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GEN006: Applied Ethics

Module #4 Student Activity Sheet


Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class number: _______
Section: ____________ Schedule: _______________________________________ Date: ______________

Learning Unit: Ethical Frameworks: Deontology (Immanuel Kant) Learning Materials:

Student Activity Sheets (PEN Modules)
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the module, the student should be able to: Learning Resources:
1. Characterize rational moral duties as categorical Copp, D. (2006). The Oxford Handbook of Ethical
imperatives. Theory. Oxford University Press, Inc.
Debeljuh, P. (2006). Ethics: Learning to Live. Focus
Publishers Ltd.
2. Compare a hypothetical duty to a rational duty.
Shafer-Landau, R. (2013). Ethical Theory: An
Anthology (2nd Edition). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Recall of Previous Lesson:
Major Points Limitations
− Human action is directed towards the pursuit of − There is no definite answer to the right course of
the concept of Eudaimonia (supreme happiness) action in a moral dilemma for some virtues are not
which could be achieved through Phronesis concerned with distinguishing right and wrong only
(practical wisdom) or Arête (virtue). what characteristics one ought to possess.
− Virtues of Character: (1) Generosity and (2) − Virtues are susceptible to change.
Temperance − There is no definitive purpose as to what and where
− Virtues of Thought: (1) Wisdom, (2) Intelligence, the end will be and a reason why virtues are being
and (3) Comprehension developed.
− Doctrine of the Mean/Golden Mean. Moral
behavior is the balance between the vices of
virtues (deficiency and excess), between pleasure
(excess) and pain (deficiency).
− Virtue is a state of character concerned with
choice, determined by a rational principle which
means that anybody who aspires to live a happy
life must endeavor to live a life of contemplation,
reflection, and search for balance

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In this lesson, we will be focusing on another ethical framework, Deontology, to broaden our understanding of
what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior/action. We will be determining the importance of legal and
moral duties to justify the rightness and wrongness of our actions.

Instructions: Answer the following question/s and write your answers in 2-3 sentences only.
1. What are the duties of human beings? Why should they accomplish these duties?



Instructions: Take your time to read and understand all the important information you need to know about the
lesson. Also, please do not forget to highlight important information to help you remember.


− Concerned with the adherence to certain rules or duties which means that the morality of an action should
be based on whether that action is right or wrong under a series of rules. It is more concerned with what
people do (intent), not with the consequences of their actions.
− Believed that ethical actions follow universal moral laws (e.g., Don’t cheat. Don’t lie. Don’t steal) which
all human beings must honor and be obligated to do for it is their duty as moral agents.
− Believed that there was a supreme principle of morality referred to as ‘Categorical Imperative’ which
determines what moral duties are.
− Categorical Imperatives. Commands that are intended to be the basis of all other rules which you
should be doing regardless of your interest and/or desire (e.g., Even if you want to cheat on your taxes so
you have more money, you are able to do so).
1. The Universalizability Principle. Always act in such a way that the maxim of your action should
become a universal law (e.g., ‘Do not break promises’ implies a universal judgement for anybody in
the identical situation should have not broken their promises).
2. The Formula of Humanity. Act so that you treat humanity, both in your own person and in that of
another, always as an end and never merely as a means. People should not be tricked, manipulated,
or bullied into doing things. (e.g., ‘Lying to your friend about their birthday party so it would be a
surprise’ is considered morally wrong).
− Fundamental Duties. Specific principles (maxims and moral laws) that emphasize morality requires the
fulfillment of moral duties and not on self-seeking desires.

1. Perfect Duties. These are duties that do not allow exceptions and are universal which means that
they apply to all rational beings despite the consequences of the actions (e.g., ‘Lying’ is considered
universally wrong for communication with be difficult if everyone would lie, it would be difficult to
determine sincere and deceitful statements).

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2. Imperfect Duties. There are duties that do not always need to be followed in one way or all the time
for this is dependent on the rationality and autonomy of an individual. People have their own sense
of duty towards themselves and others (e.g., ‘giving to charity’ is a duty dependent on the rational
nature and personal expression of an individual’s sense of duty; of what the individual sees as the
right thing to do).


Instructions: Read and analyze the following situations below. Identify what is the appropriate action to do if you
are in that situation by relating it to Immanuel Kant’s Duty-Based Ethics (Categorical Imperative). Justify and
elaborate your answer. You may use the space provided to write your answers.

1. One of your colleagues was fired by your supervisor whom you despise and dislike. You were informed that
the fired colleague was a psychotic and wanted to kill your supervisor. In a meeting, the supervisor
confronted you about this gossip/information, and asked if you know something about it. If you were in this
situation, what would you do? Would you inform your supervisor, or would you lie since you dislike him/her
would tell my supervisor the truth. Even though I dislike and despise my supervisor, it is not right to hide
such information especially if it involves very horrendous intention. Despite the fact that we we're close, it
would be really concerning to hear something like that especially coming from someone who's very close to

2. You were tasked by your teacher to collect the fees of your classmates for the upcoming field demonstration.
The money will be used to buy the props and other materials that your class needs for your
presentation/performance. The teacher informed you of the exact amount of the fee to be collected but did
not inform the class. If you were in this situation, what would you do? Would you collect the exact amount,
or would you add a few pesos because you are also in need of the money?
I would tell my classmates the exact amount of the props and other materials. Because raising the total
amount is an act of greediness. The consequences would be really bad, if one the students will ask the
teacher about the total amount and try to calculate each individual payment and eventually find that I am


Instructions: Write T if the statement is true and F if otherwise.
_____________1. Deontology is more concerned with the consequences of actions, not the actions itself.
_____________2. Categorical Imperatives are the supreme principle of morality.
_____________3. According to the Universalizability Principle, we act so that you treat humanity, both in your
own person and in that of another, always as an end and never merely as a means.
_____________4. According to the Formula of Humanity, people should not be tricked, manipulated, or bullied
into doing things.
_____________5. Lying is morally right as long as you are not hurting other people.

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Think About Your learning. Take a few minutes to reflect on the quality of your work and effort.
1. How would you summarize Immanuel Kant’s Duty-based Ethics? It could be a metaphor or characterization.
2. Caselet
In your classroom, you found an envelope with 10,000 pesos inside. That amount is enough for your
dues this block if you take the money for your own use. You do not need to file a promissory note to the
finance department of your school. Applying the moral theory of Kant, what should you do?


1. How can we determine if an action is morally good using Immanuel Kant’s Duty-Based Ethics?
- The action must be motivated solely by the moral duty of the person and in accordance with the rules
present in society or in the situation. Also, you can ask yourselves these questions, (1) “Can I rationally
will everyone to act as I propose them to act?” or (2) “Does my action respect the goals of human beings
rather than merely using them for my own purposes?”. If the answer is no for either of the questions,
the action is morally wrong and must not be performed.
2. What are the limitations of Immanuel Kant’s Duty-Based Ethics?
− An act that is not morally good can lead to something good. Categorical Imperatives tell what one
cannot, but it does not give a positive account of ethics.
− There are maxims or moral laws that are relative and, therefore, cannot be universalized.
− There are conflicting duties that can clash. There are no guidelines as to which duty to prioritize.
Imperfect Duties are not clear and definitive as to when such duties must be performed.

1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. F
Content is comprehensive, Content is somewhat Content is incomplete and
accurate, and credible. It comprehensive but appears inappropriate. It demonstrates a
Content demonstrates an in-depth disorganized. It demonstrates a lack of reflection and analysis of
reflection and analysis of the general analysis and minimal the lesson. (1)
lesson. (3) reflection of the lesson. (2)
There are no/few spelling and/or There are some spelling or There are significant spelling and
punctuation errors. (2) punctuation errors. (1) punctuation errors. (0)

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