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Author: Michael Dawson

Cover Art: Vaughn Mir (
Interior Art: All interior art CCO Creative Commons.
Free for commercial use. No attribution required
Playtesters: Peter Luichenger, James Johnston, David Farmer, Javon
Robinson, Germain Robinson, Nicholas Dawson

This product was created under license from Ulisses North America. Torg Eternity, its
respective logos, as well as Torg, Torg Eternity, Infiniverse, Possibility Wars, Storm Knight,
Aysle, Cyberpapacy, Living Land, Nile Empire, Orrorsh, Pan-Pacfifica, Tharkold, and their
respective logos, are trademarks of Ulisses North America. The title and contents of this book are
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may be reproduced, stored in retrieval systems, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
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All original content in this work is copyright 2018 by Michael G. Dawson and published
under the Community Content Agreement for the INFINIVERSE EXCHANGE.

Introduction appears to have originated from. While there
they encounter past vanquished foes and even
have a battle with themselves. Finally the
This is an All Hallows Eve (Halloween to those Heroes interact with the consciousness trapped
of us in the United States) themed adventure in the tree. With a little luck and some role
for Torg Eternity set in the Aysle Cosm. I play they will find out the consciousness is
originally set this adventure for my gaming trapped in a Nightmare Tree. This adventure
group in 2018 and they had so much fun with culminates in the third scene where they
it I decided to publish it. While the adventure confront the Nightmare Tree guardian, his
is set in an Aysle/Orrorsh mixed zone, with minions, and potentially uproot the tree itself.
some simple modifications this adventure can
be set in any rural area world wide and in any
Cosm. The idea for this adventure came to me while
This adventure is based on the theme where searching maps generated by Heroic Maps and
everything happening until the very end is in for sale at Drive Through RPG. The maps as
fact a dream and nothing is real. This theme created contain a day and night version of a
has shown up in books, television, and movies small village with a church and some woods.
for decades and is a staple in the suspense and As these maps are published for profit
horror genre. Because this adventure is a materials the links to them are provided below
dream the heroes can not die until they awaken in case you desire to purchase them for
in the final scene (thankfully they do not yourself. As my gaming group is made up of
know). However, while they can not die, friends I have had for 20+ years and is spread
everything they do in the dream has a real across the country, we use an online tabletop
world effect. Once awake the heroes find real resource for our gaming sessions. Because of
wounds on their bodies, used shell casings and this I commonly purchase maps for the
arrows on the ground from their weapons tabletop environment. If you desire to create
where dream battles occurred, etc. or use your own maps you need a map for a
I also used this adventure to introduce the small village with a church and a matching set
Nightmare Tree to my heroes. It is the of ruins and a map for some spooky woods
consciousness trapped within the tree that with some twisty / curvy paths and some good
creates the dream world the heroes are places for some encounters.
interacting with. All people within the dream http s://www.drivethrur roduct/
world (villagers, villains, cats, dogs, etc.) other 1954 57/Heroic-Ma s--Day--Night-
than the Heroes are generated by the Nightingdell-Village
consciousness within the tree. http s://www.drivethrur roduct/
In the first scene the heroes are lost on a 1604093/Heroic-Ma s--Giant-Ma s-Kittpywitch-
foggy night and arrive at a small village. The Woods-Night
people of the village are nice, personable, and
take them in. However, not all is as it seems
and the townsfolk act in weird ways. Even Note that the heroes can not die in this
with all the strangeness nothing happens until adventure until the dramatic conflict in scene
the Heroes fall asleep. The town is attacked in three. If a Storm Knight takes enough wounds
the night and the Storm Knights need to to die they will actually be knocked out. The
attempt to defend the innocent townsfolk. first three wounds will be real, the fourth will
In the second scene the Storm Knights enter actually knock the Hero out until the third
the nearby spooky woods where the attack scene, where he will awaken.

As the heroes pass the church and head
HALLOWEEN towards the center of town it becomes obvious
it is occupied and services are in session. Pale
lights from the village homes and church spill
into the mist. The sound of a recessional hymn
SCENE ONE: THE reacheing its crescendo floods from the church
NIGHTINGDELL As the heroes reach the large oak tree in the
center of town church service lets out and the
Standard Scene (Aysle / Orrorsh Mixed townsfolk flood into the central area. The
Zone): The heroes are traveling across the heroes are greeted by the townsfolk who are
countryside and it is getting dark. Wherever it curious as to who they are and why they are
was they were headed, they are obviously lost. here. The villagers are generally pleasant and
As darkness falls the countryside becomes helpful and offer the heroes a place to stay (the
eerie and spooky. Mist rises from the ground, floor of the tavern) until the morning and the
weird sounds drift across the countryside, and mist clears off. One of the townsfolk is headed
the hairs stand out on the backs of their necks. for supplies tomorrow and will guide the
The Storm Knights come to a small village heroes back to the main road and the turn off
where a number of homes and a small church they missed.
emerge out of the mist.

The Villag Church at Night

THE VILLAGERS Interacting with the Townsfolk
Generally speaking, interacting with the
Father Ellis Justice: Father Justice is the local townsfolk is a fairly normal affair. During the
priest and a pleasant middle-aged man. Tall at interaction the townsfolk occasionally act out
6’3” and heavy set with a round face, light of character. This is because unbeknownst to
green eyes, and short thick blond hair. He has the heroes the people in the town are really
an open welcoming face and an easy smile. It somebody else’s dream and the heroes have
is obvious why he is the town priest. intruded into it. The individual having the
Millard Family: The Millard family consists dream is reacting to the heroes presence and
of parents Cal and Blair, two children Sammie their primary motivation is to trap the heroes
and Debbie, and infant Desirae. Cal is in the nightmare that is about to occur.
obviously a laborer of some form, with However, occasionally his subconscious
calloused hands and a direct manner. He is attempts to get the heroes to leave or take
still tall at 5’10”, thin, with hazel eyes, aquiline actions to keep themselves safe (consider it his
nose, and strong chin. Cal’s accent is good conscious). The little bit of subconscious
pronounced and difficult to place. Blair is that tries to warn the heroes gets control for
taller than Cal at 6’2” with large fair skin, just a moment, and then looses it. Some
bright green eyes, a small nose, and a square examples might be:
jaw. Her hair is prematurely gray and hides a • After the priest has argued for the heroes
scar on her left cheek (which she claims to have be allowed to stay in the tavern / restaurant the
gotten in a knife fight in her younger days). priest asks the heroes if they are sure they
The children are young, rambunctious, and don’t want to just move on for the night. A
actually somewhat annoying and spoiled. moment later he will be completely unaware
Pollie Family: The Pollie family consists of he suggested they leave and acts like the
Matriarch Desirae and two young men Lanford Heroes are crazy.
and Lucian (aka Lucie). Obviously in financial • A Storm Knight overhears a villager
trouble, their cloths are patched and comment “it’s ok, they never come in the
threadbare. Desirae is short and slender with Tavern”. When the Knight attempts to
hip length brown straight hair worn in a braid, question the person who said it, they have no
soulless round black eyes, a large nose, and a idea what the hero is talking about.
cleft chin. Lanford is short and average build
with pale skin and an aimless feel about him. Leaving
He has soft sunken black eyes, a small nose The heroes will find it very difficult to leave. If
and short curly dark brown hair. Lucie is tall they try, let them. However, remember they
at 6’5”, slight build, and pale skin like his are in somebody else's dream which means
brother. He has distrustful deep-set blue eyes physics & cause and effect no longer apply.
and curly dark hair. After a while they find themselves back at the
Claude Astor: Claude is the town village with the villagers still where they were
blacksmith. Standing only 4’9” tall, muscular, when the heroes left, as if they knew the heroes
and bald. He has large brown eyes, a large would return. If the heroes leave again they
nose, and a pronounced round chin. return to the village faster, eventually things
Obviously, a pious man, he clutches a religious get to the point where they leave, walk into the
tome and wears a religious amulet mist and loose sight of the village for 30
prominently around his neck. Afflicted with seconds, and wind up walking back into the
body odor, a squeaky voice, and a difficult village again.
disposition he is abrasive and off putting.

DREAMS AND MONSTERS of a person and exaggerate them. Some
suggested descriptions of the townsfolk are
The heroes fall asleep and the village is provided below, feel free to make up your
attacked by monsters. Nothing the heroes do own. The spectral townsfolk are intent on
prevents them from falling asleep. If they try killing the normal versions of themselves and
to set guards, keep each other up, or come up unless they interfere ignore the heroes.
with some other plan it will fail. To start the As this is a dream and the heroes are not in
scene choose a hero to wake up (alternatively, control, nothing the heroes do prevents the
have the Heroes make a Spirit test, the hero spectral townsfolk from killing their normal
with the highest total wakes up. Or, a selves. If the heroes defeat a specter
Hero with an Alertness card attacking the front door of a home,
awakens first). The remaining another specter enters from the
heroes awaken over a couple of window at the back of the house and
rounds. This is intended to kills the occupant. The heroes defeat
build some tension in a the specter at the front door only to
Standard Scene as the Heroes hear a blood curdling scream
awaken slowly and are not all from inside. If the heroes defeat
available at the onset to a number of the specters, they
repulse the attack. However, at notice new ones coming in from
no point should anybody be the direction of the woods. Once
excluded from participating the townsfolk are all dead, the
because of bad die rolls or spectral villagers disappear into the
some other circumstance. mist.
Make sure everybody is up The specters as detailed below
in time to have some effect are general in nature. The
on the battle. intention is for the specters to be
A chill trickles down able to inflict a wound or two on
your spine as you become multiple heroes. In keeping with
aware of your the theme of this adventure it is
surroundings. The fire and important the heroes awaken
candles have burnt down with real physical effects from
and the room has a soft the dream. Feel free to modify
amber glow. A fine layer the spectral villagers to take
of mist slithers across the advantage of hero
floor, as if the air weaknesses. Just be
currents have a mind careful to not cause to
of their own. As much damage. This is a
you take stock of Standard Scene after all.
your surroundings Note: As this is an Aysle /
a scream pierces the night! Orrorsh Mixed zone the Law of Perseverance is in
Spectral Villagers effect, meaning soaking damage for the Heroes is
This occurs at night in heavy fog, with pitch
black darkness penalties (-6). The villains in SPECTRAL VILLAGERS
this scene are grotesque spectral versions of the Spectral and grotesque versions of the
townsfolk. Formed by the memories of a being Nightingdell villagers. While each villager has
who is trying to remember all the worst traits a unique description, they all have the same

abilities. The Bodies
Attributes: Charisma 7, Dexterity 7, Mind 5, While the spectral villagers evaporate into the
Spirit 10, Strength 7 mist like ghosts, the bodies of the townsfolk
Skills: All combat skills @ 10, dodge 8, are left behind. For reasons explained in Scene
intimidate 12, maneuver 9, stealth 12, taunt 8, Two, the villagers will not only be killed, but
trick 8, murdered in grotesque and sickening ways.
Move: 7, Tough: 7(13), Shock: 10, Wounds: - Heroes who investigate bodies or witness
Equipment: - killings make standard willpower or spirit tests
Perks: - or become Stymied. Have fun and be creative
Possibilities: Never with the death scenes. You can use the
Special Abilities: information provided in Scene Two to provide
appropriate slasher film scenes.
• Cloak of Darkness: Add darkness penalties
to toughness
• Immunity: to normal weapons. Can only be
affected by weapons that are magical or affect Standard Scene: In this scene the heroes enter
ethereal beings. Are affected by magic, the spooky woods and confront a number of
miracles and psionics normally. monsters and villains from their own past. The
• Cold Hands: Spectral cold attack. Damage scene culminates in the heroes confrontation
Str+2 (9), Ignores armor. with Eric, the intelligence trapped within the
• Dark Vision: Ignore all darkness penalties. Nightmare Tree responsible for the dream
world the heroes are in. With some creative
Spectral Father Ellis Justice: The spectral roll play they will be able to get Eric to provide
version of Father Justice has deep burns on the enough information for the Storm Knights to
right side of his face, deep set black eyes, and figure out what is really happening.
stringy hair. This scene is technically not required. If the
Spectral Millard Family: Cal is disfigured heroes decide not to investigate the creepy
with huge hands on the end of long spindly woods and instead hole up in town, let them.
arms. Blair is obese and covered in scars, with While they will not have any advantages or
an unintelligible screech for a voice. The information from confronting Eric, the night
children are all small and fast with clawed passes and they wake up. Jump to Scene
hands and a pack mentality. Three.
Spectral Pollie Family: Desirae’s soulless Pausing to take stock of where you are, you come
black eyes are sunken black pits. Clothed in to the realization that all of the townsfolk are dead
rags falling off her thin frame, her body is and all of the ghastly spectral versions of the
covered is sores. Lanford shuffles through the townsfolk have evaporated into the mist. You can
night with a gaping maw full of sharp teeth. hear faint chanting off to the south east in the
Lucie is vampire like with long thin arms and direction of the forest. A cool breeze blows stiffly
darting quick movements. across the clearing.
Claude Astor: Claude is grotesquely KITTYWITCH WOODS
muscular and physical. His head has grown to
absurd proportions and his body odor is Kittywitch Woods is a dark forest shrouded in
astounding. His religious symbol has been fog. The wind whistles through the branches
replaced with one considered evil, opposed to of the sickly trees and scrub. It is dark, the
his original deity. path is difficult to follow, twisting through
roots, skirting the edge of steep drop offs into

mist shrouded nothingness, edged with thorny The following three encounters are the villains
brier & brambles and ruins of various kinds I allowed my heroes to encounter based on
emerge from the mist shrouded darkness like their past. You can potentially reuse the
decaying corpses. All the while a faint settings, but change the villains in the
chanting and the unintelligible and encounters to something more appropriate for
unmistakable sound of human voice(s?) drift your heroes. It is important for the flavor of
across the fog. the scene that the heroes encounter villains that
As the Storm Knights investigate the woods can not possibly be here. Just remember they
and search for the sound of the chanting they should not be coming up against possibility
come across a number of villains to fight. These rated foes, even if the villain was originally
villains are not particularly powerful and are possibility rated. These villains were drawn
easy to defeat. The villains are not intended to from the Heroes memories, and as such,
make the adventure take longer nor to put an should be relatively easy for the Storm Knights
emphasis on combat. Their presence is to to vanquish again.
recycle notable villains from the Storm Knights Rat Swarm
past (perhaps altered slightly from the Knights
After traveling a short way into the woods the
memory). This is a clue, as these villains have
heroes come across a set of old and decayed
been some the Heroes have previously
mausoleums. A sickly soft green glow cast
vanquished and can not possibly be here now.
from lichen suffices the fog, casting an eerie pal
As an example, perhaps your Storm Knights
across the weed and scrub filled clearing.
have completed the mission The Blaze in the
Squeaking and chattering are heard with the
Northern Sky from Delphi Missions Rising
scratching of millions of little feet and the fog
Storm and have defeated Vigord. He was a
appears to writhe and fume as a swarm of rats
notable enemy, the heroes had a hard time
surges towards the Storm Knights like a tide.
with him, it was a memorable fight, and Vigord
The Heroes have no warning and will be
is definitely dead in your campaign. It would
surprised unless they make a standard find test.
be appropriate for Vigord to reappear here.

What Watch s in th Woods

blank and vacant expression on his face. Or
perhaps the mage not only has a pointy hat on
his head, but he also drools and is barely
A swarm of rats that are semi-intelligent as a intelligible. Use what you know of the Storm
swarm and infused with darkness. Knights and past player interactions to make
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 12, Mind 8, caricatures of the Heroes.
Spirit 8, Strength 6 Three things to keep in mind. First, assume
Skills: Conjuration 10, unarmed 8. the villains have all the same skills and abilities
Move: 12, Tough: 6, Shock: 8, Wounds: 1 as the Heroes they are copying. What the
Equipment: - villains will not have are cards, possibilities,
Perks: - and only 1 wound will kill them. Second, as
Possibilities: Never the Heroes know each others strengths and
Special Abilities: weaknesses, the heroes should make quick
• Fear: A semi-intelligent swarm of Rats can work of this as they attack each others
cause fear in even the hardiest of heroes. doppelganger. Third, to run this conflict allow
When first encountered in any act the heroes the heroes to attack each other. So, if Felix the
must make an easy (DN 8) Willpower or Spirit mage wants to attack Bob the warrior’s
test or be Very Stymied. doppelganger, all he has to do is ask Bob what
his defense is. My Knights got a kick out of
• Darkness: The swarm can use their inherent
fighting each other without actually hurting
magic ability and draw forth a dimming of the
their teammate. As the doppelganger is not an
natural light around them, providing a -2
exact copy, but rather versions made from how
modifier for attacks against. This stacks with
the Heroes see themselves and are seen by
existing darkness to a maximum of -6 (pitch
their teammates, the Heroes will easily
distinguish doppelganger from Hero. Unless
• Swarm: Area attacks deal damage normally.
of course you also want to add the
Blades, bullets, or weapons that can’t hit
complication of how the heroes tell the real
dozens of creatures at once deal no damage at
from fake, in which case go for it.
all. Each round any character is in contact with
the swarm on its turn suffers two shock. Gospog
Themselves Finally, the Storm Knights see a flickering glow
in the distance ahead of them from torches in a
The Knights eventually come across the ruins
well lit area. A pond, full of lush growth, sits
of an old church with an associated graveyard.
on their left, a wall of brier and thistle to their
Versions of the heroes own self arise from the
right. Something pulses with a soft mauve
graves, step out from behind walls, and
light from deep within the murky depths. A
approach lone heroes from behind. These
crop of Gospog of the First Planting from the
versions of the Storm Knights are nearly
Living Land emerges from the depths,
identical to the actual Heroes. However, as
hungering for the Storm Knights flesh.
these versions are amalgamations of what the
Note: In my campaign gospog all look unique in
Heroes think of themselves and their
each cosm. The fact that Living Land gospog were
teammates, they are different in subtle ways.
present in Aysle fit with the theme of monsters and
The GM can have some fun with this in
villains that can not be present here. The gospog
describing the scene and villains to the Heroes
are what finally tipped my Heroes off that
with a little before hand preparation. Perhaps
something was amiss.
the warriors doppelganger is big and strong
(larger than the Storm Knight), but with a

GOSPOG OF THE FIRST PLANTING his fears and desires for revenge, are mixing
(1/hero) with the power of the Nightmare Tree and
Gospog of the First Planting are human corpses becoming real in the dark of night. The
entwined with rotting vegetation and putrid summoning circle is how Eric interacts with his
flesh. They are common to all the realms, a dream world. Everything he thinks of is
gracious gift of death from the Gaunt Man to constructed through the power of “magic”.
his fellow Reality Raiders. They are strangely The Dark Priest
adaptable and function without Contradiction
The priest is Eric’s representation of the
in every realm.
Nightmare Tree guardian (see Scene Three The
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 7, Mind 7, Village of Shadows). As such, the Dark Priest
Spirit 7, Strength 8 is really a portion of Eric’s mind given form.
Skills: Dodge 8, find 8, maneuver 8, melee This creates a bit of a weird scene where the
weapons 8, stealth 8, unarmed combat 10 two primary characters for the heroes to
Move: 7, Tough: 8, Shock: -, Wounds: - interact with are in fact the same person. Eric
Equipment: - in the summoning circle represents Eric as a
Perks: - person, where the Dark Priest represents Eric
Possibilities: Never as influenced by the Nightmare Tree. In effect,
Special Abilities: the two sides of Eric are arguing with
• Claws: Damage Strength +2 (10). themselves in front of the Heroes.
• Fear: Gospog are horrific amalgamations of a
corpse and rotten plant matter. Test willpower
or Spirit or become Very Stymied.
• Mindless: Gospog are immune to
intimidation and taunt interactions.
• Relentless: Gospog ignore Shock.
• Undead: Gospog are immune to poison and
other effects that require breathing, eating, or
other “living” processes

After the gospog the heroes come to a path
well lit with torches. The path leads to a
clearing. In the center of the clearing a flaming
summoning circle has Eric at its focus point, a Dark Pri st
hooded black figure (priestly) stands behind
him. Sitting in the middle of the circle, Eric is When the Storm Knights arrive the priest is
in bad shape. His long dark hair hangs in dirty encouraging Eric to “call it”. The priest is
strings around his face. What clothing he has arguing the Storm Knights are interlopers, they
on is ripped and filthy. Eric shakes with palsy don’t belong. If Eric wants revenge he has to
and stutters when he talks. get rid of them. In this case “it” the priest is
Eric is the intelligence trapped within the arguing to call is the Orrorshian Darkness
Nightmare Tree and is barely hanging on to Device Heketon. The priest is trying to
the last shreds of his identity. His convince Eric to call for help.
consciousness is fraying as he descends into For his part Eric is initially resistive (this
insanity. For Eric, his dreams constructed of gives the Knights a chance to jump into the

conversation). Eric is claiming the Heroes have difficulty modifier (DN 12). If successful the
not done anything wrong. If we just wait they Storm Knights will be able to find out what
will leave on their own. happened to Eric and about being trapped in
If Eric does call Heketon at any point the the Nightmare Tree (see What Happened to
scene ends, start Scene Three, and Heketon will Eric). Eric will also talk about those that
send a Ravagon via Dimthread to also defend wronged him (see The Town).
the Nightmare Tree. Good Success: Eric will relate Father Justices
story to the Heroes (see Father Justice),
Talking to Eric
providing the Heroes information that Father
Eric and the priest are unaware of the Heroes Justice is a Horror.
presence and will not acknowledge the heroes
Outstanding: Eric will finally, additionally,
until approached. Having a conversation
relate to the heroes Father Justices weakness.
between two NPC’s is bad roll playing. In this
It needs to be remembered Eric has been
case, the conversation is an opportunity for the
trapped in the Nightmare Tree for a while and
Heroes to jump in and ask questions and steer
has gone mostly insane. His answers do not
Eric towards a desirable outcome or get him
make complete sense and are difficult for the
talking to get information. If the Knights do
heroes to sort out. This can be accomplished
nothing and just watch or listen Eric winds up
calling Heketon, the heroes wake up with no
• Eric Introduces random or meaningless
information, jump to Scene Three.
information into the middle of the
• Answering questions other than the ones
the heroes asked.
• Mixing up names and places
The complete information available to the
heroes is below.
Father Justice
Father Justice was an Episcopal Priest in the
local area. Father Justice was on travel through
Southeast Asia, India, and Australia when the
invasion occurred and was in India for the
night of screams. Initially Father Justice had
his moment of crisis and became Possibility
Eric is Slowly Going Insan Rated. Unfortunately, as happens to so many
new possibility rated Stormers in Orrorsh,
If the Knights do engage Eric in Father Justice gave his soul over to the Gaunt
conversation then he does not call for help Man in order to survive. This turned him into
until the conversation is over. While a horror.
conversing with Eric they may be able to get The Gaunt Man gave Father Justice a
him to explain what happened to him and talk mission. Return home with a Nightmare Tree
about the town. The amount of information seed, plant it, and protect it. Now, the real
they can glean depends on their ability to be Father Justice (see Scene Three) is the guardian
persuasive. Obviously, they would also like of the Nightmare Tree.
Eric to not call for help. The Heroes can What Happened to Eric
persuade (DN 8) or intimidate with a +4
Nightmare Trees require living victims to feed

their growth and become the consciousness for promotion repeatedly and forced to
within and Eric was Father Justices chosen do the least desirable jobs at the factory,
victim. Upon returning home Father Justice Eric blames Claude.
quickly convinced Eric (one of his
Attacking Eric
parishioners) to accompany him on a day trip
to an old ghost town for some research. Once Rather than talk to Eric the Heroes could attack
they arrived at the site, Father Justice subdued him instead. The Dark Priest will defend Eric
Eric and in the evening forcibly planted the as he is actually reasonably vulnerable at this
seed within his chest cavity. The tree took root stage. He perceives himself as a human, not as
within minutes and by dawn was a sapling. the Nightmare Tree. However, killing him
The tree grew off of Eric’s body, and trapped within the dream will not destroy the tree.
Eric’s consciousness within it. Once the fight is over (regardless of the
outcome) the heroes wake up. Eric will have
Eric remembers everything that happened
called Heketon for help and the first Ravagon
to him vividly. His murder and entrapment
has already arrived. A second Ravagon (or
within the Nightmare Tree haunts him and is
other defender) will be sent by Heketon once
the fuel for the Nightmare tree itself. Eric also
the heroes reach step C.
remembers Father Justice talking to him while
the tree was growing on the first night. Father ERIC
Justice told Eric the story of his trip to Eric is now a shadow of a man, barely hanging
Southeast Asia, what happened on the Night of on to what sanity he has left. Marginally
Screams, and specifically, his giving himself coherent Eric is the epitome of a lunatic. His
over to the Gaunt Man to survive. Because of greasy hair hangs in strings around his face.
this Eric knows the priest is susceptible to What clothing remains is ripped and filthy and
Christian religious symbols and miracles (+4 sores are visible everywhere. Eric shakes with
effect). What is left of Eric’s consciousness is palsy and stutters when he talks.
an all consuming desire for revenge against Attributes: Charisma 7, Dexterity 7, Mind 9,
Father Justice. While Eric is going insane and Spirit 8, Strength 6
his grip on reality is fraying, this one memory
Skills: Computers 8, faith 10, find 10, first aid
remains crystal clear.
10, land vehicles 9, persuasion 8
The Town Move: 7, Tough: 6, Shock: 8, Wounds: -
The town represents Eric’s fantasy of revenge Equipment: Knife,
against those who have wronged him in the Perks: -
past. All of the townsfolk are persons from Possibilities: No
Eric’s past. Special Abilities: -
• The Millard Family represents a DARK PRIEST
woman Eric was previously in a A priest representing the dark portion of Eric’s
relationship with. She left him for mind that is being left behind by the
another man and started a family. Nightmare Tree. A vision in black priest robes
• The Pollie Family represents a pair of holding a shotgun
brothers who were hoodlums and Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 10, Mind 8,
bullies in high school. They tormented Spirit 9, Strength 6
Eric as a child. When Eric’s parents Skills: Dodge 11, faith 11, find 9, firecombat 12
tried talking to the mother, the bullying Move: 10, Tough: 6, Shock: 9, Wounds: -
got worse. Equipment: Black priest robes. Shotgun (dmg
• Claude represents Eric’s supervisor at 12, ammo 2, range 10/20/30, break action)
the factory he worked at. Passed over

Perks: - Ravagon is present with the guardian Father
Possibilities: No Justice and already looking for the Heroes.
Special Abilities:
SCENE THREE: THE Destroying a Nightmare Tree is the same as
NIGHTMARE TREE removing a stela. See the section Destroying
Stela in Torg Eternity. This is Dramatic Skill
Dramatic Scene: In this scene the Storm Resolution with reality skill. The Nightmare
Knights awaken from their dream, in the Tree generates a mixed Orrorsh zone, so unless
decayed remains of Nightingdell. The only your campaign takes place in Orrorsh, there
thing standing is a gnarled and spooky dead are no modifiers applied and standard reality
looking tree in the center of town. Any effects (DN 10) applies. While the rules only state
suffered by the Heroes from the dream world reality is required, I like to make things seem a
are real. bit more realistic. Therefore, I left an ax for my
Heroes to find and use. While the hero was
THE VILLAGE OF trying to chop the tree down, he was chopping
SHADOWS it down with reality skill.
If the heroes recognize the Nightmare Tree
The fog and mist is gone and the village is
for what it is, or if Eric told them what
becoming spectral as the power of the
happened to him, one hero will have to deal
Nightmare Tree wanes in the coming dawn.
with the tree while the others fight off the
The structures are becoming transparent and
the ruins are emerging. In the center of town,
If Eric called Heketon while the Storm
the Nightmare Tree stands. This scene starts
Knights were in the dream the first ravagon
with it at night (darkness penalties -4) and
appears at Step A via dimthread to assist the
ends with dawn breaking (no darkness
guardian in defense of the Nightmare Tree. If
penalties). At the beginning of the scene the
Eric called Heketon because the Storm Knights
buildings will be present and real, but as time
were attacking him in the dream, a Ravagon is
goes on they become spectral and eventually
present from the beginning of the scene, and a
vanish into nothingness in the dawn, revealing
second one will arrive at Step C.
the ruins of a ghost town to the light of day.
Once the heroes complete Step C of Dramatic THE GUARDIAN
Skill Resolution the sun has risen enough for
darkness penalties at -2. Once Step D is The Nightmare Tree is guarded by the horror
complete, dawn brakes and the spectral village Father Justice. If the heroes discovered his
completely disappears. weakness they have an advantage. Father
Assuming the Heroes did not attack the Justice has had an opportunity to be prepared
dream Eric, give them a few rounds to wake up and has called forth two spirits per hero.
for a second time and get used to their Father Justice will focus his efforts on any Hero
surroundings and realize most things are who appears capable of affecting supernatural
substantial. Also, any wounds, conditions, or beings while the spirits attack everybody else.
effects from the dream are in effect. GUARDIAN FATHER JUSTICE
Ammunition has been spent, wounds are real,
Similar to his dream version, Father Justice is
broken equipment is still broken, etc.
still tall and heavy set with a round face. The
If the Heroes did attack dream Eric then
darkness has changed him however. He wears
they will have much less time. The first
moldy priest robes and now has dark deep set

eyes. His once thick hair is now thin, stringy, powerful priest. Spirits are under the nominal
and he is nearly bald. Father Justices face is control of the priest who called them and
burned and oozing on the right side and he desire only to be released to return. Woe unto
carries a staff with demonic imagery in his left the priest who looses control of the spirits he
hand. has called forth.
Father Justice was on travel in the India Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 6, Mind 5,
region when the invasion started. He survived, Spirit 10, Strength 5
but became a stormer, giving his heart over to Skills: Dodge 7, find 6, intimidation 12,
darkness in order to live. Now a fiend of the maneuver 8, stealth 11, taunt 8, trick 8,
Gaunt Man he is the guardian of the unarmed combat 7
Nightmare Tree in the area near his home Move: 6, Tough: 5, Shock: 10, Wounds: -
town. Equipment: -
A severe knee injury causes him to move Perks: -
with a noticeable limp and restricts his Possibilities: Never
movement speed. Special Abilities:
Quote: “These spirits will consume you as • Cloak of Darkness: Bonus to Toughness
darkness consumes light”. equal to the current Darkness penalty.
Attributes: Charisma 3, Dexterity 12, Mind 6, • Ethereal: A spirit may move through walls
Spirit 13, Strength 6 and solid objects and is immune to physical
Skills: Dodge 15, faith 16, fire combat 15, attacks unless the weapon is magical or has a
intimidation 16, Reality 15, Trick 8, property that allows it to affect ethereal beings.
Willpower 15 Magic, miracles, and psionic powers affect
Move: 7, Tough: 6 (+dark), Shock: 13, Wounds: ethereal beings normally.
3 • Fear: Upon first seeing a spirit a hero must
Equipment: Moldy priests robes, dark test willpower or Spirit or become Very Stymied.
religious symbol, Shotgun (2 barrel, break • Undead: Spirits are immune to effects that
action, Dmg 12 Ammo 2 Range10/20/30), require breathing, eating, or other “living”
Staff with dark religious symbol. processes
Perks: Miracles (Call Spirits, Curse, Call THE RAVAGON
A Ravagon appears in this scene at some point.
Possibilities: 1/hero
If Eric “called Heketon” earlier in the dream
Special Abilities:
the Ravagon arrives as soon as this scene starts.
• Cloak of Darkness: Add darkness penalties
This will make the conflict much harder for the
as bonus to toughness.
heroes. If Eric did not call Heketon the
• Gloater: may taunt or intimidate the entire
Ravagon arrives once the Heroes are at step C.
party without Multi-Target penalties when
Regardless of when it arrives the Ravagon
taunt or intimidation are Approved Actions.
focuses on the hero who is trying to uproot the
• Immunity: Taunt
Nightmare Tree.
• Weakness: Christian religious symbols and
miracles +2 RAVAGON
SPIRITS (2 / hero) Tall and fearsome, these winged hunters are
armed with sharp claws, powerful wings, and
Spirits ethereal manifestations of the dead.
a savage lust to shred their foes. They serve
Similar to Ghosts spirits are creatures of pure
the Gaunt Man, and act as his eyes and hands
emotion. Unlike Ghosts, spirits do not haunt
in all the realms.
locations of their own volition, but rather are
Attributes: Charisma 5, Dexterity 9, Mind 7,
called back from the realm of the dead by a

Spirit 11, Strength 12 NEW MIRACLES
Skills: Dodge 12, find 12, intimidation 13,
maneuver 15, reality 12, stealth 12, taunt 10, CALL SPIRITS
tracking 12, trick 10, unarmed combat 15
Axiom Level: 10
Move: 9, Tough: 15(3), Shock: 11, Wounds: 3
Skill: Faith 14
Equipment: -
Perks: Vengeful – after suffering a wound Casting Time: 1 action
receives an Up against the character that DN: Standard (DN 10)
caused it. Range: 5-meter radius
Possibilities: 1/hero Duration: 10-Min
Special Abilities: Call Spirits is cast in graveyards,
• Armor: Thick hide +3 battlegrounds, and other burial locations. The
• Claws: Damage Strength+2 (14) miracle draws forth troubled souls from the
• Dread: When a Ravagon is present a netherworld and allows them to manifest in
Standard Scene counts as a Dramatic Scene this one for a while. The spirits are nominally
instead. under the control of the priest who invoked the
• Flight: Move 11 in the air. miracle.
Two spirits are typically called forth on any
AFTERMATH casting of this invocation. However, this
number can be modified by the GM up or
Once the guardian Father Justice and the
down based on items such as unconsecrated
Ravagon(s) are defeated the adventure is over.
Dawn breaks and the village fades into
Success Levels:
nothingness. If the heroes explore the village
or the woods they find evidence of events from • Good: 2 additional spirits are called
the dream in Scene Two. Damage caused to • Outstanding: 4 additional spirits are called
the environment by the Heroes, expended shell DARKNESS
casings, etc. The heroes do not find bodies or
Axiom Level: 16
evidence of any of the dream elements created
Skill: Faith 14
by Eric in the Nightmare Tree.
Casting Time: 1 action
Leaving the ruined village the heroes
DN: Standard (DN 10)
quickly come to the small home town of Eric
and Father Justice. The townsfolk are difficult Range: 5-meter radius
to get along with and grumpy, complaining of Duration: 3 rounds
lack of sleep and nightmares. The nightmares Dankness is a blessing provided to priests of
have been going on for weeks and everybody dark gods or goddesses. Darkness invokes a
is short of sleep and on edge. If the heroes sphere in which light appears to be absorbed
destroyed the Nightmare Tree the town will and its source. Increase darkness penalties by
get its first good nights sleep since the 1 level.
nightmares started. If the heroes did not, then The miracle of darkness will counteract and
the town will quickly descend into darkness consume the spell mage light or any outer
with a rash of violent crimes followed by some similar magic, miracle, or psionic ability
murders. If the heroes talked to Eric and know Success Levels:
about his history they will recognize this as his • Good: Increase darkness by 2 levels
home town and may desire to tell his family • Outstanding: Increase darkness by 3 levels.
what happened to him.


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