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plump - pulchny

victory - zwycięstwo
chubby - puszysty
range of products - asortyment
mess - bałagan
be in a meeting - być na spotkaniu
take after - przypominać kogoś (pod względem charakteru i wyglądu)
make up for something - nadrabiać
crowded - zatłoczony
allergic to - mieć alergię
reduce stress - zmniejszać stres
spend money on - wydawać pieniądze na
at the point of (ing) - u progu
it gets to me - rusza mnie, trafia do mnie
stray dog - włóczęga
touristy - turystyczny
identify - zidentyfikować
vaccination - szczepienie
expense - wydatek
animal shelter - schronisko
medical attention - pomoc lekarska

Ex 1. Read and fill in the gaps:

messy, chubbiest, proud of, member, run around, barks, a range of, take care of, victory,

This is my dog, Max. He's a _____(1), happy little dog and he loves to play. One day I took
him for a walk in the park and there was a dog show. I didn't know this but one of the
categories in the dog show was 'chubby dogs'. The judge saw Max and said, 'He's the
_____(2)! He wins the prize!' So Max won his first _____(3) in life that day. Since then he's
been very _____(4) himself.
Max is a very friendly dog. He loves people and other animals. He loves to _____(5) and
play with his toy bone. And he loves to eat. He eats everything! His favourite food is
sausage. But I can't give him too much because he'll get even fatter!
Max likes to go out for walks every day. He doesn't like to stay at home all day. When we're
out for a walk, sometimes we go to the pet shop. The pet shop has _____(6) products for
pets - toys, food, clothes, everything you need for your pet. Max likes to look at the other
animals in the pet shop - the birds, the fish, the rabbits. They're all in cages or aquariums
so they can't play with Max. But Max is always happy to see them.
When we come back from our walk, Max's fur is dirty and _____(7). So I have to wash it.
Max doesn't like to be washed. He doesn't like water. He gets angry with me and tries to
escape from the bathroom. So it's difficult to wash him. But when he's clean, he looks really
nice and he smells good.
Max is a very important _____(8) of our family. Everyone loves him. My wife loves him and
my son loves him. My son is only three years old but he already knows how to _____(9)
Max. He gives Max his food and he plays with him. And Max loves my son. They're best
friends. Max is a very good dog. He never _____(10) and he never bites. He's always
happy. He's the best dog in the world!

Correct answers:
1. plump
2. chubbiest
3. victory
4. proud of
5. run around
6. a range of
7. messy
8. member
9. take care of
10. barks

Ex. 2 Fill in the gaps in these sentences using the words and phrases:

takes after, touristy, identify, spend money on, make up for, chubby, plump, at the point of,
range, in a meeting, it gets to me, mess, allergic to, reduce stress, vaccinations, victory,
medical attention, stray dog, crowded, animal shelter

1. She was _____(1), with round cheeks and a big smile.

2. The team celebrated their _____(2) with cheers and applause.
3. The _____(3) baby laughed as she played with her toys.
4. The supermarket offers a wide _____(4) of products, from fresh fruits to household
5. Sorry for the _____(5) in my room, I will clean it up soon.
6. My mom is _____(6) right now, so she can't talk.
7. My little sister _____(7) our mom, she has the same blue eyes.
8. I bought her a gift to _____(8) forgetting her birthday last year.
9. We decided not to go to the beach because it was too _____(9).
10. I can't have cats at home because I am _____(10) them.
11. Taking a walk in the park can help _____(11) and make you feel better.
12. She loves to _____(12) new clothes and accessories.
13. _____(13) losing hope, she found a job that changed her life.
14. When I see people suffer, _____(14) and I want to help them.
15. The _____(15) followed us home and we decided to take care of him.
16. This street is filled with _____(16) shops selling souvenirs.
17. The detective was able to _____(17) the suspect through fingerprints.
18. It's important to get your pet's _____(18) to keep them healthy.
19. The _____(19) provides a safe place for abandoned animals.
20. He fell down and hurt his arm, so he needed _____(20) right away.
Correct answers:
1. plump
2. victory
3. chubby
4. range
5. mess
6. in a meeting
7. takes after
8. make up for
9. crowded
10. allergic to
11. reduce stress
12. spend money on
13. at the point of
14. it gets to me
15. stray dog
16. touristy
17. identify
18. vaccinations
19. animal shelter
20. medical attention

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