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AJC1 Wed 15.

00 Think Piece Barbara Czudková

Think About It …

The first thing i thought about, when I read the sentence, I had to complete “The most
important tool for success as an academic is …” was feedback. And then I thought about it
after reading the common answers and the teachers answer “writing”, and i changed my mind
that actually it probably is writing, because when you are writing with a goal to get better at
it, you are not only improving your writing, but also your thinking, coming up with new
ideas, expressing yourself, and your grammar and vocabulary get better, which you can use
not only in writing but also in presentations and answering teachers' questions, because you
are expressing yourself better.

When I initially thought about the important tool for academic success, "feedback" came to
mind. It now seems logical that the most important thing to do to improve the work was to
get feedback. However, when I delved deeper into the topic, it turned out that the main pillar
was the idea of "writing". The idea that deliberate and purposeful writing serves to improve
writing is, I think, very profound and undeniable. It highlights the fact that growth and
excellence in any skill, including writing, are the result of conscious effort and intention.

I never thought of myself as a professional writer, because that was a term when I only
thought of journalists, reporters, authors and so on. And I still don't think of myself as a
professional, even though the author says I am when I’m an academic. Because I have it in
my head all the time that to be a professional writer, I'd have to make money from my writing
too, or at least publish it and try to make some money from it. But I do agree that I will
probably consider myself a writer, I don't know if a professional one, if I start practicing
writing more and set some routines.

I want to get better at planning my time and setting a time to write. I agree that establishing a
routine can help you overcome writer's block and create a consistent, productive relationship
with writing. Also, I should consider turning off my social media while writing. We all know
for a fact that it can be a significant distraction when you're trying to write. It's essential to
find a balance that works for you. Limiting access to social media during writing sessions can
lead to more focused and productive writing sessions.
Finally, I would like to say that I like the statement that practice is the most important tool for
achieving academic success. It captures the idea that writing is a skill that can be perfected
through dedication, routine, and a willingness to embrace the identity of a writer on the road
to academic success.

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