊗ eα )
   sαβ = 2μ∗ Eαβ , (22)
+ e3 + q , e3 + q − 1 e3 ⊗ e3 ; (17)
Eα = eβ + hβ , hα (eα ⊗ e3 + e3 ⊗ eα ) with
+2 hα , e3 + q e3 ⊗ e3 ; μ∗ = . (23)
Eαβ = hα , hβ e3 ⊗ e3 .
With the expressions of the strain and stress tensors, it is
possible to express the internal virtual work Wint I for beam
These tensors of three different orders correspond to a I in Eq. 3 as a polynomial in transverse coordinates (ξ1 , ξ2 )
decomposition of global strain tensor into parts which are whose coefficients depend only the axial coordinate ξ3 . This
respectively constant, linear or quadratic through the section. internal virtual work is approximated using a finite element
Strain components in directions eα ⊗eβ , which express defor- discretization by means of three-node quadratic elements.
mations of the cross-sections, are only present in the tensor Compared to usual beam models based on the assump-
E0 constant through the section, meaning that according to tion of rigid cross-sections, the present model has an addi-
this model, cross-section can deform, but remain plane. tional cost due to the increase from six to nine of the number
of degrees of freedom to describe the kinematics of cross-
3.3 Second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor sections. It presents however the advantage to avoid the com-
plex handling of finite rotations, and to consider deformations
In the same way as for the strain tensor, we express the second in all directions, accounting in particular for the Poisson’s
Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor s as a polynomial expansion effect.
with respect to transverse coordinates:

s(ξξ ) = s0 (ξ3 ) + ξα sα (ξ3 ) + ξα ξβ sαβ (ξ3 ), (18) 4 Geometrical determination of contact between beams

and aim to express each term of the expansion as function of 4.1 Issues related to the determination of contact
the corresponding term of the strain tensor expansion (Eq. 16) and presentation of the approach
using a Hooke’s law in the form:
When dealing with large displacement contact, the first task
s = 2μE + λ Tr(E)I, (19) to perform is contact determination, which consists in defin-
ing which parts of the global structure develop contact inter-
with Lamé coefficients λ and μ defined as function of the actions. In terms of finite elements, this usually amounts to
Young’s modulus and the Poisson’s ratio as: defining pairs of entities (integration points, nodes or ele-
ments) which are used to express local contact conditions.
Eν There are different ways to associate these entities.
λ= ,
(1 + ν)(1 − 2ν) In regions where two parts of beams are sufficiently close
E to enter into contact, the goal we assign to the determination
μ= . (20) of contact is to define a gap function measuring the distance
2(1 + ν)
between the two parts of beams along a possible contact zone,
However, as seen before, only the strain tensor constant in order to check if contact occurs. For a given arrangement
through the section E0 can take into account components of beams, the first step is to delimit zones of proximity, con-
of strains in all directions, and can represent the Poisson’s stituted by parts of beams close enough to each other. A key
effect. For this reason, the Poisson’s ratio ν, which estab- idea of this approach is then to construct, for each zone of
lishes a relation between strains in all directions through the proximity, an intermediate geometry, defined as the average
coefficient λ, factor of the trace of the strain tensor in Eq. 19, between the two close parts of lines of centroids, and to define
is taken as non zero only for the constitutive relations between contact with respect to this intermediate geometry. For each
terms of strains and stresses constant through the section, and point of the intermediate geometry, pairs of material parti-
taken as zero for other terms. We therefore use the following cles likely to enter into contact are then defined according to
relation for terms constant through the section: geometrical criteria. Finally, by associating a normal contact
direction to each pair of material particles, the gap function
s0 = 2μE0 + λ Tr(E0 )I, (21) can be defined for each point of the intermediate geometry as

692 Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707

Fig. 3 Determination of proximity zones between two beams

Fig. 4 Determination of proximity zones in case of self-contact

the distance between the pair of material particles, measured

proximity zone in case of self-contact within the beam I is
according to the normal contact direction.
therefore defined as follows:
Z I I,i = aiI , biI , ciI , diI such that
4.2 Determination of proximity zones
∀(s1I , s2I ) ∈ aiI , biI × ciI , diI , (25)
Before defining coupling due to contact at the finite element  I 
level, we propose first to determine, at a higher level, which s1I − Is2 ≥ Iδsepar and
parts of beams are likely to interact together, by defining r (s ) − r (s I ) ≤ δ pr ox .
1 2
zones of proximity. A zone of proximity is defined by a pair As it must be carried out several times within each loading
of two parts of beams whose distance from each other is step, the process of determination of proximity zones should
under a given threshold. The construction of these proxim- not be too time-consuming. For this reason, proximity zones
ity zones meets two objectives. The first is to allow the cir- are roughly determined, by evaluating the distance criterion
cumscription of the search of contact to very limited areas between portions of beams using a specific discretization. For
of the whole structure. The second is to enable to approximate each pair of beams (I, J ), we determine on the first beam I
the geometry of the contact interface simply by averaging the a set of N discrete test points from which the distance to
geometries of the two close parts of beams. the other beam will be checked, considering beam axes are
We define a proximity zone between two beams I and J defined through the finite element interpolation chosen to
(see Fig. 3) as a pair of two intervals of curvilinear abscissa, approximate displacement fields. These discrete test points
such that the distance between any pair of points belonging to are identified by their curvilinear abscissa along the beam
these intervals is lower than a given proximity criterion δ pr ox . axis, snI , defined for 0 ≤ n ≤ N by:
As several proximity zones can be encountered for a given
pair of beams I and J , we denote Z I J,i the i-th proximity snI = (n − 1)h dist
, (26)
zone for this pair, defined by: I J is a discretization length for the checking of dis-
where h dist
    tance between beams. In order not to miss a contact detection
Z I J,i = aiI , biI , aiJ , biJ such that at a crossing between two beams, this discretization length
    should be defined as a function of the proximity criterion
∀(s I , s J ) ∈ aiI , biI × aiJ , biJ , (24)
δ pr ox and the radii of both beams R I and R J in the follow-
 I I  ing way:
r (s ) − r J (s J ) ≤ δ pr ox .
h dist ≤ 2δ pr ox + R I + R J . (27)
In case of self-contact (see Fig. 4), proximity zones should
For each test point on the first beam, we associate the clos-
be considered between separate portions of the same beam.
est point on the opposite beam J , whose curvilinear abscissa
In that case, proximity zones can be defined in a similar way J
s pr ox,n is characterized by:
as before, just adding a separation criterion δsepar so as to
consider as close to each other only pairs of points whose  I I J J 
s pr ox,n = arg min r (s n ) − r (s )  . (28)
curvilinear abscissa are far enough from each other. The i-th 0≤s J ≤l J

Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707 693

Using the finite element approximation as geometrical between both parts of beam axes constituting the proximity
description of lines of centroids, depending on the order of zone. The position of any point on this geometry, character-
interpolation chosen for the finite elements, the closest point ized by its relative abscissa ζ ∈ [0, 1], and denoted xint (ζ ),
can be determined either by an orthogonal projection on a is defined (see Fig. 5) by:
finite element, or as a finite element node. 1 I  
In case of self-contact, the curvilinear abscissa of the clos- xint (ζ ) = r (1 − ζ )aiI + ζ biI
I 2  
est point s pr ox,n is determined on the same beam I , with the
additional condition that the difference between this abscissa +r J (1 − ζ )ciJ + ζ diJ . (33)
and that of the test point (snI − s pr
ox,n ) should be greater than The tangent vector tint (ζ ) to the intermediate geometry at
a given separation criterion δsepar :
  this point is calculated by differentiating the position vector:
 I I 
ox,n = arg min r (sn ) − r I (s I ) . 1 I  
s pr (29) 
0≤s I ≤l I tint (ζ ) = (bi − aiI )r I (1 − ζ )aiI + ζ biI
snI −s I ≥δsepar

+ (diJ − ciJ )r J (1 − ζ )ciJ + ζ diJ . (34)
The condition snI − s prI
ox,n > δsepar , which differs from that
expressed in Eq. 25, referring to the absolute value of the dif-
ference, is necessary in order not to consider two proximity 4.4 Pairs of material particles candidate to contact
zones which would almost overlap, the first one determined
from one of the two matching portions of the beam, and the The role of the intermediate geometry is to define pairing
second one determined from the other portion. of particles candidate to contact by answering the follow-
To build proximity zones, we define an elementary inter- ing question: which pair of particles on the surfaces of both
val length l p . Each time the distance between a test point interacting beams are likely to enter into contact at a given
and its closest point satisfies the proximity  criterion, two point on the intermediate geometry ? Posed in this way, the
lp l
matching intervals of length l p , z n = sn − 2 , snI + 2p and
problem of determination of candidates to contact is formu-
  lated symmetrically with respect to both interacting parts of
lp lp
z nJ = s pr
ox,n − 2 , s pr ox,n + 2 , are delimited. Each series
beams. For any point of an intermediate geometry identified
of contiguous and overlapping elementary matching intervals by its relative curvilinear abscissa ζ , we denote Pc (ζ ) the
defines a proximity zone. The interval [N1 , N2 ] of successive pair of material particles ξ cI and ξ cJ on the surfaces of beams
discrete test points making up a proximity zone is character- I and J which are likely to enter into contact at this location:
ized by:  
⎧   Pc (ζ ) = ξ cI (ζ ), ξ cJ (ζ ) , such that ξ cI (ζ )andξξ cJ (ζ )
⎨ ∀N1 ≤ n ≤ N2 ,  r I (snI ) − r J (sn,

pr ox  ≤ δ pr ox
  (30) are predicted to enter into contact atxint (ζ ).
⎩ ∀N1 ≤ n < N2 , s J  (35)
n+1, pr ox − sn, pr ox  ≤ l p

The way of predicting which particles will enter into con-

The proximity zone Z I J,i associated with this set of test tact at a given location is heuristic, and uses the following
points is defined by two intervals of curvilinear abscissa procedure. First, we determine a pair of beam cross-sections
    candidate to contact using a plane orthogonal to the interme-
Z I J,i = aiI , biI , ciJ , diJ , (31)
diate geometry. Then, the locations of particles candidate to
lp I lp
aiI = s NI 1 − ; bi = s NI 2 + ;
2 2
lp J lp
ci = s N1 , pr ox − ; di = s N2 , pr ox + .
2 2

4.3 Intermediate geometries

The purpose of proximity zones is to define intermediate

geometries, intended to approximate the unknown actual
geometries of contact in regions where contact is likely to
occur. Intermediate geometries are simply defined as the
average of the two parts of beam axes delimited by a proxim-
ity zone. The intermediate geometry L I J,i , associated with
the proximity zone Z I J,i , is simply defined as the average Fig. 5 Construction of the intermediate geometry LiI J

694 Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707

contact on the border of these cross-section are identified by

means of a geometrical construction.

4.4.1 Determination of cross-sections candidate to contact

Cross-sections candidate to contact are defined assuming

their centers are located at the intersections of both beam
axes with the orthogonal plane to the intermediate geometry
at curvilinear abscissa ζ (see Fig. 6), defined by its normal
tint (ζ ) (Eq. 34) and passing through point xint (ζ ) (Eq. 33).
The curvilinear abscissa ξc,3 I (ζ ) of the intersection of the

plane with the axis of beam I is defined by the relation:

r I (ξc,3
(ζ )) − xint (ζ ), tint (ζ ) = 0. (36)

4.4.2 Determination of particles on the borders

of cross-sections

Having fixed the curvilinear abscissa of particles candidate Fig. 7 Determination of particles on the borders of cross-sections
to contact by solving previous Eq. 36 for both beams, their
transverse co-ordinates still need to be determined. In order  I   I 
to locate the particle candidate to contact on the border of g1I ξc,3 (ζ ) × g2I ξc,3 (ζ )
ν cI (ζ ) =     I  , (38)
each cross-section of the pair, we use the projection on each  I I 
g1 ξc,3 (ζ ) × g2I ξc,3 (ζ ) 
cross-section of the direction between the centers of previ-
ously determined cross-sections (see Fig. 7). Let dcI J (ζ ) be I J of the vector d I J on the cross-section can
the projection dc/I c
the unit direction vector between the centers of both cross- be calculated as
dc/I (ζ ) = dcI J (ζ ) − (dcI J (ζ ), ν cI (ζ ))νν cI (ζ ). (39)
r J s J ξc,3
J (ζ ) − r I s I ξc,3
I (ζ )
dcI J (ζ ) =        . (37) Locating the contact particle at the intersection between this
 J J J I (ζ ) 
r s ξc,3 (ζ ) − r I s I ξc,3  direction and the border of the cross-section amounts to deter-
mining its transverse co-ordinates (ξc,1 I , ξ I ) as solutions of
The geometry of the cross-section at abscissa ξc,3 I of beam
the following system of equations
I is determined by the position of its center, r I (ξc,3 I ), and

its two section directors g1 (ξc,3 ) and g2 (ξc,3 ). Using the unit
I I I I I g I (ξ I ) + ξ I g I (ξ I ) = αd I J (ζ ); α > 0
ξc,1 1 c,3 c,2 2 c,3 c/I
I 2 + ξ I 2 = R I 2.
normal to this cross-section, denoted ν cI (ζ ), and defined by: ξc,1 c,2

The transverse co-ordinates on the second particle (ξc,1

J ,ξJ )
on beam J are defined by the same system of equations, sim-
ply replacing the condition α > 0 by α < 0 to take into
account the different orientation.

4.4.3 Determination of a normal contact direction

Non-interpenetration conditions between contacting bodies

are usually linearized so that they can be handled numerically.
This leads to the expression of a gap function which measures
the distance between particles candidate to contact in a par-
ticular direction, referred to as the normal contact direction.
Preventing interpenetration by forcing the gap function to
remain positive amounts to prescribing that both particles
stay on either side of a plane which is orthogonal to this nor-
Fig. 6 Determination of cross-sections candidate to contact mal contact direction. The orientation of this plane, which

Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707 695

determines the directions in which particles are allowed to These two directions are combined to express the normal
move is very important to really prevent contacting beams contact direction in the following way:
from passing through each other.  IJ 
tc (ζ ) × dcI J (ζ ) × tcI J (ζ )
The optimal normal contact direction should depend on nc (ζ ) =  I J
IJ  . (44)
the angle formed by the beams. When this angle is large  t (ζ ) × d I J (ζ ) × t I J (ζ )
c c c
enough, the cross-product between the unit tangents to both
beam axes at the location of contact provides a suitable direc- 4.4.4 Expression of the gap function
tion to prevent interpenetration. Denoting tcI (ζ ) the unit tan-
gent vector to the axis of beam I at the location of the particle The normal contact direction being determined the gap func-
(see Fig. 8), defined by: tion for each point of the intermediate geometry can now be
defined as the distance between the two particles measured
r I ξc,3 (ζ ) in this direction:
tcI (ζ ) =   , (41)  
 I I 
r ξc,3 (ζ )  gap(ζ ) = x J (ξξ cJ (ζ )) − x I (ξξ cJ (ζ )), ncI J (ζ ) . (45)

the normal contact direction can be calculated in this case as: Linearized kinematical contact conditions can be formulated
by constraining the gap function at any point of the interme-
t I (ζ ) × tcJ (ζ ) diate geometry to remain positive.
ncI J (ζ ) =  cI . (42)
t (ζ ) × t J (ζ )
c c
4.5 Discretization of contact-friction interactions along
However, when beams are almost parallel, the cross product intermediate geometries
between tangents to beam axes is no longer relevant. In this
situation, the normal contact direction is calculated through a 4.5.1 Discretization of intermediate geometries by means
double cross-product involving both of the following direc- of contact elements
tions. The first one is the direction between the centers of
cross-sections, dcI J , expressed in Eq. 37. The second direc- The previous developments provide the method to express a
tion, denoted t I J is taken as the average between the unit gap function for any point of an intermediate geometry. How-
tangent vectors to both beam axes and calculated as: ever, using a finite element approach which approximates
geometries by means of polynomial shape functions, it is not
t I (ζ ) + tcJ (ζ )
tcI J (ζ ) =  cI . (43) possible to constrain this gap function to remain positive at
t (ζ ) + t J (ζ )
c c any point. We choose therefore to check and enforce contact
conditions only at some discrete points of the intermediate
geometry, where contact elements are defined.
For each proximity zone Z I J,i we define first a discreti-
zation length for contact h cI J,i , and calculate the number of
contact elements NcI J,i to generate on this zone consider-
ing the shorter of the two intervals of curvilinear abscissa
constituting this zone:
inf biI − aiI , diJ − ciJ
Nc =
I J,i
, (46)
h cI J,i
• standing for the ceiling function (lowest integer greater
than the value). We then define a set of NcI J,i relative curvi-
linear abscissa, {ζk } , k = 1, NcI J,i , calculated as:
ζk = , k = 1, NcI J,i . (47)
NcI J,i −1
For each of these relative abscissa ζk (see Fig. 9), we define
a contact element E c (ζk ) as the pair of particles candidate to
contact at the corresponding point xint (ζk ) of the intermedi-
ate geometry (Eq. 35):

Fig. 8 Determination of normal contact direction E c (ζk ) = Pc (ζk ). (48)

696 Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707

algorithm. However, since the positions of material particles

candidate to contact (coordinates ξi in the reference con-
figuration) are obtained through two successive geometrical
constructs, their characterization by a differentiable closed-
form expression does not seem obvious to derive. The lack of
such an expression prevents from linearizing these positions
and from making them vary with the solution.
Another implication of the dependence of contact ele-
ments on the displacement solution is that contact elements
are non-continuous in time. This raises difficulties if history
variables must be considered at contact elements, as this is
the case for the reversible relative displacement involved in
the employed friction model (see Sect. 5.2.1).

Fig. 9 Discretization of contact along an intermediate geometry

5 Mechanical models for contact and friction
The discretization length for contact h cI J,i should depend
on the order of interpolation chosen for the beam elements.
The aim of this section is to express the contact-friction
Using quadratic finite elements, we suggest h cI J,i be esti-
interaction force RcI fJ (ζk ) developed for each contact ele-
mated as half of the smaller of the finite element lengths on
ment E c (ζk ) as a function of the displacement solution field.
both beams.
This interaction force is first split into normal and tangential
4.5.2 Discretized approximation of the virtual work
of contact-friction interactions RcI fJ (ζk ) = R NI J (ζk )ncI J (ζk ) + R TI J (ζk ), (51)

The virtual work of contact-friction interactions between thus separating effects due to contact (R NI J ) from those due
beams I and J , which has been formulated continuously to friction (R TI J ).
in Eq. 7, can now be approximated, using the discretization
of intermediate geometries by means of contact elements, by 5.1 Normal contact interactions
the sum of virtual work of contact-friction interactions over
all contact elements generated within the proximity zones The mechanical model for normal contact is intended to sat-
between both beams. The virtual work of contact-friction isfy linearized contact conditions, expressed for each contact
interactions wc f (ζk ) for the contact element E c (ζk ), can be element E c (ζk ) as:
calculated as
     gap(ζk ) ≥ 0. (52)
wc f (ζk ) = RcI fJ (ζk ), v J ξ cJ (ζk ) − v I ξ cI (ζk ) . (49) Using a standard penalty method expressing the normal
reaction R NI J as proportional to the gap function with a
Denoting NzI J the number of proximity zones between beams
fixed penalty coefficient may lead to serious convergence
I and J , the discretized approximation of the virtual work
problems, in particular when dealing with large numbers of
of contact-friction interactions for this pair of beams can be
contact elements. To overcome these problems, two improve-
written as follows:
⎛ ⎞ ments to the standard penalty method are outlined below: a
quadratic regularization of the penalty and a local adjustment
(u, v) = ⎝ wc f (ζk )⎠ . (50) of the penalty coefficient.
i=1,N zI J k=1,NcI J,i
5.1.1 Regularization of the penalty
4.6 Remarks on non-linear and non-continuous aspects
of contact elements With a standard penalty expressing the normal reaction as
proportional to the gap function, with a penalty factor kc ,
The determination of contact elements depends on the cur- terms of the global tangent stiffness matrix due to contact are
rent geometry of beams, and therefore should be updated as either proportional to kc if there is contact, or zero if there
the solution evolves within each loading increment, with the is no contact. During the iterations of the solution algorithm,
successive approximations of the solution using an iterative each time the status of a contact element changes, terms of

Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707 697

its contribution to the tangent stiffness matrix are drastically This adjustment is carried out iteratively during the algo-
modified. These changes in the tangent stiffness matrix can rithm, fixing a maximum allowed penetration pmax . For each
be particularly detrimental to convergence. The purpose of proximity zone Z I J,i , denoting kcm the penalty coefficient
the quadratic regularization of the penalty is to smooth the used for the m-th iteration of the adjustment, and gapm max the
transition between contacting and non-contacting status, by maximum penetration recorded on the zone for this iteration,
allowing the contact stiffness to gradually evolve as the pen- we determine the new penalty coefficient kcm+1 for this zone
etration increases. To meet this objective, we express the as:
normal reaction R NI J as a quadratic function of the gap for pmax m
penetrations lower than a regularization threshold pr eg , and kcm+1 = kc . (54)
enforce a continuity with a linear function for larger penetra-
tions (Fig. 10) in the following way: Parameters pmax and pr eg should not be chosen indepen-
dently, and a ratio of 5 to 20 between these two quantities

⎪ appears as a good choice. pmax should remain small com-
⎨ if gap > 0, R N = 0

if − pr eg ≤ gap ≤ 0, R NI J = 2 pkrceg gap2 , (53) pared to the radius of fibers, for example of about one or few
⎩ if gap < − p , R I J = −k gap + pr eg  ,
⎪ percents of this radius.
r eg N c 2

where kc is the penalty coefficient. 5.2 Tangential frictional interactions

For the quadratic regularization to have a beneficial effect
on convergence, a number of contact elements from each 5.2.1 Friction model with a regularized Coulomb’s law
proximity zone should be concerned by this regularization,
and therefore should have a penetration lower than the reg- To model friction phenomena that govern interactions in
ularization threshold. In order to globally control the pen- tangential directions, we use a regularized Coulomb’s law
etration for each proximity zone, a local adjustment of the characterized by a friction coefficient μ, and a maximum
penalty coefficient is used. reversible tangential displacement, denoted gr ev,max . Denot-
ing [u] (ζk ) the relative displacement between both particles
of a contact element E c (ζk ), expressed as:
5.1.2 Local adjustment of the penalty coefficient     
[u] (ζk ) = u I ξ cI (ζk ) − u J ξ cJ (ζk ) , (55)
A local adjustment of the penalty coefficient for contact has
already been proposed in [6]. In this paper, the penalty coef- the tangential relative displacement g T (ζk ) for this contact
ficient is adjusted locally at each contact point, so that the element is calculated as:
penetration remains between a minimum and a maximum  
g T (ζk ) = I − ncI J (ζk ) ⊗ ncI J (ζk ) [u] (ζk ). (56)
value. Our aim here is to control the maximum penetration
encountered within each proximity zone; we thus expect a The regularized friction model (Fig. 11) expresses the tan-
number of contact elements of each proximity zone to be gential interaction force R TI J (ζk ) as a function of this tangen-
concerned by the regularization of the penalty. tial relative displacement g T (ζk ) and of the normal contact
reaction R NI J (ζk ) in the following way:
   (ζk )
if g T (ζk ) ≤ gr ev,max , R TI J (ζk ) = μ  R NI J (ζk ) ggr Tev,max ,
else R I J (ζk ) = μ  R I J (ζk ) gT (ζk ) .
T N g T (ζk )

Fig. 10 Quadratic regularization of the penalty Fig. 11 Regularized friction model

698 Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707

This kind of formulation for the friction model splits the reversible part of the tangential relative displacement gn,r

tangential relative displacement g T into a reversible part grTev , as a history variable that should be transferred from one step
and a pure sliding part gsl
T: to the next. This transfer raises an issue since contact ele-
ments have no continuity in time.
g T (ζk ) = grTev (ζk ) + gsl
T (ζk ). (58)
Following an elasto-plastic analogy, the reversible part of 5.2.3 Transfer of the reversible tangential relative
the relative displacement should be considered as a history displacement history variable
variable and transferred from one loading step to the next,
leading to formulate the model incrementally. Since the contact elements we use have no continuity in time,
the transfer of the history variable gn,r
from one step to the
5.2.2 Incremental formulation of the friction model next raises some difficulties. As pairs of particles constituting
contact elements change from one determination of contact to
Formulating the friction model in an incremental way the next, a contact element determined at the current step can-
requires a consideration of increments of displacement not be directly associated to a contact element determined at
 n + 1.We express the increment
between loading steps n and the previous step. To overcome this difficulty, informations
of relative displacement  un+1 for the contact element related to the reversible tangential displacement grTev for a
E c (ζk ) as: contact element are attached to both beams at the location
  of its constituting particles. For the next determination of
 un+1 (ζk ) =  u I u J
ξ cI (ζk ) − ξ cJ (ζk ) , contact, each time a contact element is created, and for each
(59) of its constituting particles, a transferred reversible displace-
ment is calculated by interpolating between the reversible
with displacements stored at the nearest particles located, in the
u I ξ cI (ζk ) = u I ξ cI (ζk ) −u I ξ cI (ζk ) , (60) previous step, on both sides of the given particle. The trans-
ferred reversible displacement for the contact element is then
and the increment of the tangential relative displacement taken as the average between the vectors determined at both
T (ζk ) as: particles.
T (ζ k ) = I−n IJ
c (ζ k ) ⊗ n IJ
c (ζ k )  u n+1
(ζk ). (61) 5.2.4 Finite element implementation
Having determined the reversible part of the tangential rel-
Normal and tangential interactions at contact elements have
ative displacement at the previous step gn,rT
, we first cal-
been expressed as functions of the displacements of the pairs
culate a trial reversible relative displacement gn+1,r
tr ev
for of contact particles constituting these elements. With the
step n + 1 as: kinematical model employed, the displacement u I ξ I of
tr n+1,r ev
(ζk ) = gn,r ev
(ζk ) +  gn+1 a particle ξ I on beam I can be written as (see Eq. 11):
gT T T (ζk ), (62)
and compare the norm of this vector with the maximum u I ξ I = q I (ξ3I ) + ξαI hαI (ξ3I ), (65)
reversible tangential displacement gr ev,max , to determine the
reversible part of the tangential relative displacement for the where q I and hαI are respectively the translation of the center
step n + 1 in the following way: of the cross-section and the variations of both cross-section
⎧   directors defined on the axis of beam I . These three kine-
⎪  n+1,r ev 
⎨ if tr g T (ζk ) ≤ gr ev,max , gn+1,r
(ζk ) = tr gn+1,r
(ζk ) matical vector fields are approximated using a finite element
⎪ n+1,r ev
tr gn+1,r ev (ζ
(ζk ) = gr ev,max tr n+1,r
) interpolation. If the particle ξ I is located on a particular finite
T k 
⎩ else g T ev

g T (ζ ) k  element e, with a relative curvilinear s e on this element, the
(63) interpolated kinematical vectors can be expressed as follows:
The tangential interaction for step n + 1 is simply calculated qhI (ξ3I ) = w N (s e )Q N ,
as a function of the reversible part of the tangential relative N =1,Ne
displacement as: I
hα,h (ξ3I ) = w N (s e )Hα,N , (66)
  N =1,Ne
μ R NI J,n+1 (ζk )
RTI J,n+1
(ζk ) = gn+1,r
(ζk ). (64) where w N is the shape functions associated to the N -th node
gr ev,max of the element, and Q NI,e I,e
and Hα,N are the kinematical vectors
The use of an incremental formulation required by the defined at this node. Finally, the interpolated displacement
regularization of the Coulomb’s friction law introduces the of the particle is written as:

Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707 699
I,e I,e
uhI ξ I = w N (s e )Q N + ξαI w N (s e )Hα,N . and we can finally express the linearization of the tangential
N =1,Ne N =1,Ne reaction in the case of non-sliding as:
μ R NI J,n+1   
I J,n+1
Using quadratic three-node elements, and with the three kine- δR T = I − ncI J ⊗ ncI J
gr ev,max
matical vectors of the beam model, 27 degrees of freedom  
are involved to express the displacement of each particle. × δu J (ξξ cJ ) − δu I (ξξ cJ ) . (74)
5.2.5 Linearization of normal and tangential interactions In the case of sliding, when tr gn+1,r
T  > gr ev,max , we
Solving the global non-linear problem using a Newton-type
tr gn+1,r ev
algorithm requires a linearization of the virtual work prin- gn+1,r ev
= g  T , (75)
r ev,max 
ciple with respect to the displacement solution. Normal and T n+1,r ev 
tr |
tangential interactions have to be linearized to get the contri-
butions of contact and friction to the tangent stiffness matrix. hence:
To linearize normal and tangential interactions, the nor- ⎛
mal contact direction is assumed to be fixed. Linearizing the δ(tr gn+1,r ev
δgn+1,r ev
= g ⎝  T 
gap function as: T r ev,max tr n+1,r ev 
δ gap(ζ ) = δu J (ξξ cJ (ζ )) − δu I (ξξ cJ (ζ )), ncI J (ζ ) , (68) tr gn+1,r ev , δ(tr gn+1,r ev )
T T tr n+1,r ev ⎟
−   gT ⎠.
the linearization of the normal contact interaction can be cal- tr n+1,r ev 3
culated from Eq. 53 as follows, depending on the value of
the gap: (76)

⎪ if gap > 0, δ R NI J = 0, Using Eq. 62, we can express

⎨ if − pr eg ≤ gap ≤ 0,   δ(tr gn+1,r ev
) = δ(gn,r ev
+  gn+1
T ),
δ R NI J = pkrceg gap δu J (ξξ cJ ) − δu I (ξξ cJ ), ncI J , (69) T T

⎪ gn+1
= δ

⎪ if gap < − p , T , (77)

r eg  
δ R NI J = −kc δu J (ξξ cJ ) − δu I (ξξ cJ ), ncI J .
so that Eq. 76 can be rewritten as:
Using the incremental formulation, and assuming the nor- gr ev,max 
mal reaction used to define the sliding threshold is constant, δgn+1,r ev
=   δ
T tr n+1,r ev  T
the tangential reaction is assumed to be proportional to the  gT 

reversible tangential relative displacement gn+1,r
(Eq. 64),
tr gn+1,r ev
⊗ tr gn+1,r ev
so that we can express: ⎟
− T

2 gn+1
δ T ⎠
  tr n+1,r ev 
μ R NI J,n+1  ⎛ ⎞
I J,n+1
δR T = δgn+1,r
. (70) tr gn+1,r ev
gr ev,max gr ev,max ⎜ ⊗ tr gn+1,r ev

=   I− T T
tr n+1,r ev  ⎝  
tr n+1,r ev 2

According to Eq. 63, two different linearizations of gn+1,r ev  gT   gT 
can be derived, depending on whether the contact element is gn+1
× δ T . (78)
sliding or not. In the case of non-sliding, we have:
Using Eq. 73, the linearization of the tangential reaction in
= gn,r
+  gn+1
T , (71) the case of sliding can be written as:
and thus:   ⎛ ⎞
μ  R NI J,n+1  tr gn+1,r ev ⊗ tr gn+1,r ev
δR TI J,n+1 =   ⎜I − T T ⎟
δgn+1,r tr n+1,r ev  ⎝  2 ⎠
= δ T . (72)  
 gT  n+1,r ev
tr g T 
Using Eq. 59 and 61, we can express:   
× I − ncI J ⊗ ncI J δu J (ξξ cJ ) − δu I (ξξ cJ ) .
δ T = I−nc ⊗ nc
δu J (ξξ cJ ) − δu I (ξξ cJ ) , (73) (79)

700 Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707

6 Global solution algorithm Table 1 Characteristics of the monofilament knot case

Characteristics Sub category
The different non-linearities involved in the global problem
need specific solution procedures. As it has been discussed Geometry No. of filaments 1
above, it seems difficult to express the dependence of the Radius (mm) 0.1
determination of contact elements and of normal contact Length (mm) 20.
directions on the displacement solution through a closed- Mechanical properties Young’s modulus (MPa) 4000
form formulation, and therefore to linearize these quantities. Poisson’s ratio 0.3
For each loading increment two nested loops are dedicated Bending stiff. reduct. 0.3
to fixed point algorithms on the determination of contact ele- FE discretization No. of FE 300
ments and on the determination of normal contact directions. No. of dofs 5409
These quantities being fixed, a Newton-Raphson algorithm Contact No. of proximity zones 1
is used to solve other non-linearities. Penalty coefficients for No. of contact elements 58
each proximity zones are adjusted at each iteration on the
determination of normal contact directions. The global algo-
rithm is as follows: for this first case, in order to increase the flexibility of the
rod and to facilitate the tightening of the knot, the second
Loop 1 Loading increments moment of area, involved in the computation of the bending
Loop 2 Determination of contact elements stiffness is multiplied by a reduction factor of 0.3.
Loop 3 Determination of normal contact directions
Newton-Raphson algorithm Other non-linearities: 7.2.1 Forming and tightening of the knot
contact status, sliding, finite strains
Adjustment of penalty coefficients Starting from a straight configuration, and prescribing con-
for proximity zones venient displacements and rotations at it ends, an initially
End of loop 3 straight rod is gradually deformed to form a knot. At it seems
End of loop 2 particularly difficult to form and close the knot only by driv-
End of loop 1. ing motions at both ends of the rod, two lateral beams are
A few dozen Newton-Raphson iterations in total are gener- temporarily used to maintain the loop while closing it. The
ally needed to solve the problem for each loading step. global process of forming and tightening the knot is as fol-
lows. A heart-shaped loop (Fig. 12a) is first formed by pre-
scribing translations and rotations at rod ends. Two lateral
7 Application to the simulation of the tightening beams are then moved to clamp the loop (Fig. 12b, c) before
and releasing of elastic knots this loop is closed by applying suitable displacements at both
ends of the rod (Fig. 12d, e). The clamping beams are then
7.1 Introduction removed (Fig. 12f), and rod ends are finally pulled to tighten
the knot (Fig. 12g, h).
The application to the simulation of simple overhand knots Figure 13 gives a detailed view of the final configuration
made from monofilaments or from multifilamentary yarns of the tightened knot, showing the intermediate geometry and
has been chosen to illustrate the approach outlined in this representing normal reactions. Normal and tangential reac-
paper. A monofilament and multifilament twisted yarns made tions along the intermediate geometry for the tightened knot
up of 3 to 75 filaments are used to make the knots. The knots are plotted on Fig. 14.
are formed, tightened, and then released until an equilibrium
configuration without external forces is obtained, maintained 7.2.2 Loosening of the knot
only by internal friction forces.
Once the knot has been tightened by pulling rod ends, its loos-
7.2 Monofilament knot ening is simulated by fixing one of the ends while applying
to the other end a gradually vanishing tensile force. An equi-
To form the monofilament knot, an elastic rod of 0.2 mm librium configuration where residual stresses due to bending
in diameter and 20 mm in length is considered. The rod is are only counterbalanced by internal friction interactions is
assumed to be made of an elastic material whose material then obtained. This configuration, which can be characterized
characteristics together with other data related to this case by the angle formed by both free tails, and by the approxi-
are summarized in Table 1. For this particular case, and only mated radius of the loop, depends on the friction coefficient,

Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707 701

Fig. 12 Intermediate stages in the forming and tightening of the overhand monofilament knot

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 15 Final configuration of the monofilament knot after relaxation
of the tightening force for three different friction coefficients. a μ = 0.3,
b μ = 0.25, c μ = 0.2

Fig. 13 Tightened monofilament knot: intermediate geometry (dark

red line) and normal contact reactions at contact elements

Norm. react
Tang. react. Fig. 16 Normal reactions in the braid region of the monofilament knot
0.4 after release of the tightening force
Reaction force (N)


as illustrated in Fig. 15 showing the relaxed configurations

for three different friction coefficients of 0.3, 0.25 and 0.2. A
detailed view of what is called the braid region of knot, for a
0.1 friction coefficient of 0.3 is shown in Fig. 16. The two sym-
metrical openings which can be observed between the three
0 successive crossings in the braid region have been reported
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
in [7], with experimental comparison. Normal and tangen-
Curvilinear abscissa (mm)
tial reactions along the intermediate geometry, for the relaxed
Fig. 14 Normal reactions and tangential reactions at contact elements configuration, and for a friction coefficient of 0.3 are plotted
along the intermediate geometry of the tightened knot in Fig. 17.

702 Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707


Norm. react
Tang. react.
Reaction force (N)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Curvilinear abscissa (mm) Fig. 18 Intermediate stages in the twisting, forming and tightening of
the overhand 3 × 1 multifilament knot
Fig. 17 Normal reactions and tangential reactions at contact elements
along the intermediate geometry of the monofilament knot after release
of the tightening force

Table 2 Characteristics of the 3 × 1 multifilament knot case

Characteristics Sub category

Geometry No. of filaments 3

Radius (mm) 0.0564
Length (mm) 6
Mechanical properties Young’s modulus (MPa) 4000 Fig. 19 3 × 1 multifilament knot: intermediate geometries in the tight-
Poisson’s ratio 0.3 ened configuration (blue lines). (Color figure online)
FE discretization No. of FE 300
No. of dofs 5,427
Contact No. of proximity zones 14
No. of contact elements 610

(a) (b)
7.3 3 × 1 multifilament knot
Fig. 20 Final configurations of the 3 × 1 multifilament knot after
relaxation of the tightening force for two different friction coefficients.
Increasing the complexity of the structure under study, a 3×1 a μ = 0.3. b μ = 0.2
multifilament is now considered. The main characteristics of
this yarn are described in Table 2. To keep approximately
the same cross-sectional area of fibres, the fibre radius is 7.3.2 Forming and tightening of the knot
decreased as the number of filaments increases. Since the
bending stiffness of multifilament yarns is naturally lower The knot is formed and tightened in the same way as the
than that of the monofilament, it is no longer necessary to monofilament, using also two clamping beams to maintain
decrease the second moment of area of fibres. the loop while closing it (Fig. 18). 610 loading steps were
necessary for whole simulation, and 14 proximity zones and
610 contact elements were generated in the last tightened
configuration (Figs. 18, 19).
7.3.1 Twisting of the yarn

When dealing with multifilament yarns, the initial geometry 7.3.3 Loosening of the knot
resulting from the twisting of the yarn is not known a priori,
and thus needs to be computed. For this purpose, the twisting The tightening tensile force is gradually decreased to get the
of fibers is first simulated by prescribing suitable twistings equilibrium configurations without external forces, for two
at their ends to obtain the twisted yarn (Fig. 18a, b). friction coefficients of 0.3 and 0.2 (Fig. 20). The intermediate

Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707 703

Fig. 21 Normal reactions along intermediate geometries for the 3 × 1

multifilament knot after relaxation of the tightening force for a friction
Fig. 22 3 × 9 multifilament: configurations before and after twisting
coefficient of 0.3

Table 3 Characteristics of the 3 × 9 multifilament knot case

Characteristics Sub category

Geometry No. of filaments 27

Radius (mm) 0.0188
Length (mm) 6
Mechanical properties Young’s modulus (MPa) 4000
Poisson’s ratio 0.3
FE discretization No. of FE 2,700
No. of dofs 48,843
Contact No. of proximity zones 434 Fig. 23 3 × 9 multifilament: sections of the configurations before and
after twisting
No. of contact elements 12,758

geometries and normal reactions along them can be seen in

Fig. 21, at the end of the loosening.

7.4 3 × 9 multifilament knot

The 3 × 9 multifilament yarn is made of 3 rovings, each com-

posed of nine fibers. Characteristics of this yarn are summa-
rized in Table 3.

7.4.1 Twisting of the yarn

Fig. 24 Intermediate stages in the forming and tightening of 3 × 9
multifilament knot
Rigid bodies placed at ends of elementary rovings are used
to impose given twistings to them, and specific averaged
kinematical conditions are considered in order to bind ends 7.4.2 Forming and tightening of the knot
of fibers to these rigid bodies. By this way, given twistings
can be prescribed to the global assembly, while allowing Successive stages of the forming and tightening of the knot,
the elementary fibers to rearrange themselves. 140 loadings carried out in 230 loading steps, can be seen in Fig. 24.
steps are used to simulate the twisting of the yarn (Figs. 22, A zoom of the tightened knot is shown in Fig. 25, while
23). corresponding intermediate geometries in this region can

704 Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707

Fig. 25 Detailed view of the tightened configuration for the 3 × 9

multifilament knot

Fig. 27 Sections of the tightened configuration for the 3 × 9 multifil-

Fig. 26 View of intermediate geometries for the 3 × 9 multifilament ament knot in two orthogonal planes

7.6 Twisting of the yarn

be seen in Fig. 26. Sections of the tigthened knot in two
orthogonal planes are shown in Fig. 27, illustrating the The simulation of the twisting of the yarn is achieved using
high density of contacts reached at the end of the tighten- 140 loading steps, and views of the initial and the twisted
ing. configurations are shown in Figs. 29 and 30.

7.4.3 Loosening of the knot

7.6.1 Forming and tightening of the knot
The same way as presented for previous cases, the tensile
Once the yarn has been twisted, the forming and tightening
tightening force is gradually decreased to obtain the relaxed
of the knot is simulated in 300 loading steps (Figs. 31, 32).
configurations for three different friction coefficients of 0.3,
The number of fibers in the yarn significantly increases the
0.2 and 0.1, shown in Fig. 28.
number of intermediate geometries to be considered, which
amounts to about 3,000 (Fig. 33), and the number of con-
7.5 3 × 25 multifilament knot tact elements, which reaches a value of about 40,000 at the
end of the tightening. This increase of the number of con-
Further increasing the number of fibers per roving, we con- tact elements does not deteriorate of the convergence of the
sider the case of a 3x25 multifilament whose characteristics global solution algorithm, even if a high density of contact
are described in Table 4. is reached (see Fig. 34). The automatic adjustment of the

Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707 705


Fig. 29 3 × 25 multifilament: configurations before and after twisting


Fig. 28 Final configurations of the 3×9 multifilament knot after relax-
ation of the tightening force for three different friction coefficients.
a μ = 0.3, b μ = 0.2, c μ = 0.1 Fig. 30 3×25 multifilament: sections of the configurations before and
after twisting

Table 4 Characteristics of the 3 × 25 multifilament knot case

Characteristics Sub category 8 Conclusion

Geometry No. of filaments 75 A method to model contact-friction interactions within beam

Radius (mm) 0.0112 assemblies by means of finite element simulation has been
Length (mm) 6 presented in this paper. With a novel approach to detect
Mechanical properties Young’s modulus (MPa) 4000
Poisson’s ratio 0.3
FE discretization No. of FE 7,500
No. of dofs 135,675
Contact No. of proximity zones 3,002
No. of contact elements 40,559

penalty coefficient for each proximity zone is essential to

keep the quality of convergence of the global algorithm.

7.6.2 Loosening of the knot

The tightening tensile force is gradually decreased and the

relaxed configuration for the 3 × 25 multifilament knot, with Fig. 31 Intermediate stages in the forming and tightening of 3 × 25
a friction coefficient of 0.3 is obtained (Fig. 35). multifilament knot

706 Comput Mech (2012) 49:687–707

Fig. 32 Detailed view of the tightened configuration for the 3 × 25

multifilament knot

Fig. 34 Sections of the tightened configuration for the 3 × 25 multi-

Fig. 33 View of intermediate geometries for the 3 × 25 multifilament filament knot in two orthogonal planes

and discretize contact-friction interactions from intermediate

geometries, various contact configurations between beams,
including cases of self-contact, can be considered. Using a
quadratic regularization of the penalty together with an adap-
tive adjustment of the penalty coefficient allows a good con-
vergence of contact algorithms to be maintained, even in
presence of large numbers of contact elements. The appli- Fig. 35 Final configuration of the 3×25 multifilament knot after relax-
cation of the method to the simulation of knot tightening ation of the tightening force for a friction coefficient of 0.3
illustrates its capabilities to model the mechanical behaviour
of fibrous materials.
Acknowledgements Computational facilities provided by Ecole Cent-
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acknowledged. simulation of the mechanical behavior of iter cable-in-conduit con-
ductors. IEEE Trans Appl Supercond 20(3):1467–1470

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