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#So tell me a bit about yourself? It would be awesome to find out more about you.

#Do you have kids, how old are they respectively

#Do you live alone

#Am 28years old, single never married and with no kids but I want kids of mine
someday. I really want to start a family. Does age difference bothers you? To me,
age are nothing but numbers

I don’t I want the type of man that does not want me to demand from him I want a
very supportive partner that will always be there for me which I will also be a
supportive partner to him too both physically and financially

#I've been in several relationships in the past that never ended well.

#Am over my past relationship and am ready to settle down and find true love again.
It's been 11months for me without sex, damn I feel like a virgin again. Can't wait
to have sex with someone that would appreciate me and care for me forever

#I work in a ware house, downtown Canton kindly hoping for a better job soon.

#Am from a family of four. My Parents are both from Michigan, I was born and
brought up there in Detroit.

# My 3 beautiful sister's are all married with cute kids, am the eldest and still
trying my luck and hopefully I find true love this time.

#Thanks for taking your time to reply my texts and getting to know ourselves

#Am 36years Old

#Does age difference bothers you? To me, age are nothing but numbers

#Are you ready for a distance relationship

#Am new to meeting people online for relationship or friendship either.

What you do for a living, since you're retired now

# willing to have kids with me if possible

#Do you have tattoos or piercings

#Do you drink or smoke

#when is your birthday

#How tall are you

#Do you have a car

#Am off that dating site, I deactivated my account already

#Do you like Adventures

#What's your favorite sports activity

#What's your favorite TV show

#Do you believe in God

#What's your favorite color

#What type of phone you use and what your carrier service

#I love cooking, what's your favorite dish

#Do you believe in star sign, what your sign?

#Am a dog lover, do you have pets

#Am a bit old fashioned, how about you

#I love hearing other people stories, do you have a good one to tell me

#Do you like to dance

#Do you like to kiss on a first date

#What if we had sex on the first date, does that mean am cheap?

#Do you like hold hands and exchanging passionate kiss with your partner

#Can you take your partner everywhere you go

#Where would you like a first date with someone so special?

#I love traveling, where's the last place you visited

#Are you a romantic person

#Do you have any allergies

#If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

#Tell me few things you've learnt in your past relationships, that's definitely
going to help you succeed in your new relationship

#Are you really over your past relationship like you claim

#What do you love doing with your free time

#what are your hobbies

#what are your pet peeves

#when was the last time you had sex

#What kind of music do you listen to, I like Afrobeat

#who's your favorite musician? My favorite artist of all time is Wizkid

#I like spending half my weekends in the gym, what about you?

#What are the qualities you seek in a woman

#Do you believe in marriage

#How do you pick yourself back up after making mistakes

#Can you be trusted

#Do you believe in second chance

#What things about me make you know I’m the one for you?

#What is the best thing about our relationship?

#What makes me different from the other people you’ve been with?

#What is your most unique trait?

#What do you think about couples who own a business together and spend all their
time together?

#What’s the accomplishment you are most proud of?

#What’s the angriest you ever felt

#When did you first think I was attractive?

#What was the very first thing you thought about me?

#What can I do to make sure you feel safe with me?

#What do you think we need to work on the most in our relationship?

#Do you ever dream about me?

#Do you believe in karma?

#How do you feel about how much time we spend together on here

#How important is sex to you?

#How do you want to be treated when you’re down or depressed?

#Have you ever been in debts

#My Credit cards got cancelled last week, and am in too many debts right now.

#I actually stopped having lunch at work, am behind on my rent so crazy. Saving up

to pay off lots of debts so I fix my eating time table to breakfast and dinner also
to help me keep in shape

#So my partner got to know, am financially crippled lol 😂

#i pay my rent $650

#I send my parents 185$ monthly for their medications as the eldest child, bills on
me lol 😂

#i earn $995 monthly, and I work 7hrs daily and 4times in a week only.
#here's a picture of my work ID and my Driver license to prove. I have nothing to
hide from you anymore🌹

#What's the first thing you notice about someone when you fall for them

#Do you think once you love someone, you always love them? Or do you think love can
fade away with time

#What one thing about love that scares you

#Was it love at first sight with me lol 😂

#Do you agree with me, that true love is a mutual feeling and nothing more.

#What do you think make people fall out of love

#Do you believe people can change, if they love someone

#Would you still be able to love someone after they've been unfaithful

#What do you think is the most important factor of keeping love alive a

Is it forever something you think about with me

#Are you still friends with someone you've lived in the past

#What would you do if I told you I love you?

#I mean I really do fall for you, after taking this long to get to know ourselves
better. I think is time we take another step up u

#Do you believe I love you

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