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Name: Grade Level & Section: M: A: P.E: H:

I. General Instruction (STRICTLY NO ERASURES): Read and choose the letter of the correct
answer. Encircle the correct answer.

nd rd th th th th
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Name the rest used in the first measure of the song.

A. whole rest B. half rest C. quarter rest D. eighth rest

2. Name the first note used in the third measure of the song.
A. whole note B. half note C. quarter note D. eighth note

3. What musical note is used on the second beat of the fifth measure of the song?
A. quarter note B. eighth rest C. eighth note D. quarter rest

4. In a 2 time signature, how many quarter notes maybe counted in a measure? 4

A. four B. three C. two D. one

5. In a time signature, how many beats are there in a measure?

A. one beat B. two beats C. three beats D. four beats

6. In a time signature, how many beats are there in a measure?

A. three beats B. two beats C. one beat D. four beats

, and
7. In , time signatures, a quarter note receives how many beat?
A. one beat B. two beats C. three beats D. four beats

8. In , , & time signatures differ in

A. number of beats in a measure B. kind of note that receive one beat

C. conducting pattern D. all of the above

9. What time signature is shown by this beat pattern :

A. B. C. D.
10. What time signature is shown by this beat pattern :

A. B. C. D.

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. In creating any artwork, whether cartoon character or logo design where there is a conflict of
darkness and lightness, What element of art is present there?
A. line B. shape C.contrast D.rhythm
2. When one element is given dominance or priority by the artist in digital painting, what art principle is it?
A. contrast B. emphasis C.harmony D.rhythm
3. Along with traditional art, digital art applies the common elements which are
A.line B. shape C.color D. all of them
4. In an art work Jerry used circle, square and triangle. How can we consider these shapes? A.geometric
B. organic C.inorganic D.

5. Being the basic element in arts can also be drawn freely in digital art using a tool known as
A. paint bucket B. pencil tool
C. line tool D. square tool
6. Leo’s artwork has drawings of leaves and flowers. How can he make it appear as in real life?
A. use color B. use tactile texture C. use more lines D. use other shapes
7. It is a method of creating an art object like painting digitally and/or a technique for making artistic works in the
A. digital work B. digital painting
C. digital arts D. digital camera

8. It is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol commonly used by commercial enterprises organizations and even
individuals to aid and promotes instant public recognition.
A. Logo Design B.Cartooning
C.Adobe InDesign D.Poster Making

9. In making our class logo, what contrasting color should go with blue?
A. pink B. red D. yellow

10. This process of making the illusion of motion and the illusion of change.
A.animation B.editorial arts D.inkscape

Physical Education
Direction: Classify the following activities. Write it on the space provided.
A- If the activity has to be cut down on or to be minimized, C - if the activity has to be done for 3–5X a week,
B – if the activity has to be done for only twice a week, D – if the activity has to be done daily.

1. 2. 3. _ 3.
Choose the answer from the box

A. Balance B. Agility C. Speed

D. Body Composition E. Endurance F. Strength

4. It is the rate which someone or something happens or is done. It is the quality of being quick
5. It is the ability to control your body so that you would not fall
6. It is the skill you need to sustain the power of the body in doing the activity .

Direction: Identify the following pictures. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it
on the space provided.


a. step test b.curl-ups c. sit-ups d. one-leg stand


a.curl-ups b. zipper test c. one-leg stand d. push- up


a. push- up b. standing long jump c. shuttle run stand


a. push- up b. standing long jump c. shuttle run d. zipper test

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on the space provided.
1. A mentally and emotionally healthy person can handle a variety of .
a. activity b. emotions c. emotions and situations d. none of the above
2. A means the feeling of being accepted by people for who you are.
a. sense of belongingness b. sense of humor c. sense of respect d. sense of acceptance
3 . When a person takes responsibility for his or her actions, it is a sign that he or she has .
a. high self-esteem b. low self-esteem c. moderate self-esteem d. none of the above
4. is the most common conflict encountered by pupils in school.
a. Bullying b. playing c. friendly d. none of the above
5. is a sign of good mental health.
a. personality order b. personality disorder c. mental health d. interpersonal
6. How do you prevent health issues and concerns so that they do not interfere with your school and other daily life
A. Enough rest and exercise C. Proper Nutrition
B. Proper Hygiene D. All of the above

7. Which is not a health issue regarding skin?

A. dandruff C. sunburn
B. scoliosis D. calluses

8. All are ways to gather information during the physical examination of the school children except one.
A. Blood Test C.Skin Conditions
B. Dental Examinations D. Vision Screening

9. What is the importance of undergoing health appraisal?

A. to control the risk of developing certain medical conditions
B. to detect your present medical problems
C to prevent the illness you are experiencing
save your life from illness

10. Why do you need to undergo health appraisal procedures?

A. for emergency medical attention
B. for check up
C. for immediate action to the illness
D. starting puberty period

“You fail only when you give up” Good Luck!!! Sir Grant

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