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Mathematics I Al-Hassan Science Academy Time: 20 minutes

Full Book Basti Arain, Multan Total Marks: 20

03058404968 O
bjective Part
Q.1. Choose the correct option. (20)

Statements A B C D

1 The roots of the equation x2 + 5x+ 6 are 2, -3 -2, -3 2, 3 -2, 3

The sum of the coefficient of the expansion of (1+x)5
2 5 16 25 32
An irrational A rational Prime
3 If 'n' is a prime number then √n is: None of these
number Number number
4 A null set is denoted by {0} {ɸ} ɸ both b and c

5 A quadratic equation has degree 0 1 2 3

6 The vertex of an angle in standard form is at (1,0) (0,1) (1,1) (0,0)

√ s ( s−a )

Sin (-625o) = ____________


sin 5o

-sin 5o

cos 5o

-cos 5o

9 Types of rational fractions are: Three Four infinite Two

10 Product of roots of equation x2 - kx +k2= 0 is equals: k -k k2 -k2

11 C3 + 19C2 = 11
C3 165 Both a and b 330

12 If 11Pn = 11.10.9 then n=? 5 4 7 3

13 equals 3 6 ∞ 12
5 21
14 Harmonic mean between 3 and 7 is 5 21
21 5
x 2π
15 The period of 3 cos is 2π 10π 30π
5 5
16 If |k4 4k| = 0 the k= ? 16 0 ±4 8

17 The fraction x2+7x+3/x+1 is: Improper Proper Equivalent None of these

18 Sum of four fourth roots of unit is: 1 -1 0 i

There are ________ solutions (roots) of the equation
19 3 2 3 4 none
sin2 x =

20 If A= [ 1i −i0 ] then A4 = i i2 [ 10 01] Both b and c

Answer key (Maths I full book)

1-C 2-B 3-A 4-C 5-C 6-D 7-C 8.C 9.D 10.C
11-C 12-D 13-B 14-B 15-B 16-C 17-A 18.C 19.C 20.D
Mathematics I Al-Hassan Science Academy Time: 2:40 Hrs
Full Book Basti Arain, Multan Marks= 80
Subjective Type
2. Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) questions. 16
i. Simplify (−1) 2 and i
2−7 i
ii. Separate into real and imagery parts
4+5 i
iii. Simplify and convert into the form a + ib (3−√−4)
iv. Define conjunction and disjunction.
v. Show that q( p → q) → p is tautology.
vi. Prove that the identity of a group is unique.
vii. Define diagonal matrix and unit matrix.

[ ]
viii. If A= 1+i then find A( A ) t

ix. If A= [ 10
−1 2
3 1
and A= ]
2 3 0
1 2 −1 [ ]
then show that (A+B)t = At +Bt

x. Solve √ 2 x + ¿ 8+ √ x +¿ 5=7
xi. Solve 3y5 -243y = 0
xii. Show that the roots of (p+q) x2 – px-q = 0 are rational.
3. Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) questions. 16
3 2
6 x +5 x −7
i. Resolve 2 into partial fractions.
2 x −x−1
ii. Resolve into partial fractions.
( x−1 )( 2 x−1 ) (3 x−1)
iii. Differentiate between conditional equation and an identity. Give example of each.
iv. If l, m, n are the pth, qth, rth terms of an A.P., show that l(q−r) +m(r−p) +n(p−q) = 0
v. Find the next two terms of 1, 2, 12, 40, .....

vi. Find four arithmetic means between

vii. Define permutation and combination.
9! 11!
viii. Simplify and
2! ( 9−2 ) ! 2! 4 ! 5 !
ix. Write n(n-1)(n – 2) in factorial form
x. Show mathematical induction that 1 + 2 + 4 + ........ + 2n-1 = 2n – 1
xi. Using binomial theorem, expand ¿
1 4
xii. Find the term independent of x in the expansion of (1 + x2)3 (1 + 2)
4. Write short answers to any NINE (9) questions. 18
i. Prove that l=rθ
19 π
ii. Convert to sexagesimal system.
iii. Find the value of trigonometric function π
sin 3θ cos 3θ
iv. Prove that − =0
sinθ cos θ
v. Show that cos 20o + cos 100o + cos 140o =0.
vi. Express sin (x+45o) sin (x-45o) as sum of differences
vii. Find out the domain and rang of tangent function.
viii.Prove that the period of tangent function is π .
ix. Find out the period of 5 sin
x. Define angle of depression and angle of elevation.
xi. Solve the triangle ABC with γ = 90o and α = 37o20’, a= 243.
xii. Solve the triangle in which a = 4584, b = 5140, c = 3264
−1 −1 −1 A+ B
xiii.Prove that tan A +tan B=tan

Note: Attempt and THREE (3) Questions
5. (a) Show analytically that AU(B∩C) = (AUB) ∩ (AUC) 5
(b) Solve the following system of linear equations by Cramer’s rule:
2 x1 −x2 + x 3=5 4 x1 +2 x 2+ 3 x 3=8 3 x 1−4 x 2−x =3 5

6. (a) Solve the following equation √ 3 x2 −¿ 5 x +¿ 2+ √ 6 x 2 −¿ 11 x +¿ 5= √ 5 x 2 −¿ 9 x +¿ 4 5

(b) Resolve into partial fractions 5
( x−2 ) (x−1)2
7. (a) If a2, b2, c2, are in A.P, show that a + b, c + a, and b + c are in H.P. 5

(n0)+ 12 (n1)+ 13 ( n2)+ 14 (n3)+… …+ n+11 (nn)= 2 n+1−1

n +1
(b) Show that 5

tanθ+ secθ−1
8. (a) Prove that =tanθ +sec 5
tanθ−secθ +1
α β γ α β γ
(b) If α, β, γ are the angles of a triangle ABC, show that: cot +cot +cot =cot cot cot 5
2 2 2 2 2 2
9. (a) Prove that the area of triangle ∆ = bc sinα 5
−1 63 −1 1 −1 3
(b) Show that: cos +2 tan = sin 5
65 5 5

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