The Plan - Activation

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CLE McNair

The Plan
What are your plans over the next semester? The next year? How about
the next two years? Studies show that setting goals increases your
chances of succeeding in life, even if you don’t actually achieve the
original goals you set! Have you thought about your goals?

Using a format of your choice, outline your plans for this semester, next
semester, and next year in the following categories:
a. academics
b. athletics
c. performing arts
d. service
e. personal achievements

List your goals, briefly explain WHY you choose those goals for
yourself, and HOW you think you might be able to achieve them.
What resources do you have access to?
What obstacles might you have to overcome?

We will be asking you to re-visit these goals at the end of the semester.

FYI: Academics, athletics, performing arts and service are the 4 main
areas in school that the McNair Awards committee and post-secondary
institutions will look at when allocating scholarships, bursaries and other
awards at the end of each year. If you have some achievements in all 4
areas, your chance of receiving some of these awards greatly increases. It
looks pretty good on the resume as well…

Reflecting on my Plan assignment:

Re-visit the plan at the end of the semester, and then again at the
beginning of semester 2, grade 12, and again at the end of grade 12. Did
you follow it? What did you do??
“Respond to your plan”

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