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Reading Questions for Chapter 9.1 & 9.


1. Who discovered the secondary structure of proteins using X-ray crystallography?

2. What are the three parts of a nucleotide?

3. How many base pairs does the bacteria Escherichia coli have in its genome?

4. Each new double strand [of DNA] consists of one [old] parental strand and one new

daughter strand. This is known as .

5. Which enzyme unwinds and opens up the DNA helix?

6. Which enzyme adds DNA nucleotides to the 3’ end of a growing strand of DNA?

7. On the lagging strand, new DNA is put together in short pieces called

8. The ends of linear chromosomes are known as .

9. In Escherichia coli, how many nucleotides are added per second during replication?

10. What do we call a permanent change in the DNA sequence?

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