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Bluebook 21st ed.

Tanisha Mishra, Merger and Acquisition and the Competition Law - An Analysis, 14
Supremo Amicus 283 (2019).

ALWD 7th ed.

Tanisha Mishra, Merger and Acquisition and the Competition Law - An Analysis, 14
Supremo Amicus 283 (2019).

APA 7th ed.

Mishra, T. (2019). Merger and Acquisition and the Competition Law An Analysis.
Supremo Amicus, 14, 283-292.

Chicago 17th ed.

Tanisha Mishra, "Merger and Acquisition and the Competition Law - An Analysis,"
Supremo Amicus 14 (2019): 283-292

McGill Guide 9th ed.

Tanisha Mishra, "Merger and Acquisition and the Competition Law - An Analysis" (2019)
14 Supremo Amicus 283.

AGLC 4th ed.

Tanisha Mishra, 'Merger and Acquisition and the Competition Law - An Analysis' (2019)
14 Supremo Amicus 283

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Mishra, Tanisha. "Merger and Acquisition and the Competition Law - An Analysis."
Supremo Amicus, 14, 2019, pp. 283-292. HeinOnline.

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VOLUME 14 ISSN: 2456-9704

MERGER AND ACQUISITION AND mandatory notifying to the competition

THE COMPETITION LAW - AN commission on breach of threshold limits
ANALYSIS (set by the ministry of corporate affairs

govt of India) and scope of investigation
By Tanisha Mishra wherever necessary. The competition
From NLU Assam commission has been over the years, taking
many steps for the ease of corporate
Abstract restructuring and transition of M&A in sync
with economic reforms, globalisation of
In a growing and liberalised economy trade, in the country. this paper attempts to
which is highly competitive , the mergers discuss some of the areas of importance
and acquisition as a corporate tool of under the competition act 2002 with regard
restructuring has been going grooved in to merger and acquisition.
India , so also the associated rules and
regulations governing these mergers and The Liberalized era, fast emerging
acquisitions. innovations and investments, the rapid
charges in technologies and their access in
Merger and acquisition( or combination) the digital India, all have led to corporate
happen when two or more companies restructuring for achieving desired
combine to form a new company for sustainable growth, economies of scale and
expansion and economic growth. However overall competitiveness in the Indian
, these combinations may also lead to economy in recent times.
undesirable ant-competitive impact,
reducing thereby the scope of competition The Corporate restructuring
or innovation, in addition to affecting the through the routes of merger and
consumers unfavourably. Acquisition (M & A) has assumed much
importance so also the associated
This situation needs to be regulated regulatory provisions governing M & A,

monitored for greater good for which the Legal-economic impact of M & A to the
competition commission of India ( CCI) consumers, the market, the nation, have
replacing old MRTP ACT came into fore become critical in fast growing India.
through the competition Act 202 following
Raghavan committee recommendation and Mergers and Acquisitions (or
also India becoming a signatory to WTO, in combinations) refer to a situation where the
the era of economic reforms. The ownership of two or more enterprises is
competition Act of 2002 is triggered by the joined together, in other words, a merger
articles 38 and 39 of the Indian constitution happens when two or more companies
and comes under the directive principles of combine to form a new company. This may
state policy. The competition Act revolves be either merging with an existing company
around 3 of its vital sections - section 3 and or the combination may mean a new
4 for anti-competitive agreements and company. The Assets and Liabilities of the
abuse of dominance by a single firm while transferor company become the assets and
sections 5 and 6 deal with regulations liabilities of the transferee company after
pertaining to merger , acquisition and the merger.
amalgamations with regard to determining
appreciable adverse effect on competition,


VOLUME 14 ISSN: 2456-9704

As a corporate strategy, corporate by the Raghavan Committee, in favour of

finance and better management tool, M competition Act, to provide a level playing

A deal with buying, selling, combining of field to both state-owned enterprises and
different companies and similar entities that the private sector, to help implement the
can help an enterprise grow rapidly in ifs economic reforms with India becoming a
sector, location of origin or a new field or a signatory of WTO (World Trade
new location without creating a subsidiary Organization) in 1995 and
or other child entity or a joint venture. Institutionalization of several sect oral
The rationale behind any merger
and Acquisition is usually to create a bigger Competition Law for India was
entity which leads to economies of scale, triggered by Articles of 38 and 39 of the
better operative performance, accelerated constitution of India. These Articles are a
growth and expansion of business to gain part of the directive principles of state
more assets. policy.

However, a merger may also lead to The Competition Act was supposed
unwanted, socio-economic implications to be passed in 2002 and section 66 of the
that are not desirable. Other than growth, new Act provided for the repeal of the
performance, expansion motives, the MRTP Act and disposal of the pending
another motive of merger may also be to cases of MRTP Commission, which got
create anti-competitive efforts-like, to desased for several reasons though.
reduce the numbers of competitors or to
create dominance in market, reducing the On Is Sep, 2007, the parliament
scope of competition which is likely to passed an Amendment Act, leading to
harm consumers through prices, reduced creation of competition Appleate Tribunal
choices, or less innovations. (COMPAT) and so also section 66, with an
extension of the life of MRTP commission
It is in this background, the by 2 years to clear unfair Trade Practices"
competition Act of 2002, a successor of the pending cases. Eventually, in may 2009, the
old monopolies restrictive trade practices enforcement of competition Act 2002,
(MRTP) Act came into force. Through the became a reality, actually.
M & A are regulated by the provisions of
the SEBI Act, the companies Act also, with The Objectives of the competition
the inception of the competition Act 2002, Act are sought to be achieved through the
these (M &A) issues now come under the instrumentality of the competition
purview of the competition laws. Here we commission of India(CCI) which is
will limit our discussions of M & A with established by the Central Govt. to achieve
regard to the competition law only. its objectives.

MRTP Act (from 1969 to 2009) was The Competition Commission of

based on regulating firms on the criteria of India (CCI) endeavors to do the
size and market share and complemented followingos:
existing license raj system. Several factors 1. Make the Markets Work for the benefit
were responsible for paving the way for the and welfare of consumers.
repealing of MRTP Act as recommended


VOLUME 14 ISSN: 2456-9704

2. Ensure fair and healthy competition in facilities by the cement manufacturers

economic activities in the country for Association (CMA) in 2016. In 2018, the
faster and inclusive growth and CCI imposed fines of Rs 135.86 crores
development of economy. (?)on Google for abusing its dominance for
3. Implement Competition policies with an 9 alleged manipulation of search results.
Am to effectuate the most efficient
utilization of economic resources. In Jan 2019, in the case of
4. Develop and Nurture effective relations competition commission of India V.JCB
and interactions with sect oral regulators India Ltd. And others, the supreme court
to ensure smooth alignment of sect oral held that the Director General (DG) of the
regulating laws in tandem with the commission has the power to search and
competition law. seizure with magistrate's authorization in
5. Effectively carryout competition context of section 41 (3) of the Competition
advocacy and spread the information on Act 2002 and 240 A of companies Act,
benefits of competition among all 1956.
stakeholders to establish and nurture
competition culture in Indian economy. COMBINATION:
Broadly, Combination under the
BRIEF ANALYSIS OF THE Act means acquisition of control, shares,
COMPETITION ACT 2002: voting rights or assets, acquisition of
The Competition Act revolves control by a person over an enterprise
around 3 of its sections primarily. Section 3 where such person has direct or indirect
deals with anti-competitive agreements control over another enterprise engaged in
(both horizontal and vertical) section 4 competing business, and mergers and
deals with abuse of dominance by a single amalgamations between or amongst
firm whereas sections 5 and 6 deal with the enterprises when the combining parties
regulations pertaining to mergers, exceed the thresholds set in the Act. The
acquisitions and amalgamations. The thresholds are specified in the Act in terms
competition Act has jurisdiction over of Assets or turnover in India and abroad.
foreign carters and foreign combinations, The combination which causes or
likely to cause an "Appreciable Adverse likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect
effect on competitions" (AAEC) which the on combination (AAEC) within the relevant
MRTPACT was not able to do. market in India is prohibited and such
combination shall be void. The provision of
The Act also allows for monetary the Act relating to regulation of
penalties in case firms do not comply with combinations have been enforced with
competition commission of India Orders. effect from 1s June, 2011.

1. http: //cci.gov.in /images /media The Statutory Provisions as spelt


Research out in section 5 and 6 of the Act primarily

reports/competition%20Law%20in envisages that any merger or acquisition (M
%20 India% 20us%20%20uk-A%2 & A) taking place within the Indian sub-
continent has to be examined on the touch
The Commission had imposed stone of the competition Act , 2002 by the
significant fines on 10 cement firms that competition watchdog/regulator i.e.-
were involved in a cartel which was competition commission of India (CCI) (2).


VOLUME 14 ISSN: 2456-9704

MERGER AND ACQUISITION: Available at https://www.vakilnol.

Merger and Acquisition are often Com/legal-news/impact-of-merger-
interchangeably used through they are two acquisition-on -competition-an

diverse modes of corporate restructuring. analysis.html/amp
Merger refers to the process of 4. Satish Sharma, Impact of merger and
amalgamation or merging of two Acquisition on competition-An
companies to form a new company whereas analysis, 25/10/18.
acquisition takes place when one company Available at https://www.vakilnol.
is taken over by another company. Com/legal-news/impact-of-merger-
Acquisition further can be hostile or acquisition-on -competition-an

friendly(3 ). analysis.html/amp

The SVS Raghavan committee VERTICAL MERGERS:

acknowledges mergers as a legitimate A vertical merger joins together a
means by which firms can grow and are firm/company that produces an input with a
generally as much part of the natural firm that uses that input to produce the
process of industrial revolution and output. Vertical merger thus is an
restructuring as new entry, growth and arrangement between the enterprises at
exit(4 ). different stages or levels of production
chain and therefore, in different markets.
Mergers can be Horizontal or From the competition law point of
Vertical conglomerate. view, such mergers are generally taken
leniently by the commission as their impact
HORIZONTAL MERGER: to affect competition or market is perceived
Horizontal Merger or Combination not as much that of Horizontal mergers.
refers to merger of two companies at the
same level of production or distribution in CONGLOMERATE MERGS:
the relevant market. From the point of view If the merger is neither horizontal
of competition law, horizontal mergers nor. vertical, it may be a conglomerate
normally come under the purview of merger. Conglomerate merger operates in
regulation of competition commission, as different product markets and are said to be
they can hare high AAEc (appreciable a facture of any acquisition between the
adverse effect on competition), simply put companies that are sufficiently diversified.
these mergers have the potential to curtail From the point of view of competition Act,
competition in market. the conglomerate merger may not pose any
threat to competition.
2. Satish Sharma, Impact of merger
Acquisition on competition - An MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST FOR
Analysis, 25/10/18, Available at COMBINATION UNDER
https://www. waki/nol. com/legal- COMPETITION ACT, 2002:
news/impact-of-merger- acquisition- As the most important concern of
on-competition-an-analysis.html/amp. competition commission of India while
3. Satish Sharma, Impact of merger and assessing a combination is to ensure that the
Acquisition on competition-An proposed combination does not cause anti-
analysis, 25/10/18. competitive effects in the relevant market,


VOLUME 14 ISSN: 2456-9704

we may understand few important areas of i. Nature and extent of vertical

interest under the Act, as under: integration in the Market;
j. Possibility of a failing business;
AAEC (APPRECIABLE ADVERSE k. Nature and Extent of innovation;
The Competition Act envisages
appreciable adverse effect on combination
in the relevant market in india as the critter 5. Subsection (4) of section 20 of the
on for regulation of combinations. In order competition act 2002
to evaluate appreciable adverse effect on
competition, the Act empowers the
commission to evaluate the effect on 1. Relative advantage by way of the
combination as per factors highlighted in combination to the economic
sub-section (4) of section 20 of the act. development by any combination
having or likely to have appreciable
The factors to be considered, in this adverse effect on competition;
regard, by the commission while evaluating m. Whether the benefits of the
the AAEC in the relevant market, are 5( ) ; combination outweigh the adverse
a. Actual and Potential Level of impact of the combination, if any.
competition through imports in the
b. Extent of barrier to entry into the POSITION AND PREDATORY
market; PRICING:
c. Level of concentration in the The dominant position under the
market; competition Act refers to a position of
d. Degree of countervailing power in strength, enjoyed by an enterprise in the
the market; relevant market in India enabling it to (6).:
e. Likelihood that the combination a. Operate Independently of
would result in parties to the Competitive forces in relevant
combination being able to market;
significantly and sustainably b. Affect competitors, Consumers or
increase prices or profit margins; relevant market in its favour.
f. Extent of effective competition
likely to sustain in a market or Section 4(2) of the Act prevents
extent to which substitutes are following acts that result in
available or likely to be available in promoting "Abuse of dominant
market; position" (7):
g. Market share in the relevant market, (i) Impose unfair or discriminatory
of the persons or enterprise in a condition or price in sale and
combination, individually and as a purchase of goods or services;
combination; (ii) Limit or restrict production of
h. Likelihood that the combination goods or services;
would result in the removal of a (iii) Technical or scientific
vigorous and effective competitor development relating to goods
or competitors in the market; or services to the prejudice of


VOLUME 14 ISSN: 2456-9704

6. Satish sharma, what is Abuse of abuse of dominance in terms of section 4 of

dominant position under competition the Act.
act? 30/11/2017, available at https ON MOTIVE OF DOMINANT
: //www. vakilnol. com/bareacts/laws/a ENTITY: IN THE CASE OF
buse-dominant-position-competition- VELANKANI ELECTRONICS PVT.
act.html/amp LTD. V. INTEL CORPORATION(9 ),
7. Satish sharma, what is Abuse of The Commission held that at this
dominant position under competition stage, the commission is not required to go
act? 30/11/2017, available at https into the intent or motive of OP (Opposite
: //www. vakilnol. com/bareacts/laws/a Parties) in induging into the alleged
buse-dominant-position-competition- conduct, that has been, prime facie, found
act.html/amp to be abusive and the motive of dominant
entity does not play any role nor section 4
INDULGING IN PRACTICE imposes any such obligation on
ACCESS, LIKE:- 8. Satish sharma, what is Abuse of
a. Make conclusion of contracts dominant position under competition
subject to acceptance by other act? 30/11/2017, available at https
parties. ://www. vakilnol. com/bareacts/laws/a
b. Use its dominant position in one buse-dominant-position-competition-
market to enter into other act. html/amp
relevant market. 9. Satish sharma, Rececent Development
in the competition law]4/3/19
PREDATORY PRICING: available at https
Means Sale of goods or services at a ://www. vakilnol. com/legal-
price which is below the cost as may be news/recent-development-in-the-
with the view to reduce competition or competition-law.html/amp
eliminate competitors.


In the case of Shri Neeraj Malhotra, RAILWAYS AND ANOTHER(10 ),
Advocates V. North Delhi Power Ltd.,(8) It was alleged that the Ministry of
the competition commission of India (CCI) Railways and IRCTC Ltd. Were rounding
observed that-Section 4 of the Act does not off the actual base fare to the nearest higher
prohibit an enterprise from holding a multiple of Rs. 5/- to arrive at the total base
dominant position in a market, it does place fare in contravention of the provisions of
a special responsibility on such enterprises, section 4 of Act i.e. by abusing dominant
in requiring them not to abuse their position.
dominant position.
The commission, in the absence of
The actions, practices conduct of an any valid justifications by the OP
enterprise in a dominant position have to be (Railways) held that this practice of
examined in view of the facts and rounding off to the next higher multiple of
circumstances of each ease to determine Rs. 5/- by the opposite parties, prima facie,
whether or not the same constitutes an amounted to an imposition of unfair


VOLUME 14 ISSN: 2456-9704

condition in the market for sale of rail can be differentiated from the conditions
tickets in India, particularly for online prevailing in neighboring areas('2 ).
booking of rail tickets, in contravention of
provision of section 4(2) (i) of the Act. In the case of M/s Saint Gobain
Glass India Pvt. Ltd. V.M/s Gujrat Gas
RELEVANT MARKET: Company Ltd; (13) the CCI, to determine
According to section 2® of the Act, geographical market, took note of factors
"relevant Market" (") Means the market like - Physical characters tics, endues of
which may be determined by the goods, price of goods or services, consumer
commission with reference to the relevant preferences, exclusion of in house
product market or the relevant geographical production, classification of industrial
market or with reference to both markets. products etc. in terms of the provisions of
section 19(6) contained in the Act.
Relevant product market is
understood as a market with all those 12. Satish Sharma, Impact of merger and
products and services that are considered acquisition on competition - An
interchangeable or substitutable by the analysis, 25/10/18 Available at
consumer, by reason of features of products https://www. vakilnol.com/ legal

or prices, their prices and intended use. news/ impact-of merger-acquisition-
The factors to be considered by the 13. Satish sharma, what is Abuse of
CCI while determining "relevant product dominant position under competition
market" are covered in section 19 (7) of the act? 30/11/2017, available at https
competition Act 2002. ://www. vakilnol. com/bareacts/laws/a
10. Satish Sharma, Recent development in act. html/amp
the competition law, 14/3/19, Available
at https://www. vakilnol.com/ legal MERGER CONTROL AND

news/recent-developments-in-the- REGULATORY FRAMEWORK

competition-law. html/amp UNDER COMPETITION ACT, 2002
11. Satish Sharma, Impact of merger and (A) THRESHOLD LIMITS FOR
acquisition on competition - An COMBINATION:
analysis, 25/10/18 Available at (B)
https://www. vakilnol.com/ legal Threshold Limits play a major role

news/ impact-of merger-acquisition- under competition law especially related to

on-competition-an-analysis.html/amp combination. Under the section 5 of Act, It
certain threshold limits (as revised by
ministry f corporate affairs, MCA, Govt. Of
RELEVANT GEOGRAPHIC India) are crossed the parties to
MARKET: combination are required statutorily to give
Refers to a market in a geographical notice about the combination to the
area in which the conditions of commission.
competitions for supply of goods or
provisions of services or demand of goods According to the Ministry's of
or services are distinctly homogenous and corporate affairs (MCA) notification dated


VOLUME 14 ISSN: 2456-9704

4" March, 2016, the threshold limits 15. Competition act 2002, competition
(enhanced by 100% in value of assets and advocacy and awareness programme
turnover) for combinations are appended of CCI-Advocaccy series (5)
here under:- (14)
In a step forward and to streamline
the merger control process, the commission
14. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&so on 9" Oct, 2018, issued amendments to the
urce =web& rct=j&url = combination regulations, such as(16)
https://www.cci. gov.in/site/
defavit/files/quick-link-document/ First : The Notifying Parties are
revised now given an option to
withdraw and refile a
(C) NOTICE CLAUSE FOR merger notification, before
COMBINATION: the CCI issues a show cause
Under the competition Act 2002, notice (SCN), with filing fee
Under Section 6, any enterprise desirous of already paid, being
entering a combination, if not otherwise adjustable against fee of
exempted in terms of threshold limits new notification profiled
prescribed, shall have to send a notice that the new notification is
disclosing details of combination to the given within 3 months from
Commission (CCI) in specific form with the date of withdrawal.
fee applicable, within 30 days of approval Second: To expedite the approval
of the proposal relating to merger or process, the amendment also
amalgamation by the board of directors or clear files that the notifying
of the execution of any agreement or other parties can offer voluntary
document in relation to acquisition. modifications, post the
In case a notifiable combination is issuance of SCN under
not notified, the commission has the power section 29 of the Act, while
to impose a fine under section 43(A) that providing their responses to
many be to the extent of 1% of total the SCN.
turnover or assets of combination, Third : It is clarified further that, the
whichever is higher, for failure to give time taken by the parties in
notice to commission. giving response, additional
Any combination for which notice information, voluntary
has been filed with commission would not modifications etc shall be
take effect for a period of 210 days from the excluded from the 210 days
date of notification or till the commission timeline mentioned under
passes an order. If the order is not passed section 6 (2A) of the
during 210 days (Section 6(2A) by CCI, the competition Act.
combination shall be deemed to have been
approved, under section 31(11) of the IN THE CASE OF -SCM SOIL FERT
Section (54) of the Act empowers V.COMPETITION COMMISSION OF
the central Govt. to notify exemptions of INDIA(17):
giving notice for certain enterprises for Where the appellants on whom, due
certain period. to failure to notify a proposed


VOLUME 14 ISSN: 2456-9704

combination, penalty of Rs 2.00 INVESTIGATION AND ORDERS OF

crore was imposed under section 43 COMBINATION BY THE CCI:
(A) Wherever the commission, prima
facie, observes that the proposed
16. Bharat Budholia, Aishwarya combination may lead to appreciable
Gopalkrishanan and Aishwaraya adverse effect on competition (AAEC) in
Gupta, competition. Cyrilamarchad the relevant market then the commission
blogs. com/2018/10/sixth-amendments- issues the show cause notice (SCN) to the
combination-regulations-competition- parties concerned citing as to why
law/#more-2138. investigation of such combination shall not
17. Satish Sharma, recent development in be carried out. Also under section 20 of the
the competition law, 14/3/19, available Act, the commission can do SUO Motu
at https://www. . vakilnol.com/legal- inquiry, if it feels so(19).
competition-law.html/amp 18. Satish Sharma, recent development in
the competition law, 14/3/19, available at
of the Act and the case pertained to issue of https://www. . vakilnol.com/legal-
30days notice period as required, the news/recent-developments-in-the
supreme court observed that-"The notice of competition-law.html/amp
section 6(2) is to be given prior to
consummation of the acquisition. Ex-Post 19. Competition Act2002, competition
facto notice is not contemplated under the Awareness and advocacy by CCI, Advocacy
provisions of section 6(2) and same would series (5)
be in violation of the provision of the Act.
The DG (Director General) of the
IN ANOTHER RECENT CASE OF commission then prepares a report based on
COMPETITION COMMISSION OF the responses of the parties. The
INDIA V.THOMAS COOK (INDIA) commission also directs the parties after the
LTD AND ANOTHER(1')-; receipt of DG's report or responses from
The appeal was initiated by the CCI parties concerned (Whichever is later) to
against the order passed by the competition publish the details of said combination
Appellate Tribunal where the tribunal had within 7 days from the dates of D.G Report
set aside the order it passed by CCI or responses received (whichever is later).
imposing penalty of Rs 1.00 crore under Under section 31 of the Act, the
section 43(A) for non-compliance of competition commission passes orders on
provisions of notification under section 6(2) combinations which can be either
of the Act. The issue in this case was about approving or prohibiting the combinations
"Malafides" on the part of the respondents, based on the yardstick of AAEC impact or
in not complying with section 6(2) of the may be of the opinion that the adverse effect
Act. of AAEC can be eliminated by certain
The Supreme Court while modifications.
upholding the imposition of fine by the
CCI, held that there was no requirement of CONCLUSION:
mens are under section 43 (A) or intentional The Competition Commission of
breach as an essential element for levy of India has cleared 666 mergers and
penalty. acquisitions cases since inception with


VOLUME 14 ISSN: 2456-9704

some approvals got through with some

modifications. But no deals have been
blocked by the regulator so far.

The average disposal time taken by

CCI for M&A approvals has come down
from 29days in 2016-17 to 23days in 2018-
19, in the CCI's constant bid to streamline
the competition affairs & processes.

With the recent initiative called

"Green Channel" of CCI, an automatic
system of approval for deals (Through more
clarity is needed as to complementary
overlaps areas), the things are poised to
become more conducive and flexible
ensuring reduction in time and costs for
M&A under the competition law region.
The mergers and acquisitions as a
corporate restructuring in the favorable
regulation scenario are of critical
importance for the economy through there
may be anti trust issues.

The need of the hour is a robust,

result-oriented and empowered competition
commission of India so as to keep the spirit
of competition high and effective for the
overall welfare.


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