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School Practice

Final Reflection Report

Name Surname: Sandugash Tagoboyeva

Your email:
Home University: E. A. Buketov Karaganda University
Practicum School: Şehit Mehmet Yılmaz İmam Hatip Ortaokulu
Mentor Teacher: Sermin Keleş

Your school practice timetable and classrooms for this semester: (e.g., on Fridays - 8/A, 8/B)

Q Have you taken a “school practice” lesson before (in Kazakhstan)?

Yes, I used to take the school practice at school.

If yes, please describe your experience (when did you take this course, what kind of
Q school/classroom did you observe, whether you had an opportunity to teach English
or just observed the teachers and their classes etc.)
I did an internship in my city, the school is called Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, in 4 classes,
for flight school. I had 15 students. I had the opportunity to teach English to my
students. Because in Kazakhstan English is studied in the third grade, their level was

beginner. It was my first practice at school. This practice taught me to look for an
individual approach to each child, and I was able to share at least some of my
knowledge with my students.
Think about your school practice experience this term (in Kastamonu, Türkiye). And
answer the following questions in detail.
Please describe the school, your mentor teacher, students, classroom settings. Think
about the whole semester and write all the details you consider important about
Q them (e.g., how would you describe your teacher, his/her teaching, his/her
communication with pupils; what can you say about students, what makes them
engaged and motivated in the language classroom…)

The school practice teacher is a very educated person. You can tell by her that she
loves her job. She is an intelligent, responsive, dedicated teacher. She communicates
with her students as if they were friends. But I sometimes notice that students can be
a little uninterested in her lessons. Because she takes a lot of time to prepare students
for tests. Students behave like other students, I haven't seen anything special, they
are just preparing for their studies. But when we do some activities for them, they are
very excited and play with enthusiasm, because they also need relaxation sometimes.
I think the students need more interaction, more success. And successful interaction
depends on the right choice of theoretical approach and technology of interaction,
the productivity of pedagogical methods, the consistency of the study and solution of
pedagogical and personal problems. Students need the teacher to notice even the
slightest correct answer. I think if a teacher starts every lesson with a speech exercise
or homework questioning, it will break the interaction with students because it will
not help to create a situation in which students would feel and realize the need to

acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities in a foreign language. And if the actions of the
teacher at the beginning of the lesson will be aimed at conveying their emotional
state, such as the impending communication with them, as well as the use of speech
material that is necessary for the lesson and related to the personal experience of the
students, then they will be motivated, and it will form the perception and assimilation
of subsequent learning content. And that's what I want to write here.

Please list and describe the teaching materials that have been used during your
school practice (e.g., textbooks, smartboard, authentic materials…). Write about their
effectiveness in the language classroom and discuss how they were related to the
topic and objectives of the lessons.
In my practice at school I used textbooks, interactive whiteboards, and books on a
daily basis. Through the interactive whiteboard I prepared different online games for
children, which I prepared myself. I prepared games with Quiz, Kahoot applications.

That is, I prepared new words on a previous topic. Using these applications I could
find out how much the students had prepared in the house and it helps a lot for the
development of memory.
Please write about the general behaviour and attitude of the learners during the
Q lessons you observed this semester. Include details about the classroom atmosphere
as well.
To be honest with you, the children at the school appeared to be very kind, helpful,
able to listen and follow directions. But of course there were those kids who I had a
little trouble finding a common language, but I got through it. I was very pleased to
talk and spend time with them. The kids got along with each other. And of course it
→ was a bit difficult for me to leave them, because I got used to them and prepared for
various games and activities. The atmosphere at school is really not made by the
children but by the teacher. I think that I was able to cope with that. During my
internship I gained a lot of knowledge and life experience which will be useful in the
future not only with students but also with my own children.
Q Which part of this experience was the most challenging for you? Why?
Because I had done an internship before, it wasn't particularly difficult for me. It's just
that sometimes the children didn't know some words in English and spoke Turkish,
→ and I don't know Turkish very well. Then it was a bit difficult for me. But I found a
solution. I told them that if they didn't know the translation in English, then show me
the action, and they agreed. And that's how we solved the problem.
Think about a lesson / a classroom task you taught this semester. If you were to re-
teach the lesson, what would you change?
I didn't have such a situation. I will prepare a plan for each lesson, and after passing
the lesson, I analyse my lesson and I always prepare very carefully for each lesson. I

try to find new tasks, new games so that my students won't be bored in class.
Because I love my profession and children.
Please write about your observation on using L1 (in Turkish, in this case) in language
classrooms. Broadly, how much time did the teacher use English compared to his/her
Q native language? How much time did the learners use English versus their native
language? Do you think using L1 can be effective/useful in the lesson? Why/Why

The teacher used English much more often than Turkish, she tries to explain in English
if some words are unfamiliar to the students, and if they do not understand, she tells
them the translation into Turkish.
Students try to speak English as much as possible. 60-70% of students speak English

in class.
I think her methods are effective. Because communication in English is the best way
to learn the language quickly.

Please compare your observations here in Kastamonu, Türkiye and your experiences
as a language learner (or teacher) in Kazakhstan. You comparison should be sincere
Q and in detail (including different aspects such as classroom settings, desk
arrangements, teaching materials, methods, students’ motivation, use of native
language, etc.)
Each country has its own rules for teaching. If you compare teaching in Kazakhstan
and Turkey. I think Turkey has all the possibilities for teaching. But I want to say that
Kazakhstan is a big country, and now I will write only about my school, not about all
schools of Kazakhstan. Here every classroom has an interactive whiteboard
(Smartboard), while we only have one in some classrooms. The desks here are
unpaired, while we have paired desks. All of the classrooms have a small closet, and
we don't have one. And the learning materials are similar. In my school my teachers
→ also used English more than Kazakh. They gave me more motivation to learn the
language, like in Turkey. Here students can go out and come in quietly, with us it's
only with the teacher's permission. I noticed that at the end of 8th grade students
take a very important exam called LGS - Liselere Geçiş Sinavı or Lyceum Entrance
Exam in English. It is based on the results of this exam that students in Turkey can
choose the level of a lyceum school. We also have this exam, but only for those
students who want to take it. In our schools, the study will last for 11 years and in
Turkey for 12 years.
If you describe your school practice experience in one sentence, what would it be?
And why this sentence?
“Each student requires an individual approach.”
Why that sentence, because in order to hold the attention of the class, you have to
use different techniques and methods and be erudite. In addition, it is very important

to prepare well for lessons, to anticipate possible difficulties and ways to overcome
them. This helps you to develop your professional and personal qualities.

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